The research on text summarization for low-resource Indian languages has been limited due to the availability of relevant datasets. This paper presents a summary of various deep-learning approaches used for the ILSUM 2022 Indic language summarization datasets. The ISUM 2022 dataset consists of news articles written in Indian English, Hindi, and Gujarati respectively, and their ground-truth summarizations. In our work, we explore different pre-trained seq2seq models and fine-tune those with the ILSUM 2022 datasets. In our case, the fine-tuned SoTA PEGASUS model worked the best for English, the fine-tuned IndicBART model with augmented data for Hindi, and again fine-tuned PEGASUS model along with a translation mapping-based approach for Gujarati. Our scores on the obtained inferences were evaluated using ROUGE-1, ROUGE-2, and ROUGE-4 as the evaluation metrics.
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大型和超大语言模型的开发,例如GPT-3,T5,Switch Transformer,Ernie等,已经显着改善了文本生成的性能。该领域的重要研究方向之一是产生具有争论的文本。该问题的解决方案可以用于商务会议,政治辩论,对话系统,以准备学生论文。这些应用的主要领域之一是经济领域。俄罗斯语言的论证文本生成的关键问题是缺乏注释的论证语料库。在本文中,我们将论证的微观版,说服力论文和UKP句子语料库的翻译版本用于微调Rubert模型。此外,该模型用于通过论证注释经济新闻的语料库。然后使用带注释的语料库微调Rugpt-3模型,该模型生成参数文本。结果表明,与原始RUGPT-3模型相比,这种方法将论点生成的准确性提高了20个百分点(63.2%对42.5%)。
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由于免费的在线百科全书具有大量内容,因此Wikipedia和Wikidata是许多自然语言处理(NLP)任务的关键,例如信息检索,知识基础构建,机器翻译,文本分类和文本摘要。在本文中,我们介绍了Wikides,这是一个新颖的数据集,用于为文本摘要问题提供Wikipedia文章的简短描述。该数据集由6987个主题上的80K英语样本组成。我们设置了一种两阶段的摘要方法 - 描述生成(I阶段)和候选排名(II阶段)作为一种依赖于转移和对比学习的强大方法。对于描述生成,与其他小规模的预训练模型相比,T5和BART表现出了优越性。通过将对比度学习与Beam Search的不同输入一起应用,基于度量的排名模型优于直接描述生成模型,在主题独立拆分和独立于主题的独立拆分中,最高可达22个胭脂。此外,第II期中的结果描述得到了人类评估的支持,其中45.33%以上,而I阶段的23.66%则支持针对黄金描述。在情感分析方面,生成的描述无法有效地从段落中捕获所有情感极性,同时从黄金描述中更好地完成此任务。自动产生的新描述减少了人类为创建它们的努力,并丰富了基于Wikidata的知识图。我们的论文对Wikipedia和Wikidata产生了实际影响,因为有成千上万的描述。最后,我们预计Wikides将成为从短段落中捕获显着信息的相关作品的有用数据集。策划的数据集可公开可用:。
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大型审慎的语言模型最近征服了自然语言处理领域。作为BERT中引入的主要掩盖语言建模的替代方案,T5模型引入了更通用的训练目标,即序列转换的顺序,其中包括蒙版语言模型,但自然地适合文本生成任务,例如机器翻译,摘要,开放 - 开放 - 域问题回答,文本简化,对话系统等。T5模型的单语变体仅限于资源良好的语言,而大量的多语言T5模型则支持101种语言。相比之下,我们训练了两个不同尺寸的T5型序列,以使用较少的资源并分析其行为的形态丰富的斯洛文尼语的序列模型。关于分类任务,SLOT5模型主要落后于单语Slovene Sloberta模型,但应考虑生成任务。
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在印度法院制度中,长期以来一直是一个问题。有超过4千万的案件。对于法律利益相关者来说,手动总结数百个文件是一项耗时且繁琐的任务。随着机器学习的发展,许多用于文本摘要的最新模型已经出现。独立于域的模型在法律文本方面做得不好,由于缺乏公开可用的数据集,对印度法律制度的这些模型进行微调是有问题的。为了提高独立模型的性能,作者提出了一种在印度背景下使法律文本正常化的方法。作者试验了两个与法律文本摘要的最先进的域独立模型,即Bart和Pegasus。 Bart和Pegasus以提取性和抽象的摘要为方面,以了解文本归一化方法的有效性。汇总文本由域专家在多个参数和使用胭脂指标上评估。它表明,在具有域独立模型的法律文本中,提出的文本归一化方法有效。
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本文介绍了Z-Code ++,这是一种针对抽象文本摘要优化的新的预训练的语言模型。该模型使用三种技术扩展了艺术编码器模型的状态。首先,我们使用两阶段的预训练过程来改善模型在低资源摘要任务上的性能。该模型首先是使用文本语料库进行语言理解的预先培训的,然后在汇总语料库中不断预先培训,以进行基础文本生成。其次,我们用分离的注意力层代替编码器中的自我发项层,其中每个单词都使用两个向量分别代表其内容和位置。第三,我们使用融合编码器,这是一种以层次方式编码长序列的简单而有效的方法。 Z-Code ++在13个文本摘要任务中的9个跨5种语言中创建了新的艺术状态。我们的模型的参数有效,因为它的表现优于XSUM上600倍较大的Palm-540b,并且在Samsum上的易经的200倍GPT3-175B较大。在零射击和少量设置中,我们的模型大大优于竞争模型。
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Abstractive summarization has enjoyed renewed interest in recent years, thanks to pre-trained language models and the availability of large-scale datasets. Despite promising results, current models still suffer from generating factually inconsistent summaries, reducing their utility for real-world application. Several recent efforts attempt to address this by devising models that automatically detect factual inconsistencies in machine generated summaries. However, they focus exclusively on English, a language with abundant resources. In this work, we leverage factual consistency evaluation models to improve multilingual summarization. We explore two intuitive approaches to mitigate hallucinations based on the signal provided by a multilingual NLI model, namely data filtering and controlled generation. Experimental results in the 45 languages from the XLSum dataset show gains over strong baselines in both automatic and human evaluation.
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以查询为中心的摘要(QFS)旨在产生应答感兴趣的特定问题的摘要,从而实现更大的用户控制和个性化。虽然最近发布的数据集如QMSUM或Aquamuse,促进QFS中的研究工作,但该领域缺乏对适用建模方法的广泛空间的全面研究。在本文中,考虑到两种普遍的方法,我们对QFS进行了系统探索,探讨了QFS:两阶段的采掘解决方案和端到端模型。在这些类别中,我们调查现有方法,并呈现了在QMSUM数据集上实现最先进的性能的两个模型扩展,其边缘高达3.38 Rouge-1,3.72 Rouge-2和3.28 Rouge-L。通过定量实验,我们突出了不同模型配置之间的权衡,并探讨了摘要任务之间的转移能力。代码和检查点公开可用:。
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Dialogue summarization has recently garnered significant attention due to its wide range of applications. However, existing methods for summarizing dialogues are suboptimal because they do not take into account the inherent structure of dialogue and rely heavily on labeled data, which can lead to poor performance in new domains. In this work, we propose DIONYSUS (dynamic input optimization in pre-training for dialogue summarization), a pre-trained encoder-decoder model for summarizing dialogues in any new domain. To pre-train DIONYSUS, we create two pseudo summaries for each dialogue example: one is produced by a fine-tuned summarization model, and the other is a collection of dialogue turns that convey important information. We then choose one of these pseudo summaries based on the difference in information distribution across different types of dialogues. This selected pseudo summary serves as the objective for pre-training DIONYSUS using a self-supervised approach on a large dialogue corpus. Our experiments show that DIONYSUS outperforms existing methods on six datasets, as demonstrated by its ROUGE scores in zero-shot and few-shot settings.
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Pre-trained models have achieved remarkable success in natural language processing (NLP). However, existing pre-training methods underutilize the benefits of language understanding for generation. Inspired by the idea of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), we propose a GAN-style model for encoder-decoder pre-training by introducing an auxiliary discriminator, unifying the ability of language understanding and generation in a single model. Our model, named as GanLM, is trained with two pre-training objectives: replaced token detection and replaced token denoising. Specifically, given masked source sentences, the generator outputs the target distribution and the discriminator predicts whether the target sampled tokens from distribution are incorrect. The target sentence is replaced with misclassified tokens to construct noisy previous context, which is used to generate the gold sentence. In general, both tasks improve the ability of language understanding and generation by selectively using the denoising data. Extensive experiments in language generation benchmarks show that GanLM with the powerful language understanding capability outperforms various strong pre-trained language models (PLMs) and achieves state-of-the-art performance.
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Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers (BERT; Devlin et al. 2019) represents the latest incarnation of pretrained language models which have recently advanced a wide range of natural language processing tasks. In this paper, we showcase how BERT can be usefully applied in text summarization and propose a general framework for both extractive and abstractive models. We introduce a novel document-level encoder based on BERT which is able to express the semantics of a document and obtain representations for its sentences. Our extractive model is built on top of this encoder by stacking several intersentence Transformer layers. For abstractive summarization, we propose a new fine-tuning schedule which adopts different optimizers for the encoder and the decoder as a means of alleviating the mismatch between the two (the former is pretrained while the latter is not). We also demonstrate that a two-staged fine-tuning approach can further boost the quality of the generated summaries. Experiments on three datasets show that our model achieves stateof-the-art results across the board in both extractive and abstractive settings. 1
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Aspect or query-based summarization has recently caught more attention, as it can generate differentiated summaries based on users' interests. However, the current dataset for aspect or query-based summarization either focuses on specific domains, contains relatively small-scale instances, or includes only a few aspect types. Such limitations hinder further explorations in this direction. In this work, we take advantage of crowd-sourcing knowledge on and automatically create a high-quality, large-scale open-domain aspect-based summarization dataset named OASum, which contains more than 3.7 million instances with around 1 million different aspects on 2 million Wikipedia pages. We provide benchmark results on OAsum and demonstrate its ability for diverse aspect-based summarization generation. To overcome the data scarcity problem on specific domains, we also perform zero-shot, few-shot, and fine-tuning on seven downstream datasets. Specifically, zero/few-shot and fine-tuning results show that the model pre-trained on our corpus demonstrates a strong aspect or query-focused generation ability compared with the backbone model. Our dataset and pre-trained checkpoints are publicly available.
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