This paper presents a solution to the Weather4cast 2022 Challenge Stage 2. The goal of the challenge is to forecast future high-resolution rainfall events obtained from ground radar using low-resolution multiband satellite images. We suggest a solution that performs data preprocessing appropriate to the challenge and then predicts rainfall movies using a novel RainUNet. RainUNet is a hierarchical U-shaped network with temporal-wise separable block (TS block) using a decoupled large kernel 3D convolution to improve the prediction performance. Various evaluation metrics show that our solution is effective compared to the baseline method. The source codes are available at
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Accurate and timely rain prediction is crucial for decision making and is also a challenging task. This paper presents a solution which won the 2 nd prize in the Weather4cast 2022 NeurIPS competition using 3D U-Nets and EarthFormers for 8-hour probabilistic rain prediction based on multi-band satellite images. The spatial context effect of the input satellite image has been deeply explored and optimal context range has been found. Based on the imbalanced rain distribution, we trained multiple models with different loss functions. To further improve the model performance, multi-model ensemble and threshold optimization were used to produce the final probabilistic rain prediction. Experiment results and leaderboard scores demonstrate that optimal spatial context, combined loss function, multi-model ensemble, and threshold optimization all provide modest model gain. A permutation test was used to analyze the effect of each satellite band on rain prediction, and results show that satellite bands signifying cloudtop phase (8.7 um) and cloud-top height (10.8 and 13.4 um) are the best predictors for rain prediction. The source code is available at
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Traditional weather forecasting relies on domain expertise and computationally intensive numerical simulation systems. Recently, with the development of a data-driven approach, weather forecasting based on deep learning has been receiving attention. Deep learning-based weather forecasting has made stunning progress, from various backbone studies using CNN, RNN, and Transformer to training strategies using weather observations datasets with auxiliary inputs. All of this progress has contributed to the field of weather forecasting; however, many elements and complex structures of deep learning models prevent us from reaching physical interpretations. This paper proposes a SImple baseline with a spatiotemporal context Aggregation Network (SIANet) that achieved state-of-the-art in 4 parts of 5 benchmarks of W4C22. This simple but efficient structure uses only satellite images and CNNs in an end-to-end fashion without using a multi-model ensemble or fine-tuning. This simplicity of SIANet can be used as a solid baseline that can be easily applied in weather forecasting using deep learning.
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Accurately forecasting the weather is an important task, as many real-world processes and decisions depend on future meteorological conditions. The NeurIPS 2022 challenge entitled Weather4cast poses the problem of predicting rainfall events for the next eight hours given the preceding hour of satellite observations as a context. Motivated by the recent success of transformer-based architectures in computer vision, we implement and propose two methodologies based on this architecture to tackle this challenge. We find that ensembling different transformers with some baseline models achieves the best performance we could measure on the unseen test data. Our approach has been ranked 3rd in the competition.
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The short-term prediction of precipitation is critical in many areas of life. Recently, a large body of work was devoted to forecasting radar reflectivity images. The radar images are available only in areas with ground weather radars. Thus, we aim to predict high-resolution precipitation from lower-resolution satellite radiance images. A neural network called WeatherFusionNet is employed to predict severe rain up to eight hours in advance. WeatherFusionNet is a U-Net architecture that fuses three different ways to process the satellite data; predicting future satellite frames, extracting rain information from the current frames, and using the input sequence directly. Using the presented method, we achieved 1st place in the NeurIPS 2022 Weather4Cast Core challenge. The code and trained parameters are available at \url{}.
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The Weather4Cast competition (hosted by NeurIPS 2022) required competitors to predict super-resolution rain movies in various regions of Europe when low-resolution satellite contexts covering wider regions are given. In this paper, we show that a general baseline 3D U-Net can be significantly improved with region-conditioned layers as well as orthogonality regularizations on 1x1x1 convolutional layers. Additionally, we facilitate the generalization with a bag of training strategies: mixup data augmentation, self-distillation, and feature-wise linear modulation (FiLM). Presented modifications outperform the baseline algorithms (3D U-Net) by up to 19.54% with less than 1% additional parameters, which won the 4th place in the core test leaderboard.
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Deep learning-based weather prediction models have advanced significantly in recent years. However, data-driven models based on deep learning are difficult to apply to real-world applications because they are vulnerable to spatial-temporal shifts. A weather prediction task is especially susceptible to spatial-temporal shifts when the model is overfitted to locality and seasonality. In this paper, we propose a training strategy to make the weather prediction model robust to spatial-temporal shifts. We first analyze the effect of hyperparameters and augmentations of the existing training strategy on the spatial-temporal shift robustness of the model. Next, we propose an optimal combination of hyperparameters and augmentation based on the analysis results and a test-time augmentation. We performed all experiments on the W4C22 Transfer dataset and achieved the 1st performance.
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Automotive radar sensors provide valuable information for advanced driving assistance systems (ADAS). Radars can reliably estimate the distance to an object and the relative velocity, regardless of weather and light conditions. However, radar sensors suffer from low resolution and huge intra-class variations in the shape of objects. Exploiting the time information (e.g., multiple frames) has been shown to help to capture better the dynamics of objects and, therefore, the variation in the shape of objects. Most temporal radar object detectors use 3D convolutions to learn spatial and temporal information. However, these methods are often non-causal and unsuitable for real-time applications. This work presents RECORD, a new recurrent CNN architecture for online radar object detection. We propose an end-to-end trainable architecture mixing convolutions and ConvLSTMs to learn spatio-temporal dependencies between successive frames. Our model is causal and requires only the past information encoded in the memory of the ConvLSTMs to detect objects. Our experiments show such a method's relevance for detecting objects in different radar representations (range-Doppler, range-angle) and outperform state-of-the-art models on the ROD2021 and CARRADA datasets while being less computationally expensive. The code will be available soon.
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The mainstream of the existing approaches for video prediction builds up their models based on a Single-In-Single-Out (SISO) architecture, which takes the current frame as input to predict the next frame in a recursive manner. This way often leads to severe performance degradation when they try to extrapolate a longer period of future, thus limiting the practical use of the prediction model. Alternatively, a Multi-In-Multi-Out (MIMO) architecture that outputs all the future frames at one shot naturally breaks the recursive manner and therefore prevents error accumulation. However, only a few MIMO models for video prediction are proposed and they only achieve inferior performance due to the date. The real strength of the MIMO model in this area is not well noticed and is largely under-explored. Motivated by that, we conduct a comprehensive investigation in this paper to thoroughly exploit how far a simple MIMO architecture can go. Surprisingly, our empirical studies reveal that a simple MIMO model can outperform the state-of-the-art work with a large margin much more than expected, especially in dealing with longterm error accumulation. After exploring a number of ways and designs, we propose a new MIMO architecture based on extending the pure Transformer with local spatio-temporal blocks and a new multi-output decoder, namely MIMO-VP, to establish a new standard in video prediction. We evaluate our model in four highly competitive benchmarks (Moving MNIST, Human3.6M, Weather, KITTI). Extensive experiments show that our model wins 1st place on all the benchmarks with remarkable performance gains and surpasses the best SISO model in all aspects including efficiency, quantity, and quality. We believe our model can serve as a new baseline to facilitate the future research of video prediction tasks. The code will be released.
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建筑物分割是地球观测和空中图像分析领域的基本任务。最现有的基于深度学习的文献中的基于深度学习的算法可以应用于固定或窄的空间分辨率图像。在实践方案中,用户处理广泛的图像分辨率,因此,通常需要重新确定给定的空中图像以匹配用于训练深度学习模型的数据集的空间分辨率。然而,这将导致输出分割掩模的质量严重降级。要处理此问题,我们提出了这项研究,该研究是能够在不同空间分辨率下的空中图像中存在的建筑物的规模不变神经网络(SCI-NET)。具体而言,我们修改了U-Net架构并用密集的空间金字塔池(ASPP)融合,以提取细粒度的多尺度表示。我们将拟议模型对开放城市AI DataSet上的若干艺术模型的拟议模型进行了比较,并显示了SCI-Net在数据集中可用的所有分辨率方面提供稳定的改进余量。
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有效地对视频中的空间信息进行建模对于动作识别至关重要。为了实现这一目标,最先进的方法通常采用卷积操作员和密集的相互作用模块,例如非本地块。但是,这些方法无法准确地符合视频中的各种事件。一方面,采用的卷积是有固定尺度的,因此在各种尺度的事件中挣扎。另一方面,密集的相互作用建模范式仅在动作 - 欧元零件时实现次优性能,给最终预测带来了其他噪音。在本文中,我们提出了一个统一的动作识别框架,以通过引入以下设计来研究视频内容的动态性质。首先,在提取本地提示时,我们会生成动态尺度的时空内核,以适应各种事件。其次,为了将这些线索准确地汇总为全局视频表示形式,我们建议仅通过变压器在一些选定的前景对象之间进行交互,从而产生稀疏的范式。我们将提出的框架称为事件自适应网络(EAN),因为这两个关键设计都适应输入视频内容。为了利用本地细分市场内的短期运动,我们提出了一种新颖有效的潜在运动代码(LMC)模块,进一步改善了框架的性能。在几个大规模视频数据集上进行了广泛的实验,例如,某种东西,动力学和潜水48,验证了我们的模型是否在低拖鞋上实现了最先进或竞争性的表演。代码可在:中找到。
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人行道表面数据的获取和评估在路面条件评估中起着至关重要的作用。在本文中,提出了一个称为RHA-NET的自动路面裂纹分割的有效端到端网络,以提高路面裂纹分割精度。 RHA-NET是通过将残留块(重阻)和混合注意块集成到编码器架构结构中来构建的。这些重组用于提高RHA-NET提取高级抽象特征的能力。混合注意块旨在融合低级功能和高级功能,以帮助模型专注于正确的频道和裂纹区域,从而提高RHA-NET的功能表现能力。构建并用于训练和评估所提出的模型的图像数据集,其中包含由自设计的移动机器人收集的789个路面裂纹图像。与其他最先进的网络相比,所提出的模型在全面的消融研究中验证了添加残留块和混合注意机制的功能。此外,通过引入深度可分离卷积生成的模型的轻加权版本可以更好地实现性能和更快的处理速度,而U-NET参数数量的1/30。开发的系统可以在嵌入式设备Jetson TX2(25 fps)上实时划分路面裂纹。实时实验拍摄的视频将在上发布。
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The goal of precipitation nowcasting is to predict the future rainfall intensity in a local region over a relatively short period of time. Very few previous studies have examined this crucial and challenging weather forecasting problem from the machine learning perspective. In this paper, we formulate precipitation nowcasting as a spatiotemporal sequence forecasting problem in which both the input and the prediction target are spatiotemporal sequences. By extending the fully connected LSTM (FC-LSTM) to have convolutional structures in both the input-to-state and state-to-state transitions, we propose the convolutional LSTM (ConvLSTM) and use it to build an end-to-end trainable model for the precipitation nowcasting problem. Experiments show that our ConvLSTM network captures spatiotemporal correlations better and consistently outperforms FC-LSTM and the state-of-theart operational ROVER algorithm for precipitation nowcasting.
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更改检测的目的(CD)是通过比较在不同时间拍摄的两张图像来检测变化。 CD的挑战性部分是跟踪用户想要突出显示的变化,例如新建筑物,并忽略了由于外部因素(例如环境,照明条件,雾或季节性变化)而引起的变化。深度学习领域的最新发展使研究人员能够在这一领域取得出色的表现。特别是,时空注意的不同机制允许利用从模型中提取的空间特征,并通过利用这两个可用图像来以时间方式将它们相关联。不利的一面是,这些模型已经变得越来越复杂且大,对于边缘应用来说通常是不可行的。当必须将模型应用于工业领域或需要实时性能的应用程序时,这些都是限制。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个名为TinyCD的新型模型,证明既轻量级又有效,能够实现较少参数13-150x的最新技术状态。在我们的方法中,我们利用了低级功能比较图像的重要性。为此,我们仅使用几个骨干块。此策略使我们能够保持网络参数的数量较低。为了构成从这两个图像中提取的特征,我们在参数方面引入了一种新颖的经济性,混合块能够在时空和时域中交叉相关的特征。最后,为了充分利用计算功能中包含的信息,我们定义了能够执行像素明智分类的PW-MLP块。源代码,模型和结果可在此处找到:
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