We quantitatively investigate how machine learning models leak information about the individual data records on which they were trained. We focus on the basic membership inference attack: given a data record and black-box access to a model, determine if the record was in the model's training dataset. To perform membership inference against a target model, we make adversarial use of machine learning and train our own inference model to recognize differences in the target model's predictions on the inputs that it trained on versus the inputs that it did not train on.We empirically evaluate our inference techniques on classification models trained by commercial "machine learning as a service" providers such as Google and Amazon. Using realistic datasets and classification tasks, including a hospital discharge dataset whose membership is sensitive from the privacy perspective, we show that these models can be vulnerable to membership inference attacks. We then investigate the factors that influence this leakage and evaluate mitigation strategies.
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Machine learning (ML) has become a core component of many real-world applications and training data is a key factor that drives current progress. This huge success has led Internet companies to deploy machine learning as a service (MLaaS). Recently, the first membership inference attack has shown that extraction of information on the training set is possible in such MLaaS settings, which has severe security and privacy implications.However, the early demonstrations of the feasibility of such attacks have many assumptions on the adversary, such as using multiple so-called shadow models, knowledge of the target model structure, and having a dataset from the same distribution as the target model's training data. We relax all these key assumptions, thereby showing that such attacks are very broadly applicable at low cost and thereby pose a more severe risk than previously thought. We present the most comprehensive study so far on this emerging and developing threat using eight diverse datasets which show the viability of the proposed attacks across domains.In addition, we propose the first effective defense mechanisms against such broader class of membership inference attacks that maintain a high level of utility of the ML model.
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Deep neural networks are susceptible to various inference attacks as they remember information about their training data. We design white-box inference attacks to perform a comprehensive privacy analysis of deep learning models. We measure the privacy leakage through parameters of fully trained models as well as the parameter updates of models during training. We design inference algorithms for both centralized and federated learning, with respect to passive and active inference attackers, and assuming different adversary prior knowledge.We evaluate our novel white-box membership inference attacks against deep learning algorithms to trace their training data records. We show that a straightforward extension of the known black-box attacks to the white-box setting (through analyzing the outputs of activation functions) is ineffective. We therefore design new algorithms tailored to the white-box setting by exploiting the privacy vulnerabilities of the stochastic gradient descent algorithm, which is the algorithm used to train deep neural networks. We investigate the reasons why deep learning models may leak information about their training data. We then show that even well-generalized models are significantly susceptible to white-box membership inference attacks, by analyzing stateof-the-art pre-trained and publicly available models for the CIFAR dataset. We also show how adversarial participants, in the federated learning setting, can successfully run active membership inference attacks against other participants, even when the global model achieves high prediction accuracies.
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Machine learning models leak information about the datasets on which they are trained. An adversary can build an algorithm to trace the individual members of a model's training dataset. As a fundamental inference attack, he aims to distinguish between data points that were part of the model's training set and any other data points from the same distribution. This is known as the tracing (and also membership inference) attack. In this paper, we focus on such attacks against black-box models, where the adversary can only observe the output of the model, but not its parameters. This is the current setting of machine learning as a service in the Internet.We introduce a privacy mechanism to train machine learning models that provably achieve membership privacy: the model's predictions on its training data are indistinguishable from its predictions on other data points from the same distribution. We design a strategic mechanism where the privacy mechanism anticipates the membership inference attacks. The objective is to train a model such that not only does it have the minimum prediction error (high utility), but also it is the most robust model against its corresponding strongest inference attack (high privacy). We formalize this as a min-max game optimization problem, and design an adversarial training algorithm that minimizes the classification loss of the model as well as the maximum gain of the membership inference attack against it. This strategy, which guarantees membership privacy (as prediction indistinguishability), acts also as a strong regularizer and significantly generalizes the model.We evaluate our privacy mechanism on deep neural networks using different benchmark datasets. We show that our min-max strategy can mitigate the risk of membership inference attacks (close to the random guess) with a negligible cost in terms of the classification error.
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机器学习(ML)模型已广泛应用于各种应用,包括图像分类,文本生成,音频识别和图形数据分析。然而,最近的研究表明,ML模型容易受到隶属推导攻击(MIS),其目的是推断数据记录是否用于训练目标模型。 ML模型上的MIA可以直接导致隐私违规行为。例如,通过确定已经用于训练与某种疾病相关的模型的临床记录,攻击者可以推断临床记录的所有者具有很大的机会。近年来,MIS已被证明对各种ML模型有效,例如,分类模型和生成模型。同时,已经提出了许多防御方法来减轻米西亚。虽然ML模型上的MIAS形成了一个新的新兴和快速增长的研究区,但还没有对这一主题进行系统的调查。在本文中,我们对会员推论和防御进行了第一个全面调查。我们根据其特征提供攻击和防御的分类管理,并讨论其优点和缺点。根据本次调查中确定的限制和差距,我们指出了几个未来的未来研究方向,以激发希望遵循该地区的研究人员。这项调查不仅是研究社区的参考,而且还为该研究领域之外的研究人员带来了清晰的照片。为了进一步促进研究人员,我们创建了一个在线资源存储库,并与未来的相关作品继续更新。感兴趣的读者可以在https://github.com/hongshenghu/membership-inference-machine-learning-literature找到存储库。
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Differential privacy is a strong notion for privacy that can be used to prove formal guarantees, in terms of a privacy budget, , about how much information is leaked by a mechanism. However, implementations of privacy-preserving machine learning often select large values of in order to get acceptable utility of the model, with little understanding of the impact of such choices on meaningful privacy. Moreover, in scenarios where iterative learning procedures are used, differential privacy variants that offer tighter analyses are used which appear to reduce the needed privacy budget but present poorly understood trade-offs between privacy and utility. In this paper, we quantify the impact of these choices on privacy in experiments with logistic regression and neural network models. Our main finding is that there is a huge gap between the upper bounds on privacy loss that can be guaranteed, even with advanced mechanisms, and the effective privacy loss that can be measured using current inference attacks. Current mechanisms for differentially private machine learning rarely offer acceptable utility-privacy trade-offs with guarantees for complex learning tasks: settings that provide limited accuracy loss provide meaningless privacy guarantees, and settings that provide strong privacy guarantees result in useless models.
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窃取对受控信息的攻击,以及越来越多的信息泄漏事件,已成为近年来新兴网络安全威胁。由于蓬勃发展和部署先进的分析解决方案,新颖的窃取攻击利用机器学习(ML)算法来实现高成功率并导致大量损坏。检测和捍卫这种攻击是挑战性和紧迫的,因此政府,组织和个人应该非常重视基于ML的窃取攻击。本调查显示了这种新型攻击和相应对策的最新进展。以三类目标受控信息的视角审查了基于ML的窃取攻击,包括受控用户活动,受控ML模型相关信息和受控认证信息。最近的出版物总结了概括了总体攻击方法,并导出了基于ML的窃取攻击的限制和未来方向。此外,提出了从三个方面制定有效保护的对策 - 检测,破坏和隔离。
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Collaborative machine learning and related techniques such as federated learning allow multiple participants, each with his own training dataset, to build a joint model by training locally and periodically exchanging model updates. We demonstrate that these updates leak unintended information about participants' training data and develop passive and active inference attacks to exploit this leakage. First, we show that an adversarial participant can infer the presence of exact data points-for example, specific locations-in others' training data (i.e., membership inference). Then, we show how this adversary can infer properties that hold only for a subset of the training data and are independent of the properties that the joint model aims to capture. For example, he can infer when a specific person first appears in the photos used to train a binary gender classifier. We evaluate our attacks on a variety of tasks, datasets, and learning configurations, analyze their limitations, and discuss possible defenses.
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Machine learning (ML) models may be deemed confidential due to their sensitive training data, commercial value, or use in security applications. Increasingly often, confidential ML models are being deployed with publicly accessible query interfaces. ML-as-a-service ("predictive analytics") systems are an example: Some allow users to train models on potentially sensitive data and charge others for access on a pay-per-query basis.The tension between model confidentiality and public access motivates our investigation of model extraction attacks. In such attacks, an adversary with black-box access, but no prior knowledge of an ML model's parameters or training data, aims to duplicate the functionality of (i.e., "steal") the model. Unlike in classical learning theory settings, ML-as-a-service offerings may accept partial feature vectors as inputs and include confidence values with predictions. Given these practices, we show simple, efficient attacks that extract target ML models with near-perfect fidelity for popular model classes including logistic regression, neural networks, and decision trees. We demonstrate these attacks against the online services of BigML and Amazon Machine Learning. We further show that the natural countermeasure of omitting confidence values from model outputs still admits potentially harmful model extraction attacks. Our results highlight the need for careful ML model deployment and new model extraction countermeasures.
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Machine learning algorithms, when applied to sensitive data, pose a distinct threat to privacy. A growing body of prior work demonstrates that models produced by these algorithms may leak specific private information in the training data to an attacker, either through the models' structure or their observable behavior. However, the underlying cause of this privacy risk is not well understood beyond a handful of anecdotal accounts that suggest overfitting and influence might play a role.This paper examines the effect that overfitting and influence have on the ability of an attacker to learn information about the training data from machine learning models, either through training set membership inference or attribute inference attacks. Using both formal and empirical analyses, we illustrate a clear relationship between these factors and the privacy risk that arises in several popular machine learning algorithms. We find that overfitting is sufficient to allow an attacker to perform membership inference and, when the target attribute meets certain conditions about its influence, attribute inference attacks. Interestingly, our formal analysis also shows that overfitting is not necessary for these attacks and begins to shed light on what other factors may be in play. Finally, we explore the connection between membership inference and attribute inference, showing that there are deep connections between the two that lead to effective new attacks.
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属性推理攻击使对手可以从机器学习模型中提取培训数据集的全局属性。此类攻击对共享数据集来培训机器学习模型的数据所有者具有隐私影响。已经提出了几种针对深神经网络的财产推理攻击的现有方法,但它们都依靠攻击者训练大量的影子模型,这会导致大型计算开销。在本文中,我们考虑了攻击者可以毒化训练数据集的子集并查询训练有素的目标模型的属性推理攻击的设置。通过我们对中毒下模型信心的理论分析的激励,我们设计了有效的财产推理攻击,SNAP,该攻击获得了更高的攻击成功,并且需要比Mahloujifar Et的基于最先进的中毒的财产推理攻击更高的中毒量。 al。例如,在人口普查数据集上,SNAP的成功率比Mahloujifar等人高34%。同时更快56.5倍。我们还扩展了攻击,以确定在培训中是否根本存在某个财产,并有效地估算了利息财产的确切比例。我们评估了对四个数据集各种比例的多种属性的攻击,并证明了Snap的一般性和有效性。
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用于训练机器学习(ML)模型的数据可能是敏感的。成员推理攻击(MIS),试图确定特定数据记录是否用于培训ML模型,违反会员隐私。 ML模型建设者需要一个原则的定义,使他们能够有效地定量(a)单独培训数据记录,(b)的隐私风险,有效地。未在会员资格危险风险指标上均未达到所有这些标准。我们提出了这种公制,SHAPR,它通过抑制其对模型的实用程序的影响来量化朔芙值以量化模型的记忆。这个记忆是衡量成功MIA的可能性的衡量标准。使用十个基准数据集,我们显示ShapR是有效的(精确度:0.94 $ \ PM 0.06 $,回忆:0.88 $ \ PM 0.06 $)在估算MIAS的培训数据记录的易感性时,高效(可在几分钟内计算,较小数据集和最大数据集的约〜90分钟)。 ShapR也是多功能的,因为它可以用于评估数据集的子集的公平或分配估值的其他目的。例如,我们显示Shapr正确地捕获不同子组的不成比例漏洞到MIS。使用SHAPR,我们表明,通过去除高风险训练数据记录,不一定改善数据集的成员隐私风险,从而确认在显着扩展的设置中从事工作(在十个数据集中,最多可删除50%的数据)的观察。
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A distribution inference attack aims to infer statistical properties of data used to train machine learning models. These attacks are sometimes surprisingly potent, but the factors that impact distribution inference risk are not well understood and demonstrated attacks often rely on strong and unrealistic assumptions such as full knowledge of training environments even in supposedly black-box threat scenarios. To improve understanding of distribution inference risks, we develop a new black-box attack that even outperforms the best known white-box attack in most settings. Using this new attack, we evaluate distribution inference risk while relaxing a variety of assumptions about the adversary's knowledge under black-box access, like known model architectures and label-only access. Finally, we evaluate the effectiveness of previously proposed defenses and introduce new defenses. We find that although noise-based defenses appear to be ineffective, a simple re-sampling defense can be highly effective. Code is available at https://github.com/iamgroot42/dissecting_distribution_inference
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