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本文介绍了信息性多臂强盗(IMAB)模型,在每个回合中,玩家选择手臂,观察符号,并以符号的自我信息形式获得未观察到的奖励。因此,手臂的预期奖励是产生其符号的源质量函数的香农熵。玩家的目标是最大程度地提高与武器的熵值相关的预期奖励。在假设字母大小是已知的假设下,为IMAB模型提出了两种基于UCB的算法,该算法考虑了插件熵估计器的偏差。第一种算法在熵估计中乐观地纠正了偏置项。第二算法依赖于数据依赖性置信区间,该置信区间适应具有较小熵值的源。性能保证是通过上限为每种算法的预期遗憾提供的。此外,在Bernoulli案例中,将这些算法的渐近行为与伪遗憾的Lai-Robbins的下限进行了比较。此外,在假设\ textit {cract}字母大小的假设下是未知的,而播放器仅知道其上方的宽度上限,提出了一种基于UCB的算法,在其中,玩家的目的是减少由该算法造成的遗憾。未知的字母尺寸在有限的时间方面。数字结果说明了论文中介绍的算法的预期遗憾。
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我们考虑一个完全分散的多人多手随机多武装匪盗匪徒,其中玩家不能互相通信,并且只能观察自己的行为和奖励。环境可能与不同的播放器不同,$ \ texit {i.e.} $,给定臂的奖励分布在球员之间是异构的。在碰撞的情况下(当多个玩家播放相同的手臂时),我们允许碰撞玩家接收非零奖励。播放武器的时间 - 地平线$ t $是\ emph {否}对玩家已知。在此设置中,允许玩家的数量大于武器的数量,我们展示了一项达到订单优化预期令人遗憾的政策$ O(\ log ^ {1 + delta} t)$有些$ 0 <\ delta <1 $超过时间的时间$ t $。IEEE关于信息理论的交易中接受了本文。
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富达匪徒问题是$ k $的武器问题的变体,其中每个臂的奖励通过提供额外收益的富达奖励来增强,这取决于播放器如何对该臂进行“忠诚”在过去。我们提出了两种忠诚的模型。在忠诚点模型中,额外奖励的数量取决于手臂之前播放的次数。在订阅模型中,额外的奖励取决于手臂的连续绘制的当前数量。我们考虑随机和对抗问题。由于单臂策略在随机问题中并不总是最佳,因此对抗性环境中遗憾的概念需要仔细调整。我们介绍了三个可能的遗憾和调查,这可以是偏执的偏执。我们详细介绍了增加,减少和优惠券的特殊情况(玩家在手臂的每辆M $播放后获得额外的奖励)保真奖励。对于不一定享受载体遗憾的模型,我们提供了最糟糕的下限。对于那些展示Sublinear遗憾的模型,我们提供算法并绑定他们的遗憾。
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多臂强盗(MAB)问题是增强学习领域中广泛研究的模型。本文考虑了经典mAB模型的两个案例 - 灯塔奖励分布和重尾。对于轻尾(即次高斯)案件,我们提出了UCB1-LT政策,实现了遗憾增长命令的最佳$ O(\ log t)$。对于重尾案,我们介绍了扩展的强大UCB政策,这是Bubeck等人提出的UCB政策的扩展。(2013)和Lattimore(2017)。以前的UCB政策要求在奖励分布的特定时刻了解上限的知识,在某些实际情况下可能很难获得。我们扩展的强大UCB消除了这一要求,同时仍达到最佳的遗憾增长订单$ O(\ log t)$,从而为重型奖励分配提供了扩大的UCB政策应用程序领域。
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在本文中,我们研究了汤普森采样(TS)方法的应用到随机组合多臂匪徒(CMAB)框架中。当所有基本臂的结果分布都是独立的,并获得$ o(m \ log k _ {\ max} \ log t / \ delta_时,我们首先分析一般CMAB模型的标准TS算法。 {\ min})$,其中$ m $是基本武器的数量,$ k _ {\ max} $是最大的超级臂的大小,$ t $是时间范围,而$ \ delta _ {\ min} $是最佳解决方案的预期奖励与任何非最佳解决方案之间的最小差距。这种遗憾的上限比$ o(m(\ log k _ {\ max})^2 \ log t / \ delta _ {\ min})$更好。此外,我们的新颖分析技术可以帮助收紧其他基于UCB的政策(例如ESC)的遗憾界限,因为我们改善了计算累积遗憾的方法。然后,我们考虑Matroid Bandit设置(CMAB模型的特殊类别),在这里我们可以删除跨武器的独立性假设,并实现与下限匹配的遗憾上限。除了遗憾的上限外,我们还指出,一个人不能直接替换确切的离线甲骨文(将离线问题实例的参数作为输入,并在此实例下输出确切的最佳操作),用TS算法中的近似oracle替换了ts算法的近似值。甚至经典的mAb问题。最后,我们使用一些实验来显示TS遗憾与其他现有算法之间的比较,实验结果表明TS优于现有基准。
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我们研究了基于模型的未识别的强化学习,用于部分可观察到的马尔可夫决策过程(POMDPS)。我们认为的Oracle是POMDP的最佳政策,其在无限视野的平均奖励方面具有已知环境。我们为此问题提出了一种学习算法,基于隐藏的马尔可夫模型的光谱方法估计,POMDPS中的信念错误控制以及在线学习的上等信心结合方法。我们为提出的学习算法建立了$ o(t^{2/3} \ sqrt {\ log t})$的后悔界限,其中$ t $是学习范围。据我们所知,这是第一种算法,这是对我们学习普通POMDP的甲骨文的统一性后悔。
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我们考虑腐烂奖励的无限多臂匪徒问题,其中手臂的平均奖励是根据任意趋势在每次拉动的手臂上减小的,最大腐烂速率$ \ varrho = o(1)$。我们表明,这个学习问题具有$ \ omega(\ max \ {\ varrho^{1/3} t,\ sqrt {t} \})$ worst-case遗憾的遗憾下降下降,其中$ t $是$ t $。我们表明,匹配的上限$ \ tilde {o}(\ max \ {\ varrho^{1/3} t,\ sqrt {t} \})$,最多可以通过多元素来实现当算法知道最大腐烂速率$ \ varrho $时,一种使用UCB索引的算法,该算法使用UCB索引和一个阈值来决定是否继续拉动手臂或从进一步考虑中移除手臂。我们还表明,$ \ tilde {o}(\ max \ {\ varrho^{1/3} t,t^{3/4} \})$遗憾的上限可以通过不知道的算法来实现$ \ varrho $的值通过使用自适应UCB索引以及自适应阈值值。
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The multi-armed bandit problem is a popular model for studying exploration/exploitation trade-off in sequential decision problems. Many algorithms are now available for this well-studied problem. One of the earliest algorithms, given by W. R. Thompson, dates back to 1933. This algorithm, referred to as Thompson Sampling, is a natural Bayesian algorithm. The basic idea is to choose an arm to play according to its probability of being the best arm. Thompson Sampling algorithm has experimentally been shown to be close to optimal. In addition, it is efficient to implement and exhibits several desirable properties such as small regret for delayed feedback. However, theoretical understanding of this algorithm was quite limited. In this paper, for the first time, we show that Thompson Sampling algorithm achieves logarithmic expected regret for the stochastic multi-armed bandit problem. More precisely, for the stochastic two-armed bandit problem, the expected regret in time T is O( ln T ∆ + 1 ∆ 3 ). And, for the stochastic N -armed bandit problem, the expected regret in time) 2 ln T ). Our bounds are optimal but for the dependence on ∆i and the constant factors in big-Oh.
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我们通过反馈图来重新审视随机在线学习的问题,目的是设计最佳的算法,直至常数,无论是渐近还是有限的时间。我们表明,令人惊讶的是,在这种情况下,最佳有限时间遗憾的概念并不是一个唯一的定义属性,总的来说,它与渐近率是与渐近率分离的。我们讨论了替代选择,并提出了有限时间最优性的概念,我们认为是\ emph {有意义的}。对于这个概念,我们给出了一种算法,在有限的时间和渐近上都承认了准最佳的遗憾。
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我们考虑随机多武装强盗(MAB)问题,延迟影响了行动。在我们的环境中,过去采取的行动在随后的未来影响了ARM奖励。在现实世界中,行动的这种延迟影响是普遍的。例如,为某个社会群体中的人员偿还贷款的能力可能历史上历史上批准贷款申请的频率频率。如果银行将贷款申请拒绝拒绝弱势群体,则可以创建反馈循环,进一步损害该群体中获取贷款的机会。在本文中,我们制定了在多武装匪徒的背景下的行动延迟和长期影响。由于在学习期间,我们将强盗设置概括为对这种“偏置”的依赖性进行编码。目标是随着时间的推移最大化收集的公用事业,同时考虑到历史行动延迟影响所产生的动态。我们提出了一种算法,实现了$ \ tilde {\ mathcal {o}}的遗憾,并显示$ \ omega(kt ^ {2/3})$的匹配遗憾下限,其中$ k $是武器数量,$ t $是学习地平线。我们的结果通过添加技术来补充强盗文献,以处理具有长期影响的行动,并对设计公平算法有影响。
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本文在动态定价的背景下调查预先存在的离线数据对在线学习的影响。我们在$ t $期间的销售地平线上研究单一产品动态定价问题。每个时段的需求由产品价格根据具有未知参数的线性需求模型确定。我们假设在销售地平线开始之前,卖方已经有一些预先存在的离线数据。离线数据集包含$ N $示例,其中每个标准是由历史价格和相关的需求观察组成的输入输出对。卖方希望利用预先存在的离线数据和顺序在线数据来最大限度地减少在线学习过程的遗憾。我们的特征在于在线学习过程的最佳遗憾的脱机数据的大小,位置和分散的联合效果。具体而言,离线数据的大小,位置和色散由历史样本数量为$ n $,平均历史价格与最佳价格$ \ delta $之间的距离以及历史价格的标准差价Sigma $分别。我们表明最佳遗憾是$ \ widetilde \ theta \ left(\ sqrt {t} \ wedge \ frac {t} {(n \ wedge t)\ delta ^ 2 + n \ sigma ^ 2} \右)$,基于“面对不确定性”原则的“乐观主义”的学习算法,其遗憾是最佳的对数因子。我们的结果揭示了对脱机数据的大小的最佳遗憾率的惊人变换,我们称之为阶段转型。此外,我们的结果表明,离线数据的位置和分散也对最佳遗憾具有内在效果,我们通过逆平面法量化了这种效果。
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In this paper, we investigate the impact of diverse user preference on learning under the stochastic multi-armed bandit (MAB) framework. We aim to show that when the user preferences are sufficiently diverse and each arm can be optimal for certain users, the O(log T) regret incurred by exploring the sub-optimal arms under the standard stochastic MAB setting can be reduced to a constant. Our intuition is that to achieve sub-linear regret, the number of times an optimal arm being pulled should scale linearly in time; when all arms are optimal for certain users and pulled frequently, the estimated arm statistics can quickly converge to their true values, thus reducing the need of exploration dramatically. We cast the problem into a stochastic linear bandits model, where both the users preferences and the state of arms are modeled as {independent and identical distributed (i.i.d)} d-dimensional random vectors. After receiving the user preference vector at the beginning of each time slot, the learner pulls an arm and receives a reward as the linear product of the preference vector and the arm state vector. We also assume that the state of the pulled arm is revealed to the learner once its pulled. We propose a Weighted Upper Confidence Bound (W-UCB) algorithm and show that it can achieve a constant regret when the user preferences are sufficiently diverse. The performance of W-UCB under general setups is also completely characterized and validated with synthetic data.
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Multi-player multi-armed bandit is an increasingly relevant decision-making problem, motivated by applications to cognitive radio systems. Most research for this problem focuses exclusively on the settings that players have \textit{full access} to all arms and receive no reward when pulling the same arm. Hence all players solve the same bandit problem with the goal of maximizing their cumulative reward. However, these settings neglect several important factors in many real-world applications, where players have \textit{limited access} to \textit{a dynamic local subset of arms} (i.e., an arm could sometimes be ``walking'' and not accessible to the player). To this end, this paper proposes a \textit{multi-player multi-armed walking bandits} model, aiming to address aforementioned modeling issues. The goal now is to maximize the reward, however, players can only pull arms from the local subset and only collect a full reward if no other players pull the same arm. We adopt Upper Confidence Bound (UCB) to deal with the exploration-exploitation tradeoff and employ distributed optimization techniques to properly handle collisions. By carefully integrating these two techniques, we propose a decentralized algorithm with near-optimal guarantee on the regret, and can be easily implemented to obtain competitive empirical performance.
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我们研究了一个顺序决策问题,其中学习者面临$ k $武装的随机匪徒任务的顺序。对手可能会设计任务,但是对手受到限制,以在$ m $ and的较小(但未知)子集中选择每个任务的最佳组。任务边界可能是已知的(强盗元学习设置)或未知(非平稳的强盗设置)。我们设计了一种基于Burnit subsodular最大化的减少的算法,并表明,在大量任务和少数最佳武器的制度中,它在两种情况下的遗憾都比$ \ tilde {o}的简单基线要小。 \ sqrt {knt})$可以通过使用为非平稳匪徒问题设计的标准算法获得。对于固定任务长度$ \ tau $的强盗元学习问题,我们证明该算法的遗憾被限制为$ \ tilde {o}(nm \ sqrt {m \ tau}+n^{2/3} m \ tau)$。在每个任务中最佳武器的可识别性的其他假设下,我们显示了一个带有改进的$ \ tilde {o}(n \ sqrt {m \ tau}+n^{1/2} {1/2} \ sqrt的强盗元学习算法{m k \ tau})$遗憾。
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We study Pareto optimality in multi-objective multi-armed bandit by providing a formulation of adversarial multi-objective multi-armed bandit and properly defining its Pareto regrets that can be generalized to stochastic settings as well. The regrets do not rely on any scalarization functions and reflect Pareto optimality compared to scalarized regrets. We also present new algorithms assuming both with and without prior information of the multi-objective multi-armed bandit setting. The algorithms are shown optimal in adversarial settings and nearly optimal in stochastic settings simultaneously by our established upper bounds and lower bounds on Pareto regrets. Moreover, the lower bound analyses show that the new regrets are consistent with the existing Pareto regret for stochastic settings and extend an adversarial attack mechanism from bandit to the multi-objective one.
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We consider the stochastic linear contextual bandit problem with high-dimensional features. We analyze the Thompson sampling (TS) algorithm, using special classes of sparsity-inducing priors (e.g. spike-and-slab) to model the unknown parameter, and provide a nearly optimal upper bound on the expected cumulative regret. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that provides theoretical guarantees of Thompson sampling in high dimensional and sparse contextual bandits. For faster computation, we use spike-and-slab prior to model the unknown parameter and variational inference instead of MCMC to approximate the posterior distribution. Extensive simulations demonstrate improved performance of our proposed algorithm over existing ones.
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