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在CERN大强子撞机(LHC)的碰撞中的带电粒子轨迹的测定是一个重要但挑战性的问题,特别是在LHC(HL-LHC)的未来高亮度相期间的高相互作用密度条件下。图形神经网络(GNNS)是一种类型的几何深度学习算法,通过将跟踪器数据嵌入作为图形节点来成功应用于此任务的几何深度学习算法,而边缘表示可能的曲线段 - 并将边缘分类为真实或假轨道段。但是,由于其大量的计算成本,它们在基于硬件或软件的触发器应用中的研究受到限制。在本文中,我们介绍了一个自动翻译工作流程,集成到一个名为$ \ texttt {hls4ml} $的更广泛的工具中,用于将GNN转换为现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的固件。我们使用此翻译工具实现用于带电粒子跟踪的GNN,使用TrackML挑战DataSet在FPGA上培训,其中设计针对不同的图表大小,任务复杂和延迟/吞吐量要求。该工作可以在HL-LHC实验的触发水平下纳入带电粒子跟踪GNN。
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在这项工作中,我们提出了一种神经方法,用于重建描述层次相互作用的生根树图,使用新颖的表示,我们将其称为最低的共同祖先世代(LCAG)矩阵。这种紧凑的配方等效于邻接矩阵,但是如果直接使用邻接矩阵,则可以单独从叶子中学习树的结构,而无需先前的假设。因此,采用LCAG启用了第一个端到端的可训练解决方案,该解决方案仅使用末端树叶直接学习不同树大小的层次结构。在高能量粒子物理学的情况下,粒子衰减形成了分层树结构,只能通过实验观察到最终产物,并且可能的树的大型组合空间使分析溶液变得很棘手。我们证明了LCAG用作使用变压器编码器和神经关系编码器编码器图神经网络的模拟粒子物理衰减结构的任务。采用这种方法,我们能够正确预测LCAG纯粹是从叶子特征中的LCAG,最大树深度为$ 8 $ in $ 92.5 \%\%的树木箱子,最高$ 6 $叶子(包括)和$ 59.7 \%\%\%\%的树木$在我们的模拟数据集中$ 10 $。
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我们介绍了一种从电磁(EM)采样量热计收集的数据重建多个淋浴的第一算法。这种探测器广泛用于高能量物理中,以测量进入粒子的能量和运动学。在这项工作中,我们考虑许多电子通过乳液云室(ECC)砖的情况,启动电子诱导的电磁淋浴,这可以是长曝光时间或大输入粒子通量的情况。例如,船舶实验计划使用乳液检测器进行暗物质搜索和中微子物理调查。船舶实验的预期完整通量约为10 ^ 20颗粒。为了降低与替换ECC砖和离线数据的实验的成本(乳液扫描),决定增加暴露时间。因此,我们希望观察大量重叠阵雨,将EM淋浴重建变为挑战的点云分割问题。我们的重建管线包括图形神经网络,其预测邻接矩阵和聚类算法。我们提出了一种新的层型(乳液CONV),其考虑了ECC砖中淋浴开发的几何特性。对于重叠阵雨的聚类,我们使用修改后的基于分层密度的聚类算法。我们的方法不使用有关进入粒子的任何先前信息,并识别乳液检测器中的高达87%的电磁淋浴。用于重建电磁淋浴的算法的主要测试台将是SND @ LHC。
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Recently methods of graph neural networks (GNNs) have been applied to solving the problems in high energy physics (HEP) and have shown its great potential for quark-gluon tagging with graph representation of jet events. In this paper, we introduce an approach of GNNs combined with a HaarPooling operation to analyze the events, called HaarPooling Message Passing neural network (HMPNet). In HMPNet, HaarPooling not only extract the features of graph, but also embed additional information obtained by clustering of k-means of different particle observables. We construct Haarpooling from three different observables: absolute energy $\log E$, transverse momentum $\log p_T$ , and relative coordinates $(\Delta\eta,\Delta\phi)$, then discuss their impacts on the tagging and compare the results with those obtained via MPNN and ParticleNet (PN). The results show that an appropriate selection of information for HaarPooling enhance the accuracy of quark-gluon tagging, for adding extra information of $\log P_T$ to the HMPNet outperforms all the others, meanwhile adding relative coordinates information $(\Delta\eta,\Delta\phi)$ is not very beneficial.
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The abundance of data has given machine learning considerable momentum in natural sciences and engineering, though modeling of physical processes is often difficult. A particularly tough problem is the efficient representation of geometric boundaries. Triangularized geometric boundaries are well understood and ubiquitous in engineering applications. However, it is notoriously difficult to integrate them into machine learning approaches due to their heterogeneity with respect to size and orientation. In this work, we introduce an effective theory to model particle-boundary interactions, which leads to our new Boundary Graph Neural Networks (BGNNs) that dynamically modify graph structures to obey boundary conditions. The new BGNNs are tested on complex 3D granular flow processes of hoppers, rotating drums and mixers, which are all standard components of modern industrial machinery but still have complicated geometry. BGNNs are evaluated in terms of computational efficiency as well as prediction accuracy of particle flows and mixing entropies. BGNNs are able to accurately reproduce 3D granular flows within simulation uncertainties over hundreds of thousands of simulation timesteps. Most notably, in our experiments, particles stay within the geometric objects without using handcrafted conditions or restrictions.
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In this article, we use artificial intelligence algorithms to show how to enhance the resolution of the elementary particle track fitting in inhomogeneous dense detectors, such as plastic scintillators. We use deep learning to replace more traditional Bayesian filtering methods, drastically improving the reconstruction of the interacting particle kinematics. We show that a specific form of neural network, inherited from the field of natural language processing, is very close to the concept of a Bayesian filter that adopts a hyper-informative prior. Such a paradigm change can influence the design of future particle physics experiments and their data exploitation.
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ICECUBE是一种用于检测1 GEV和1 PEV之间大气和天体中微子的光学传感器的立方公斤阵列,该阵列已部署1.45 km至2.45 km的南极的冰盖表面以下1.45 km至2.45 km。来自ICE探测器的事件的分类和重建在ICeCube数据分析中起着核心作用。重建和分类事件是一个挑战,这是由于探测器的几何形状,不均匀的散射和冰中光的吸收,并且低于100 GEV的光,每个事件产生的信号光子数量相对较少。为了应对这一挑战,可以将ICECUBE事件表示为点云图形,并将图形神经网络(GNN)作为分类和重建方法。 GNN能够将中微子事件与宇宙射线背景区分开,对不同的中微子事件类型进行分类,并重建沉积的能量,方向和相互作用顶点。基于仿真,我们提供了1-100 GEV能量范围的比较与当前ICECUBE分析中使用的当前最新最大似然技术,包括已知系统不确定性的影响。对于中微子事件分类,与当前的IceCube方法相比,GNN以固定的假阳性速率(FPR)提高了信号效率的18%。另外,GNN在固定信号效率下将FPR的降低超过8(低于半百分比)。对于能源,方向和相互作用顶点的重建,与当前最大似然技术相比,分辨率平均提高了13%-20%。当在GPU上运行时,GNN能够以几乎是2.7 kHz的中位数ICECUBE触发速率的速率处理ICECUBE事件,这打开了在在线搜索瞬态事件中使用低能量中微子的可能性。
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这项工作提出了专门针对粒子探测器的低潜伏期图神经网络(GNN)设计的新型可重构体系结构。加速粒子探测器的GNN是具有挑战性的,因为它需要次微秒延迟才能在CERN大型强子撞机实验的级别1触发器中部署网络以进行在线事件选择。本文提出了一种自定义代码转换,并在基于互动网络的GNN中使用完全连接的图表中的矩阵乘法操作降低了强度,从而避免了昂贵的乘法。它利用了稀疏模式以及二进制邻接矩阵,并避免了不规则的内存访问,从而降低了延迟和硬件效率的提高。此外,我们引入了一种基于外部产品的基质乘法方法,该方法通过降低潜伏期设计的强度降低来增强。此外,引入了融合步骤,以进一步降低设计延迟。此外,提出了GNN特异性算法 - 硬件共同设计方法,该方法不仅找到了具有更好延迟的设计,而且在给定的延迟约束下发现了高精度的设计。最后,已经设计和开源了此低延迟GNN硬件体系结构的可自定义模板,该模板可以使用高级合成工具来生成低延迟的FPGA设计,并有效地利用资源。评估结果表明,我们的FPGA实施速度高24倍,并且消耗的功率比GPU实施少45倍。与我们以前的FPGA实施相比,这项工作的延迟降低了6.51至16.7倍。此外,我们的FPGA设计的延迟足以使GNN在亚微秒,实时撞机触发器系统中部署,从而使其能够从提高的精度中受益。
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Interacting systems are prevalent in nature, from dynamical systems in physics to complex societal dynamics. The interplay of components can give rise to complex behavior, which can often be explained using a simple model of the system's constituent parts. In this work, we introduce the neural relational inference (NRI) model: an unsupervised model that learns to infer interactions while simultaneously learning the dynamics purely from observational data. Our model takes the form of a variational auto-encoder, in which the latent code represents the underlying interaction graph and the reconstruction is based on graph neural networks. In experiments on simulated physical systems, we show that our NRI model can accurately recover ground-truth interactions in an unsupervised manner. We further demonstrate that we can find an interpretable structure and predict complex dynamics in real motion capture and sports tracking data.
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神经形态的愿景是一种生物启发技术,它已经引发了计算机视觉界的范式转变,并作为众多应用的关键推动器。该技术提供了显着的优势,包括降低功耗,降低处理需求和通信加速。然而,神经形态摄像机患有大量的测量噪声。这种噪声恶化了基于神经形态事件的感知和导航算法的性能。在本文中,我们提出了一种新的噪声过滤算法来消除不代表观察场景中的实际记录强度变化的事件。我们采用图形神经网络(GNN) - 驱动的变压器算法,称为GNN变换器,将原始流中的每个活动事件像素分类为实木强度变化或噪声。在GNN中,传递一个名为EventConv的消息传递框架,以反映事件之间的时空相关性,同时保留它们的异步性质。我们还介绍了在各种照明条件下生成事件流的近似地面真理标签(KogT1)方法。 Kogtl用于生成标记的数据集,从记录在充满挑战的照明条件下进行的实验。这些数据集用于培训和广泛测试我们所提出的算法。在取消检测的数据集上测试时,所提出的算法在过滤精度方面优于现有方法12%。还对公共数据集进行了额外的测试,以展示在存在照明变化和不同运动动态的情况下所提出的算法的泛化能力。与现有解决方案相比,定性结果验证了所提出的算法的卓越能力,以消除噪音,同时保留有意义的场景事件。
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Here we present a machine learning framework and model implementation that can learn to simulate a wide variety of challenging physical domains, involving fluids, rigid solids, and deformable materials interacting with one another. Our framework-which we term "Graph Network-based Simulators" (GNS)-represents the state of a physical system with particles, expressed as nodes in a graph, and computes dynamics via learned message-passing. Our results show that our model can generalize from single-timestep predictions with thousands of particles during training, to different initial conditions, thousands of timesteps, and at least an order of magnitude more particles at test time. Our model was robust to hyperparameter choices across various evaluation metrics: the main determinants of long-term performance were the number of message-passing steps, and mitigating the accumulation of error by corrupting the training data with noise. Our GNS framework advances the state-of-the-art in learned physical simulation, and holds promise for solving a wide range of complex forward and inverse problems.
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Graph classification is an important area in both modern research and industry. Multiple applications, especially in chemistry and novel drug discovery, encourage rapid development of machine learning models in this area. To keep up with the pace of new research, proper experimental design, fair evaluation, and independent benchmarks are essential. Design of strong baselines is an indispensable element of such works. In this thesis, we explore multiple approaches to graph classification. We focus on Graph Neural Networks (GNNs), which emerged as a de facto standard deep learning technique for graph representation learning. Classical approaches, such as graph descriptors and molecular fingerprints, are also addressed. We design fair evaluation experimental protocol and choose proper datasets collection. This allows us to perform numerous experiments and rigorously analyze modern approaches. We arrive to many conclusions, which shed new light on performance and quality of novel algorithms. We investigate application of Jumping Knowledge GNN architecture to graph classification, which proves to be an efficient tool for improving base graph neural network architectures. Multiple improvements to baseline models are also proposed and experimentally verified, which constitutes an important contribution to the field of fair model comparison.
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了解晕星连接是基本的,以提高我们对暗物质的性质和性质的知识。在这项工作中,我们构建一个模型,鉴于IT主机的星系的位置,速度,恒星群体和半径的位置。为了捕获来自星系属性的相关性及其相位空间的相关信息,我们使用图形神经网络(GNN),该网络设计用于使用不规则和稀疏数据。我们从宇宙学和天体物理学中培训了我们在Galaxies上的模型,从宇宙学和天体物理学与机器学习模拟(骆驼)项目。我们的模型,占宇宙学和天体物理的不确定性,能够用$ \ SIM 0.2欧元的准确度来限制晕群。此外,在一套模拟上培训的GNN能够在用利用不同的代码的模拟上进行测试时保留其精度的一部分精度。 GNN的Pytorch几何实现在HTTPS://github.com/pablovd/halographnet上公开可用于github上
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Pre-publication draft of a book to be published byMorgan & Claypool publishers. Unedited version released with permission. All relevant copyrights held by the author and publisher extend to this pre-publication draft.
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