量子信息技术的快速发展显示了在近期量子设备中模拟量子场理论的有希望的机会。在这项工作中,我们制定了1+1尺寸$ \ lambda \ phi \ phi^4 $量子场理论的(时间依赖性)变异量子模拟理论,包括编码,状态准备和时间演化,并具有多个数值模拟结果。这些算法可以理解为Jordan-Lee-Preskill算法的近期变异类似物,这是使用通用量子设备模拟量子场理论的基本算法。此外,我们强调了基于LSZ降低公式和几种计算效率的谐波振荡器基础编码的优势,例如在实施单一耦合群集ANSATZ的肺泡版本时,以准备初始状态。我们还讨论了如何在量子场理论仿真中规避“光谱拥挤”问题,并根据州和子空间保真度评估我们的算法。
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FIG. 1. Schematic diagram of a Variational Quantum Algorithm (VQA). The inputs to a VQA are: a cost function C(θ), with θ a set of parameters that encodes the solution to the problem, an ansatz whose parameters are trained to minimize the cost, and (possibly) a set of training data {ρ k } used during the optimization. Here, the cost can often be expressed in the form in Eq. ( 3), for some set of functions {f k }. Also, the ansatz is shown as a parameterized quantum circuit (on the left), which is analogous to a neural network (also shown schematically on the right). At each iteration of the loop one uses a quantum computer to efficiently estimate the cost (or its gradients). This information is fed into a classical computer that leverages the power of optimizers to navigate the cost landscape C(θ) and solve the optimization problem in Eq. ( 1). Once a termination condition is met, the VQA outputs an estimate of the solution to the problem. The form of the output depends on the precise task at hand. The red box indicates some of the most common types of outputs.
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量子哈密顿学习和量子吉布斯采样的双重任务与物理和化学中的许多重要问题有关。在低温方案中,这些任务的算法通常会遭受施状能力,例如因样本或时间复杂性差而遭受。为了解决此类韧性,我们将量子自然梯度下降的概括引入了参数化的混合状态,并提供了稳健的一阶近似算法,即量子 - 固定镜下降。我们使用信息几何学和量子计量学的工具证明了双重任务的数据样本效率,因此首次将经典Fisher效率的开创性结果推广到变异量子算法。我们的方法扩展了以前样品有效的技术,以允许模型选择的灵活性,包括基于量子汉密尔顿的量子模型,包括基于量子的模型,这些模型可能会规避棘手的时间复杂性。我们的一阶算法是使用经典镜下降二元性的新型量子概括得出的。两种结果都需要特殊的度量选择,即Bogoliubov-Kubo-Mori度量。为了从数值上测试我们提出的算法,我们将它们的性能与现有基准进行了关于横向场ISING模型的量子Gibbs采样任务的现有基准。最后,我们提出了一种初始化策略,利用几何局部性来建模状态的序列(例如量子 - 故事过程)的序列。我们从经验上证明了它在实际和想象的时间演化的经验上,同时定义了更广泛的潜在应用。
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我们为$ S_N $-Quivariant Quantum卷积电路,建立并大大概括了Jordan的置力量子计算(PQC)形式主义的理论框架。我们表明量子电路是傅里叶空间神经架构的自然选择,其在计算$ S_N $ -Fourier系数的矩阵元素中,与在对称组上的最佳已知的经典快速傅里叶变换(FFT)相比计算的超级指数加速。特别是,我们利用Okounkov-Vershik方法来证明Harrow的陈述(Ph.D.论文2005 P.160)在$ \ OperatorName {su}(d)$ - 和$ s_n $-frirep基地之间并建立$ s_n $-arequivariant卷积量子交替使用年轻Jucys-Murphy(YJM)元素的ans {\“a} tze($ s_n $ -cqa)。我们证明了$ s_n $ -cqa是密集的,因此在每美元内表达S_N $-Frirep块,其可以作为潜在的未来量子机器学习和优化应用成为普遍模型。我们的方法提供了另一种方法来证明量子近似优化算法(QAOA)的普遍性,从表示理论的角度来看。我们的框架可以自然地应用于全局$ \ Operatorname {su}(d)$对称性的各种问题。我们展示了数值模拟以展示ANS {\“A} TEE的有效性,以找到标志结构$ j_1 $ - $ j_2 $反铁磁性Heisenberg模型在矩形和矩形状态Kagome格子。我们的工作确定了特定机器学习问题的量子优势,并提供了庆祝的Okounkov-Vershik的表示理论的第一次应用于机器学习和量子物理学。
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In my previous article I mentioned for the first time that a classical neural network may have quantum properties as its own structure may be entangled. The question one may ask now is whether such a quantum property can be used to entangle other systems? The answer should be yes, as shown in what follows.
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In this thesis, we consider two simple but typical control problems and apply deep reinforcement learning to them, i.e., to cool and control a particle which is subject to continuous position measurement in a one-dimensional quadratic potential or in a quartic potential. We compare the performance of reinforcement learning control and conventional control strategies on the two problems, and show that the reinforcement learning achieves a performance comparable to the optimal control for the quadratic case, and outperforms conventional control strategies for the quartic case for which the optimal control strategy is unknown. To our knowledge, this is the first time deep reinforcement learning is applied to quantum control problems in continuous real space. Our research demonstrates that deep reinforcement learning can be used to control a stochastic quantum system in real space effectively as a measurement-feedback closed-loop controller, and our research also shows the ability of AI to discover new control strategies and properties of the quantum systems that are not well understood, and we can gain insights into these problems by learning from the AI, which opens up a new regime for scientific research.
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我们介绍了Netket的版本3,机器学习工具箱适用于许多身体量子物理学。Netket围绕神经网络量子状态构建,并为其评估和优化提供有效的算法。这个新版本是基于JAX的顶部,一个用于Python编程语言的可差分编程和加速的线性代数框架。最重要的新功能是使用机器学习框架的简明符号来定义纯Python代码中的任意神经网络ANS \“凝固的可能性,这允许立即编译以及渐变的隐式生成自动化。Netket 3还带来了GPU和TPU加速器的支持,对离散对称组的高级支持,块以缩放多程度的自由度,Quantum动态应用程序的驱动程序,以及改进的模块化,允许用户仅使用部分工具箱是他们自己代码的基础。
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Quantum machine learning is a rapidly evolving field of research that could facilitate important applications for quantum computing and also significantly impact data-driven sciences. In our work, based on various arguments from complexity theory and physics, we demonstrate that a single Kerr mode can provide some "quantum enhancements" when dealing with kernel-based methods. Using kernel properties, neural tangent kernel theory, first-order perturbation theory of the Kerr non-linearity, and non-perturbative numerical simulations, we show that quantum enhancements could happen in terms of convergence time and generalization error. Furthermore, we make explicit indications on how higher-dimensional input data could be considered. Finally, we propose an experimental protocol, that we call \emph{quantum Kerr learning}, based on circuit QED.
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现代量子机学习(QML)方法涉及在训练数据集上进行各种优化参数化量子电路,并随后对测试数据集(即,泛化)进行预测。在这项工作中,我们在培训数量为N $培训数据点后,我们在QML中对QML的普遍表现进行了全面的研究。我们表明,Quantum机器学习模型的泛化误差与$ T $培训门的尺寸在$ \ sqrt {t / n} $上缩放。当只有$ k \ ll t $ gates在优化过程中经历了大量变化时,我们证明了泛化误差改善了$ \ sqrt {k / n} $。我们的结果意味着将Unitaries编制到通常使用指数训练数据的量子计算行业的多项式栅极数量,这是一项通常使用指数尺寸训练数据的大量应用程序。我们还表明,使用量子卷积神经网络的相位过渡的量子状态的分类只需要一个非常小的训练数据集。其他潜在应用包括学习量子误差校正代码或量子动态模拟。我们的工作将新的希望注入QML领域,因为较少的培训数据保证了良好的概括。
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变形量子算法(VQAS)可以是噪声中间级量子(NISQ)计算机上的量子优势的路径。自然问题是NISQ设备的噪声是否对VQA性能的基本限制。我们严格证明对嘈杂的VQAS进行严重限制,因为噪音导致训练景观具有贫瘠高原(即消失梯度)。具体而言,对于考虑的本地Pauli噪声,我们证明梯度在Qubits $ N $的数量中呈指数呈指数增长,如果Ansatz的深度以$ N $线性增长。这些噪声诱导的贫瘠强韧(NIBPS)在概念上不同于无辐射贫瘠强度,其与随机参数初始化相关联。我们的结果是为通用Ansatz制定的,该通用ansatz包括量子交替运算符ANSATZ和酉耦合簇Ansatz等特殊情况。对于前者来说,我们的数值启发式展示了用于现实硬件噪声模型的NIBP现象。
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即使在数十年的量子计算开发之后,通常在经典同行中具有指数加速的通常有用量子算法的示例是稀缺的。线性代数定位量子机学习(QML)的量子算法中的最新进展作为这种有用的指数改进的潜在来源。然而,在一个意想不到的发展中,最近一系列的“追逐化”结果同样迅速消除了几个QML算法的指数加速度的承诺。这提出了关键问题是否是其他线性代数QML算法的指数加速度持续存在。在本文中,我们通过该镜头研究了Lloyd,Garnerone和Zanardi的拓扑数据分析算法后面的量子算法方法。我们提供了证据表明,该算法解决的问题通过表明其自然概括与模拟一个清洁量子位模型很难地难以进行棘手的 - 这被广泛认为需要在经典计算机上需要超时时间 - 并且非常可能免疫追逐。基于此结果,我们为等级估计和复杂网络分析等问题提供了许多新的量子算法,以及其经典侵害性的复杂性 - 理论上。此外,我们分析了近期实现的所提出的量子算法的适用性。我们的结果为全面吹嘘和限制的量子计算机提供了许多有用的应用程序,具有古典方法的保证指数加速,恢复了线性代数QML的一些潜力,以成为量子计算的杀手应用之一。
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Climate change is becoming one of the greatest challenges to the sustainable development of modern society. Renewable energies with low density greatly complicate the online optimization and control processes, where modern advanced computational technologies, specifically quantum computing, have significant potential to help. In this paper, we discuss applications of quantum computing algorithms toward state-of-the-art smart grid problems. We suggest potential, exponential quantum speedup by the use of the Harrow-Hassidim-Lloyd (HHL) algorithms for sparse matrix inversions in power-flow problems. However, practical implementations of the algorithm are limited by the noise of quantum circuits, the hardness of realizations of quantum random access memories (QRAM), and the depth of the required quantum circuits. We benchmark the hardware and software requirements from the state-of-the-art power-flow algorithms, including QRAM requirements from hybrid phonon-transmon systems, and explicit gate counting used in HHL for explicit realizations. We also develop near-term algorithms of power flow by variational quantum circuits and implement real experiments for 6 qubits with a truncated version of power flows.
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To simulate bosons on a qubit- or qudit-based quantum computer, one has to regularize the theory by truncating infinite-dimensional local Hilbert spaces to finite dimensions. In the search for practical quantum applications, it is important to know how big the truncation errors can be. In general, it is not easy to estimate errors unless we have a good quantum computer. In this paper we show that traditional sampling methods on classical devices, specifically Markov Chain Monte Carlo, can address this issue with a reasonable amount of computational resources available today. As a demonstration, we apply this idea to the scalar field theory on a two-dimensional lattice, with a size that goes beyond what is achievable using exact diagonalization methods. This method can be used to estimate the resources needed for realistic quantum simulations of bosonic theories, and also, to check the validity of the results of the corresponding quantum simulations.
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Experimental sciences have come to depend heavily on our ability to organize, interpret and analyze high-dimensional datasets produced from observations of a large number of variables governed by natural processes. Natural laws, conservation principles, and dynamical structure introduce intricate inter-dependencies among these observed variables, which in turn yield geometric structure, with fewer degrees of freedom, on the dataset. We show how fine-scale features of this structure in data can be extracted from \emph{discrete} approximations to quantum mechanical processes given by data-driven graph Laplacians and localized wavepackets. This data-driven quantization procedure leads to a novel, yet natural uncertainty principle for data analysis induced by limited data. We illustrate the new approach with algorithms and several applications to real-world data, including the learning of patterns and anomalies in social distancing and mobility behavior during the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Hybrid quantum-classical systems make it possible to utilize existing quantum computers to their fullest extent. Within this framework, parameterized quantum circuits can be regarded as machine learning models with remarkable expressive power. This Review presents the components of these models and discusses their application to a variety of data-driven tasks, such as supervised learning and generative modeling. With an increasing number of experimental demonstrations carried out on actual quantum hardware and with software being actively developed, this rapidly growing field is poised to have a broad spectrum of real-world applications.
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