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Estimating the structure of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs, also known as Bayesian networks) is a challenging problem since the search space of DAGs is combinatorial and scales superexponentially with the number of nodes. Existing approaches rely on various local heuristics for enforcing the acyclicity constraint. In this paper, we introduce a fundamentally different strategy: We formulate the structure learning problem as a purely continuous optimization problem over real matrices that avoids this combinatorial constraint entirely. This is achieved by a novel characterization of acyclicity that is not only smooth but also exact. The resulting problem can be efficiently solved by standard numerical algorithms, which also makes implementation effortless. The proposed method outperforms existing ones, without imposing any structural assumptions on the graph such as bounded treewidth or in-degree. Code implementing the proposed algorithm is open-source and publicly available at https://github.com/xunzheng/notears.
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State-of-the-art causal discovery methods usually assume that the observational data is complete. However, the missing data problem is pervasive in many practical scenarios such as clinical trials, economics, and biology. One straightforward way to address the missing data problem is first to impute the data using off-the-shelf imputation methods and then apply existing causal discovery methods. However, such a two-step method may suffer from suboptimality, as the imputation algorithm may introduce bias for modeling the underlying data distribution. In this paper, we develop a general method, which we call MissDAG, to perform causal discovery from data with incomplete observations. Focusing mainly on the assumptions of ignorable missingness and the identifiable additive noise models (ANMs), MissDAG maximizes the expected likelihood of the visible part of observations under the expectation-maximization (EM) framework. In the E-step, in cases where computing the posterior distributions of parameters in closed-form is not feasible, Monte Carlo EM is leveraged to approximate the likelihood. In the M-step, MissDAG leverages the density transformation to model the noise distributions with simpler and specific formulations by virtue of the ANMs and uses a likelihood-based causal discovery algorithm with directed acyclic graph constraint. We demonstrate the flexibility of MissDAG for incorporating various causal discovery algorithms and its efficacy through extensive simulations and real data experiments.
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因果发现旨在从观察数据中学习因果图。迄今为止,大多数因果发现方法需要将数据存储在中央服务器中。但是,数据所有者逐渐拒绝分享他们的个性化数据以避免隐私泄漏,使这项任务通过切断第一步来更加麻烦。出现拼图:$ \ texit {如何从分散数据的原因关系推断出来自分散数据的因果关系?} $本文,具有数据的添加性噪声模型假设,我们参加了开发基于渐变的学习框架命名为DAG共享的渐变学习框架联邦因果发现(DS-FCD),可以在不直接触摸本地数据的情况下学习因果图,并自然地处理数据异质性。 DS-FCD受益于每个本地模型的两级结构。第一级别学习因果图并与服务器通信以获取来自其他客户端的模型信息,而第二级别近似于因果机制,并且从其自身的数据逐步更新以适应数据异质性。此外,DS-FCD通过利用平等的非循环性约束,将整体学习任务制定为连续优化问题,这可以通过梯度下降方法自然地解决。对合成和现实世界数据集的广泛实验验证了所提出的方法的功效。
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从数据中学习的定向无环图(DAG)的组合问题最近被构成了纯连续优化问题,它通过基于矩阵指数函数的痕迹利用DAG的可区分无环表征。现有的无环特征基于以下想法:邻接矩阵的功率包含有关步行和周期的信息。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个基于log-determinant(log-det)函数的$ \ textit {根本不同的} $ acyclicity表征,该功能利用了dags的nilpotency属性。为了处理DAG的固有不对称性,我们将日志数据表征的域与$ \ textit {m-matrices} $的集合联系起来,这是与锥体定义的经典日志函数的关键区别积极的矩阵。与先前提出的无环函数相似,我们的表征也是精确且可区分的。但是,与现有特征相比,我们的对数数据函数:(1)更好地检测大周期; (2)行为更好的梯度; (3)它的运行时间在实践中的数量级更快。从优化侧,我们删除了典型的增强拉格朗日方案,并提出了Dagma($ \ textit {ocyclicity} $的M-矩阵{textIt {定向无环形图),这种方法类似于屏障方法的中心路径。 DAGMA的中心路径中的每个点都是通过我们的log-det函数正常的无约束问题的解决方案,然后我们证明在中心路径的极限下,保证解决方案是DAG。最后,我们为$ \ textit {linear} $和$ \ textit {nonlinear} $ sem提供了广泛的实验,并证明我们的方法可以达到针对最先进方法的大加速和较小的结构锤距。
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Estimating the structure of directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) of features (variables) plays a vital role in revealing the latent data generation process and providing causal insights in various applications. Although there have been many studies on structure learning with various types of data, the structure learning on the dynamic graph has not been explored yet, and thus we study the learning problem of node feature generation mechanism on such ubiquitous dynamic graph data. In a dynamic graph, we propose to simultaneously estimate contemporaneous relationships and time-lagged interaction relationships between the node features. These two kinds of relationships form a DAG, which could effectively characterize the feature generation process in a concise way. To learn such a DAG, we cast the learning problem as a continuous score-based optimization problem, which consists of a differentiable score function to measure the validity of the learned DAGs and a smooth acyclicity constraint to ensure the acyclicity of the learned DAGs. These two components are translated into an unconstraint augmented Lagrangian objective which could be minimized by mature continuous optimization techniques. The resulting algorithm, named GraphNOTEARS, outperforms baselines on simulated data across a wide range of settings that may encounter in real-world applications. We also apply the proposed approach on two dynamic graphs constructed from the real-world Yelp dataset, demonstrating our method could learn the connections between node features, which conforms with the domain knowledge.
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在许多学科中,在大量解释变量中推断反应变量的直接因果父母的问题具有很高的实际意义。但是,建立的方法通常至少会随着解释变量的数量而呈指数级扩展,难以扩展到非线性关系,并且很难扩展到周期性数据。受{\ em Debiased}机器学习方法的启发,我们研究了一种单Vs.-the-Rest特征选择方法,以发现响应的直接因果父母。我们提出了一种用于纯观测数据的算法,同时还提供理论保证,包括可能在周期存在下的部分非线性关系的情况。由于它仅需要对每个变量进行一个估计,因此我们的方法甚至适用于大图。与既定方法相比,我们证明了显着改善。
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我们考虑发现$ k $相关的高斯定向的非循环图(DAG)的问题,其中涉及的图形结构共享一致的因果秩序和支持的支持。在多任务学习设置下,我们提出了$ L_1 / L_2 $ -Regularized最大似然估计器(MLE),用于学习$ K $线性结构方程模型。理论上我们表明,通过利用相关任务利用数据来实现联合估算器可以实现比单独的估计更好的采样复杂性来恢复因果秩序(或拓扑阶)。此外,联合估计器能够通过与一些可识别的DAG一起估计它们来恢复不可识别的DAG。最后,我们的分析还显示了联盟支持恢复的协会的一致性。为了允许实际实现,我们设计了一种连续的优化问题,其优化器与联合估计器相同,并且可以通过迭代算法有效地近似。我们验证了实验中联合估计器的理论分析和有效性。
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We consider the problem of recovering the causal structure underlying observations from different experimental conditions when the targets of the interventions in each experiment are unknown. We assume a linear structural causal model with additive Gaussian noise and consider interventions that perturb their targets while maintaining the causal relationships in the system. Different models may entail the same distributions, offering competing causal explanations for the given observations. We fully characterize this equivalence class and offer identifiability results, which we use to derive a greedy algorithm called GnIES to recover the equivalence class of the data-generating model without knowledge of the intervention targets. In addition, we develop a novel procedure to generate semi-synthetic data sets with known causal ground truth but distributions closely resembling those of a real data set of choice. We leverage this procedure and evaluate the performance of GnIES on synthetic, real, and semi-synthetic data sets. Despite the strong Gaussian distributional assumption, GnIES is robust to an array of model violations and competitive in recovering the causal structure in small- to large-sample settings. We provide, in the Python packages "gnies" and "sempler", implementations of GnIES and our semi-synthetic data generation procedure.
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因果推断的一个共同主题是学习观察到的变量(也称为因果发现)之间的因果关系。考虑到大量候选因果图和搜索空间的组合性质,这通常是一项艰巨的任务。也许出于这个原因,到目前为止,大多数研究都集中在相对较小的因果图上,并具有多达数百个节点。但是,诸如生物学之类的领域的最新进展使生成实验数据集,并进行了数千种干预措施,然后进行了数千个变量的丰富分析,从而增加了机会和迫切需要大量因果图模型。在这里,我们介绍了因子定向无环图(F-DAG)的概念,是将搜索空间限制为非线性低级别因果相互作用模型的一种方法。将这种新颖的结构假设与最近的进步相结合,弥合因果发现与连续优化之间的差距,我们在数千个变量上实现了因果发现。此外,作为统计噪声对此估计程序的影响的模型,我们根据随机图研究了F-DAG骨架的边缘扰动模型,并量化了此类扰动对F-DAG等级的影响。该理论分析表明,一组候选F-DAG比整个DAG空间小得多,因此在很难评估基础骨架的高维度中更统计学上的稳定性。我们提出了因子图(DCD-FG)的可区分因果发现,这是对高维介入数据的F-DAG约束因果发现的可扩展实现。 DCD-FG使用高斯非线性低级结构方程模型,并且在模拟中的最新方法以及最新的大型单细胞RNA测序数据集中,与最新方法相比显示出显着改善遗传干预措施。
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Gaussian graphical models provide a powerful framework for uncovering conditional dependence relationships between sets of nodes; they have found applications in a wide variety of fields including sensor and communication networks, physics, finance, and computational biology. Often, one observes data on the nodes and the task is to learn the graph structure, or perform graphical model selection. While this is a well-studied problem with many popular techniques, there are typically three major practical challenges: i) many existing algorithms become computationally intractable in huge-data settings with tens of thousands of nodes; ii) the need for separate data-driven hyperparameter tuning considerably adds to the computational burden; iii) the statistical accuracy of selected edges often deteriorates as the dimension and/or the complexity of the underlying graph structures increase. We tackle these problems by developing the novel Minipatch Graph (MPGraph) estimator. Our approach breaks up the huge graph learning problem into many smaller problems by creating an ensemble of tiny random subsets of both the observations and the nodes, termed minipatches. We then leverage recent advances that use hard thresholding to solve the latent variable graphical model problem to consistently learn the graph on each minipatch. Our approach is computationally fast, embarrassingly parallelizable, memory efficient, and has integrated stability-based hyperparamter tuning. Additionally, we prove that under weaker assumptions than that of the Graphical Lasso, our MPGraph estimator achieves graph selection consistency. We compare our approach to state-of-the-art computational approaches for Gaussian graphical model selection including the BigQUIC algorithm, and empirically demonstrate that our approach is not only more statistically accurate but also extensively faster for huge graph learning problems.
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在这项工作中,我们将该算法考虑到(非线性)回归问题与$ \ ell_0 $罚款。用于$ \ ell_0 $基于$的优化问题的现有算法通常用固定的步长进行,并且选择适当的步长度取决于限制的强凸性和损耗功能的平滑度,因此难以计算计算。在Sprite的支持检测和根查找\ Cite {HJK2020}的思想中,我们提出了一种新颖且有效的数据驱动线搜索规则,以自适应地确定适当的步长。我们证明了绑定到所提出的算法的$ \ ell_2 $ error,而没有限制成本函数。在线性和逻辑回归问题中具有最先进的算法的大量数值比较显示了所提出的算法的稳定性,有效性和优越性。
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我们介绍了缩写为Argen的任意矩形范围广义弹性净罚分法,用于在高维稀疏线性模型中执行约束变量选择和正则化。作为非负弹性净惩罚方法的自然延伸,证明了在某些条件下具有可变选择一致性和估计一致性。研究了Argen估计器分布的渐近行为。我们还提出了一种称为MU-QP-RR-W-$ L_1 $的算法,以有效解决ARGEN。通过进行仿真研究,我们表明Argen在许多设置中优于弹性网。最后,执行S&P 500 500指数跟踪对库存分配的限制的应用,以提供适应argen解决现实问题的一般指导。
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