随着连接和自动化车辆(CAV)技术的出现,越来越需要在使用这种技术的同时评估驾驶员行为。在第一研究中,在驾驶模拟器环境中引入了使用CAV技术的行人碰撞警告(PCW)系统,以评估驾驶员制动行为,在jaywalking行人的存在下。招募了来自各种各样的社会经济背景的93名参与者,为这项研究招募了该研究的,为此开设了哈尔的摩市中心的虚拟网络。眼睛跟踪装置还用于观察分心和头部运动。对数逻辑加速故障时间(AFT)分配模型用于该分析,计算减速时间;从行人变得可见的那一刻到达到最小速度的点,让行人通过。 PCW系统的存在显着影响减速时间和减速率,因为它增加了前者并减少了后者,这证明了该系统在提供有效驾驶机动方面的有效性,通过大大降低速度。进行了混蛋分析,以分析制动和加速的突然性。凝视分析表明,该系统能够吸引司机的注意力,因为大多数司机都注意到了显示的警告。驾驶员与路线和连接的车辆的熟悉程度降低了减速时间;由于雄性往往具有更长的减速时间,性别也会产生重大影响,即更多的时间来舒适地刹车并允许行人通过。
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Traffic jams occurring on highways cause increased travel time as well as increased fuel consumption and collisions. Traffic jams without a clear cause, such as an on-ramp or an accident, are called phantom traffic jams and are said to make up 50% of all traffic jams. They are the result of an unstable traffic flow caused by human driving behavior. Automating the longitudinal vehicle motion of only 5% of all cars in the flow can dissipate phantom traffic jams. However, driving automation introduces safety issues when human drivers need to take over the control from the automation. We investigated whether phantom traffic jams can be dissolved using haptic shared control. This keeps humans in the loop and thus bypasses the problem of humans' limited capacity to take over control, while benefiting from most advantages of automation. In an experiment with 24 participants in a driving simulator, we tested the effect of haptic shared control on the dynamics of traffic flow, and compared it with manual control and full automation. We also investigated the effect of two control types on participants' behavior during simulated silent automation failures. Results show that haptic shared control can help dissipating phantom traffic jams better than fully manual control but worse than full automation. We also found that haptic shared control reduces the occurrence of unsafe situations caused by silent automation failures compared to full automation. Our results suggest that haptic shared control can dissipate phantom traffic jams while preventing safety risks associated with full automation.
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This paper describes Waymo's Collision Avoidance Testing (CAT) methodology: a scenario-based testing method that evaluates the safety of the Waymo Driver Automated Driving Systems' (ADS) intended functionality in conflict situations initiated by other road users that require urgent evasive maneuvers. Because SAE Level 4 ADS are responsible for the dynamic driving task (DDT), when engaged, without immediate human intervention, evaluating a Level 4 ADS using scenario-based testing is difficult due to the potentially infinite number of operational scenarios in which hazardous situations may unfold. To that end, in this paper we first describe the safety test objectives for the CAT methodology, including the collision and serious injury metrics and the reference behavior model representing a non-impaired eyes on conflict human driver used to form an acceptance criterion. Afterward, we introduce the process for identifying potentially hazardous situations from a combination of human data, ADS testing data, and expert knowledge about the product design and associated Operational Design Domain (ODD). The test allocation and execution strategy is presented next, which exclusively utilize simulations constructed from sensor data collected on a test track, real-world driving, or from simulated sensor data. The paper concludes with the presentation of results from applying CAT to the fully autonomous ride-hailing service that Waymo operates in San Francisco, California and Phoenix, Arizona. The iterative nature of scenario identification, combined with over ten years of experience of on-road testing, results in a scenario database that converges to a representative set of responder role scenarios for a given ODD. Using Waymo's virtual test platform, which is calibrated to data collected as part of many years of ADS development, the CAT methodology provides a robust and scalable safety evaluation.
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Before the transition of AVs to urban roads and subsequently unprecedented changes in traffic conditions, evaluation of transportation policies and futuristic road design related to pedestrian crossing behavior is of vital importance. Recent studies analyzed the non-causal impact of various variables on pedestrian waiting time in the presence of AVs. However, we mainly investigate the causal effect of traffic density on pedestrian waiting time. We develop a Double/Debiased Machine Learning (DML) model in which the impact of confounders variable influencing both a policy and an outcome of interest is addressed, resulting in unbiased policy evaluation. Furthermore, we try to analyze the effect of traffic density by developing a copula-based joint model of two main components of pedestrian crossing behavior, pedestrian stress level and waiting time. The copula approach has been widely used in the literature, for addressing self-selection problems, which can be classified as a causality analysis in travel behavior modeling. The results obtained from copula approach and DML are compared based on the effect of traffic density. In DML model structure, the standard error term of density parameter is lower than copula approach and the confidence interval is considerably more reliable. In addition, despite the similar sign of effect, the copula approach estimates the effect of traffic density lower than DML, due to the spurious effect of confounders. In short, the DML model structure can flexibly adjust the impact of confounders by using machine learning algorithms and is more reliable for planning future policies.
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Digital Twin is an emerging technology that replicates real-world entities into a digital space. It has attracted increasing attention in the transportation field and many researchers are exploring its future applications in the development of Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) technologies. Connected vehicles (CVs) and pedestrians are among the major traffic participants in ITS. However, the usage of Digital Twin in research involving both CV and pedestrian remains largely unexplored. In this study, a Digital Twin framework for CV and pedestrian in-the-loop simulation is proposed. The proposed framework consists of the physical world, the digital world, and data transmission in between. The features for the entities (CV and pedestrian) that need digital twined are divided into external state and internal state, and the attributes in each state are described. We also demonstrate a sample architecture under the proposed Digital Twin framework, which is based on Carla-Sumo Co-simulation and Cave automatic virtual environment (CAVE). The proposed framework is expected to provide guidance to the future Digital Twin research, and the architecture we build can serve as the testbed for further research and development of ITS applications on CV and pedestrian.
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汽车行业在过去几十年中见证了越来越多的发展程度;从制造手动操作车辆到具有高自动化水平的制造车辆。随着近期人工智能(AI)的发展,汽车公司现在雇用BlackBox AI模型来使车辆能够感知其环境,并使人类少或没有输入的驾驶决策。希望能够在商业规模上部署自治车辆(AV),通过社会接受AV成为至关重要的,并且可能在很大程度上取决于其透明度,可信度和遵守法规的程度。通过为AVS行为的解释提供对这些接受要求的遵守对这些验收要求的评估。因此,解释性被视为AVS的重要要求。 AV应该能够解释他们在他们运作的环境中的“见到”。在本文中,我们对可解释的自动驾驶的现有工作体系进行了全面的调查。首先,我们通过突出显示并强调透明度,问责制和信任的重要性来开放一个解释的动机;并审查与AVS相关的现有法规和标准。其次,我们识别并分类了参与发展,使用和监管的不同利益相关者,并引出了AV的解释要求。第三,我们对以前的工作进行了严格的审查,以解释不同的AV操作(即,感知,本地化,规划,控制和系统管理)。最后,我们确定了相关的挑战并提供建议,例如AV可解释性的概念框架。该调查旨在提供对AVS中解释性感兴趣的研究人员所需的基本知识。
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The pattern of pedestrian crashes varies greatly depending on lighting circumstances, emphasizing the need of examining pedestrian crashes in various lighting conditions. Using Louisiana pedestrian fatal and injury crash data (2010-2019), this study applied Association Rules Mining (ARM) to identify the hidden pattern of crash risk factors according to three different lighting conditions (daylight, dark-with-streetlight, and dark-no-streetlight). Based on the generated rules, the results show that daylight pedestrian crashes are associated with children (less than 15 years), senior pedestrians (greater than 64 years), older drivers (>64 years), and other driving behaviors such as failure to yield, inattentive/distracted, illness/fatigue/asleep. Additionally, young drivers (15-24 years) are involved in severe pedestrian crashes in daylight conditions. This study also found pedestrian alcohol/drug involvement as the most frequent item in the dark-with-streetlight condition. This crash type is particularly associated with pedestrian action (crossing intersection/midblock), driver age (55-64 years), speed limit (30-35 mph), and specific area type (business with mixed residential area). Fatal pedestrian crashes are found to be associated with roadways with high-speed limits (>50 mph) during the dark without streetlight condition. Some other risk factors linked with high-speed limit related crashes are pedestrians walking with/against the traffic, presence of pedestrian dark clothing, pedestrian alcohol/drug involvement. The research findings are expected to provide an improved understanding of the underlying relationships between pedestrian crash risk factors and specific lighting conditions. Highway safety experts can utilize these findings to conduct a decision-making process for selecting effective countermeasures to reduce pedestrian crashes strategically.
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Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication has been proposed as a potential solution to improve the robustness and safety of autonomous vehicles by improving coordination and removing the barrier of non-line-of-sight sensing. Cooperative Vehicle Safety (CVS) applications are tightly dependent on the reliability of the underneath data system, which can suffer from loss of information due to the inherent issues of their different components, such as sensors failures or the poor performance of V2X technologies under dense communication channel load. Particularly, information loss affects the target classification module and, subsequently, the safety application performance. To enable reliable and robust CVS systems that mitigate the effect of information loss, we proposed a Context-Aware Target Classification (CA-TC) module coupled with a hybrid learning-based predictive modeling technique for CVS systems. The CA-TC consists of two modules: A Context-Aware Map (CAM), and a Hybrid Gaussian Process (HGP) prediction system. Consequently, the vehicle safety applications use the information from the CA-TC, making them more robust and reliable. The CAM leverages vehicles path history, road geometry, tracking, and prediction; and the HGP is utilized to provide accurate vehicles' trajectory predictions to compensate for data loss (due to communication congestion) or sensor measurements' inaccuracies. Based on offline real-world data, we learn a finite bank of driver models that represent the joint dynamics of the vehicle and the drivers' behavior. We combine offline training and online model updates with on-the-fly forecasting to account for new possible driver behaviors. Finally, our framework is validated using simulation and realistic driving scenarios to confirm its potential in enhancing the robustness and reliability of CVS systems.
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深度神经网络(DNN)在解释图像数据方面取得了令人印象深刻的进步,因此可以在某种程度上可以在某种程度上使用它们,以在自动驾驶(例如自动驾驶)中使用它们。从道德的角度来看,AI算法应考虑到街道上的物体或受试者的脆弱性,范围从“完全没有”,例如这条路本身,是行人的“高脆弱性”。考虑到这一点的一种方法是定义一个语义类别与另一个语义类别的混淆成本,并使用基于成本的决策规则来解释概率,即DNN的输出。但是,如何定义成本结构是一个开放的问题,应该负责谁来执行此操作,从而定义了AI-Algorithms实际上将“看到”。作为一个可能的答案,我们遵循一种参与式方法,并建立在线调查,要求公众定义成本结构。我们介绍了调查设计和获取的数据以及评估,该评估还区分了视角(汽车乘客与外部交通参与者)和性别。使用基于仿真的$ f $检验,我们发现两组之间存在很大的显着差异。这些差异对在与自动驾驶汽车的安全临界距离内的可靠检测有后果。我们讨论与这种方法相关的道德问题,并从心理学的角度讨论了从人机相互作用到调查出现的问题。最后,我们在AI安全领域的行业领导者对基于调查的元素在自动驾驶中的AI功能设计中的适用性进行了评论。
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关键应用程序中机器学习(ML)组件的集成引入了软件认证和验证的新挑战。正在开发新的安全标准和技术准则,以支持基于ML的系统的安全性,例如ISO 21448 SOTIF用于汽车域名,并保证机器学习用于自主系统(AMLAS)框架。 SOTIF和AMLA提供了高级指导,但对于每个特定情况,必须将细节凿出来。我们启动了一个研究项目,目的是证明开放汽车系统中ML组件的完整安全案例。本文报告说,Smikk的安全保证合作是由行业级别的行业合作的,这是一个基于ML的行人自动紧急制动示威者,在行业级模拟器中运行。我们演示了AMLA在伪装上的应用,以在简约的操作设计域中,即,我们为其基于ML的集成组件共享一个完整的安全案例。最后,我们报告了经验教训,并在开源许可下为研究界重新使用的开源许可提供了傻笑和安全案例。
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通常根据历史崩溃数据来实践道路的风险评估。有时缺少有关驾驶员行为和实时交通情况的信息。在本文中,安全的路线映射(SRM)模型是一种开发道路动态风险热图的方法,可扩展在做出预测时考虑驾驶员行为。 Android应用程序旨在收集驱动程序的信息并将其上传到服务器。在服务器上,面部识别提取了驱动程序的数据,例如面部地标,凝视方向和情绪。检测到驾驶员的嗜睡和分心,并评估驾驶性能。同时,动态的流量信息由路边摄像头捕获并上传到同一服务器。采用基于纵向扫描的动脉交通视频分析来识别视频中的车辆以建立速度和轨迹概况。基于这些数据,引入了LightGBM模型,以预测接下来一两秒钟的驾驶员的冲突指数。然后,使用模糊逻辑模型合并了多个数据源,包括历史崩溃计数和预测的交通冲突指标,以计算道路细分的风险评分。使用从实际的交通交叉点和驾驶模拟平台收集的数据来说明所提出的SRM模型。预测结果表明该模型是准确的,并且增加的驱动程序行为功能将改善模型的性能。最后,为可视化目的而生成风险热图。当局可以使用动态热图来指定安全的走廊,并调度执法部门以及驱动程序,以预警和行程计划。
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