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动态系统广泛用于科学和工程,以模拟由多个交互组件组成的系统。通常,它们可以在意义上给出因果解释,因为它们不仅模拟了系统组件状态随时间的演变,而且描述了他们的进化如何受到动态的系统的外部干预的影响。我们介绍了结构动态因果模型(SDCMS)的正式框架,其将系统组件的因果语言作为模型的一部分来阐述。 SDCMS表示动态系统作为随机过程的集合,并指定了管理每个组件的动态的基本因果机制,作为任意顺序的随机微分方程的结构化系统。 SDCMS扩展了结构因果模型(SCM)的多功能因果建模框架,也称为结构方程模型(SEM),通过显式允许时间依赖。 SDCM可以被认为是SCM的随机过程版本,其中SCM的静态随机变量由动态随机过程及其衍生物代替。我们为SDCMS理论提供基础,(i)正式定义SDCMS,其解决方案,随机干预和图形表示; (ii)对初始条件的解决方案的存在性和独特性; (iii)随着时间的推移倾向于无穷大,讨论SDCMS平衡的条件下降; (iv)将SDCM的性质与平衡SCM的性质相关联。这封对应关系使人们能够在研究大类随机动力系统的因果语义时利用SCM的大量统计工具和发现方法。该理论用来自不同科学域的几个众所周知的示例进行说明。
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D分隔标准通过某些条件独立性检测到关节概率分布与定向无环图的兼容性。在这项工作中,我们通过引入因果模型的分类定义,D分隔的分类概念,并证明了D-Exaration Criterion的抽象版本,从而在分类概率理论的背景下研究了这个问题。这种方法有两个主要好处。首先,分类D分隔是基于拓扑连接的非常直观的标准。其次,我们的结果适用于度量理论概率(具有标准的鲍尔空间),因此提供了与局部和全球马尔可夫属性等效性具有因果关系兼容性的简洁证明。
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在观察性研究中,经常遇到有关存在或缺乏因果边缘和路径的因果背景知识。由于背景知识而导致的马尔可夫等效dag的子类共享的指向边缘和链接可以由因果关系最大部分定向的无循环图(MPDAG)表示。在本文中,我们首先提供了因果MPDAG的声音和完整的图形表征,并提供了因果MPDAG的最小表示。然后,我们介绍了一种名为Direct Causal子句(DCC)的新颖表示,以统一形式表示所有类型的因果背景知识。使用DCC,我们研究因果背景知识的一致性和等效性,并表明任何因果背景知识集都可以等效地分解为因果MPDAG,以及最小的残留DCC。还提供了多项式时间算法,以检查一致性,等效性并找到分解的MPDAG和残留DCC。最后,有了因果背景知识,我们证明了一个足够且必要的条件来识别因果关系,并且出人意料地发现因果效应的可识别性仅取决于分解的MPDAG。我们还开发了局部IDA型算法,以估计无法识别效应的可能值。模拟表明因果背景知识可以显着提高因果影响的识别性。
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我们提出了普遍因果关系,这是一个基于类别理论的总体框架,该框架定义了基于因果推理的普遍特性,该属性独立于所使用的基本代表性形式主义。更正式的是,普遍的因果模型被定义为由对象和形态组成的类别,它们代表因果影响,以及进行干预措施(实验)和评估其结果(观察)的结构。函子在类别之间的映射和自然变换映射在相同两个类别的一对函子之间。我们框架中的抽象因果图是使用类别理论的通用构造构建的,包括抽象因果图的限制或共限制,或更普遍的KAN扩展。我们提出了普遍因果推断的两个基本结果。第一个结果称为普遍因果定理(UCT),与图的通用性有关,这些结果被视为函数映射对象和关系从抽象因果图的索引类别到一个实际因果模型,其节点由随机变量标记为实际因果模型和边缘代表功能或概率关系。 UCT指出,任何因果推论都可以以规范的方式表示为代表对象的抽象因果图的共同限制。 UCT取决于滑轮理论的基本结果。第二个结果是因果繁殖特性(CRP),指出对象x对另一个对象y的任何因果影响都可以表示为两个抽象因果图之间的自然转化。 CRP来自Yoneda引理,这是类别理论中最深层的结果之一。 CRP属性类似于复制元素希尔伯特空间中的繁殖属性,该元素是机器学习中内核方法的基础。
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常用图是表示和可视化因果关系的。对于少量变量,这种方法提供了简洁和清晰的方案的视图。随着下属的变量数量增加,图形方法可能变得不切实际,并且表示的清晰度丢失。变量的聚类是减少因果图大小的自然方式,但如果任意实施,可能会错误地改变因果关系的基本属性。我们定义了一种特定类型的群集,称为Transit Cluster,保证在某些条件下保留因果效应的可识别性属性。我们提供了一种用于在给定图中查找所有传输群集的声音和完整的算法,并演示集群如何简化因果效应的识别。我们还研究了逆问题,其中一个人以群集的图形开始,寻找扩展图,其中因果效应的可识别性属性保持不变。我们表明这种结构稳健性与过境集群密切相关。
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大多数现代的潜在变量和概率生成模型,例如变异自动编码器(VAE),即使有无限的数据也无法解决,这些模型也无法解决。此类模型的最新应用表明需要强烈可识别的模型,其中观察结果与唯一的潜在代码相对应。在维持灵活性的同时,取得了进展,最著名的是IVAE(Arxiv:1907.04809 [stat.ml]),该模型排除了许多(但不是全部 - 不确定)。我们构建了一个完整的理论框架,用于分析潜在变量模型的不确定性,并根据生成器函数的属性和潜在变量先验分布精确表征它们。为了说明,我们应用框架以更好地了解最近的可识别性结果的结构。然后,我们研究如何指定强烈识别的潜在变量模型,并构建两个这样的模型。一种是对ivae的直接修饰。另一个想法从最佳运输和导致新颖的模型和连接到最近的工作。
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In this review, we discuss approaches for learning causal structure from data, also called causal discovery. In particular, we focus on approaches for learning directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) and various generalizations which allow for some variables to be unobserved in the available data. We devote special attention to two fundamental combinatorial aspects of causal structure learning. First, we discuss the structure of the search space over causal graphs. Second, we discuss the structure of equivalence classes over causal graphs, i.e., sets of graphs which represent what can be learned from observational data alone, and how these equivalence classes can be refined by adding interventional data.
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We study experiment design for unique identification of the causal graph of a system where the graph may contain cycles. The presence of cycles in the structure introduces major challenges for experiment design as, unlike acyclic graphs, learning the skeleton of causal graphs with cycles may not be possible from merely the observational distribution. Furthermore, intervening on a variable in such graphs does not necessarily lead to orienting all the edges incident to it. In this paper, we propose an experiment design approach that can learn both cyclic and acyclic graphs and hence, unifies the task of experiment design for both types of graphs. We provide a lower bound on the number of experiments required to guarantee the unique identification of the causal graph in the worst case, showing that the proposed approach is order-optimal in terms of the number of experiments up to an additive logarithmic term. Moreover, we extend our result to the setting where the size of each experiment is bounded by a constant. For this case, we show that our approach is optimal in terms of the size of the largest experiment required for uniquely identifying the causal graph in the worst case.
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We propose a layered hierarchical architecture called UCLA (Universal Causality Layered Architecture), which combines multiple levels of categorical abstraction for causal inference. At the top-most level, causal interventions are modeled combinatorially using a simplicial category of ordinal numbers. At the second layer, causal models are defined by a graph-type category. The non-random ``surgical" operations on causal structures, such as edge deletion, are captured using degeneracy and face operators from the simplicial layer above. The third categorical abstraction layer corresponds to the data layer in causal inference. The fourth homotopy layer comprises of additional structure imposed on the instance layer above, such as a topological space, which enables evaluating causal models on datasets. Functors map between every pair of layers in UCLA. Each functor between layers is characterized by a universal arrow, which defines an isomorphism between every pair of categorical layers. These universal arrows define universal elements and representations through the Yoneda Lemma, and in turn lead to a new category of elements based on a construction introduced by Grothendieck. Causal inference between each pair of layers is defined as a lifting problem, a commutative diagram whose objects are categories, and whose morphisms are functors that are characterized as different types of fibrations. We illustrate the UCLA architecture using a range of examples, including integer-valued multisets that represent a non-graphical framework for conditional independence, and causal models based on graphs and string diagrams using symmetric monoidal categories. We define causal effect in terms of the homotopy colimit of the nerve of the category of elements.
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Variational autoencoders and Helmholtz machines use a recognition network (encoder) to approximate the posterior distribution of a generative model (decoder). In this paper we study the necessary and sufficient properties of a recognition network so that it can model the true posterior distribution exactly. These results are derived in the general context of probabilistic graphical modelling / Bayesian networks, for which the network represents a set of conditional independence statements. We derive both global conditions, in terms of d-separation, and local conditions for the recognition network to have the desired qualities. It turns out that for the local conditions the property perfectness (for every node, all parents are joined) plays an important role.
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Learning causal structure from observational data often assumes that we observe independent and identically distributed (i.\,i.\,d) data. The traditional approach aims to find a graphical representation that encodes the same set of conditional independence relationships as those present in the observed distribution. It is known that under i.\,i.\,d assumption, even with infinite data, there is a limit to how fine-grained a causal structure we can identify. To overcome this limitation, recent work has explored using data originating from different, related environments to learn richer causal structure. These approaches implicitly rely on the independent causal mechanisms (ICM) principle, which postulates that the mechanism giving rise to an effect given its causes and the mechanism which generates the causes do not inform or influence each other. Thus, components of the causal model can independently change from environment to environment. Despite its wide application in machine learning and causal inference, there is a lack of statistical formalization of the ICM principle and how it enables identification of richer causal structures from grouped data. Here we present new causal de Finetti theorems which offer a first statistical formalization of ICM principle and show how causal structure identification is possible from exchangeable data. Our work provides theoretical justification for a broad range of techniques leveraging multi-environment data to learn causal structure.
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本文介绍了在结构因果模型(SCM)的一般空间上定义的一系列拓扑结构,介绍了因果推断的拓扑学习 - 理论观点。作为框架的说明,我们证明了拓扑因果层次结构定理,表明只有在微薄的SCM集中就可以实现了无实体的假设因果推断。由于弱拓扑结构和统计上可验证假设的开放集之间的已知对应关系,我们的结果表明,原则上的归纳假设足以许可有效的因果推论是统计上无可核实的。类似于无午餐定理的统计推断,目前的结果阐明了因果推断的实质性假设的必然性。我们拓扑方法的额外好处是它很容易容纳具有无限变量的SCM。我们终于建议该框架对探索和评估替代因果归纳的积极项目有所帮助。
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有条件的独立性已被广泛用于AI,因果推理,机器学习和统计数据。我们介绍分类生物,这是一种代数结构,用于表征条件独立性的普遍特性。分类物被定义为两个类别的混合体:一个编码由对象和箭头定义的预订的晶格结构;第二个二个参数化涉及定义​​条件独立性结构的三角体对象和形态,桥梁形态提供了二进制和三元结构之间的接口。我们使用公理集的三个众所周知的示例来说明分类生物:绘画,整数价值多组和分离型。 FOUNDOROIDS将一个分类型映射到另一个分类,从而保留了由共同域中所有三种类型的箭头定义的关系。我们描述了跨官能素的自然转化,该函数是跨常规物体和三角形对象的自然变化,以构建条件独立性的通用表示。我们使用分类器之间的辅助和单核,以抽象地表征条件独立性的图形和非图形表示的忠诚。
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Linear structural causal models (SCMs)-- in which each observed variable is generated by a subset of the other observed variables as well as a subset of the exogenous sources-- are pervasive in causal inference and casual discovery. However, for the task of causal discovery, existing work almost exclusively focus on the submodel where each observed variable is associated with a distinct source with non-zero variance. This results in the restriction that no observed variable can deterministically depend on other observed variables or latent confounders. In this paper, we extend the results on structure learning by focusing on a subclass of linear SCMs which do not have this property, i.e., models in which observed variables can be causally affected by any subset of the sources, and are allowed to be a deterministic function of other observed variables or latent confounders. This allows for a more realistic modeling of influence or information propagation in systems. We focus on the task of causal discovery form observational data generated from a member of this subclass. We derive a set of necessary and sufficient conditions for unique identifiability of the causal structure. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that gives identifiability results for causal discovery under both latent confounding and deterministic relationships. Further, we propose an algorithm for recovering the underlying causal structure when the aforementioned conditions are satisfied. We validate our theoretical results both on synthetic and real datasets.
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