Model-based attacks can infer training data information from deep neural network models. These attacks heavily depend on the attacker's knowledge of the application domain, e.g., using it to determine the auxiliary data for model-inversion attacks. However, attackers may not know what the model is used for in practice. We propose a generative adversarial network (GAN) based method to explore likely or similar domains of a target model -- the model domain inference (MDI) attack. For a given target (classification) model, we assume that the attacker knows nothing but the input and output formats and can use the model to derive the prediction for any input in the desired form. Our basic idea is to use the target model to affect a GAN training process for a candidate domain's dataset that is easy to obtain. We find that the target model may distract the training procedure less if the domain is more similar to the target domain. We then measure the distraction level with the distance between GAN-generated datasets, which can be used to rank candidate domains for the target model. Our experiments show that the auxiliary dataset from an MDI top-ranked domain can effectively boost the result of model-inversion attacks.
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Large training data and expensive model tweaking are standard features of deep learning for images. As a result, data owners often utilize cloud resources to develop large-scale complex models, which raises privacy concerns. Existing solutions are either too expensive to be practical or do not sufficiently protect the confidentiality of data and models. In this paper, we study and compare novel \emph{image disguising} mechanisms, DisguisedNets and InstaHide, aiming to achieve a better trade-off among the level of protection for outsourced DNN model training, the expenses, and the utility of data. DisguisedNets are novel combinations of image blocktization, block-level random permutation, and two block-level secure transformations: random multidimensional projection (RMT) and AES pixel-level encryption (AES). InstaHide is an image mixup and random pixel flipping technique \cite{huang20}. We have analyzed and evaluated them under a multi-level threat model. RMT provides a better security guarantee than InstaHide, under the Level-1 adversarial knowledge with well-preserved model quality. In contrast, AES provides a security guarantee under the Level-2 adversarial knowledge, but it may affect model quality more. The unique features of image disguising also help us to protect models from model-targeted attacks. We have done an extensive experimental evaluation to understand how these methods work in different settings for different datasets.
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机器学习(ML)模型已广泛应用于各种应用,包括图像分类,文本生成,音频识别和图形数据分析。然而,最近的研究表明,ML模型容易受到隶属推导攻击(MIS),其目的是推断数据记录是否用于训练目标模型。 ML模型上的MIA可以直接导致隐私违规行为。例如,通过确定已经用于训练与某种疾病相关的模型的临床记录,攻击者可以推断临床记录的所有者具有很大的机会。近年来,MIS已被证明对各种ML模型有效,例如,分类模型和生成模型。同时,已经提出了许多防御方法来减轻米西亚。虽然ML模型上的MIAS形成了一个新的新兴和快速增长的研究区,但还没有对这一主题进行系统的调查。在本文中,我们对会员推论和防御进行了第一个全面调查。我们根据其特征提供攻击和防御的分类管理,并讨论其优点和缺点。根据本次调查中确定的限制和差距,我们指出了几个未来的未来研究方向,以激发希望遵循该地区的研究人员。这项调查不仅是研究社区的参考,而且还为该研究领域之外的研究人员带来了清晰的照片。为了进一步促进研究人员,我们创建了一个在线资源存储库,并与未来的相关作品继续更新。感兴趣的读者可以在找到存储库。
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Neural networks are susceptible to data inference attacks such as the membership inference attack, the adversarial model inversion attack and the attribute inference attack, where the attacker could infer useful information such as the membership, the reconstruction or the sensitive attributes of a data sample from the confidence scores predicted by the target classifier. In this paper, we propose a method, namely PURIFIER, to defend against membership inference attacks. It transforms the confidence score vectors predicted by the target classifier and makes purified confidence scores indistinguishable in individual shape, statistical distribution and prediction label between members and non-members. The experimental results show that PURIFIER helps defend membership inference attacks with high effectiveness and efficiency, outperforming previous defense methods, and also incurs negligible utility loss. Besides, our further experiments show that PURIFIER is also effective in defending adversarial model inversion attacks and attribute inference attacks. For example, the inversion error is raised about 4+ times on the Facescrub530 classifier, and the attribute inference accuracy drops significantly when PURIFIER is deployed in our experiment.
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身份验证系统容易受到模型反演攻击的影响,在这种攻击中,对手能够近似目标机器学习模型的倒数。生物识别模型是这种攻击的主要候选者。这是因为反相生物特征模型允许攻击者产生逼真的生物识别输入,以使生物识别认证系统欺骗。进行成功模型反转攻击的主要限制之一是所需的训练数据量。在这项工作中,我们专注于虹膜和面部生物识别系统,并提出了一种新技术,可大大减少必要的训练数据量。通过利用多个模型的输出,我们能够使用1/10进行模型反演攻击,以艾哈迈德和富勒(IJCB 2020)的训练集大小(IJCB 2020)进行虹膜数据,而Mai等人的训练集大小为1/1000。 (模式分析和机器智能2019)的面部数据。我们将新的攻击技术表示为结构性随机,并损失对齐。我们的攻击是黑框,不需要了解目标神经网络的权重,只需要输出向量的维度和值。为了显示对齐损失的多功能性,我们将攻击框架应用于会员推理的任务(Shokri等,IEEE S&P 2017),对生物识别数据。对于IRIS,针对分类网络的会员推断攻击从52%提高到62%的准确性。
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We quantitatively investigate how machine learning models leak information about the individual data records on which they were trained. We focus on the basic membership inference attack: given a data record and black-box access to a model, determine if the record was in the model's training dataset. To perform membership inference against a target model, we make adversarial use of machine learning and train our own inference model to recognize differences in the target model's predictions on the inputs that it trained on versus the inputs that it did not train on.We empirically evaluate our inference techniques on classification models trained by commercial "machine learning as a service" providers such as Google and Amazon. Using realistic datasets and classification tasks, including a hospital discharge dataset whose membership is sensitive from the privacy perspective, we show that these models can be vulnerable to membership inference attacks. We then investigate the factors that influence this leakage and evaluate mitigation strategies.
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Machine learning (ML) has become a core component of many real-world applications and training data is a key factor that drives current progress. This huge success has led Internet companies to deploy machine learning as a service (MLaaS). Recently, the first membership inference attack has shown that extraction of information on the training set is possible in such MLaaS settings, which has severe security and privacy implications.However, the early demonstrations of the feasibility of such attacks have many assumptions on the adversary, such as using multiple so-called shadow models, knowledge of the target model structure, and having a dataset from the same distribution as the target model's training data. We relax all these key assumptions, thereby showing that such attacks are very broadly applicable at low cost and thereby pose a more severe risk than previously thought. We present the most comprehensive study so far on this emerging and developing threat using eight diverse datasets which show the viability of the proposed attacks across domains.In addition, we propose the first effective defense mechanisms against such broader class of membership inference attacks that maintain a high level of utility of the ML model.
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Deep Learning has recently become hugely popular in machine learning for its ability to solve end-to-end learning systems, in which the features and the classifiers are learned simultaneously, providing significant improvements in classification accuracy in the presence of highly-structured and large databases.Its success is due to a combination of recent algorithmic breakthroughs, increasingly powerful computers, and access to significant amounts of data.Researchers have also considered privacy implications of deep learning. Models are typically trained in a centralized manner with all the data being processed by the same training algorithm. If the data is a collection of users' private data, including habits, personal pictures, geographical positions, interests, and more, the centralized server will have access to sensitive information that could potentially be mishandled. To tackle this problem, collaborative deep learning models have recently been proposed where parties locally train their deep learning structures and only share a subset of the parameters in the attempt to keep their respective training sets private. Parameters can also be obfuscated via differential privacy (DP) to make information extraction even more challenging, as proposed by Shokri and Shmatikov at CCS'15.Unfortunately, we show that any privacy-preserving collaborative deep learning is susceptible to a powerful attack that we devise in this paper. In particular, we show that a distributed, federated, or decentralized deep learning approach is fundamentally broken and does not protect the training sets of honest participants. The attack we developed exploits the real-time nature of the learning process that allows the adversary to train a Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) that generates prototypical samples of the targeted training set that was meant to be private (the samples generated by the GAN are intended to come from the same distribution as the training data). Interestingly, we show that record-level differential privacy applied to the shared parameters of the model, as suggested in previous work, is ineffective (i.e., record-level DP is not designed to address our attack).
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机器学习模型容易记住敏感数据,使它们容易受到会员推理攻击的攻击,其中对手的目的是推断是否使用输入样本来训练模型。在过去的几年中,研究人员产生了许多会员推理攻击和防御。但是,这些攻击和防御采用各种策略,并在不同的模型和数据集中进行。但是,缺乏全面的基准意味着我们不了解现有攻击和防御的优势和劣势。我们通过对不同的会员推理攻击和防御措施进行大规模测量来填补这一空白。我们通过研究九项攻击和六项防御措施来系统化成员的推断,并在整体评估中衡量不同攻击和防御的性能。然后,我们量化威胁模型对这些攻击结果的影响。我们发现,威胁模型的某些假设,例如相同架构和阴影和目标模型之间的相同分布是不必要的。我们也是第一个对从Internet收集的现实世界数据而不是实验室数据集进行攻击的人。我们进一步研究是什么决定了会员推理攻击的表现,并揭示了通常认为过度拟合水平不足以成功攻击。取而代之的是,成员和非成员样本之间的熵/横向熵的詹森 - 香农距离与攻击性能的相关性更好。这为我们提供了一种新的方法,可以在不进行攻击的情况下准确预测会员推理风险。最后,我们发现数据增强在更大程度上降低了现有攻击的性能,我们提出了使用增强作用的自适应攻击来训练阴影和攻击模型,以改善攻击性能。
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窃取对受控信息的攻击,以及越来越多的信息泄漏事件,已成为近年来新兴网络安全威胁。由于蓬勃发展和部署先进的分析解决方案,新颖的窃取攻击利用机器学习(ML)算法来实现高成功率并导致大量损坏。检测和捍卫这种攻击是挑战性和紧迫的,因此政府,组织和个人应该非常重视基于ML的窃取攻击。本调查显示了这种新型攻击和相应对策的最新进展。以三类目标受控信息的视角审查了基于ML的窃取攻击,包括受控用户活动,受控ML模型相关信息和受控认证信息。最近的出版物总结了概括了总体攻击方法,并导出了基于ML的窃取攻击的限制和未来方向。此外,提出了从三个方面制定有效保护的对策 - 检测,破坏和隔离。
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Differential privacy is a strong notion for privacy that can be used to prove formal guarantees, in terms of a privacy budget, , about how much information is leaked by a mechanism. However, implementations of privacy-preserving machine learning often select large values of in order to get acceptable utility of the model, with little understanding of the impact of such choices on meaningful privacy. Moreover, in scenarios where iterative learning procedures are used, differential privacy variants that offer tighter analyses are used which appear to reduce the needed privacy budget but present poorly understood trade-offs between privacy and utility. In this paper, we quantify the impact of these choices on privacy in experiments with logistic regression and neural network models. Our main finding is that there is a huge gap between the upper bounds on privacy loss that can be guaranteed, even with advanced mechanisms, and the effective privacy loss that can be measured using current inference attacks. Current mechanisms for differentially private machine learning rarely offer acceptable utility-privacy trade-offs with guarantees for complex learning tasks: settings that provide limited accuracy loss provide meaningless privacy guarantees, and settings that provide strong privacy guarantees result in useless models.
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