Due to the complicated nanoscale structures of current integrated circuits(IC) builds and low error tolerance of IC image segmentation tasks, most existing automated IC image segmentation approaches require human experts for visual inspection to ensure correctness, which is one of the major bottlenecks in large-scale industrial applications. In this paper, we present the first data-driven automatic error detection approach targeting two types of IC segmentation errors: wire errors and via errors. On an IC image dataset collected from real industry, we demonstrate that, by adapting existing CNN-based approaches of image classification and image translation with additional pre-processing and post-processing techniques, we are able to achieve recall/precision of 0.92/0.93 in wire error detection and 0.96/0.90 in via error detection, respectively.
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外围插入的中央导管(PICC)由于其长期的血管内渗透感具有低感染率,因此已被广泛用作代表性的中央静脉线(CVC)之一。但是,PICC的尖端错位频率很高,增加了刺穿,栓塞和心律不齐等并发症的风险。为了自动,精确地检测到它,使用最新的深度学习(DL)技术进行了各种尝试。但是,即使采用了这些方法,实际上仍然很难确定尖端位置,因为多个片段现象(MFP)发生在预测和提取PICC线之前预测尖端之前所需的PICC线的过程。这项研究旨在开发一种通常应用于现有模型的系统,并通过删除模型输出的MF来更准确地恢复PICC线路,从而精确地定位了检测其处置的实际尖端位置。为此,我们提出了一个基于多阶段DL的框架后处理,以后处理现有技术的PICC线提取结果。根据是否将MFCN应用于五个常规模型,将每个均方根误差(RMSE)和MFP发病率比较性能。在内部验证中,当将MFCN应用于现有单个模型时,MFP平均提高了45%。 RMSE从平均26.85mm(17.16至35.80mm)到9.72mm(9.37至10.98mm)的平均增长了63%以上。在外部验证中,当应用MFCN时,MFP的发病率平均下降32%,RMSE平均下降了65 \%。因此,通过应用提出的MFCN,我们观察到与现有模型相比,PICC尖端位置的显着/一致检测性能提高。
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我们提出了一个新颖的深度学习框架,称为迭代优化的补丁标签推理网络(IOPLIN),用于自动检测不仅限于特定的路面困扰,例如裂缝和坑洼。 Ioplin可以通过预期最大化启发的补丁标签蒸馏(EMIPLD)策略进行迭代训练,并通过从路面图像中推断贴片标签来很好地完成此任务。 Ioplin在最先进的单个分支CNN模型(例如Googlenet和ExcelificeNet)上享有许多理想的属性。它能够处理不同分辨率中的图像,并充分利用图像信息,尤其是对于高分辨率图像,因为Ioplin从未修复的图像贴片中提取了视觉特征,而不是整个大小的整个图像。此外,它可以在训练阶段使用任何先前的本地化信息而大致地将路面困扰定位。为了更好地评估我们方法在实践中的有效性,我们构建了一个名为CQU-BPDD的大规模沥青疾病检测数据集,该数据集由60,059个高分辨率路面图像组成,这些数据集在不同的时间从不同地区获取。该数据集的广泛结果证明了Ioplin在自动路面遇险检测中的最先进图像分类方法的优势。 The source codes of IOPLIN are released on \url{https://github.com/DearCaat/ioplin}, and the CQU-BPDD dataset is able to be accessed on \url{https://dearcaat.github.io/CQU -bpdd/}。
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Single-frame InfraRed Small Target (SIRST) detection has been a challenging task due to a lack of inherent characteristics, imprecise bounding box regression, a scarcity of real-world datasets, and sensitive localization evaluation. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive solution to these challenges. First, we find that the existing anchor-free label assignment method is prone to mislabeling small targets as background, leading to their omission by detectors. To overcome this issue, we propose an all-scale pseudo-box-based label assignment scheme that relaxes the constraints on scale and decouples the spatial assignment from the size of the ground-truth target. Second, motivated by the structured prior of feature pyramids, we introduce the one-stage cascade refinement network (OSCAR), which uses the high-level head as soft proposals for the low-level refinement head. This allows OSCAR to process the same target in a cascade coarse-to-fine manner. Finally, we present a new research benchmark for infrared small target detection, consisting of the SIRST-V2 dataset of real-world, high-resolution single-frame targets, the normalized contrast evaluation metric, and the DeepInfrared toolkit for detection. We conduct extensive ablation studies to evaluate the components of OSCAR and compare its performance to state-of-the-art model-driven and data-driven methods on the SIRST-V2 benchmark. Our results demonstrate that a top-down cascade refinement framework can improve the accuracy of infrared small target detection without sacrificing efficiency. The DeepInfrared toolkit, dataset, and trained models are available at https://github.com/YimianDai/open-deepinfrared to advance further research in this field.
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任意形状的文本检测是一项具有挑战性的任务,这是由于大小和宽高比,任意取向或形状,不准确的注释等各种变化的任务。最近引起了大量关注。但是,文本的准确像素级注释是强大的,现有的场景文本检测数据集仅提供粗粒的边界注释。因此,始终存在大量错误分类的文本像素或背景像素,从而降低基于分割的文本检测方法的性能。一般来说,像素是否属于文本与与相邻注释边界的距离高度相关。通过此观察,在本文中,我们通过概率图提出了一种创新且可靠的基于分割的检测方法,以准确检测文本实例。为了具体,我们采用Sigmoid alpha函数(SAF)将边界及其内部像素之间的距离传输到概率图。但是,由于粗粒度文本边界注释的不确定性,一个概率图无法很好地覆盖复杂的概率分布。因此,我们采用一组由一系列Sigmoid alpha函数计算出的概率图来描述可能的概率分布。此外,我们提出了一个迭代模型,以学习预测和吸收概率图,以提供足够的信息来重建文本实例。最后,采用简单的区域生长算法来汇总概率图以完成文本实例。实验结果表明,我们的方法在几个基准的检测准确性方面实现了最先进的性能。
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Besides the complex nature of colonoscopy frames with intrinsic frame formation artefacts such as light reflections and the diversity of polyp types/shapes, the publicly available polyp segmentation training datasets are limited, small and imbalanced. In this case, the automated polyp segmentation using a deep neural network remains an open challenge due to the overfitting of training on small datasets. We proposed a simple yet effective polyp segmentation pipeline that couples the segmentation (FCN) and classification (CNN) tasks. We find the effectiveness of interactive weight transfer between dense and coarse vision tasks that mitigates the overfitting in learning. And It motivates us to design a new training scheme within our segmentation pipeline. Our method is evaluated on CVC-EndoSceneStill and Kvasir-SEG datasets. It achieves 4.34% and 5.70% Polyp-IoU improvements compared to the state-of-the-art methods on the EndoSceneStill and Kvasir-SEG datasets, respectively.
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X-ray imaging technology has been used for decades in clinical tasks to reveal the internal condition of different organs, and in recent years, it has become more common in other areas such as industry, security, and geography. The recent development of computer vision and machine learning techniques has also made it easier to automatically process X-ray images and several machine learning-based object (anomaly) detection, classification, and segmentation methods have been recently employed in X-ray image analysis. Due to the high potential of deep learning in related image processing applications, it has been used in most of the studies. This survey reviews the recent research on using computer vision and machine learning for X-ray analysis in industrial production and security applications and covers the applications, techniques, evaluation metrics, datasets, and performance comparison of those techniques on publicly available datasets. We also highlight some drawbacks in the published research and give recommendations for future research in computer vision-based X-ray analysis.
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从合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像建立高度检索,对于城市应用来说,对于城市应用来说,对于SAR数据的复杂性来说,这一极为重视。本文从单个Terrasar-X Spotlight或Stribmap图像中解决了大型城市地区建立高度检索问题的问题。基于雷达观看几何形状,我们提出该问题可以作为边界框回归问题制定,因此允许将高度数据集成在更大的规模上生成地面真实。我们从地理信息系统(GIS)数据中的建筑占用脚印作为互补信息,并提出了一种限制框回归网络,该网络利用建筑物占地面积与其边界框之间的位置关系,允许快速计算。这对于大型应用来说很重要。在高分辨率聚光灯和RILTMAP模式下,使用Terrasar-X图像在四个城市数据集上验证该方法。实验结果表明,与基于速度的R-CNN的方法相比,所提出的网络可以显着降低计算成本,同时保持各个建筑物的高度精度。此外,我们调查了GIS数据对我们所提出的网络的影响,并且本研究表明边界框回归网络对GIS数据中的定位误差具有稳健。该方法具有适用于区域甚至全球范围的潜力。
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从现实世界中的图像(例如果园)中估算出准确可靠的水果和蔬菜计数,这是一个充满挑战的问题,最近引起了最近的关注。收获前估算水果计数为物流规划提供了有用的信息。尽管在水果检测方面已取得了很大进展,但估计实际计数仍然具有挑战性。实际上,水果通常聚集在一起。因此,仅检测水果的方法无法提供一般解决方案来估计准确的水果计数。此外,在园艺研究中,而不是单一的屈服估计中,更细致的信息,例如每个集群的苹果数量分布。在这项工作中,我们将图像从图像计算为多类分类问题,并通过训练卷积神经网络来解决它。我们首先评估方法的每图像精度,并将其与基于四个测试数据集的高斯混合模型的最先进方法进行比较。即使针对每个数据集专门调整了基于高斯混合模型的方法的参数,但我们的网络在四分之三数据集中的三个数据集中的表现最高为94 \%精度。接下来,我们使用该方法来估计两个数据集的产量,我们为此提供了真理。我们的方法达到了96-97 \%精度。有关更多详细信息,请在此处查看我们的视频:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le0mb5p-syc} {https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=le0mb5p-syc。
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Learning-based infrared small object detection methods currently rely heavily on the classification backbone network. This tends to result in tiny object loss and feature distinguishability limitations as the network depth increases. Furthermore, small objects in infrared images are frequently emerged bright and dark, posing severe demands for obtaining precise object contrast information. For this reason, we in this paper propose a simple and effective ``U-Net in U-Net'' framework, UIU-Net for short, and detect small objects in infrared images. As the name suggests, UIU-Net embeds a tiny U-Net into a larger U-Net backbone, enabling the multi-level and multi-scale representation learning of objects. Moreover, UIU-Net can be trained from scratch, and the learned features can enhance global and local contrast information effectively. More specifically, the UIU-Net model is divided into two modules: the resolution-maintenance deep supervision (RM-DS) module and the interactive-cross attention (IC-A) module. RM-DS integrates Residual U-blocks into a deep supervision network to generate deep multi-scale resolution-maintenance features while learning global context information. Further, IC-A encodes the local context information between the low-level details and high-level semantic features. Extensive experiments conducted on two infrared single-frame image datasets, i.e., SIRST and Synthetic datasets, show the effectiveness and superiority of the proposed UIU-Net in comparison with several state-of-the-art infrared small object detection methods. The proposed UIU-Net also produces powerful generalization performance for video sequence infrared small object datasets, e.g., ATR ground/air video sequence dataset. The codes of this work are available openly at \url{https://github.com/danfenghong/IEEE_TIP_UIU-Net}.
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晶体中砂岩的晶粒分割从其周围基质/水泥划分薄片是计算机辅助矿物识别和砂岩分类的主要步骤。砂岩的显微图像含有许多矿物颗粒及其周围的基质/水泥。相邻谷物和基质之间的区别通常是模糊的,使晶粒分割困难。文献中存在各种解决方案来处理这些问题;然而,他们对砂岩岩画的不同模式并不强大。在本文中,我们将谷物分割制定为像素 - 明智的两类(即谷物和背景)语义分割任务。我们开发一个基于深度学习的端到端培训框架,名为Deep语义粒度分割网络(DSGSN),数据驱动方法,提供通用解决方案。根据作者的知识,这是探索深度神经网络来解决谷物分割问题的第一个工作。对微观图像的广泛实验强调我们的方法比具有更多参数的各种分段架构获得更好的分割精度。
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The cup-to-disc ratio (CDR) is one of the most significant indicator for glaucoma diagnosis. Different from the use of costly fully supervised learning formulation with pixel-wise annotations in the literature, this study investigates the feasibility of accurate CDR measurement in fundus images using only tight bounding box supervision. For this purpose, we develop a two-task network named as CDRNet for accurate CDR measurement, one for weakly supervised image segmentation, and the other for bounding-box regression. The weakly supervised image segmentation task is implemented based on generalized multiple instance learning formulation and smooth maximum approximation, and the bounding-box regression task outputs class-specific bounding box prediction in a single scale at the original image resolution. To get accurate bounding box prediction, a class-specific bounding-box normalizer and an expected intersection-over-union are proposed. In the experiments, the proposed approach was evaluated by a testing set with 1200 images using CDR error and $F_1$ score for CDR measurement and dice coefficient for image segmentation. A grader study was conducted to compare the performance of the proposed approach with those of individual graders. The experimental results indicate that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art performance obtained from the fully supervised image segmentation (FSIS) approach using pixel-wise annotation for CDR measurement. Its performance is also better than those of individual graders. In addition, the proposed approach gets performance close to the state-of-the-art obtained from FSIS and the performance of individual graders for optic cup and disc segmentation. The codes are available at \url{https://github.com/wangjuan313/CDRNet}.
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In this paper we introduce a new method for text detection in natural images. The method comprises two contributions: First, a fast and scalable engine to generate synthetic images of text in clutter. This engine overlays synthetic text to existing background images in a natural way, accounting for the local 3D scene geometry. Second, we use the synthetic images to train a Fully-Convolutional Regression Network (FCRN) which efficiently performs text detection and bounding-box regression at all locations and multiple scales in an image. We discuss the relation of FCRN to the recently-introduced YOLO detector, as well as other end-toend object detection systems based on deep learning. The resulting detection network significantly out performs current methods for text detection in natural images, achieving an F-measure of 84.2% on the standard ICDAR 2013 benchmark. Furthermore, it can process 15 images per second on a GPU.
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居住在美国的每个妇女在8次发育侵袭性乳腺癌的可能性下有大约1。有丝分裂细胞计数是评估乳腺癌侵袭性或等级最常见的测试之一。在该预后,必须通过病理学家使用高分辨率显微镜检查组织病理学图像以计算细胞。不幸的是,可以是一种完整的任务,可重复性差,特别是对于非专家来说。最近深入学习网络适用于能够自动定位这些感兴趣区域的医学应用。然而,这些基于区域的网络缺乏利用通常用作唯一检测方法的完整图像CNN产生的分割特征的能力。因此,所提出的方法利用更快的RCNN进行对象检测,同时使用RGB图像特征的UNET产生的分割特征,以实现在Mitos-Atypia 2014分数上的F分数为0.508,计数数据集,优于最先进的攻击方法。
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Specular microscopy assessment of the human corneal endothelium (CE) in Fuchs' dystrophy is challenging due to the presence of dark image regions called guttae. This paper proposes a UNet-based segmentation approach that requires minimal post-processing and achieves reliable CE morphometric assessment and guttae identification across all degrees of Fuchs' dystrophy. We cast the segmentation problem as a regression task of the cell and gutta signed distance maps instead of a pixel-level classification task as typically done with UNets. Compared to the conventional UNet classification approach, the distance-map regression approach converges faster in clinically relevant parameters. It also produces morphometric parameters that agree with the manually-segmented ground-truth data, namely the average cell density difference of -41.9 cells/mm2 (95% confidence interval (CI) [-306.2, 222.5]) and the average difference of mean cell area of 14.8 um2 (95% CI [-41.9, 71.5]). These results suggest a promising alternative for CE assessment.
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The 1$^{\text{st}}$ Workshop on Maritime Computer Vision (MaCVi) 2023 focused on maritime computer vision for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV), and organized several subchallenges in this domain: (i) UAV-based Maritime Object Detection, (ii) UAV-based Maritime Object Tracking, (iii) USV-based Maritime Obstacle Segmentation and (iv) USV-based Maritime Obstacle Detection. The subchallenges were based on the SeaDronesSee and MODS benchmarks. This report summarizes the main findings of the individual subchallenges and introduces a new benchmark, called SeaDronesSee Object Detection v2, which extends the previous benchmark by including more classes and footage. We provide statistical and qualitative analyses, and assess trends in the best-performing methodologies of over 130 submissions. The methods are summarized in the appendix. The datasets, evaluation code and the leaderboard are publicly available at https://seadronessee.cs.uni-tuebingen.de/macvi.
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