Neural networks have recently allowed solving many ill-posed inverse problems with unprecedented performance. Physics informed approaches already progressively replace carefully hand-crafted reconstruction algorithms in real applications. However, these networks suffer from a major defect: when trained on a given forward operator, they do not generalize well to a different one. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we show through various applications that training the network with a family of forward operators allows solving the adaptivity problem without compromising the reconstruction quality significantly. Second, we illustrate that this training procedure allows tackling challenging blind inverse problems. Our experiments include partial Fourier sampling problems arising in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computerized tomography (CT) and image deblurring.
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CSGM框架(Bora-Jalal-Price-Dimakis'17)表明,深度生成前沿可能是解决逆问题的强大工具。但是,迄今为止,此框架仅在某些数据集(例如,人称和MNIST数字)上经验成功,并且已知在分布外样品上表现不佳。本文介绍了CSGM框架在临床MRI数据上的第一次成功应用。我们在FastMri DataSet上培训了大脑扫描之前的生成,并显示通过Langevin Dynamics的后验采样实现了高质量的重建。此外,我们的实验和理论表明,后部采样是对地面定语分布和测量过程的变化的强大。我们的代码和型号可用于:\ URL {}。
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In this paper, we propose a novel deep convolutional neural network (CNN)-based algorithm for solving ill-posed inverse problems. Regularized iterative algorithms have emerged as the standard approach to ill-posed inverse problems in the past few decades. These methods produce excellent results, but can be challenging to deploy in practice due to factors including the high computational cost of the forward and adjoint operators and the difficulty of hyper parameter selection. The starting point of our work is the observation that unrolled iterative methods have the form of a CNN (filtering followed by point-wise non-linearity) when the normal operator (H * H, the adjoint of H times H) of the forward model is a convolution. Based on this observation, we propose using direct inversion followed by a CNN to solve normal-convolutional inverse problems. The direct inversion encapsulates the physical model of the system, but leads to artifacts when the problem is ill-posed; the CNN combines multiresolution decomposition and residual learning in order to learn to remove these artifacts while preserving image structure. We demonstrate the performance of the proposed network in sparse-view reconstruction (down to 50 views) on parallel beam X-ray computed tomography in synthetic phantoms as well as in real experimental sinograms. The proposed network outperforms total variation-regularized iterative reconstruction for the more realistic phantoms and requires less than a second to reconstruct a 512 × 512 image on the GPU. K.H. Jin acknowledges the support from the "EPFL Fellows" fellowship program co-funded by Marie Curie from the European Unions Horizon 2020 Framework Programme for Research and Innovation under grant agreement 665667.
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The data consistency for the physical forward model is crucial in inverse problems, especially in MR imaging reconstruction. The standard way is to unroll an iterative algorithm into a neural network with a forward model embedded. The forward model always changes in clinical practice, so the learning component's entanglement with the forward model makes the reconstruction hard to generalize. The proposed method is more generalizable for different MR acquisition settings by separating the forward model from the deep learning component. The deep learning-based proximal gradient descent was proposed to create a learned regularization term independent of the forward model. We applied the one-time trained regularization term to different MR acquisition settings to validate the proposed method and compared the reconstruction with the commonly used $\ell_1$ regularization. We showed ~3 dB improvement in the peak signal to noise ratio, compared with conventional $\ell_1$ regularized reconstruction. We demonstrated the flexibility of the proposed method in choosing different undersampling patterns. We also evaluated the effect of parameter tuning for the deep learning regularization.
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Image reconstruction using deep learning algorithms offers improved reconstruction quality and lower reconstruction time than classical compressed sensing and model-based algorithms. Unfortunately, clean and fully sampled ground-truth data to train the deep networks is often unavailable in several applications, restricting the applicability of the above methods. We introduce a novel metric termed the ENsemble Stein's Unbiased Risk Estimate (ENSURE) framework, which can be used to train deep image reconstruction algorithms without fully sampled and noise-free images. The proposed framework is the generalization of the classical SURE and GSURE formulation to the setting where the images are sampled by different measurement operators, chosen randomly from a set. We evaluate the expectation of the GSURE loss functions over the sampling patterns to obtain the ENSURE loss function. We show that this loss is an unbiased estimate for the true mean-square error, which offers a better alternative to GSURE, which only offers an unbiased estimate for the projected error. Our experiments show that the networks trained with this loss function can offer reconstructions comparable to the supervised setting. While we demonstrate this framework in the context of MR image recovery, the ENSURE framework is generally applicable to arbitrary inverse problems.
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我们在凸优化和深度学习的界面上引入了一类新的迭代图像重建算法,以启发凸出和深度学习。该方法包括通过训练深神网络(DNN)作为Denoiser学习先前的图像模型,并将其替换为优化算法的手工近端正则操作员。拟议的airi(``````````````''''')框架,用于成像复杂的强度结构,并从可见性数据中扩散和微弱的发射,继承了优化的鲁棒性和解释性,以及网络的学习能力和速度。我们的方法取决于三个步骤。首先,我们从光强度图像设计了一个低动态范围训练数据库。其次,我们以从数据的信噪比推断出的噪声水平来训练DNN Denoiser。我们使用训练损失提高了术语,可确保算法收敛,并通过指示进行即时数据库动态范围增强。第三,我们将学习的DeNoiser插入前向后的优化算法中,从而产生了一个简单的迭代结构,该结构与梯度下降的数据输入步骤交替出现Denoising步骤。我们已经验证了SARA家族的清洁,优化算法的AIRI,并经过DNN训练,可以直接从可见性数据中重建图像。仿真结果表明,AIRI与SARA及其基于前卫的版本USARA具有竞争力,同时提供了显着的加速。干净保持更快,但质量较低。端到端DNN提供了进一步的加速,但质量远低于AIRI。
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Deep neural networks provide unprecedented performance gains in many real world problems in signal and image processing. Despite these gains, future development and practical deployment of deep networks is hindered by their blackbox nature, i.e., lack of interpretability, and by the need for very large training sets. An emerging technique called algorithm unrolling or unfolding offers promise in eliminating these issues by providing a concrete and systematic connection between iterative algorithms that are used widely in signal processing and deep neural networks. Unrolling methods were first proposed to develop fast neural network approximations for sparse coding. More recently, this direction has attracted enormous attention and is rapidly growing both in theoretic investigations and practical applications. The growing popularity of unrolled deep networks is due in part to their potential in developing efficient, high-performance and yet interpretable network architectures from reasonable size training sets. In this article, we review algorithm unrolling for signal and image processing. We extensively cover popular techniques for algorithm unrolling in various domains of signal and image processing including imaging, vision and recognition, and speech processing. By reviewing previous works, we reveal the connections between iterative algorithms and neural networks and present recent theoretical results. Finally, we provide a discussion on current limitations of unrolling and suggest possible future research directions.
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为了解决逆问题,已经开发了插件(PNP)方法,可以用呼叫特定于应用程序的DeNoiser在凸优化算法中替换近端步骤,该算法通常使用深神经网络(DNN)实现。尽管这种方法已经成功,但可以改进它们。例如,Denoiser通常经过设计/训练以消除白色高斯噪声,但是PNP算法中的DINOISER输入误差通常远非白色或高斯。近似消息传递(AMP)方法提供了白色和高斯DEOISER输入误差,但仅当正向操作员是一个大的随机矩阵时。在这项工作中,对于基于傅立叶的远期运营商,我们提出了一种基于普遍期望一致性(GEC)近似的PNP算法 - AMP的紧密表弟 - 在每次迭代时提供可预测的错误统计信息,以及新的DNN利用这些统计数据的Denoiser。我们将方法应用于磁共振成像(MRI)图像恢复,并证明其优于现有的PNP和AMP方法。
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With the aim of developing a fast yet accurate algorithm for compressive sensing (CS) reconstruction of natural images, we combine in this paper the merits of two existing categories of CS methods: the structure insights of traditional optimization-based methods and the speed of recent network-based ones. Specifically, we propose a novel structured deep network, dubbed ISTA-Net, which is inspired by the Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm (ISTA) for optimizing a general 1 norm CS reconstruction model. To cast ISTA into deep network form, we develop an effective strategy to solve the proximal mapping associated with the sparsity-inducing regularizer using nonlinear transforms. All the parameters in ISTA-Net (e.g. nonlinear transforms, shrinkage thresholds, step sizes, etc.) are learned end-to-end, rather than being hand-crafted. Moreover, considering that the residuals of natural images are more compressible, an enhanced version of ISTA-Net in the residual domain, dubbed ISTA-Net + , is derived to further improve CS reconstruction. Extensive CS experiments demonstrate that the proposed ISTA-Nets outperform existing state-of-the-art optimization-based and networkbased CS methods by large margins, while maintaining fast computational speed. Our source codes are available:
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Deep convolutional networks have become a popular tool for image generation and restoration. Generally, their excellent performance is imputed to their ability to learn realistic image priors from a large number of example images. In this paper, we show that, on the contrary, the structure of a generator network is sufficient to capture a great deal of low-level image statistics prior to any learning. In order to do so, we show that a randomly-initialized neural network can be used as a handcrafted prior with excellent results in standard inverse problems such as denoising, superresolution, and inpainting. Furthermore, the same prior can be used to invert deep neural representations to diagnose them, and to restore images based on flash-no flash input pairs.
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