最近,已经研究了通过CNN进行超像素分割的无监督学习的概念。从本质上讲,这种方法通过在单个图像上使用的卷积神经网络(CNN)生成超像素,并且对此类CNN进行了培训,而无需任何标签或更多信息。因此,这种方法依赖于先验的掺入,通常是通过设计一个目标函数,该目标函数可以指导解决方案实现有意义的超像素分割。在本文中,我们提出了三个关键要素,以提高此类网络的功效:(i)与输入图像相比,\ emph {soft} super像素化图像的相似性,(ii)对象边缘和边界和边界和((iii)基于非常卷积的修改架构,该体系结构允许更广泛的视野,可作为我们网络中的多尺度组件的功能。通过尝试BSDS500数据集,我们在定性和定量上找到了提案的重要性的证据。
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Partitioning an image into superpixels based on the similarity of pixels with respect to features such as colour or spatial location can significantly reduce data complexity and improve subsequent image processing tasks. Initial algorithms for unsupervised superpixel generation solely relied on local cues without prioritizing significant edges over arbitrary ones. On the other hand, more recent methods based on unsupervised deep learning either fail to properly address the trade-off between superpixel edge adherence and compactness or lack control over the generated number of superpixels. By using random images with strong spatial correlation as input, \ie, blurred noise images, in a non-convolutional image decoder we can reduce the expected number of contrasts and enforce smooth, connected edges in the reconstructed image. We generate edge-sparse pixel embeddings by encoding additional spatial information into the piece-wise smooth activation maps from the decoder's last hidden layer and use a standard clustering algorithm to extract high quality superpixels. Our proposed method reaches state-of-the-art performance on the BSDS500, PASCAL-Context and a microscopy dataset.
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are prominent in handling sparse and unstructured data efficiently and effectively. Specifically, GNNs were shown to be highly effective for node classification tasks, where labelled information is available for only a fraction of the nodes. Typically, the optimization process, through the objective function, considers only labelled nodes while ignoring the rest. In this paper, we propose novel objective terms for the training of GNNs for node classification, aiming to exploit all the available data and improve accuracy. Our first term seeks to maximize the mutual information between node and label features, considering both labelled and unlabelled nodes in the optimization process. Our second term promotes anisotropic smoothness in the prediction maps. Lastly, we propose a cross-validating gradients approach to enhance the learning from labelled data. Our proposed objectives are general and can be applied to various GNNs and require no architectural modifications. Extensive experiments demonstrate our approach using popular GNNs like GCN, GAT and GCNII, reading a consistent and significant accuracy improvement on 10 real-world node classification datasets.
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在实际的工业生产中,评估钢板焊接效果是一项重要任务,焊接部分的分割是评估的基础。本文提出了一个工业焊接分割网络,基于与热图详细信息指导和图像垫子融合的深度学习语义分割算法,以解决焊接区域的自动分割问题。在现有的语义分割网络中,可以通过融合高级和低级层的特征来保留边界信息。但是,此方法可能导致低级层中空间信息的表达不足,从而导致分割边界定位不准确。我们提出了一个基于热图的详细指导模块,以完全表达低级网络中的分段区域边界信息以解决此问题。具体而言,可以通过添加详细的分支来预测分段边界,然后将其与蒙版标签生成的边界热图匹配以计算均方误差损失,从而增强边界信息的表达。此外,尽管深度学习在语义分割领域取得了巨大的成功,但由于在编码和解码过程中,由于经典分割网络引起的详细信息丢失,分割边界区域的精度并不高。本文介绍了一种矩阵算法,以校准语义分割网络的分割区域的边界以解决此问题。通过许多关于工业焊接数据集的实验,我们证明了我们方法的有效性,MIOU达到97.93%。值得注意的是,这种性能与人的手动细分相当(MIOU 97.96%)。
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点云的Panoptic分割是一种重要的任务,使自动车辆能够使用高精度可靠的激光雷达传感器来理解其附近。现有的自上而下方法通过将独立的任务特定网络或转换方法从图像域转换为忽略激光雷达数据的复杂性,因此通常会导致次优性性能来解决这个问题。在本文中,我们提出了新的自上而下的高效激光乐光线分割(有效的LID)架构,该架构解决了分段激光雷达云中的多种挑战,包括距离依赖性稀疏性,严重的闭塞,大规模变化和重新投影误差。高效地板包括一种新型共享骨干,可以通过加强的几何变换建模容量进行编码,并聚合语义丰富的范围感知多尺度特征。它结合了新的不变语义和实例分段头以及由我们提出的Panoptic外围损耗功能监督的Panoptic Fusion模块。此外,我们制定了正则化的伪标签框架,通过对未标记数据的培训进行进一步提高高效性的性能。我们在两个大型LIDAR数据集中建议模型基准:NUSCENES,我们还提供了地面真相注释和Semantickitti。值得注意的是,高效地将在两个数据集上设置新的最先进状态。
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图像平滑是一项基本的低级视觉任务,旨在保留图像的显着结构,同时删除微不足道的细节。图像平滑中已经探索了深度学习,以应对语义结构和琐碎细节的复杂纠缠。但是,当前的方法忽略了平滑方面的两个重要事实:1)受限数量的高质量平滑地面真相监督的幼稚像素级回归可能会导致域的转移,并导致对现实世界图像的概括问题; 2)纹理外观与对象语义密切相关,因此图像平滑需要意识到语义差异以应用自适应平滑强度。为了解决这些问题,我们提出了一个新颖的对比语义引导的图像平滑网络(CSGIS-NET),该网络在促进强大的图像平滑之前结合了对比的先验和语义。通过利用不希望的平滑效应作为负面教师,并结合分段任务以鼓励语义独特性来增强监督信号。为了实现所提出的网络,我们还使用纹理增强和平滑标签(即VOC-Smooth)丰富了原始的VOC数据集,它们首先桥接图像平滑和语义分割。广泛的实验表明,所提出的CSGI-NET大量优于最先进的算法。代码和数据集可在https://github.com/wangjie6866/csgis-net上找到。
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We pose video object segmentation as spectral graph clustering in space and time, with one graph node for each pixel and edges forming local space-time neighborhoods. We claim that the strongest cluster in this video graph represents the salient object. We start by introducing a novel and efficient method based on 3D filtering for approximating the spectral solution, as the principal eigenvector of the graph's adjacency matrix, without explicitly building the matrix. This key property allows us to have a fast parallel implementation on GPU, orders of magnitude faster than classical approaches for computing the eigenvector. Our motivation for a spectral space-time clustering approach, unique in video semantic segmentation literature, is that such clustering is dedicated to preserving object consistency over time, which we evaluate using our novel segmentation consistency measure. Further on, we show how to efficiently learn the solution over multiple input feature channels. Finally, we extend the formulation of our approach beyond the segmentation task, into the realm of object tracking. In extensive experiments we show significant improvements over top methods, as well as over powerful ensembles that combine them, achieving state-of-the-art on multiple benchmarks, both for tracking and segmentation.
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One of the main challenges in deep learning-based underwater image enhancement is the limited availability of high-quality training data. Underwater images are difficult to capture and are often of poor quality due to the distortion and loss of colour and contrast in water. This makes it difficult to train supervised deep learning models on large and diverse datasets, which can limit the model's performance. In this paper, we explore an alternative approach to supervised underwater image enhancement. Specifically, we propose a novel unsupervised underwater image enhancement framework that employs a conditional variational autoencoder (cVAE) to train a deep learning model with probabilistic adaptive instance normalization (PAdaIN) and statistically guided multi-colour space stretch that produces realistic underwater images. The resulting framework is composed of a U-Net as a feature extractor and a PAdaIN to encode the uncertainty, which we call UDnet. To improve the visual quality of the images generated by UDnet, we use a statistically guided multi-colour space stretch module that ensures visual consistency with the input image and provides an alternative to training using a ground truth image. The proposed model does not need manual human annotation and can learn with a limited amount of data and achieves state-of-the-art results on underwater images. We evaluated our proposed framework on eight publicly-available datasets. The results show that our proposed framework yields competitive performance compared to other state-of-the-art approaches in quantitative as well as qualitative metrics. Code available at https://github.com/alzayats/UDnet .
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Medical images play an important role in clinical applications. Multimodal medical images could provide rich information about patients for physicians to diagnose. The image fusion technique is able to synthesize complementary information from multimodal images into a single image. This technique will prevent radiologists switch back and forth between different images and save lots of time in the diagnostic process. In this paper, we introduce a novel Dilated Residual Attention Network for the medical image fusion task. Our network is capable to extract multi-scale deep semantic features. Furthermore, we propose a novel fixed fusion strategy termed Softmax-based weighted strategy based on the Softmax weights and matrix nuclear norm. Extensive experiments show our proposed network and fusion strategy exceed the state-of-the-art performance compared with reference image fusion methods on four commonly used fusion metrics.
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Camouflaged object detection (COD) aims to detect/segment camouflaged objects embedded in the environment, which has attracted increasing attention over the past decades. Although several COD methods have been developed, they still suffer from unsatisfactory performance due to the intrinsic similarities between the foreground objects and background surroundings. In this paper, we propose a novel Feature Aggregation and Propagation Network (FAP-Net) for camouflaged object detection. Specifically, we propose a Boundary Guidance Module (BGM) to explicitly model the boundary characteristic, which can provide boundary-enhanced features to boost the COD performance. To capture the scale variations of the camouflaged objects, we propose a Multi-scale Feature Aggregation Module (MFAM) to characterize the multi-scale information from each layer and obtain the aggregated feature representations. Furthermore, we propose a Cross-level Fusion and Propagation Module (CFPM). In the CFPM, the feature fusion part can effectively integrate the features from adjacent layers to exploit the cross-level correlations, and the feature propagation part can transmit valuable context information from the encoder to the decoder network via a gate unit. Finally, we formulate a unified and end-to-end trainable framework where cross-level features can be effectively fused and propagated for capturing rich context information. Extensive experiments on three benchmark camouflaged datasets demonstrate that our FAP-Net outperforms other state-of-the-art COD models. Moreover, our model can be extended to the polyp segmentation task, and the comparison results further validate the effectiveness of the proposed model in segmenting polyps. The source code and results will be released at https://github.com/taozh2017/FAPNet.
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Semantic segmentation is a classic computer vision problem dedicated to labeling each pixel with its corresponding category. As a basic task for advanced tasks such as industrial quality inspection, remote sensing information extraction, medical diagnostic aid, and autonomous driving, semantic segmentation has been developed for a long time in combination with deep learning, and a lot of works have been accumulated. However, neither the classic FCN-based works nor the popular Transformer-based works have attained fine-grained localization of pixel labels, which remains the main challenge in this field. Recently, with the popularity of autonomous driving, the segmentation of road scenes has received increasing attention. Based on the cross-task consistency theory, we incorporate edge priors into semantic segmentation tasks to obtain better results. The main contribution is that we provide a model-agnostic method that improves the accuracy of semantic segmentation models with zero extra inference runtime overhead, verified on the datasets of road and non-road scenes. From our experimental results, our method can effectively improve semantic segmentation accuracy.
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In this work we address the task of semantic image segmentation with Deep Learning and make three main contributions that are experimentally shown to have substantial practical merit. First, we highlight convolution with upsampled filters, or 'atrous convolution', as a powerful tool in dense prediction tasks. Atrous convolution allows us to explicitly control the resolution at which feature responses are computed within Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. It also allows us to effectively enlarge the field of view of filters to incorporate larger context without increasing the number of parameters or the amount of computation. Second, we propose atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASPP) to robustly segment objects at multiple scales. ASPP probes an incoming convolutional feature layer with filters at multiple sampling rates and effective fields-of-views, thus capturing objects as well as image context at multiple scales. Third, we improve the localization of object boundaries by combining methods from DCNNs and probabilistic graphical models. The commonly deployed combination of max-pooling and downsampling in DCNNs achieves invariance but has a toll on localization accuracy. We overcome this by combining the responses at the final DCNN layer with a fully connected Conditional Random Field (CRF), which is shown both qualitatively and quantitatively to improve localization performance. Our proposed "DeepLab" system sets the new state-of-art at the PASCAL VOC-2012 semantic image segmentation task, reaching 79.7% mIOU in the test set, and advances the results on three other datasets: PASCAL-Context, PASCAL-Person-Part, and Cityscapes. All of our code is made publicly available online.
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现有的深度嵌入聚类工作仅考虑最深层的学习功能嵌入,因此未能利用来自群集分配的可用辨别信息,从而产生性能限制。为此,我们提出了一种新颖的方法,即深入关注引导的图形聚类与双自我监督(DAGC)。具体地,DAGC首先利用异质性 - 方向融合模块,以便于在每个层中自适应地集成自动编码器的特征和图形卷积网络,然后使用尺度明智的融合模块动态地连接不同层中的多尺度特征。这种模块能够通过基于注意的机制学习歧视特征。此外,我们设计了一种分配明智的融合模块,它利用群集分配直接获取聚类结果。为了更好地探索集群分配的歧视信息,我们开发了一种双重自我监督解决方案,包括软自我监督策略,具有三联kullback-Leibler发散损失和具有伪监督损失的硬自我监督策略。广泛的实验验证了我们的方法在六个基准数据集中始终如一地优于最先进的方法。特别是,我们的方法通过最佳基线超过18.14%的方法将ARI提高。
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Fully convolutional neural networks (FCNs) have shown their advantages in the salient object detection task. However, most existing FCNs-based methods still suffer from coarse object boundaries. In this paper, to solve this problem, we focus on the complementarity between salient edge information and salient object information. Accordingly, we present an edge guidance network (EGNet) for salient object detection with three steps to simultaneously model these two kinds of complementary information in a single network. In the first step, we extract the salient object features by a progressive fusion way. In the second step, we integrate the local edge information and global location information to obtain the salient edge features. Finally, to sufficiently leverage these complementary features, we couple the same salient edge features with salient object features at various resolutions. Benefiting from the rich edge information and location information in salient edge features, the fused features can help locate salient objects, especially their boundaries more accurately. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method performs favorably against the state-of-the-art methods on six widely used datasets without any pre-processing and post-processing. The source code is available at http: //mmcheng.net/egnet/.
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