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鉴于ICU(重症监护股)监测心脏病患者,用于大脑活动,我们如何尽早预测其健康结果?早期决策在许多应用中至关重要,例如,监测患者可能有助于早期干预和改善护理。另一方面,EEG数据的早期预测造成了几个挑战:(i)早期准确性权衡;观察更多数据通常会提高精度,但牺牲了,(ii)大规模(用于训练)和流传输(在线决策)数据处理,(iii)多变化(由于多个电极)和多长度(由于变化患者的逗留时间)时间序列。通过这种现实世界的应用程序,我们提供了从早期预测中耗尽的受益者,以及从错误分类到统一的区域特定目标中的成本。统一这两种数量允许我们直接估计单个目标(即益处),重要的是,准确地指示输出预测的时间:当益处估计变为肯定时。 Eventitter(a)是高效且快速的,在输入序列的数量中具有训练时间线性,并且可以实时运行以进行决策,(b)可以处理多变化和可变长度的时间序列,适用于患者数据和(c)是有效的,与竞争对手相比,提供高达2倍的时间,具有相同或更好的准确性。
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Multivariate time series data in practical applications, such as health care, geoscience, and biology, are characterized by a variety of missing values. In time series prediction and other related tasks, it has been noted that missing values and their missing patterns are often correlated with the target labels, a.k.a., informative missingness. There is very limited work on exploiting the missing patterns for effective imputation and improving prediction performance. In this paper, we develop novel deep learning models, namely GRU-D, as one of the early attempts. GRU-D is based on Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU), a state-of-the-art recurrent neural network. It takes two representations of missing patterns, i.e., masking and time interval, and effectively incorporates them into a deep model architecture so that it not only captures the long-term temporal dependencies in time series, but also utilizes the missing patterns to achieve better prediction results. Experiments of time series classification tasks on real-world clinical datasets (MIMIC-III, PhysioNet) and synthetic datasets demonstrate that our models achieve state-of-the-art performance and provides useful insights for better understanding and utilization of missing values in time series analysis.
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Adequately assigning credit to actions for future outcomes based on their contributions is a long-standing open challenge in Reinforcement Learning. The assumptions of the most commonly used credit assignment method are disadvantageous in tasks where the effects of decisions are not immediately evident. Furthermore, this method can only evaluate actions that have been selected by the agent, making it highly inefficient. Still, no alternative methods have been widely adopted in the field. Hindsight Credit Assignment is a promising, but still unexplored candidate, which aims to solve the problems of both long-term and counterfactual credit assignment. In this thesis, we empirically investigate Hindsight Credit Assignment to identify its main benefits, and key points to improve. Then, we apply it to factored state representations, and in particular to state representations based on the causal structure of the environment. In this setting, we propose a variant of Hindsight Credit Assignment that effectively exploits a given causal structure. We show that our modification greatly decreases the workload of Hindsight Credit Assignment, making it more efficient and enabling it to outperform the baseline credit assignment method on various tasks. This opens the way to other methods based on given or learned causal structures.
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Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE)-based models have become popular foundation models to solve many time-series problems. Combining neural ODEs with traditional RNN models has provided the best representation for irregular time series. However, ODE-based models require the trajectory of hidden states to be defined based on the initial observed value or the last available observation. This fact raises questions about how long the generated hidden state is sufficient and whether it is effective when long sequences are used instead of the typically used shorter sequences. In this article, we introduce CrossPyramid, a novel ODE-based model that aims to enhance the generalizability of sequences representation. CrossPyramid does not rely only on the hidden state from the last observed value; it also considers ODE latent representations learned from other samples. The main idea of our proposed model is to define the hidden state for the unobserved values based on the non-linear correlation between samples. Accordingly, CrossPyramid is built with three distinctive parts: (1) ODE Auto-Encoder to learn the best data representation. (2) Pyramidal attention method to categorize the learned representations (hidden state) based on the relationship characteristics between samples. (3) Cross-level ODE-RNN to integrate the previously learned information and provide the final latent state for each sample. Through extensive experiments on partially-observed synthetic and real-world datasets, we show that the proposed architecture can effectively model the long gaps in intermittent series and outperforms state-of-the-art approaches. The results show an average improvement of 10\% on univariate and multivariate datasets for both forecasting and classification tasks.
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基于签名的技术使数学洞察力洞悉不断发展的数据的复杂流之间的相互作用。这些见解可以自然地转化为理解流数据的数值方法,也许是由于它们的数学精度,已被证明在数据不规则而不是固定的情况下分析流的数据以及数据和数据的尺寸很有用样本量均为中等。了解流的多模式数据是指数的:$ d $ d $的字母中的$ n $字母中的一个单词可以是$ d^n $消息之一。签名消除了通过采样不规则性引起的指数级噪声,但仍然存在指数量的信息。这项调查旨在留在可以直接管理指数缩放的域中。在许多问题中,可伸缩性问题是一个重要的挑战,但需要另一篇调查文章和进一步的想法。这项调查描述了一系列环境集足够小以消除大规模机器学习的可能性,并且可以有效地使用一小部分免费上下文和原则性功能。工具的数学性质可以使他们对非数学家的使用恐吓。本文中介绍的示例旨在弥合此通信差距,并提供从机器学习环境中绘制的可进行的工作示例。笔记本可以在线提供这些示例中的一些。这项调查是基于伊利亚·雪佛兰(Ilya Chevryev)和安德烈·科米利津(Andrey Kormilitzin)的早期论文,它们在这种机械开发的较早时刻大致相似。本文说明了签名提供的理论见解是如何在对应用程序数据的分析中简单地实现的,这种方式在很大程度上对数据类型不可知。
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像长期短期内存网络(LSTMS)和门控复发单元(GRUS)相同的经常性神经网络(RNN)是建模顺序数据的流行选择。它们的门控机构允许以来自传入观测的新信息在隐藏状态中编码的先前历史。在许多应用程序中,例如医疗记录,观察时间是不规则的并且携带重要信息。然而,LSTM和GRUS在观察之间假设恒定的时间间隔。为了解决这一挑战,我们提出了连续的经常性单位(CRU)-A神经结构,可以自然地处理观察之间的不规则时间间隔。 CRU的浇注机制采用卡尔曼滤波器的连续制剂,并且根据线性随机微分方程(SDE)和(2)潜伏状态在新观察进入时,在(1)之间的连续潜在传播之间的交替。在实证研究,我们表明CRU可以比神经常规差分方程(神经颂歌)的模型更好地插值不规则时间序列。我们还表明,我们的模型可以从IM-AGES推断动力学,并且卡尔曼有效地单挑出候选人的候选人,从而从嘈杂的观察中获得有价值的状态更新。
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在部分可观察域中的预测和规划的常见方法是使用经常性的神经网络(RNN),其理想地开发和维持关于隐藏,任务相关因素的潜伏。我们假设物理世界中的许多这些隐藏因素随着时间的推移是恒定的,而只是稀疏变化。为研究这一假设,我们提出了Gated $ L_0 $正规化的动态(Gatel0rd),一种新的经常性架构,它包含归纳偏差,以保持稳定,疏口改变潜伏状态。通过新颖的内部门控功能和潜在状态变化的$ l_0 $ norm的惩罚来实现偏差。我们证明Gatel0rd可以在各种部分可观察到的预测和控制任务中与最先进的RNN竞争或优于最先进的RNN。 Gatel0rd倾向于编码环境的基础生成因子,忽略了虚假的时间依赖性,并概括了更好的,提高了基于模型的规划和加强学习任务中的采样效率和整体性能。此外,我们表明可以容易地解释开发的潜在状态,这是朝着RNN中更好地解释的步骤。
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通过人类活动(例如在线购买,健康记录,空间流动性等)生成的大量数据可以在连续时间内表示为一系列事件。在这些连续的时间事件序列上学习深度学习模型是一项非平凡的任务,因为它涉及建模不断增加的事件时间戳,活动间时间差距,事件类型以及不同序列内部和跨不同序列之间的不同事件之间的影响。近年来,对标记的时间点过程(MTPP)的神经增强功能已成为一种强大的框架,以模拟连续时间内定位的异步事件的基本生成机制。但是,MTPP框架中的大多数现有模型和推理方法仅考虑完整的观察方案,即所建模的事件序列是完全观察到的,没有丢失的事件 - 理想的设置很少适用于现实世界应用程序。最近考虑的事件的最新工作是在培训MTPP时采用监督的学习技术,这些技术需要以序列的方式了解每个事件的丢失或观察标签,这进一步限制了其实用性,因为在几种情况下,缺失事件的细节是不知道的apriori 。在这项工作中,我们提供了一种新颖的无监督模型和推理方法,用于在存在事件序列的情况下学习MTPP。具体而言,我们首先使用两个MTPP模拟观察到的事件和缺失事件的生成过程,其中缺少事件表示为潜在的随机变量。然后,我们设计了一种无监督的训练方法,该方法通过变异推断共同学习MTPP。这样的公式可以有效地将丢失的数据归为观察到的事件,并可以在序列中确定缺失事件的最佳位置。
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Time series anomaly detection has applications in a wide range of research fields and applications, including manufacturing and healthcare. The presence of anomalies can indicate novel or unexpected events, such as production faults, system defects, or heart fluttering, and is therefore of particular interest. The large size and complex patterns of time series have led researchers to develop specialised deep learning models for detecting anomalous patterns. This survey focuses on providing structured and comprehensive state-of-the-art time series anomaly detection models through the use of deep learning. It providing a taxonomy based on the factors that divide anomaly detection models into different categories. Aside from describing the basic anomaly detection technique for each category, the advantages and limitations are also discussed. Furthermore, this study includes examples of deep anomaly detection in time series across various application domains in recent years. It finally summarises open issues in research and challenges faced while adopting deep anomaly detection models.
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The literature on machine learning in the context of data streams is vast and growing. However, many of the defining assumptions regarding data-stream learning tasks are too strong to hold in practice, or are even contradictory such that they cannot be met in the contexts of supervised learning. Algorithms are chosen and designed based on criteria which are often not clearly stated, for problem settings not clearly defined, tested in unrealistic settings, and/or in isolation from related approaches in the wider literature. This puts into question the potential for real-world impact of many approaches conceived in such contexts, and risks propagating a misguided research focus. We propose to tackle these issues by reformulating the fundamental definitions and settings of supervised data-stream learning with regard to contemporary considerations of concept drift and temporal dependence; and we take a fresh look at what constitutes a supervised data-stream learning task, and a reconsideration of algorithms that may be applied to tackle such tasks. Through and in reflection of this formulation and overview, helped by an informal survey of industrial players dealing with real-world data streams, we provide recommendations. Our main emphasis is that learning from data streams does not impose a single-pass or online-learning approach, or any particular learning regime; and any constraints on memory and time are not specific to streaming. Meanwhile, there exist established techniques for dealing with temporal dependence and concept drift, in other areas of the literature. For the data streams community, we thus encourage a shift in research focus, from dealing with often-artificial constraints and assumptions on the learning mode, to issues such as robustness, privacy, and interpretability which are increasingly relevant to learning in data streams in academic and industrial settings.
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Concept drift primarily refers to an online supervised learning scenario when the relation between the input data and the target variable changes over time. Assuming a general knowledge of supervised learning in this paper we characterize adaptive learning process, categorize existing strategies for handling concept drift, overview the most representative, distinct and popular techniques and algorithms, discuss evaluation methodology of adaptive algorithms, and present a set of illustrative applications. The survey covers the different facets of concept drift in an integrated way to reflect on the existing scattered state-of-the-art. Thus, it aims at providing a comprehensive introduction to the concept drift adaptation for researchers, industry analysts and practitioners.
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