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我们研究了$ \ Mathcal {r} $的结构和统计属性 - 规范最小化由特定目标函数标记的数据集的内侧插值。$ \ MATHCAL {R} $ - 标准是两层神经网络的电感偏差的基础,最近引入了捕获网络权重大小的功能效果,与网络宽度无关。我们发现,即使有适合数据的脊函数,这些插值也是本质上的多元功能,而且$ \ Mathcal {r} $ - 规范归纳偏见不足以实现某些学习问题的统计上最佳概括。总的来说,这些结果为与实际神经网络训练有关的感应偏见提供了新的启示。
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对称性一直是探索广泛复杂系统的基本工具。在机器学习中,在模型和数据中都探索了对称性。在本文中,我们试图将模型家族架构引起的对称性与该家族的内部数据表示的对称性联系起来。我们通过计算一组基本的对称组来做到这一点,我们称它们称为模型的\ emph {Intertwiner组}。这些中的每一个都来自模型的特定非线性层,不同的非线性导致不同的对称组。这些组以模型的权重更改模型的权重,使模型所代表的基础函数保持恒定,但模型内部数据的内部表示可能会改变。我们通过一系列实验将Intertwiner组连接到模型的数据内部表示,这些实验在具有相同体系结构的模型之间探测隐藏状态之间的相似性。我们的工作表明,网络的对称性在该网络的数据表示中传播到对称性中,从而使我们更好地了解架构如何影响学习和预测过程。最后,我们推测,对于Relu网络,交织组可能会为在隐藏层而不是任意线性组合的激活基础上集中模型可解释性探索的共同实践提供理由。
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神经架构的创新促进了语言建模和计算机视觉中的重大突破。不幸的是,如果网络参数未正确初始化,新颖的架构通常会导致挑战超参数选择和培训不稳定。已经提出了许多架构特定的初始化方案,但这些方案并不总是可移植到新体系结构。本文介绍了毕业,一种用于初始化神经网络的自动化和架构不可知论由方法。毕业基础是一个简单的启发式;调整每个网络层的规范,使得具有规定的超参数的SGD或ADAM的单个步骤导致可能的损耗值最小。通过在每个参数块前面引入标量乘数变量,然后使用简单的数字方案优化这些变量来完成此调整。 GradInit加速了许多卷积架构的收敛性和测试性能,无论是否有跳过连接,甚至没有归一化层。它还提高了机器翻译的原始变压器架构的稳定性,使得在广泛的学习速率和动量系数下使用ADAM或SGD来训练它而无需学习速率预热。代码可在https://github.com/zhuchen03/gradinit上获得。
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引入了归一化层(例如,批处理归一化,层归一化),以帮助在非常深的网中获得优化困难,但它们显然也有助于概括,即使在不太深入的网中也是如此。由于长期以来的信念,即最小的最小值导致更好的概括,本文提供了数学分析和支持实验,这表明归一化(与伴随的重量赛一起)鼓励GD降低损失表面的清晰度。鉴于损失是标准不变的,这是标准化的已知结果,因此仔细地定义了“清晰度”。具体而言,对于具有归一化的相当广泛的神经网类,我们的理论解释了有限学习率的GD如何进入所谓的稳定边缘(EOS)制度,并通过连续的清晰度来表征GD的轨迹 - 还原流。
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Computational units in artificial neural networks follow a simplified model of biological neurons. In the biological model, the output signal of a neuron runs down the axon, splits following the many branches at its end, and passes identically to all the downward neurons of the network. Each of the downward neurons will use their copy of this signal as one of many inputs dendrites, integrate them all and fire an output, if above some threshold. In the artificial neural network, this translates to the fact that the nonlinear filtering of the signal is performed in the upward neuron, meaning that in practice the same activation is shared between all the downward neurons that use that signal as their input. Dendrites thus play a passive role. We propose a slightly more complex model for the biological neuron, where dendrites play an active role: the activation in the output of the upward neuron becomes optional, and instead the signals going through each dendrite undergo independent nonlinear filterings, before the linear combination. We implement this new model into a ReLU computational unit and discuss its biological plausibility. We compare this new computational unit with the standard one and describe it from a geometrical point of view. We provide a Keras implementation of this unit into fully connected and convolutional layers and estimate their FLOPs and weights change. We then use these layers in ResNet architectures on CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Imagenette, and Imagewoof, obtaining performance improvements over standard ResNets up to 1.73%. Finally, we prove a universal representation theorem for continuous functions on compact sets and show that this new unit has more representational power than its standard counterpart.
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Deep nets generalize well despite having more parameters than the number of training samples. Recent works try to give an explanation using PAC-Bayes and Margin-based analyses, but do not as yet result in sample complexity bounds better than naive parameter counting. The current paper shows generalization bounds that're orders of magnitude better in practice. These rely upon new succinct reparametrizations of the trained net -a compression that is explicit and efficient. These yield generalization bounds via a simple compression-based framework introduced here. Our results also provide some theoretical justification for widespread empirical success in compressing deep nets.Analysis of correctness of our compression relies upon some newly identified "noise stability"properties of trained deep nets, which are also experimentally verified. The study of these properties and resulting generalization bounds are also extended to convolutional nets, which had eluded earlier attempts on proving generalization.
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Batch Normalization (BatchNorm) is a widely adopted technique that enables faster and more stable training of deep neural networks (DNNs). Despite its pervasiveness, the exact reasons for BatchNorm's effectiveness are still poorly understood. The popular belief is that this effectiveness stems from controlling the change of the layers' input distributions during training to reduce the so-called "internal covariate shift". In this work, we demonstrate that such distributional stability of layer inputs has little to do with the success of BatchNorm. Instead, we uncover a more fundamental impact of BatchNorm on the training process: it makes the optimization landscape significantly smoother. This smoothness induces a more predictive and stable behavior of the gradients, allowing for faster training.
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The fundamental learning theory behind neural networks remains largely open. What classes of functions can neural networks actually learn? Why doesn't the trained network overfit when it is overparameterized?In this work, we prove that overparameterized neural networks can learn some notable concept classes, including two and three-layer networks with fewer parameters and smooth activations. Moreover, the learning can be simply done by SGD (stochastic gradient descent) or its variants in polynomial time using polynomially many samples. The sample complexity can also be almost independent of the number of parameters in the network.On the technique side, our analysis goes beyond the so-called NTK (neural tangent kernel) linearization of neural networks in prior works. We establish a new notion of quadratic approximation of the neural network (that can be viewed as a second-order variant of NTK), and connect it to the SGD theory of escaping saddle points.
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我们使用高斯过程扰动模型在高维二次上的真实和批量风险表面之间的高斯过程扰动模型分析和解释迭代平均的泛化性能。我们从我们的理论结果中获得了三个现象\姓名:}(1)将迭代平均值(ia)与大型学习率和正则化进行了改进的正规化的重要性。 (2)对较少频繁平均的理由。 (3)我们预计自适应梯度方法同样地工作,或者更好,而不是其非自适应对应物的迭代平均值。灵感来自这些结果\姓据{,一起与}对迭代解决方案多样性的适当正则化的重要性,我们提出了两个具有迭代平均的自适应算法。与随机梯度下降(SGD)相比,这些结果具有明显更好的结果,需要较少调谐并且不需要早期停止或验证设定监视。我们在各种现代和古典网络架构上展示了我们对CiFar-10/100,Imagenet和Penn TreeBank数据集的方法的疗效。
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数据增强是机器学习管道的基石,但其理论基础尚不清楚。它只是人为增加数据集大小的一种方法吗?还是鼓励模型满足某些不变性?在这项工作中,我们考虑了另一个角度,我们研究了数据增强对学习过程动态的影响。我们发现,数据增强可以改变各种功能的相对重要性,从而有效地使某些信息性但难以学习的功能更有可能在学习过程中捕获。重要的是,我们表明,对于非线性模型,例如神经网络,这种效果更为明显。我们的主要贡献是对Allen-Zhu和Li [2020]最近提出的多视图数据模型中两层卷积神经网络的学习动态数据的详细分析。我们通过进一步的实验证据来补充这一分析,证明数据增加可以看作是特征操纵。
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为了理论上了解训练有素的深神经网络的行为,有必要研究来自随机初始化的梯度方法引起的动态。然而,这些模型的非线性和组成结构使得这些动态难以分析。为了克服这些挑战,最近出现了大宽度的渐近学作为富有成效的观点,并导致了对真实世界的深网络的实用洞察。对于双层神经网络,已经通过这些渐近学理解,训练模型的性质根据初始随机权重的规模而变化,从内核制度(大初始方差)到特征学习制度(对于小初始方差)。对于更深的网络,更多的制度是可能的,并且在本文中,我们详细研究了与神经网络的“卑鄙字段”限制相对应的“小”初始化的特定选择,我们称之为可分配的参数化(IP)。首先,我们展示了标准I.I.D.零平均初始化,具有多于四个层的神经网络的可集参数,从无限宽度限制的静止点开始,并且不会发生学习。然后,我们提出了各种方法来避免这种琐碎的行为并详细分析所得到的动态。特别是,这些方法中的一种包括使用大的初始学习速率,并且我们表明它相当于最近提出的最大更新参数化$ \ mu $ p的修改。我们将结果与图像分类任务的数值实验确认,其另外显示出在尚未捕获的激活功能的各种选择之间的行为中的强烈差异。
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Classical asymptotic theory for statistical inference usually involves calibrating a statistic by fixing the dimension $d$ while letting the sample size $n$ increase to infinity. Recently, much effort has been dedicated towards understanding how these methods behave in high-dimensional settings, where $d$ and $n$ both increase to infinity together. This often leads to different inference procedures, depending on the assumptions about the dimensionality, leaving the practitioner in a bind: given a dataset with 100 samples in 20 dimensions, should they calibrate by assuming $n \gg d$, or $d/n \approx 0.2$? This paper considers the goal of dimension-agnostic inference; developing methods whose validity does not depend on any assumption on $d$ versus $n$. We introduce an approach that uses variational representations of existing test statistics along with sample splitting and self-normalization to produce a new test statistic with a Gaussian limiting distribution, regardless of how $d$ scales with $n$. The resulting statistic can be viewed as a careful modification of degenerate U-statistics, dropping diagonal blocks and retaining off-diagonal blocks. We exemplify our technique for some classical problems including one-sample mean and covariance testing, and show that our tests have minimax rate-optimal power against appropriate local alternatives. In most settings, our cross U-statistic matches the high-dimensional power of the corresponding (degenerate) U-statistic up to a $\sqrt{2}$ factor.
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差异隐私(DP)提供了正式的隐私保证,以防止对手可以访问机器学习模型,从而从提取有关单个培训点的信息。最受欢迎的DP训练方法是差异私有随机梯度下降(DP-SGD),它通过在训练过程中注入噪声来实现这种保护。然而,以前的工作发现,DP-SGD通常会导致标准图像分类基准的性能显着降解。此外,一些作者假设DP-SGD在大型模型上固有地表现不佳,因为保留隐私所需的噪声规范与模型维度成正比。相反,我们证明了过度参数化模型上的DP-SGD可以比以前想象的要好得多。将仔细的超参数调整与简单技术结合起来,以确保信号传播并提高收敛速率,我们获得了新的SOTA,而没有额外数据的CIFAR-10,在81.4%的81.4%下(8,10^{ - 5}) - 使用40 -layer wide-Resnet,比以前的SOTA提高了71.7%。当对预训练的NFNET-F3进行微调时,我们在ImageNet(0.5,8*10^{ - 7})下达到了83.8%的TOP-1精度。此外,我们还在(8,8 \ cdot 10^{ - 7})下达到了86.7%的TOP-1精度,DP仅比当前的非私人SOTA仅4.3%。我们认为,我们的结果是缩小私人图像分类和非私有图像分类之间准确性差距的重要一步。
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