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本文解决了利益区域(ROI)计算机断层扫描(CT)的图像重建问题。尽管基于模型的迭代方法可用于此问题,但由于乏味的参数化和缓慢的收敛性,它们的实用性通常受到限制。另外,当保留的先验不完全适合溶液空间时,可以获得不足的溶液。深度学习方法提供了一种快速的替代方法,从大型数据集中利用信息,因此可以达到高重建质量。但是,这些方法通常依赖于不考虑成像系统物理学的黑匣子,而且它们缺乏可解释性通常会感到沮丧。在两种方法的十字路口,最近都提出了展开的深度学习技术。它们将模型的物理和迭代优化算法纳入神经网络设计中,从而在各种应用中均具有出色的性能。本文介绍了一种新颖的,展开的深度学习方法,称为U-RDBFB,为ROI CT重建而设计为有限的数据。由于强大的非凸数据保真功能与稀疏性诱导正则化功能相结合,因此有效地处理了很少的截断数据。然后,嵌入在迭代重新加权方案中的块双重前向(DBFB)算法的迭代将在神经网络体系结构上展开,从而以监督的方式学习各种参数。我们的实验显示了对各种最新方法的改进,包括基于模型的迭代方案,深度学习体系结构和深度展开的方法。
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这项工作与科学机器学习中的以下基本问题有关:基于深度学习的方法是否可以解决无噪声逆问题到近乎完美的准确性?首次提供了积极的证据,重点是原型计算机断层扫描(CT)设置。我们证明,迭代的端到端网络方案可以实现接近数值精度的重建,与经典的压缩传感策略相当。我们的结果是基于我们对最近的AAPM DL-SPARSE-VIEW CT挑战的获胜提交的基础。它的目标是确定用数据驱动技术解决稀疏视图CT逆问题的最新技术。挑战设置的特定困难是,参与者的精确前进模型仍然未知。因此,我们方法的关键特征是最初在数据驱动的校准步骤中估算未知的粉丝几何形状。除了对我们的方法的深入分析外,我们还证明了其在开放式现实世界数据集Lodopab CT上的最先进性能。
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Deep neural networks provide unprecedented performance gains in many real world problems in signal and image processing. Despite these gains, future development and practical deployment of deep networks is hindered by their blackbox nature, i.e., lack of interpretability, and by the need for very large training sets. An emerging technique called algorithm unrolling or unfolding offers promise in eliminating these issues by providing a concrete and systematic connection between iterative algorithms that are used widely in signal processing and deep neural networks. Unrolling methods were first proposed to develop fast neural network approximations for sparse coding. More recently, this direction has attracted enormous attention and is rapidly growing both in theoretic investigations and practical applications. The growing popularity of unrolled deep networks is due in part to their potential in developing efficient, high-performance and yet interpretable network architectures from reasonable size training sets. In this article, we review algorithm unrolling for signal and image processing. We extensively cover popular techniques for algorithm unrolling in various domains of signal and image processing including imaging, vision and recognition, and speech processing. By reviewing previous works, we reveal the connections between iterative algorithms and neural networks and present recent theoretical results. Finally, we provide a discussion on current limitations of unrolling and suggest possible future research directions.
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在本文中,我们回顾了同时正电子发射断层扫描(PET) /磁共振成像(MRI)系统的物理和数据驱动的重建技术,这些技术在癌症,神经系统疾病和心脏病方面具有显着优势。这些重建方法利用结构或统计的先验,以及基于物理学的宠物系统响应的描述。但是,由于正向问题的嵌套表示,直接的PET/MRI重建是一个非线性问题。我们阐明了多方面的方法如何适应3D PET/MRI重建的混合数据和物理驱动的机器学习,总结了过去5年中重要的深度学习发展,以解决衰减校正,散射,低光子数和数据一致性。我们还描述了这些多模式方法的应用如何扩展到PET/MRI以提高放射治疗计划的准确性。最后,我们讨论了遵循物理和深度学习的计算成像和下一代探测器硬件的最新趋势,以扩展当前最新趋势的机会。
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Recent years have witnessed a growth in mathematics for deep learning--which seeks a deeper understanding of the concepts of deep learning with mathematics, and explores how to make it more robust--and deep learning for mathematics, where deep learning algorithms are used to solve problems in mathematics. The latter has popularised the field of scientific machine learning where deep learning is applied to problems in scientific computing. Specifically, more and more neural network architectures have been developed to solve specific classes of partial differential equations (PDEs). Such methods exploit properties that are inherent to PDEs and thus solve the PDEs better than classical feed-forward neural networks, recurrent neural networks, and convolutional neural networks. This has had a great impact in the area of mathematical modeling where parametric PDEs are widely used to model most natural and physical processes arising in science and engineering, In this work, we review such methods and extend them for parametric studies as well as for solving the related inverse problems. We equally proceed to show their relevance in some industrial applications.
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Low-dose computed tomography (CT) plays a significant role in reducing the radiation risk in clinical applications. However, lowering the radiation dose will significantly degrade the image quality. With the rapid development and wide application of deep learning, it has brought new directions for the development of low-dose CT imaging algorithms. Therefore, we propose a fully unsupervised one sample diffusion model (OSDM)in projection domain for low-dose CT reconstruction. To extract sufficient prior information from single sample, the Hankel matrix formulation is employed. Besides, the penalized weighted least-squares and total variation are introduced to achieve superior image quality. Specifically, we first train a score-based generative model on one sinogram by extracting a great number of tensors from the structural-Hankel matrix as the network input to capture prior distribution. Then, at the inference stage, the stochastic differential equation solver and data consistency step are performed iteratively to obtain the sinogram data. Finally, the final image is obtained through the filtered back-projection algorithm. The reconstructed results are approaching to the normal-dose counterparts. The results prove that OSDM is practical and effective model for reducing the artifacts and preserving the image quality.
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Neural networks have recently allowed solving many ill-posed inverse problems with unprecedented performance. Physics informed approaches already progressively replace carefully hand-crafted reconstruction algorithms in real applications. However, these networks suffer from a major defect: when trained on a given forward operator, they do not generalize well to a different one. The aim of this paper is twofold. First, we show through various applications that training the network with a family of forward operators allows solving the adaptivity problem without compromising the reconstruction quality significantly. Second, we illustrate that this training procedure allows tackling challenging blind inverse problems. Our experiments include partial Fourier sampling problems arising in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), computerized tomography (CT) and image deblurring.
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我们提出了一个基于一般学习的框架,用于解决非平滑和非凸图像重建问题。我们将正则函数建模为$ l_ {2,1} $ norm的组成,并将平滑但非convex功能映射参数化为深卷积神经网络。我们通过利用Nesterov的平滑技术和残留学习的概念来开发一种可证明的趋同的下降型算法来解决非平滑非概念最小化问题,并学习网络参数,以使算法的输出与培训数据中的参考匹配。我们的方法用途广泛,因为人们可以将各种现代网络结构用于正规化,而所得网络继承了算法的保证收敛性。我们还表明,所提出的网络是参数有效的,其性能与实践中各种图像重建问题中的最新方法相比有利。
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Image reconstruction using deep learning algorithms offers improved reconstruction quality and lower reconstruction time than classical compressed sensing and model-based algorithms. Unfortunately, clean and fully sampled ground-truth data to train the deep networks is often unavailable in several applications, restricting the applicability of the above methods. We introduce a novel metric termed the ENsemble Stein's Unbiased Risk Estimate (ENSURE) framework, which can be used to train deep image reconstruction algorithms without fully sampled and noise-free images. The proposed framework is the generalization of the classical SURE and GSURE formulation to the setting where the images are sampled by different measurement operators, chosen randomly from a set. We evaluate the expectation of the GSURE loss functions over the sampling patterns to obtain the ENSURE loss function. We show that this loss is an unbiased estimate for the true mean-square error, which offers a better alternative to GSURE, which only offers an unbiased estimate for the projected error. Our experiments show that the networks trained with this loss function can offer reconstructions comparable to the supervised setting. While we demonstrate this framework in the context of MR image recovery, the ENSURE framework is generally applicable to arbitrary inverse problems.
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双能计算机断层扫描(DECT)已广泛用于需要材料分解的许多应用中。图像域方法直接分解来自高能和低能量衰减图像的材料图像,因此,衰减图像上的噪声和伪影易感。本研究的目的是开发一种改进的迭代神经网络(INN),用于DECT中的高质量图像域材料分解,并研究其性质。我们为DECT材料分解提出了一个新的Inn架构。该建议的Inn Architection在图像精炼模块中使用不同的跨材料卷积神经网络(CNN),并在图像重建模块中使用图像分解物理。独特的交叉材料CNN炼油厂包括不同的编码解码滤波器和跨材料模型,其捕获不同材料之间的相关性。我们研究了具有贴片式重构和紧密框架条件的不同跨材料CNN炼油厂。扩展Cardiacorso(XCAT)幻像和临床数据的数值实验表明,所提出的INN显着提高了几种图像域材料分解方法的图像质量,包括使用边缘保留规范器的传统模型的图像分解(MBID)方法,最近使用预先学习的材料缺口变换的MBID方法,以及非特性深层CNN方法。我们的研究基于补丁的重新制作表明,不同的跨材料CNN炼油厂的学习过滤器可以大致满足紧密框架状态。
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We propose a deep learning method for three-dimensional reconstruction in low-dose helical cone-beam computed tomography. We reconstruct the volume directly, i.e., not from 2D slices, guaranteeing consistency along all axes. In a crucial step beyond prior work, we train our model in a self-supervised manner in the projection domain using noisy 2D projection data, without relying on 3D reference data or the output of a reference reconstruction method. This means the fidelity of our results is not limited by the quality and availability of such data. We evaluate our method on real helical cone-beam projections and simulated phantoms. Our reconstructions are sharper and less noisy than those of previous methods, and several decibels better in quantitative PSNR measurements. When applied to full-dose data, our method produces high-quality results orders of magnitude faster than iterative techniques.
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在这项工作中,我们提出了一个新的范式,用于使用降低性降低方案(包括Minibatch梯度近似和操作员草图)设计有效的深层展开网络。深度展开的网络目前是成像逆问题的最新解决方案。然而,对于高维成像任务,尤其是X射线CT和MRI成像,由于需要多次计算高维向前和邻接运算符,因此深层展开方案通常在记忆和计算方面效率低下。最近,研究人员发现,可以通过展开随机梯度下降(SGD)来部分解决此类局限性,这受到随机一阶优化的成功的启发。在这项工作中,我们基于最先进的原始偶(LPD)网络,进一步探讨了这一方向,并首先提出了更具表现力和实用的随机原始偶发性展开,也是随机原始的进一步加速 - 双曲线,使用素描技术在高维图像空间中近似产品。操作员素描可以与随机展开共同应用,以获得最佳的加速度和压缩性能。我们对X射线CT图像重建的数值实验证明了我们加速展开方案的显着有效性。
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