Concept bottleneck models perform classification by first predicting which of a list of human provided concepts are true about a datapoint. Then a downstream model uses these predicted concept labels to predict the target label. The predicted concepts act as a rationale for the target prediction. Model trust issues emerge in this paradigm when soft concept labels are used: it has previously been observed that extra information about the data distribution leaks into the concept predictions. In this work we show how Monte-Carlo Dropout can be used to attain soft concept predictions that do not contain leaked information.
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The Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs) of Koh et al. [2020] provide a means to ensure that a neural network based classifier bases its predictions solely on human understandable concepts. The concept labels, or rationales as we refer to them, are learned by the concept labeling component of the CBM. Another component learns to predict the target classification label from these predicted concept labels. Unfortunately, these models are heavily reliant on human provided concept labels for each datapoint. To enable CBMs to behave robustly when these labels are not readily available, we show how to equip them with the ability to abstain from predicting concepts when the concept labeling component is uncertain. In other words, our model learns to provide rationales for its predictions, but only whenever it is sure the rationale is correct.
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Rising usage of deep neural networks to perform decision making in critical applications like medical diagnosis and financial analysis have raised concerns regarding their reliability and trustworthiness. As automated systems become more mainstream, it is important their decisions be transparent, reliable and understandable by humans for better trust and confidence. To this effect, concept-based models such as Concept Bottleneck Models (CBMs) and Self-Explaining Neural Networks (SENN) have been proposed which constrain the latent space of a model to represent high level concepts easily understood by domain experts in the field. Although concept-based models promise a good approach to both increasing explainability and reliability, it is yet to be shown if they demonstrate robustness and output consistent concepts under systematic perturbations to their inputs. To better understand performance of concept-based models on curated malicious samples, in this paper, we aim to study their robustness to adversarial perturbations, which are also known as the imperceptible changes to the input data that are crafted by an attacker to fool a well-learned concept-based model. Specifically, we first propose and analyze different malicious attacks to evaluate the security vulnerability of concept based models. Subsequently, we propose a potential general adversarial training-based defense mechanism to increase robustness of these systems to the proposed malicious attacks. Extensive experiments on one synthetic and two real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed attacks and the defense approach.
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缺乏精心校准的置信度估计值使神经网络在安全至关重要的领域(例如自动驾驶或医疗保健)中不足。在这些设置中,有能力放弃对分布(OOD)数据进行预测的能力,就像正确分类分布数据一样重要。我们介绍了$ P $ -DKNN,这是一种新颖的推理程序,该过程采用了经过训练的深神经网络,并分析了其中间隐藏表示形式的相似性结构,以计算与端到端模型预测相关的$ p $值。直觉是,在潜在表示方面执行的统计测试不仅可以用作分类器,还可以提供统计上有充分根据的不确定性估计。 $ P $ -DKNN是可扩展的,并利用隐藏层学到的表示形式的组成,这使深度表示学习成功。我们的理论分析基于Neyman-Pearson的分类,并将其与选择性分类的最新进展(拒绝选项)联系起来。我们证明了在放弃预测OOD输入和保持分布输入的高精度之间的有利权衡。我们发现,$ p $ -DKNN强迫自适应攻击者制作对抗性示例(一种最差的OOD输入形式),以对输入引入语义上有意义的更改。
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不确定性估计(UE)技术 - 例如高斯过程(GP),贝叶斯神经网络(BNN),蒙特卡罗辍学(MCDropout) - 旨在通过为每个分配估计的不确定性值来提高机器学习模型的可解释性他们的预测输出。然而,由于过高的不确定性估计可以在实践中具有致命的后果,因此本文分析了上述技术。首先,我们表明GP方法始终会产生高不确定性估计(OOD)数据。其次,我们在2D玩具示例中显示了BNN和MCDRopout在OOD样品上没有提供高不确定性估计。最后,我们凭经验展示了这种BNNS和MCDRopout的陷阱也在现实世界数据集中持有。我们的见解(i)提高了对深度学习中目前流行的UE方法更加谨慎使用的认识,(ii)鼓励开发UE方法,这些方法近似于基于GP的方法 - 而不是BNN和MCDROPOUT,以及我们的经验设置可用于验证任何其他UE方法的ood性能。源代码在娱乐中获得。
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Deep neural networks (NNs) are powerful black box predictors that have recently achieved impressive performance on a wide spectrum of tasks. Quantifying predictive uncertainty in NNs is a challenging and yet unsolved problem. Bayesian NNs, which learn a distribution over weights, are currently the state-of-the-art for estimating predictive uncertainty; however these require significant modifications to the training procedure and are computationally expensive compared to standard (non-Bayesian) NNs. We propose an alternative to Bayesian NNs that is simple to implement, readily parallelizable, requires very little hyperparameter tuning, and yields high quality predictive uncertainty estimates. Through a series of experiments on classification and regression benchmarks, we demonstrate that our method produces well-calibrated uncertainty estimates which are as good or better than approximate Bayesian NNs. To assess robustness to dataset shift, we evaluate the predictive uncertainty on test examples from known and unknown distributions, and show that our method is able to express higher uncertainty on out-of-distribution examples. We demonstrate the scalability of our method by evaluating predictive uncertainty estimates on ImageNet.
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部署AI驱动的系统需要支持有效人类互动的值得信赖的模型,超出了原始预测准确性。概念瓶颈模型通过在类似人类的概念的中间级别调节分类任务来促进可信度。这使得人类干预措施可以纠正错误预测的概念以改善模型的性能。但是,现有的概念瓶颈模型无法在高任务准确性,基于概念的强大解释和对概念的有效干预措施之间找到最佳的妥协,尤其是在稀缺完整和准确的概念主管的现实情况下。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了概念嵌入模型,这是一种新型的概念瓶颈模型,它通过学习可解释的高维概念表示形式而超出了当前的准确性-VS解关性权衡。我们的实验表明,嵌入模型(1)达到更好或竞争性的任务准确性W.R.T. W.R.T.没有概念的标准神经模型,(2)提供概念表示,以捕获有意义的语义,包括其地面真相标签,(3)支持测试时间概念干预措施,其在测试准确性中的影响超过了标准概念瓶颈模型,以及(4)规模对于稀缺的完整概念监督的现实条件。
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Deep learning tools have gained tremendous attention in applied machine learning. However such tools for regression and classification do not capture model uncertainty. In comparison, Bayesian models offer a mathematically grounded framework to reason about model uncertainty, but usually come with a prohibitive computational cost. In this paper we develop a new theoretical framework casting dropout training in deep neural networks (NNs) as approximate Bayesian inference in deep Gaussian processes. A direct result of this theory gives us tools to model uncertainty with dropout NNsextracting information from existing models that has been thrown away so far. This mitigates the problem of representing uncertainty in deep learning without sacrificing either computational complexity or test accuracy. We perform an extensive study of the properties of dropout's uncertainty. Various network architectures and nonlinearities are assessed on tasks of regression and classification, using MNIST as an example. We show a considerable improvement in predictive log-likelihood and RMSE compared to existing state-of-the-art methods, and finish by using dropout's uncertainty in deep reinforcement learning.
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对于使用高性能机器学习算法通常不透明的决策,人们越来越担心。用特定于领域的术语对推理过程的解释对于在医疗保健等风险敏感领域中采用至关重要。我们认为,机器学习算法应该可以通过设计来解释,并且表达这些解释的语言应与域和任务有关。因此,我们将模型的预测基于数据的用户定义和特定于任务的二进制函数,每个都对最终用户有明确的解释。然后,我们最大程度地减少了在任何给定输入上准确预测所需的预期查询数。由于解决方案通常是棘手的,因此在事先工作之后,我们根据信息增益顺序选择查询。但是,与以前的工作相反,我们不必假设查询在有条件地独立。取而代之的是,我们利用随机生成模型(VAE)和MCMC算法(未经调整的Langevin)来选择基于先前的查询 - 答案的输入的最有用的查询。这使得在线确定要解决预测歧义所需的任何深度的查询链。最后,关于视觉和NLP任务的实验证明了我们的方法的功效及其优越性比事后解释的优势。
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The interpretation of deep learning models is a challenge due to their size, complexity, and often opaque internal state. In addition, many systems, such as image classifiers, operate on low-level features rather than high-level concepts. To address these challenges, we introduce Concept Activation Vectors (CAVs), which provide an interpretation of a neural net's internal state in terms of human-friendly concepts. The key idea is to view the high-dimensional internal state of a neural net as an aid, not an obstacle. We show how to use CAVs as part of a technique, Testing with CAVs (TCAV), that uses directional derivatives to quantify the degree to which a user-defined concept is important to a classification result-for example, how sensitive a prediction of zebra is to the presence of stripes. Using the domain of image classification as a testing ground, we describe how CAVs may be used to explore hypotheses and generate insights for a standard image classification network as well as a medical application.
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标记数据可以是昂贵的任务,因为它通常由域专家手动执行。对于深度学习而言,这是繁琐的,因为它取决于大型标记的数据集。主动学习(AL)是一种范式,旨在通过仅使用二手车型认为最具信息丰富的数据来减少标签努力。在文本分类设置中,在AL上完成了很少的研究,旁边没有涉及最近的最先进的自然语言处理(NLP)模型。在这里,我们介绍了一个实证研究,可以将基于不确定性的基于不确定性的算法与Bert $ _ {base} $相比,作为使用的分类器。我们评估两个NLP分类数据集的算法:斯坦福情绪树木银行和kvk-Front页面。此外,我们探讨了旨在解决不确定性的al的预定问题的启发式;即,它是不可规范的,并且易于选择异常值。此外,我们探讨了查询池大小对al的性能的影响。虽然发现,AL的拟议启发式没有提高AL的表现;我们的结果表明,使用BERT $ _ {Base} $概率使用不确定性的AL。随着查询池大小变大,性能的这种差异可以减少。
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We quantitatively investigate how machine learning models leak information about the individual data records on which they were trained. We focus on the basic membership inference attack: given a data record and black-box access to a model, determine if the record was in the model's training dataset. To perform membership inference against a target model, we make adversarial use of machine learning and train our own inference model to recognize differences in the target model's predictions on the inputs that it trained on versus the inputs that it did not train on.We empirically evaluate our inference techniques on classification models trained by commercial "machine learning as a service" providers such as Google and Amazon. Using realistic datasets and classification tasks, including a hospital discharge dataset whose membership is sensitive from the privacy perspective, we show that these models can be vulnerable to membership inference attacks. We then investigate the factors that influence this leakage and evaluate mitigation strategies.
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Concept bottleneck models (CBMs) (Koh et al. 2020) are interpretable neural networks that first predict labels for human-interpretable concepts relevant to the prediction task, and then predict the final label based on the concept label predictions.We extend CBMs to interactive prediction settings where the model can query a human collaborator for the label to some concepts. We develop an interaction policy that, at prediction time, chooses which concepts to request a label for so as to maximally improve the final prediction. We demonstrate thata simple policy combining concept prediction uncertainty and influence of the concept on the final prediction achieves strong performance and outperforms a static approach proposed in Koh et al. (2020) as well as active feature acquisition methods proposed in the literature. We show that the interactiveCBM can achieve accuracy gains of 5-10% with only 5 interactions over competitive baselines on the Caltech-UCSDBirds, CheXpert and OAI datasets.
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We present a variational approximation to the information bottleneck of Tishby et al. (1999). This variational approach allows us to parameterize the information bottleneck model using a neural network and leverage the reparameterization trick for efficient training. We call this method "Deep Variational Information Bottleneck", or Deep VIB. We show that models trained with the VIB objective outperform those that are trained with other forms of regularization, in terms of generalization performance and robustness to adversarial attack.
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