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The multi-armed bandit problem is a popular model for studying exploration/exploitation trade-off in sequential decision problems. Many algorithms are now available for this well-studied problem. One of the earliest algorithms, given by W. R. Thompson, dates back to 1933. This algorithm, referred to as Thompson Sampling, is a natural Bayesian algorithm. The basic idea is to choose an arm to play according to its probability of being the best arm. Thompson Sampling algorithm has experimentally been shown to be close to optimal. In addition, it is efficient to implement and exhibits several desirable properties such as small regret for delayed feedback. However, theoretical understanding of this algorithm was quite limited. In this paper, for the first time, we show that Thompson Sampling algorithm achieves logarithmic expected regret for the stochastic multi-armed bandit problem. More precisely, for the stochastic two-armed bandit problem, the expected regret in time T is O( ln T ∆ + 1 ∆ 3 ). And, for the stochastic N -armed bandit problem, the expected regret in time) 2 ln T ). Our bounds are optimal but for the dependence on ∆i and the constant factors in big-Oh.
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Thompson Sampling is one of the oldest heuristics for multi-armed bandit problems. It is a randomized algorithm based on Bayesian ideas, and has recently generated significant interest after several studies demonstrated it to have better empirical performance compared to the stateof-the-art methods. However, many questions regarding its theoretical performance remained open. In this paper, we design and analyze a generalization of Thompson Sampling algorithm for the stochastic contextual multi-armed bandit problem with linear payoff functions, when the contexts are provided by an adaptive adversary. This is among the most important and widely studied version of the contextual bandits problem. We provide the first theoretical guarantees for the contextual version of Thompson Sampling. We prove a high probability regret bound of Õ(d 3/2 √ T ) (or Õ(d T log(N ))), which is the best regret bound achieved by any computationally efficient algorithm for this problem, and is within a factor of √ d (or log(N )) of the information-theoretic lower bound for this problem.
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在本文中,我们考虑了在规避风险的标准下线性收益的上下文多臂强盗问题。在每个回合中,每个手臂都会揭示上下文,决策者选择一只手臂拉动并获得相应的奖励。特别是,我们将均值变化视为风险标准,最好的组是具有最大均值奖励的均值。我们将汤普森采样算法应用于脱节模型,并为提出算法的变体提供全面的遗憾分析。对于$ t $ rounds,$ k $ Actions和$ d $ - 维功能向量,我们证明了$ o((1+ \ rho+\ frac {1} {1} {\ rho}){\ rho})d \ ln t \ ln t \ ln的遗憾。 \ frac {k} {\ delta} \ sqrt {d k t^{1+2 \ epsilon} \ ln \ frac {k} {\ delta} \ frac {1} {\ epsilon}} $ 1 - \ \ delta $在带有风险公差$ \ rho $的均值方差标准下,对于任何$ 0 <\ epsilon <\ frac {1} {2} $,$ 0 <\ delta <1 $。我们提出的算法的经验性能通过投资组合选择问题来证明。
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在本文中,我们研究了汤普森采样(TS)方法的应用到随机组合多臂匪徒(CMAB)框架中。当所有基本臂的结果分布都是独立的,并获得$ o(m \ log k _ {\ max} \ log t / \ delta_时,我们首先分析一般CMAB模型的标准TS算法。 {\ min})$,其中$ m $是基本武器的数量,$ k _ {\ max} $是最大的超级臂的大小,$ t $是时间范围,而$ \ delta _ {\ min} $是最佳解决方案的预期奖励与任何非最佳解决方案之间的最小差距。这种遗憾的上限比$ o(m(\ log k _ {\ max})^2 \ log t / \ delta _ {\ min})$更好。此外,我们的新颖分析技术可以帮助收紧其他基于UCB的政策(例如ESC)的遗憾界限,因为我们改善了计算累积遗憾的方法。然后,我们考虑Matroid Bandit设置(CMAB模型的特殊类别),在这里我们可以删除跨武器的独立性假设,并实现与下限匹配的遗憾上限。除了遗憾的上限外,我们还指出,一个人不能直接替换确切的离线甲骨文(将离线问题实例的参数作为输入,并在此实例下输出确切的最佳操作),用TS算法中的近似oracle替换了ts算法的近似值。甚至经典的mAb问题。最后,我们使用一些实验来显示TS遗憾与其他现有算法之间的比较,实验结果表明TS优于现有基准。
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我们研究汤普森采样(TS)算法的遗憾,指数为家庭土匪,其中奖励分配来自一个一维指数式家庭,该家庭涵盖了许多常见的奖励分布,包括伯努利,高斯,伽玛,伽玛,指数等。我们建议汤普森采样算法,称为expts,它使用新颖的采样分布来避免估计最佳臂。我们为expts提供了严格的遗憾分析,同时产生有限的遗憾和渐近遗憾。特别是,对于带指数级家庭奖励的$ k $臂匪徒,expts of horizo​​n $ t $ sub-ucb(对于有限的时间遗憾的是问题依赖的有限时间标准) $ \ sqrt {\ log k} $,并且对于指数家庭奖励,渐近最佳。此外,我们通过在Expts中使用的采样分配外添加一个贪婪的剥削步骤,提出$^+$,以避免过度估计亚最佳武器。 expts $^+$是随时随地的强盗算法,可用于指数级的家庭奖励分布同时实现最小值和渐近最优性。我们的证明技术在概念上很简单,可以轻松地应用于用特定奖励分布分析标准的汤普森抽样。
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我们将一般的多军匪徒问题视为一个相关(和简单的上下文和不安)元素,是一个放松的控制问题。通过引入熵正则化,我们获得了对值函数的平滑渐近近似。这产生了最佳决策过程的新型半指数近似。该半指数可以被解释为明确平衡探索 - 探索 - 探索权衡取舍,就像乐观的(UCB)原则中,学习溢价明确描述了环境中可用的信息的不对称性和奖励功能中的非线性。所得的渐近随机对照(ARC)算法的性能与其他相关的多臂匪徒的方法相比有利。
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We consider the classic online learning and stochastic multi-armed bandit (MAB) problems, when at each step, the online policy can probe and find out which of a small number ($k$) of choices has better reward (or loss) before making its choice. In this model, we derive algorithms whose regret bounds have exponentially better dependence on the time horizon compared to the classic regret bounds. In particular, we show that probing with $k=2$ suffices to achieve time-independent regret bounds for online linear and convex optimization. The same number of probes improve the regret bound of stochastic MAB with independent arms from $O(\sqrt{nT})$ to $O(n^2 \log T)$, where $n$ is the number of arms and $T$ is the horizon length. For stochastic MAB, we also consider a stronger model where a probe reveals the reward values of the probed arms, and show that in this case, $k=3$ probes suffice to achieve parameter-independent constant regret, $O(n^2)$. Such regret bounds cannot be achieved even with full feedback after the play, showcasing the power of limited ``advice'' via probing before making the play. We also present extensions to the setting where the hints can be imperfect, and to the case of stochastic MAB where the rewards of the arms can be correlated.
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我们考虑随机多武装强盗(MAB)问题,延迟影响了行动。在我们的环境中,过去采取的行动在随后的未来影响了ARM奖励。在现实世界中,行动的这种延迟影响是普遍的。例如,为某个社会群体中的人员偿还贷款的能力可能历史上历史上批准贷款申请的频率频率。如果银行将贷款申请拒绝拒绝弱势群体,则可以创建反馈循环,进一步损害该群体中获取贷款的机会。在本文中,我们制定了在多武装匪徒的背景下的行动延迟和长期影响。由于在学习期间,我们将强盗设置概括为对这种“偏置”的依赖性进行编码。目标是随着时间的推移最大化收集的公用事业,同时考虑到历史行动延迟影响所产生的动态。我们提出了一种算法,实现了$ \ tilde {\ mathcal {o}}的遗憾,并显示$ \ omega(kt ^ {2/3})$的匹配遗憾下限,其中$ k $是武器数量,$ t $是学习地平线。我们的结果通过添加技术来补充强盗文献,以处理具有长期影响的行动,并对设计公平算法有影响。
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Thompson sampling has proven effective across a wide range of stationary bandit environments. However, as we demonstrate in this paper, it can perform poorly when applied to nonstationary environments. We show that such failures are attributed to the fact that, when exploring, the algorithm does not differentiate actions based on how quickly the information acquired loses its usefulness due to nonstationarity. Building upon this insight, we propose predictive sampling, which extends Thompson sampling to do this. We establish a Bayesian regret bound and establish that, in nonstationary bandit environments, the regret incurred by Thompson sampling can far exceed that of predictive sampling. We also present implementations of predictive sampling that scale to complex bandit environments of practical interest in a computationally tractable manner. Through simulations, we demonstrate that predictive sampling outperforms Thompson sampling and other state-of-the-art algorithms across a wide range of nonstationary bandit environments.
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我们在这里采用贝叶斯非参数混合模型,以将多臂匪徒扩展到尤其是汤普森采样,以扩展到存在奖励模型不确定性的场景。在随机的多臂强盗中,播放臂的奖励是由未知分布产生的。奖励不确定性,即缺乏有关奖励生成分布的知识,引起了探索 - 开发权的权衡:强盗代理需要同时了解奖励分布的属性,并顺序决定下一步要采取哪种操作。在这项工作中,我们通过采用贝叶斯非参数高斯混合模型来进行奖励模型不确定性,将汤普森的抽样扩展到场景中,以进行灵活的奖励密度估计。提出的贝叶斯非参数混合物模型汤普森采样依次学习了奖励模型,该模型最能近似于真实但未知的每臂奖励分布,从而实现了成功的遗憾表现。我们基于基于后验分析的新颖的分析得出的,这是一种针对该方法的渐近遗憾。此外,我们从经验上评估了其在多样化和以前难以捉摸的匪徒环境中的性能,例如,在指数级的家族中,奖励不受异常值和不同的每臂奖励分布。我们表明,拟议的贝叶斯非参数汤普森取样优于表现,无论是平均累积的遗憾和遗憾的波动,最先进的替代方案。在存在强盗奖励模型不确定性的情况下,提出的方法很有价值,因为它避免了严格的逐案模型设计选择,但提供了重要的遗憾。
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Evaluating the performance of an ongoing policy plays a vital role in many areas such as medicine and economics, to provide crucial instruction on the early-stop of the online experiment and timely feedback from the environment. Policy evaluation in online learning thus attracts increasing attention by inferring the mean outcome of the optimal policy (i.e., the value) in real-time. Yet, such a problem is particularly challenging due to the dependent data generated in the online environment, the unknown optimal policy, and the complex exploration and exploitation trade-off in the adaptive experiment. In this paper, we aim to overcome these difficulties in policy evaluation for online learning. We explicitly derive the probability of exploration that quantifies the probability of exploring the non-optimal actions under commonly used bandit algorithms. We use this probability to conduct valid inference on the online conditional mean estimator under each action and develop the doubly robust interval estimation (DREAM) method to infer the value under the estimated optimal policy in online learning. The proposed value estimator provides double protection on the consistency and is asymptotically normal with a Wald-type confidence interval provided. Extensive simulations and real data applications are conducted to demonstrate the empirical validity of the proposed DREAM method.
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现有的组合纯探索方法主要集中在UCB方法上。为了提高算法,他们通常使用ARM SET $ S $内的上限限制的总和来表示$ S $的上限限制,这可能比$ S $的紧密上限限制大得多,并导致由于$ S $中不同武器的经验手段是独立的,因此复杂性要比必要的要高得多。为了应对这一挑战,我们探索了使用独立的随机样品而不是上限置信边界的汤普森采样(TS)的想法,并为(组合)纯探索设计了第一个基于TS的算法TS-TS-explore。在TS-explore中,ARM集合$ S $中的独立随机样品的总和不会超过具有高概率的$ S $的紧密上限限制。因此,它解决了上述挑战,并且比一般组合纯探索中现有的基于UCB的算法的复杂性更高。至于对经典多臂强盗的纯粹探索,我们表明TS-explore实现了渐近最佳的复杂性上限。
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