随着大数据挖掘和现代大量文本分析的出现和普及,自动化文本摘要在从文档中提取和检索重要信息而变得突出。这项研究从单个和多个文档的角度研究了自动文本摘要的各个方面。摘要是将庞大的文本文章凝结成简短的摘要版本的任务。为了摘要目的,该文本的大小减小,但保留了关键的重要信息并保留原始文档的含义。这项研究介绍了潜在的Dirichlet分配(LDA)方法,用于从具有与基因和疾病有关的主题进行摘要的医学科学期刊文章进行主题建模。在这项研究中,基于Pyldavis Web的交互式可视化工具用于可视化所选主题。可视化提供了主要主题的总体视图,同时允许并将深度含义归因于流行率单个主题。这项研究提出了一种新颖的方法来汇总单个文档和多个文档。结果表明,使用提取性摘要技术在处理后的文档中考虑其主题患病率的概率,纯粹是通过考虑其术语来排名的。 Pyldavis可视化描述了探索主题与拟合LDA模型的术语的灵活性。主题建模结果显示了主题1和2中的流行率。该关联表明,本研究中的主题1和2中的术语之间存在相似性。使用潜在语义分析(LSA)和面向召回的研究测量LDA和提取性摘要方法的功效,以评估模型的可靠性和有效性。
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学术研究是解决以前从未解决过的问题的探索活动。通过这种性质,每个学术研究工作都需要进行文献审查,以区分其Novelties尚未通过事先作品解决。在自然语言处理中,该文献综述通常在“相关工作”部分下进行。鉴于研究文件的其余部分和引用的论文列表,自动相关工作生成的任务旨在自动生成“相关工作”部分。虽然这项任务是在10年前提出的,但直到最近,它被认为是作为科学多文件摘要问题的变种。然而,即使在今天,尚未标准化了自动相关工作和引用文本生成的问题。在这项调查中,我们进行了一个元研究,从问题制定,数据集收集,方法方法,绩效评估和未来前景的角度来比较相关工作的现有文献,以便为读者洞察到国家的进步 - 最内容的研究,以及如何进行未来的研究。我们还调查了我们建议未来工作要考虑整合的相关研究领域。
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临床文本的自动汇总可以减轻医疗专业人员的负担。 “放电摘要”是摘要的一种有希望的应用,因为它们可以从每日住院记录中产生。我们的初步实验表明,放电摘要中有20-31%的描述与住院记录的内容重叠。但是,目前尚不清楚如何从非结构化来源生成摘要。为了分解医师的摘要过程,本研究旨在确定摘要中的最佳粒度。我们首先定义了具有不同粒度的三种摘要单元,以比较放电摘要生成的性能:整个句子,临床段和条款。我们在这项研究中定义了临床细分,旨在表达最小的医学意义概念。为了获得临床细分,有必要在管道的第一阶段自动拆分文本。因此,我们比较了基于规则的方法和一种机器学习方法,而后者在分裂任务中以0.846的F1得分优于构造者。接下来,我们在日本的多机构国家健康记录上,使用三种类型的单元(基于Rouge-1指标)测量了提取性摘要的准确性。使用整个句子,临床段和条款分别为31.91、36.15和25.18的提取性摘要的测量精度分别为31.91、36.15和25.18。我们发现,临床细分的准确性比句子和条款更高。该结果表明,住院记录的汇总需要比面向句子的处理更精细的粒度。尽管我们仅使用日本健康记录,但可以解释如下:医生从患者记录中提取“具有医学意义的概念”并重新组合它们...
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The research on text summarization for low-resource Indian languages has been limited due to the availability of relevant datasets. This paper presents a summary of various deep-learning approaches used for the ILSUM 2022 Indic language summarization datasets. The ISUM 2022 dataset consists of news articles written in Indian English, Hindi, and Gujarati respectively, and their ground-truth summarizations. In our work, we explore different pre-trained seq2seq models and fine-tune those with the ILSUM 2022 datasets. In our case, the fine-tuned SoTA PEGASUS model worked the best for English, the fine-tuned IndicBART model with augmented data for Hindi, and again fine-tuned PEGASUS model along with a translation mapping-based approach for Gujarati. Our scores on the obtained inferences were evaluated using ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2, and ROUGE-4 as the evaluation metrics.
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在印度法院制度中,长期以来一直是一个问题。有超过4千万的案件。对于法律利益相关者来说,手动总结数百个文件是一项耗时且繁琐的任务。随着机器学习的发展,许多用于文本摘要的最新模型已经出现。独立于域的模型在法律文本方面做得不好,由于缺乏公开可用的数据集,对印度法律制度的这些模型进行微调是有问题的。为了提高独立模型的性能,作者提出了一种在印度背景下使法律文本正常化的方法。作者试验了两个与法律文本摘要的最先进的域独立模型,即Bart和Pegasus。 Bart和Pegasus以提取性和抽象的摘要为方面,以了解文本归一化方法的有效性。汇总文本由域专家在多个参数和使用胭脂指标上评估。它表明,在具有域独立模型的法律文本中,提出的文本归一化方法有效。
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The internet has had a dramatic effect on the healthcare industry, allowing documents to be saved, shared, and managed digitally. This has made it easier to locate and share important data, improving patient care and providing more opportunities for medical studies. As there is so much data accessible to doctors and patients alike, summarizing it has become increasingly necessary - this has been supported through the introduction of deep learning and transformer-based networks, which have boosted the sector significantly in recent years. This paper gives a comprehensive survey of the current techniques and trends in medical summarization
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Though many algorithms can be used to automatically summarize legal case decisions, most fail to incorporate domain knowledge about how important sentences in a legal decision relate to a representation of its document structure. For example, analysis of a legal case summarization dataset demonstrates that sentences serving different types of argumentative roles in the decision appear in different sections of the document. In this work, we propose an unsupervised graph-based ranking model that uses a reweighting algorithm to exploit properties of the document structure of legal case decisions. We also explore the impact of using different methods to compute the document structure. Results on the Canadian Legal Case Law dataset show that our proposed method outperforms several strong baselines.
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In the past few decades, there has been an explosion in the amount of available data produced from various sources with different topics. The availability of this enormous data necessitates us to adopt effective computational tools to explore the data. This leads to an intense growing interest in the research community to develop computational methods focused on processing this text data. A line of study focused on condensing the text so that we are able to get a higher level of understanding in a shorter time. The two important tasks to do this are keyword extraction and text summarization. In keyword extraction, we are interested in finding the key important words from a text. This makes us familiar with the general topic of a text. In text summarization, we are interested in producing a short-length text which includes important information about the document. The TextRank algorithm, an unsupervised learning method that is an extension of the PageRank (algorithm which is the base algorithm of Google search engine for searching pages and ranking them) has shown its efficacy in large-scale text mining, especially for text summarization and keyword extraction. this algorithm can automatically extract the important parts of a text (keywords or sentences) and declare them as the result. However, this algorithm neglects the semantic similarity between the different parts. In this work, we improved the results of the TextRank algorithm by incorporating the semantic similarity between parts of the text. Aside from keyword extraction and text summarization, we develop a topic clustering algorithm based on our framework which can be used individually or as a part of generating the summary to overcome coverage problems.
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由于免费的在线百科全书具有大量内容,因此Wikipedia和Wikidata是许多自然语言处理(NLP)任务的关键,例如信息检索,知识基础构建,机器翻译,文本分类和文本摘要。在本文中,我们介绍了Wikides,这是一个新颖的数据集,用于为文本摘要问题提供Wikipedia文章的简短描述。该数据集由6987个主题上的80K英语样本组成。我们设置了一种两阶段的摘要方法 - 描述生成(I阶段)和候选排名(II阶段)作为一种依赖于转移和对比学习的强大方法。对于描述生成,与其他小规模的预训练模型相比,T5和BART表现出了优越性。通过将对比度学习与Beam Search的不同输入一起应用,基于度量的排名模型优于直接描述生成模型,在主题独立拆分和独立于主题的独立拆分中,最高可达22个胭脂。此外,第II期中的结果描述得到了人类评估的支持,其中45.33%以上,而I阶段的23.66%则支持针对黄金描述。在情感分析方面,生成的描述无法有效地从段落中捕获所有情感极性,同时从黄金描述中更好地完成此任务。自动产生的新描述减少了人类为创建它们的努力,并丰富了基于Wikidata的知识图。我们的论文对Wikipedia和Wikidata产生了实际影响,因为有成千上万的描述。最后,我们预计Wikides将成为从短段落中捕获显着信息的相关作品的有用数据集。策划的数据集可公开可用:https://github.com/declare-lab/wikides。
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缺乏创造力的抽象方法在自动文本摘要中尤其是一个问题。模型产生的摘要主要是从源文章中提取的。该问题的主要原因之一是缺乏抽象性的数据集,尤其是对于中文而言。为了解决这个问题,我们用CLT中的参考摘要解释,中国长文本摘要数据集,正确的事实不一致的错误,并提出了第一个中国长文本摘要数据集,其中包含高度的clts+,其中包含超过更多的中文。 180k文章 - 苏格尔对,可在线购买。此外,我们引入了一个基于共发生词的固有度量,以评估我们构建的数据集。我们对CLTS+摘要中使用的提取策略进行了针对其他数据集的提取策略,以量化我们的新数据的抽象性和难度,并在CLTS+上训练多个基线,以验证IT的实用性以提高模型的创造力。
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尽管具有抽象文本摘要的神经序列到序列模型的成功,但它具有一些缺点,例如重复不准确的事实细节并倾向于重复自己。我们提出了一个混合指针发生器网络,以解决再现事实细节的缺点和短语重复。我们使用混合指针发生器网络增强了基于注意的序列到序列,该混合指针发生器网络可以生成词汇单词并增强再现真实细节的准确性和劝阻重复的覆盖机制。它产生合理的输出文本,可以保留输入文章的概念完整性和事实信息。为了评估,我们主要雇用“百拉那” - 一个高度采用的公共孟加拉数据集。此外,我们准备了一个名为“BANS-133”的大型数据集,由133K Bangla新闻文章组成,与人类生成的摘要相关。试验拟议的模型,我们分别实现了胭脂-1和胭脂 - 2分别为0.66,0.41的“Bansdata”数据集,分别为0.67,0.42,为Bans-133k“数据集。我们证明了所提出的系统超过以前的国家 - 近距离数据集的近距离攀义概要技术及其稳定性。“Bans-133”数据集和代码基础将公开进行研究。
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本文提供了评估一些文本摘要技术的结果,目的是为联系中心解决方案生产呼叫摘要。我们特别关注提取性摘要方法,因为它们不需要任何标记的数据,并且非常易于实施生产使用。我们通过使用这些方法来比较几种此类方法来对呼叫的摘要进行比较,并客观地(使用Rouge-L)和主观(通过汇总几个注释者的判断)来评估这些摘要。我们发现主题和铅-N的表现优于其他摘要方法,而Bertsum在主观和客观评估中的得分相对较低。结果表明,即使是基于启发式方法的方法,例如Lead-n Ca n也会产生有意义且有用的呼叫中心对话摘要。
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Information extraction from scholarly articles is a challenging task due to the sizable document length and implicit information hidden in text, figures, and citations. Scholarly information extraction has various applications in exploration, archival, and curation services for digital libraries and knowledge management systems. We present MORTY, an information extraction technique that creates structured summaries of text from scholarly articles. Our approach condenses the article's full-text to property-value pairs as a segmented text snippet called structured summary. We also present a sizable scholarly dataset combining structured summaries retrieved from a scholarly knowledge graph and corresponding publicly available scientific articles, which we openly publish as a resource for the research community. Our results show that structured summarization is a suitable approach for targeted information extraction that complements other commonly used methods such as question answering and named entity recognition.
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In this paper, we introduce TextRank -a graph-based ranking model for text processing, and show how this model can be successfully used in natural language applications. In particular, we propose two innovative unsupervised methods for keyword and sentence extraction, and show that the results obtained compare favorably with previously published results on established benchmarks.
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传统上,文本简化被视为单语翻译任务,其中源文本及其简化的对应物之间的句子是对齐的。但是,尤其是对于更长的输入文档,总结文本(或完全删除相关内容)在简化过程中起重要作用,目前在现有数据集中尚未反映出该过程。同时,非英语语言的资源通常很少,并且对于培训新解决方案而言是过分的。为了解决这个问题,我们对可以共同总结和简化长源文档的系统提出了核心要求。我们进一步描述了基于德国Wikipedia和德国儿童词典“ Klexikon”的新数据集的创建,用于简化和摘要,包括近2900个文档。我们发布了一个与文档一致的版本,特别突出了摘要方面,并提供了统计证据,表明此资源也非常适合简化。代码和数据可在GitHub上找到:https://github.com/dennlinger/klexikon
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Recent lay language generation systems have used Transformer models trained on a parallel corpus to increase health information accessibility. However, the applicability of these models is constrained by the limited size and topical breadth of available corpora. We introduce CELLS, the largest (63k pairs) and broadest-ranging (12 journals) parallel corpus for lay language generation. The abstract and the corresponding lay language summary are written by domain experts, assuring the quality of our dataset. Furthermore, qualitative evaluation of expert-authored plain language summaries has revealed background explanation as a key strategy to increase accessibility. Such explanation is challenging for neural models to generate because it goes beyond simplification by adding content absent from the source. We derive two specialized paired corpora from CELLS to address key challenges in lay language generation: generating background explanations and simplifying the original abstract. We adopt retrieval-augmented models as an intuitive fit for the task of background explanation generation, and show improvements in summary quality and simplicity while maintaining factual correctness. Taken together, this work presents the first comprehensive study of background explanation for lay language generation, paving the path for disseminating scientific knowledge to a broader audience. CELLS is publicly available at: https://github.com/LinguisticAnomalies/pls_retrieval.
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