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贝叶斯网络是一组$ N $随机变量的定向非循环图(DAG)(用顶点标识);贝叶斯网络分布(BND)是RV的概率分布,即在图中是马尔可夫的。这种模型的有限混合物是在较大的图表上对这些变量的投影,其具有额外的“隐藏”(或“隐藏”(或“潜伏”)随机变量$ U $,范围在$ \ {1,\ ldots,k \ $,以及从$ U $到其他每个其他顶点的指示边。这种类型的模型是对因因果推理的基础,其中$ U $模型是一种混杂效果。一个非常特殊的案例一直是在理论文学中的长期兴趣:空图。这种分布只是$ k $产品分布的混合。考虑到k $产品分布的混合物的联合分布,以识别产物分布及其混合重量,这一直是长期的问题。我们的结果是:(1)我们改善了从$ \ exp(o(k ^ 2))$到$ \ exp(o(k \ log k)的$ k $产品分布的混合物的示例复杂性(和运行时) )$。鉴于已知的$ \ exp(\ omega(k))$下限,这几乎可以最好。 (2)我们为非空图表提供了第一算法。最大程度为$ \ delta $的图表的复杂性为$ \ exp(o(k(\ delta ^ 2 + \ log k)))$。 (上述复杂性是近似和抑制辅助参数的依赖性。)
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Linear structural causal models (SCMs)-- in which each observed variable is generated by a subset of the other observed variables as well as a subset of the exogenous sources-- are pervasive in causal inference and casual discovery. However, for the task of causal discovery, existing work almost exclusively focus on the submodel where each observed variable is associated with a distinct source with non-zero variance. This results in the restriction that no observed variable can deterministically depend on other observed variables or latent confounders. In this paper, we extend the results on structure learning by focusing on a subclass of linear SCMs which do not have this property, i.e., models in which observed variables can be causally affected by any subset of the sources, and are allowed to be a deterministic function of other observed variables or latent confounders. This allows for a more realistic modeling of influence or information propagation in systems. We focus on the task of causal discovery form observational data generated from a member of this subclass. We derive a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for unique identifiability of the causal structure. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that gives identifiability results for causal discovery under both latent confounding and deterministic relationships. Further, we propose an algorithm for recovering the underlying causal structure when the aforementioned conditions are satisfied. We validate our theoretical results both on synthetic and real datasets.
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常用图是表示和可视化因果关系的。对于少量变量,这种方法提供了简洁和清晰的方案的视图。随着下属的变量数量增加,图形方法可能变得不切实际,并且表示的清晰度丢失。变量的聚类是减少因果图大小的自然方式,但如果任意实施,可能会错误地改变因果关系的基本属性。我们定义了一种特定类型的群集,称为Transit Cluster,保证在某些条件下保留因果效应的可识别性属性。我们提供了一种用于在给定图中查找所有传输群集的声音和完整的算法,并演示集群如何简化因果效应的识别。我们还研究了逆问题,其中一个人以群集的图形开始,寻找扩展图,其中因果效应的可识别性属性保持不变。我们表明这种结构稳健性与过境集群密切相关。
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我们证明了(a)具有通用近似功能的广泛的深层变量模型的可识别性,并且(b)是通常在实践中使用的变异自动编码器的解码器。与现有工作不同,我们的分析不需要弱监督,辅助信息或潜在空间中的条件。最近,研究了此类模型的可识别性。在这些作品中,主要的假设是,还可以观察到辅助变量$ u $(也称为侧面信息)。同时,几项作品从经验上观察到,这在实践中似乎并不是必需的。在这项工作中,我们通过证明具有通用近似功能的广泛生成(即无监督的)模型来解释这种行为,无需侧面信息$ u $:我们证明了整个生成模型的可识别性$ u $,仅观察数据$ x $。我们考虑的模型与实践中使用的自动编码器体系结构紧密连接,该体系结构利用了潜在空间中的混合先验和编码器中的Relu/Leaky-Relu激活。我们的主要结果是可识别性层次结构,该层次结构显着概括了先前的工作,并揭示了不同的假设如何导致可识别性的“优势”不同。例如,我们最薄弱的结果确定了(无监督的)可识别性,直到仿射转换已经改善了现有工作。众所周知,这些模型具有通用近似功能,而且它们已被广泛用于实践中来学习数据表示。
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We study experiment design for unique identification of the causal graph of a system where the graph may contain cycles. The presence of cycles in the structure introduces major challenges for experiment design as, unlike acyclic graphs, learning the skeleton of causal graphs with cycles may not be possible from merely the observational distribution. Furthermore, intervening on a variable in such graphs does not necessarily lead to orienting all the edges incident to it. In this paper, we propose an experiment design approach that can learn both cyclic and acyclic graphs and hence, unifies the task of experiment design for both types of graphs. We provide a lower bound on the number of experiments required to guarantee the unique identification of the causal graph in the worst case, showing that the proposed approach is order-optimal in terms of the number of experiments up to an additive logarithmic term. Moreover, we extend our result to the setting where the size of each experiment is bounded by a constant. For this case, we show that our approach is optimal in terms of the size of the largest experiment required for uniquely identifying the causal graph in the worst case.
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In this review, we discuss approaches for learning causal structure from data, also called causal discovery. In particular, we focus on approaches for learning directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) and various generalizations which allow for some variables to be unobserved in the available data. We devote special attention to two fundamental combinatorial aspects of causal structure learning. First, we discuss the structure of the search space over causal graphs. Second, we discuss the structure of equivalence classes over causal graphs, i.e., sets of graphs which represent what can be learned from observational data alone, and how these equivalence classes can be refined by adding interventional data.
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我们介绍并研究了分布的邻居晶格分解,这是有条件独立性的紧凑,非图形表示,在没有忠实的图形表示的情况下是有效的。这个想法是将变量的一组社区视为子集晶格,并将此晶格分配到凸sublattices中,每个晶格都直接编码有条件的独立关系集合。我们表明,这种分解存在于任何组成型绘画中,并且可以在高维度中有效且一致地计算出来。 {特别是,这给了一种方法来编码满足组合公理的分布所隐含的所有独立关系,该分布严格比图形方法通常假定的忠实假设弱弱。}我们还讨论了各种特殊案例,例如图形模型和投影晶格,每个晶格都有直观的解释。一路上,我们看到了这个问题与邻域回归密切相关的,该回归已在图形模型和结构方程式的背景下进行了广泛的研究。
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In this paper we prove the so-called "Meek Conjecture". In particular, we show that if a DAG H is an independence map of another DAG G, then there exists a finite sequence of edge additions and covered edge reversals in G such that (1) after each edge modification H remains an independence map of G and ( 2) after all modifications G = H. As shown by Meek (1997), this result has an important consequence for Bayesian approaches to learning Bayesian networks from data: in the limit of large sample size, there exists a twophase greedy search algorithm that-when applied to a particular sparsely-connected search space-provably identifies a perfect map of the generative distribution if that perfect map is a DAG. We provide a new implementation of the search space, using equivalence classes as states, for which all operators used in the greedy search can be scored efficiently using local functions of the nodes in the domain. Finally, using both synthetic and real-world datasets, we demonstrate that the two-phase greedy approach leads to good solutions when learning with finite sample sizes.
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Learning causal structure from observational data often assumes that we observe independent and identically distributed (i.\,i.\,d) data. The traditional approach aims to find a graphical representation that encodes the same set of conditional independence relationships as those present in the observed distribution. It is known that under i.\,i.\,d assumption, even with infinite data, there is a limit to how fine-grained a causal structure we can identify. To overcome this limitation, recent work has explored using data originating from different, related environments to learn richer causal structure. These approaches implicitly rely on the independent causal mechanisms (ICM) principle, which postulates that the mechanism giving rise to an effect given its causes and the mechanism which generates the causes do not inform or influence each other. Thus, components of the causal model can independently change from environment to environment. Despite its wide application in machine learning and causal inference, there is a lack of statistical formalization of the ICM principle and how it enables identification of richer causal structures from grouped data. Here we present new causal de Finetti theorems which offer a first statistical formalization of ICM principle and show how causal structure identification is possible from exchangeable data. Our work provides theoretical justification for a broad range of techniques leveraging multi-environment data to learn causal structure.
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We consider the problem of recovering the causal structure underlying observations from different experimental conditions when the targets of the interventions in each experiment are unknown. We assume a linear structural causal model with additive Gaussian noise and consider interventions that perturb their targets while maintaining the causal relationships in the system. Different models may entail the same distributions, offering competing causal explanations for the given observations. We fully characterize this equivalence class and offer identifiability results, which we use to derive a greedy algorithm called GnIES to recover the equivalence class of the data-generating model without knowledge of the intervention targets. In addition, we develop a novel procedure to generate semi-synthetic data sets with known causal ground truth but distributions closely resembling those of a real data set of choice. We leverage this procedure and evaluate the performance of GnIES on synthetic, real, and semi-synthetic data sets. Despite the strong Gaussian distributional assumption, GnIES is robust to an array of model violations and competitive in recovering the causal structure in small- to large-sample settings. We provide, in the Python packages "gnies" and "sempler", implementations of GnIES and our semi-synthetic data generation procedure.
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Causal disentanglement seeks a representation of data involving latent variables that relate to one another via a causal model. A representation is identifiable if both the latent model and the transformation from latent to observed variables are unique. In this paper, we study observed variables that are a linear transformation of a linear latent causal model. Data from interventions are necessary for identifiability: if one latent variable is missing an intervention, we show that there exist distinct models that cannot be distinguished. Conversely, we show that a single intervention on each latent variable is sufficient for identifiability. Our proof uses a generalization of the RQ decomposition of a matrix that replaces the usual orthogonal and upper triangular conditions with analogues depending on a partial order on the rows of the matrix, with partial order determined by a latent causal model. We corroborate our theoretical results with a method for causal disentanglement that accurately recovers a latent causal model.
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我们考虑从数据学习树结构ising模型的问题,使得使用模型计算的后续预测是准确的。具体而言,我们的目标是学习一个模型,使得小组变量$ S $的后海报$ p(x_i | x_s)$。自推出超过50年以来,有效计算最大似然树的Chow-Liu算法一直是学习树结构图形模型的基准算法。 [BK19]示出了关于以预测的局部总变化损耗的CHOW-LIU算法的样本复杂性的界限。虽然这些结果表明,即使在恢复真正的基础图中也可以学习有用的模型是不可能的,它们的绑定取决于相互作用的最大强度,因此不会达到信息理论的最佳选择。在本文中,我们介绍了一种新的算法,仔细结合了Chow-Liu算法的元素,以便在预测的损失下有效地和最佳地学习树ising模型。我们的算法对模型拼写和对抗损坏具有鲁棒性。相比之下,我们表明庆祝的Chow-Liu算法可以任意次优。
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We focus on causal discovery in the presence of measurement error in linear systems where the mixing matrix, i.e., the matrix indicating the independent exogenous noise terms pertaining to the observed variables, is identified up to permutation and scaling of the columns. We demonstrate a somewhat surprising connection between this problem and causal discovery in the presence of unobserved parentless causes, in the sense that there is a mapping, given by the mixing matrix, between the underlying models to be inferred in these problems. Consequently, any identifiability result based on the mixing matrix for one model translates to an identifiability result for the other model. We characterize to what extent the causal models can be identified under a two-part faithfulness assumption. Under only the first part of the assumption (corresponding to the conventional definition of faithfulness), the structure can be learned up to the causal ordering among an ordered grouping of the variables but not all the edges across the groups can be identified. We further show that if both parts of the faithfulness assumption are imposed, the structure can be learned up to a more refined ordered grouping. As a result of this refinement, for the latent variable model with unobserved parentless causes, the structure can be identified. Based on our theoretical results, we propose causal structure learning methods for both models, and evaluate their performance on synthetic data.
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因果推断的一个共同主题是学习观察到的变量(也称为因果发现)之间的因果关系。考虑到大量候选因果图和搜索空间的组合性质,这通常是一项艰巨的任务。也许出于这个原因,到目前为止,大多数研究都集中在相对较小的因果图上,并具有多达数百个节点。但是,诸如生物学之类的领域的最新进展使生成实验数据集,并进行了数千种干预措施,然后进行了数千个变量的丰富分析,从而增加了机会和迫切需要大量因果图模型。在这里,我们介绍了因子定向无环图(F-DAG)的概念,是将搜索空间限制为非线性低级别因果相互作用模型的一种方法。将这种新颖的结构假设与最近的进步相结合,弥合因果发现与连续优化之间的差距,我们在数千个变量上实现了因果发现。此外,作为统计噪声对此估计程序的影响的模型,我们根据随机图研究了F-DAG骨架的边缘扰动模型,并量化了此类扰动对F-DAG等级的影响。该理论分析表明,一组候选F-DAG比整个DAG空间小得多,因此在很难评估基础骨架的高维度中更统计学上的稳定性。我们提出了因子图(DCD-FG)的可区分因果发现,这是对高维介入数据的F-DAG约束因果发现的可扩展实现。 DCD-FG使用高斯非线性低级结构方程模型,并且在模拟中的最新方法以及最新的大型单细胞RNA测序数据集中,与最新方法相比显示出显着改善遗传干预措施。
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