Factorization machines (FMs) are a powerful tool for regression and classification in the context of sparse observations, that has been successfully applied to collaborative filtering, especially when side information over users or items is available. Bayesian formulations of FMs have been proposed to provide confidence intervals over the predictions made by the model, however they usually involve Markov-chain Monte Carlo methods that require many samples to provide accurate predictions, resulting in slow training in the context of large-scale data. In this paper, we propose a variational formulation of factorization machines that allows us to derive a simple objective that can be easily optimized using standard mini-batch stochastic gradient descent, making it amenable to large-scale data. Our algorithm learns an approximate posterior distribution over the user and item parameters, which leads to confidence intervals over the predictions. We show, using several datasets, that it has comparable or better performance than existing methods in terms of prediction accuracy, and provide some applications in active learning strategies, e.g., preference elicitation techniques.
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This paper presents a machine learning approach to multidimensional item response theory (MIRT), a class of latent factor models that can be used to model and predict student performance from observed assessment data. Inspired by collaborative filtering, we define a general class of models that includes many MIRT models. We discuss the use of penalized joint maximum likelihood (JML) to estimate individual models and cross-validation to select the best performing model. This model evaluation process can be optimized using batching techniques, such that even sparse large-scale data can be analyzed efficiently. We illustrate our approach with simulated and real data, including an example from a massive open online course (MOOC). The high-dimensional model fit to this large and sparse dataset does not lend itself well to traditional methods of factor interpretation. By analogy to recommender-system applications, we propose an alternative "validation" of the factor model, using auxiliary information about the popularity of items consulted during an open-book exam in the course.
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大多数现有推荐系统仅基于评级数据,并且他们忽略了可能会增加建议质量的其他信息来源,例如文本评论或用户和项目特征。此外,这些系统的大多数仅适用于小型数据集(数千个观察)并且无法处理大型数据集(具有数百万观察结果)。我们提出了一种推荐人算法,该算法将评级建模技术(即潜在因子模型)与基于文本评论(即潜在Dirichlet分配)的主题建模方法组合,并且我们扩展了算法,使其允许添加额外的用户和项目 - 对系统的特定信息。我们使用具有不同大小的Amazon.com数据集来评估算法的性能,对应于23个产品类别。将建筑模型与四种其他型号进行比较后,我们发现将患有评级的文本评语相结合,导致更好的建议。此外,我们发现为模型添加额外的用户和项目功能会提高其预测精度,这对于中型和大数据集尤其如此。
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Many existing approaches to collaborative filtering can neither handle very large datasets nor easily deal with users who have very few ratings. In this paper we present the Probabilistic Matrix Factorization (PMF) model which scales linearly with the number of observations and, more importantly, performs well on the large, sparse, and very imbalanced Netflix dataset. We further extend the PMF model to include an adaptive prior on the model parameters and show how the model capacity can be controlled automatically. Finally, we introduce a constrained version of the PMF model that is based on the assumption that users who have rated similar sets of movies are likely to have similar preferences. The resulting model is able to generalize considerably better for users with very few ratings. When the predictions of multiple PMF models are linearly combined with the predictions of Restricted Boltzmann Machines models, we achieve an error rate of 0.8861, that is nearly 7% better than the score of Netflix's own system.
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Item recommendation is the task of predicting a personalized ranking on a set of items (e.g. websites, movies, products). In this paper, we investigate the most common scenario with implicit feedback (e.g. clicks, purchases). There are many methods for item recommendation from implicit feedback like matrix factorization (MF) or adaptive knearest-neighbor (kNN). Even though these methods are designed for the item prediction task of personalized ranking, none of them is directly optimized for ranking. In this paper we present a generic optimization criterion BPR-Opt for personalized ranking that is the maximum posterior estimator derived from a Bayesian analysis of the problem. We also provide a generic learning algorithm for optimizing models with respect to BPR-Opt. The learning method is based on stochastic gradient descent with bootstrap sampling. We show how to apply our method to two state-of-the-art recommender models: matrix factorization and adaptive kNN. Our experiments indicate that for the task of personalized ranking our optimization method outperforms the standard learning techniques for MF and kNN. The results show the importance of optimizing models for the right criterion.
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Such systems are particularly useful for entertainment products such as movies, music, and TV shows. Many customers will view the same movie, and each customer is likely to view numerous different movies. Customers have proven willing to indicate their level of satisfaction with particular movies, so a huge volume of data is available about which movies appeal to which customers. Companies can analyze this data to recommend movies to particular customers. RecommendeR system stRategiesBroadly speaking, recommender systems are based on one of two strategies. The content filtering approach creates a profile for each user or product to characterize its nature. For example, a movie profile could include attributes regarding its genre, the participating actors, its box office popularity, and so forth. User profiles might include demographic information or answers provided on a suitable questionnaire. The profiles allow programs to associate users with matching products. Of course, content-based strategies require gathering external information that might not be available or easy to collect.A known successful realization of content filtering is the Music Genome Project, which is used for the Internet radio service Pandora.com. A trained music analyst scores M odern consumers are inundated with choices. Electronic retailers and content providers offer a huge selection of products, with unprecedented opportunities to meet a variety of special needs and tastes. Matching consumers with the most appropriate products is key to enhancing user satisfaction and loyalty. Therefore, more retailers have become interested in recommender systems, which analyze patterns of user interest in products to provide personalized recommendations that suit a user's taste. Because good personalized recommendations can add another dimension to the user experience, e-commerce leaders like Amazon.com and Netflix have made recommender systems a salient part of their websites.
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In recent years, deep neural networks have yielded immense success on speech recognition, computer vision and natural language processing. However, the exploration of deep neural networks on recommender systems has received relatively less scrutiny. In this work, we strive to develop techniques based on neural networks to tackle the key problem in recommendation -collaborative filtering -on the basis of implicit feedback.Although some recent work has employed deep learning for recommendation, they primarily used it to model auxiliary information, such as textual descriptions of items and acoustic features of musics. When it comes to model the key factor in collaborative filtering -the interaction between user and item features, they still resorted to matrix factorization and applied an inner product on the latent features of users and items.By replacing the inner product with a neural architecture that can learn an arbitrary function from data, we present a general framework named NCF, short for Neural networkbased Collaborative Filtering. NCF is generic and can express and generalize matrix factorization under its framework. To supercharge NCF modelling with non-linearities, we propose to leverage a multi-layer perceptron to learn the user-item interaction function. Extensive experiments on two real-world datasets show significant improvements of our proposed NCF framework over the state-of-the-art methods. Empirical evidence shows that using deeper layers of neural networks offers better recommendation performance.
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Large multilayer neural networks trained with backpropagation have recently achieved state-ofthe-art results in a wide range of problems. However, using backprop for neural net learning still has some disadvantages, e.g., having to tune a large number of hyperparameters to the data, lack of calibrated probabilistic predictions, and a tendency to overfit the training data. In principle, the Bayesian approach to learning neural networks does not have these problems. However, existing Bayesian techniques lack scalability to large dataset and network sizes. In this work we present a novel scalable method for learning Bayesian neural networks, called probabilistic backpropagation (PBP). Similar to classical backpropagation, PBP works by computing a forward propagation of probabilities through the network and then doing a backward computation of gradients. A series of experiments on ten real-world datasets show that PBP is significantly faster than other techniques, while offering competitive predictive abilities. Our experiments also show that PBP provides accurate estimates of the posterior variance on the network weights.
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We develop an optimization algorithm suitable for Bayesian learning in complex models. Our approach relies on natural gradient updates within a general black-box framework for efficient training with limited model-specific derivations. It applies within the class of exponential-family variational posterior distributions, for which we extensively discuss the Gaussian case for which the updates have a rather simple form. Our Quasi Black-box Variational Inference (QBVI) framework is readily applicable to a wide class of Bayesian inference problems and is of simple implementation as the updates of the variational posterior do not involve gradients with respect to the model parameters, nor the prescription of the Fisher information matrix. We develop QBVI under different hypotheses for the posterior covariance matrix, discuss details about its robust and feasible implementation, and provide a number of real-world applications to demonstrate its effectiveness.
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In this paper, we study item advertisements for small businesses. This application recommends prospective customers to specific items requested by businesses. From analysis, we found that the existing Recommender Systems (RS) were ineffective for small/new businesses with a few sales history. Training samples in RS can be highly biased toward popular businesses with sufficient sales and can decrease advertising performance for small businesses. We propose a meta-learning-based RS to improve advertising performance for small/new businesses and shops: Meta-Shop. Meta-Shop leverages an advanced meta-learning optimization framework and builds a model for a shop-level recommendation. It also integrates and transfers knowledge between large and small shops, consequently learning better features in small shops. We conducted experiments on a real-world E-commerce dataset and a public benchmark dataset. Meta-Shop outperformed a production baseline and the state-of-the-art RS models. Specifically, it achieved up to 16.6% relative improvement of Recall@1M and 40.4% relative improvement of nDCG@3 for user recommendations to new shops compared to the other RS models.
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多臂匪徒(MAB)提供了一种原则性的在线学习方法,以达到探索和剥削之间的平衡。由于表现出色和反馈学习低,没有学习在多种情况下采取行动,因此多臂匪徒在诸如推荐系统等应用程序中引起了广泛的关注。同样,在推荐系统中,协作过滤(CF)可以说是推荐系统中最早,最具影响力的方法。至关重要的是,新用户和不断变化的推荐项目池是推荐系统需要解决的挑战。对于协作过滤,经典方法是训练模型离线,然后执行在线测试,但是这种方法无法再处理用户偏好的动态变化,即所谓的冷启动。那么,如何在没有有效信息的情况下有效地向用户推荐项目?为了解决上述问题,已经提出了一个基于多臂强盗的协作过滤推荐系统,名为BanditMF。 BANDITMF旨在解决多军强盗算法和协作过滤中的两个挑战:(1)如何在有效信息稀缺的条件下解决冷启动问题以进行协作过滤,(2)强大社会关系域中的强盗算法问题是由独立估计与每个用户相关的未知参数并忽略用户之间的相关性引起的。
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In this paper, we introduce Factorization Machines (FM) which are a new model class that combines the advantages of Support Vector Machines (SVM) with factorization models. Like SVMs, FMs are a general predictor working with any real valued feature vector. In contrast to SVMs, FMs model all interactions between variables using factorized parameters. Thus they are able to estimate interactions even in problems with huge sparsity (like recommender systems) where SVMs fail. We show that the model equation of FMs can be calculated in linear time and thus FMs can be optimized directly. So unlike nonlinear SVMs, a transformation in the dual form is not necessary and the model parameters can be estimated directly without the need of any support vector in the solution. We show the relationship to SVMs and the advantages of FMs for parameter estimation in sparse settings.On the other hand there are many different factorization models like matrix factorization, parallel factor analysis or specialized models like SVD++, PITF or FPMC. The drawback of these models is that they are not applicable for general prediction tasks but work only with special input data. Furthermore their model equations and optimization algorithms are derived individually for each task. We show that FMs can mimic these models just by specifying the input data (i.e. the feature vectors). This makes FMs easily applicable even for users without expert knowledge in factorization models.
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