离线增强学习(RL)可以从先前收集的数据中进行有效的学习,而无需探索,这在探索昂贵甚至不可行时在现实世界应用中显示出巨大的希望。折扣因子$ \ gamma $在提高在线RL样本效率和估计准确性方面起着至关重要的作用,但是折现因子在离线RL中的作用尚未得到很好的探索。本文研究了$ \ gamma $在离线RL中的两个明显影响,并通过理论分析,即正则化效果和悲观效应。一方面,$ \ gamma $是在现有离线技术下以样本效率而定的最佳选择的监管机构。另一方面,较低的指导$ \ gamma $也可以看作是一种悲观的方式,我们在最坏的模型中优化了政策的性能。我们通过表格MDP和标准D4RL任务从经验上验证上述理论观察。结果表明,折现因子在离线RL算法的性能中起着至关重要的作用,无论是在现有的离线方法的小型数据制度下还是在没有其他保守主义的大型数据制度中。
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在阻碍强化学习(RL)到现实世界中的问题的原因之一,两个因素至关重要:与培训相比,数据有限和测试环境的不匹配。在本文中,我们试图通过分配强大的离线RL的问题同时解决这些问题。特别是,我们学习了一个从源环境中获得的历史数据,并优化了RL代理,并在扰动的环境中表现良好。此外,我们考虑将算法应用于大规模问题的线性函数近似。我们证明我们的算法可以实现$ O(1/\ sqrt {k})$的次级临时性,具体取决于线性函数尺寸$ d $,这似乎是在此设置中使用样品复杂性保证的第一个结果。进行了不同的实验以证明我们的理论发现,显示了我们算法与非持bust算法的优越性。
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我们在面对未衡量的混杂因素时研究离线增强学习(RL)。由于缺乏与环境的在线互动,离线RL面临以下两个重大挑战:(i)代理可能会被未观察到的状态变量混淆; (ii)提前收集的离线数据不能为环境提供足够的覆盖范围。为了应对上述挑战,我们借助工具变量研究了混杂的MDP中的政策学习。具体而言,我们首先建立了基于和边缘化的重要性采样(MIS)的识别结果,以确定混杂的MDP中的预期总奖励结果。然后,通过利用悲观主义和我们的认同结果,我们提出了各种政策学习方法,并具有有限样本的次级临时性保证,可以在最小的数据覆盖范围和建模假设下找到最佳的课堂政策。最后,我们广泛的理论研究和一项由肾脏移植动机的数值研究证明了该方法的有希望的表现。
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Offline reinforcement learning (RL) enables the agent to effectively learn from logged data, which significantly extends the applicability of RL algorithms in real-world scenarios where exploration can be expensive or unsafe. Previous works have shown that extracting primitive skills from the recurring and temporally extended structures in the logged data yields better learning. However, these methods suffer greatly when the primitives have limited representation ability to recover the original policy space, especially in offline settings. In this paper, we give a quantitative characterization of the performance of offline hierarchical learning and highlight the importance of learning lossless primitives. To this end, we propose to use a \emph{flow}-based structure as the representation for low-level policies. This allows us to represent the behaviors in the dataset faithfully while keeping the expression ability to recover the whole policy space. We show that such lossless primitives can drastically improve the performance of hierarchical policies. The experimental results and extensive ablation studies on the standard D4RL benchmark show that our method has a good representation ability for policies and achieves superior performance in most tasks.
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我们研究了离线加强学习(RL)的代表性学习,重点是离线政策评估(OPE)的重要任务。最近的工作表明,与监督的学习相反,Q功能的可实现性不足以学习。样品效率OPE的两个足够条件是Bellman的完整性和覆盖范围。先前的工作通常假设给出满足这些条件的表示形式,结果大多是理论上的。在这项工作中,我们提出了BCRL,该BCRL直接从数据中吸取了近似线性的贝尔曼完整表示,并具有良好的覆盖范围。通过这种学识渊博的表示,我们使用最小平方策略评估(LSPE)执行OPE,并在我们学习的表示中具有线性函数。我们提出了端到端的理论分析,表明我们的两阶段算法享有多项式样本复杂性,该算法在所考虑的丰富类别中提供了一些表示形式,这是线性的贝尔曼完成。从经验上讲,我们广泛评估了我们的DeepMind Control Suite的具有挑战性的基于图像的连续控制任务。我们显示我们的表示能够与针对非政策RL开发的先前表示的学习方法(例如Curl,SPR)相比,可以更好地使用OPE。 BCRL使用最先进的方法拟合Q评估(FQE)实现竞争性OPE误差,并在评估超出初始状态分布的评估时击败FQE。我们的消融表明,我们方法的线性铃铛完整和覆盖范围都至关重要。
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We study episodic two-player zero-sum Markov games (MGs) in the offline setting, where the goal is to find an approximate Nash equilibrium (NE) policy pair based on a dataset collected a priori. When the dataset does not have uniform coverage over all policy pairs, finding an approximate NE involves challenges in three aspects: (i) distributional shift between the behavior policy and the optimal policy, (ii) function approximation to handle large state space, and (iii) minimax optimization for equilibrium solving. We propose a pessimism-based algorithm, dubbed as pessimistic minimax value iteration (PMVI), which overcomes the distributional shift by constructing pessimistic estimates of the value functions for both players and outputs a policy pair by solving NEs based on the two value functions. Furthermore, we establish a data-dependent upper bound on the suboptimality which recovers a sublinear rate without the assumption on uniform coverage of the dataset. We also prove an information-theoretical lower bound, which suggests that the data-dependent term in the upper bound is intrinsic. Our theoretical results also highlight a notion of "relative uncertainty", which characterizes the necessary and sufficient condition for achieving sample efficiency in offline MGs. To the best of our knowledge, we provide the first nearly minimax optimal result for offline MGs with function approximation.
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强化学习(RL)的显着成功在很大程度上依赖于观察每个访问的州行动对的奖励。但是,在许多现实世界应用中,代理只能观察一个代表整个轨迹质量的分数,该分数称为{\ em轨迹方面的奖励}。在这种情况下,标准RL方法很难很好地利用轨迹的奖励,并且在政策评估中可能会产生巨大的偏见和方差错误。在这项工作中,我们提出了一种新颖的离线RL算法,称为悲观的价值迭代,奖励分解(分开),该算法将轨迹返回分解为每个步骤代理奖励,通过基于最小二乘的奖励重新分配,然后执行基于基于基于基于基于的价值迭代的迭代价值迭代的迭代迭代率关于博学的代理奖励。为了确保由分开构建的价值功能对最佳函数始终是悲观的,我们设计了一个新的罚款术语来抵消代理奖励的不确定性。对于具有较大状态空间的一般情节MDP,我们表明与过度参数化的神经网络函数近似近似能够实现$ \ tilde {\ Mathcal {o}}}(d _ {\ text {eff}}} h^2/\ sqrt {n}) $ suboftimality,其中$ h $是情节的长度,$ n $是样本总数,而$ d _ {\ text {eff}} $是神经切线核矩阵的有效维度。为了进一步说明结果,我们表明分开实现了$ \ tilde {\ mathcal {o}}}(dh^3/\ sqrt {n})$ subiptimation fi linearem mdps,其中$ d $是特征尺寸,匹配功能维度使用神经网络功能近似,当$ d _ {\ text {eff}} = dh $时。据我们所知,分开是第一种离线RL算法,在MDP总体上,轨迹奖励的效率非常有效。
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这项工作研究了RL中的代表性学习问题:我们如何学习紧凑的低维表示,使得在代表之上,我们可以以示例有效的方式执行诸如勘探和开发的RL程序。我们专注于低级马尔可夫决策过程(MDP),其中转换动态对应于低秩转换矩阵。与假设表示的事先作品(例如,线性MDP)不同,这里我们需要学习低秩MDP的表示。我们研究在线RL和离线RL设置。对于在线设置,在Flambe(Agarwal et.al)中使用相同的计算oracells操作,用于在低级MDP中学习表示的最先进的算法,我们提出了一种算法Rep-UCB上部置信束缚的驱动表示学习对于RL),这显着提高了$ \ widetilde {o}的样本复杂性(a ^ 9 d ^ 7 /(\ epsilon ^ {10}(1- \ gamma)^ {22}),因为flambe到$ \ widetilde {o}(a ^ 4 d ^ 4 /(\ epsilon ^ 2(1- \ gamma)^ {3})$ d $是转换矩阵的等级(或地面真相表示的维度) ,$ a $是行动次数,而$ \ gamma $是折扣因素。值得注意的是,rep-ucb比flambe更简单,因为它直接余额余额表示学习,探索和剥削之间的相互作用,而Flambe是一种探索的探索式风格方法,并且必须逐步执行无奖励探索及时。对于离线RL设置,我们开发了一种利用悲观主义在部分覆盖条件下学习的算法:我们的算法能够与脱机分布所涵盖的策略进行竞争。
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我们研究马尔可夫决策过程(MDP)框架中的离线数据驱动的顺序决策问题。为了提高学习政策的概括性和适应性,我们建议通过一套关于在政策诱导的固定分配所在的分发的一套平均奖励来评估每项政策。给定由某些行为策略生成的多个轨迹的预收集数据集,我们的目标是在预先指定的策略类中学习一个强大的策略,可以最大化此集的最小值。利用半参数统计的理论,我们开发了一种统计上有效的策略学习方法,用于估算DE NED强大的最佳政策。在数据集中的总决策点方面建立了达到对数因子的速率最佳遗憾。
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鉴于它在提取功能表示方面的力量,对比性的自我监督学习已成功整合到(深)强化学习(RL)的实践中,从而在各种应用程序中提供了有效的政策学习。尽管取得了巨大的经验成功,但对RL的对比学习的理解仍然难以捉摸。为了缩小这样的差距,我们研究了Markov决策过程(MDP)和Markov Games(MGS)的对比度学习如何赋予RL的能力。对于这两种模型,我们建议通过最大程度地减少对比度损失来提取低级别模型的正确特征表示。此外,在在线环境下,我们提出了新颖的上限置信界(UCB)型算法,该算法将这种对比度损失与MDP或MGS的在线RL算法结合在一起。从理论上讲,我们进一步证明了我们的算法恢复了真实表示形式,并同时在学习MDP和MGS中学习最佳策略和NASH平衡方面同时实现了样本效率。我们还提供实证研究,以证明基于UCB的RL的对比度学习方法的功效。据我们所知,我们提供了第一种可证明有效的在线RL算法,该算法结合了代表学习的对比学习。我们的代码可从https://github.com/baichenjia/contrastive-ucb获得。
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使用悲观,推理缺乏详尽的勘探数据集时的脱机强化学习最近颇具知名度。尽管它增加了算法的鲁棒性,过于悲观的推理可以在排除利好政策的发现,这是流行的基于红利悲观的问题同样有害。在本文中,我们介绍一般函数近似的Bellman-一致悲观的概念:不是计算逐点下界的值的功能,我们在超过设定的与贝尔曼方程一致的功能的初始状态实现悲观。我们的理论保证只需要贝尔曼封闭性作为探索性的设置标准,其中基于奖金的情况下的悲观情绪未能提供担保。即使在线性函数逼近的特殊情况下更强的表现力假设成立,我们的结果由$ \ mathcal {}Ø(d)在其样品的复杂$在最近的基于奖金的方法改善的时候,动作的空间是有限的。值得注意的是,我们的算法,能够自动适应事后最好的偏差 - 方差折中,而大多数现有的方法中需要调整的额外超参数的先验。
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Deep latent variable models have achieved significant empirical successes in model-based reinforcement learning (RL) due to their expressiveness in modeling complex transition dynamics. On the other hand, it remains unclear theoretically and empirically how latent variable models may facilitate learning, planning, and exploration to improve the sample efficiency of RL. In this paper, we provide a representation view of the latent variable models for state-action value functions, which allows both tractable variational learning algorithm and effective implementation of the optimism/pessimism principle in the face of uncertainty for exploration. In particular, we propose a computationally efficient planning algorithm with UCB exploration by incorporating kernel embeddings of latent variable models. Theoretically, we establish the sample complexity of the proposed approach in the online and offline settings. Empirically, we demonstrate superior performance over current state-of-the-art algorithms across various benchmarks.
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我们研究了具有线性函数近似增强学习中的随机最短路径(SSP)问题,其中过渡内核表示为未知模型的线性混合物。我们将此类别的SSP问题称为线性混合物SSP。我们提出了一种具有Hoeffding-type置信度的新型算法,用于学习线性混合物SSP,可以获得$ \ tilde {\ Mathcal {o}}}}(d B _ {\ star}^{1.5} \ sqrt {k/c_ {k/c_ {k/c_ {k/c_ { \ min}})$遗憾。这里$ k $是情节的数量,$ d $是混合模型中功能映射的维度,$ b _ {\ star} $限制了最佳策略的预期累积成本,$ c _ {\ min}>> 0 $是成本函数的下限。当$ c _ {\ min} = 0 $和$ \ tilde {\ mathcal {o}}}(k^{2/3})$遗憾时,我们的算法也适用于情况。据我们所知,这是第一个具有sublrinear遗憾保证线性混合物SSP的算法。此外,我们设计了精致的伯恩斯坦型信心集并提出了改进的算法,该算法可实现$ \ tilde {\ Mathcal {o}}}(d b _ {\ star} \ sqrt {k/c/c/c {k/c _ {\ min}}) $遗憾。为了补充遗憾的上限,我们还证明了$ \ omega(db _ {\ star} \ sqrt {k})$的下限。因此,我们的改进算法将下限匹配到$ 1/\ sqrt {c _ {\ min}} $ factor和poly-logarithmic因素,从而实现了近乎最佳的遗憾保证。
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我们根据相对悲观主义的概念,在数据覆盖不足的情况下提出了经过对抗训练的演员评论家(ATAC),这是一种新的无模型算法(RL)。 ATAC被设计为两人Stackelberg游戏:政策演员与受对抗训练的价值评论家竞争,后者发现参与者不如数据收集行为策略的数据一致方案。我们证明,当演员在两人游戏中不后悔时,运行ATAC会产生一项政策,证明1)在控制悲观程度的各种超级参数上都超过了行为政策,而2)与最佳竞争。 policy covered by data with appropriately chosen hyperparameters.与现有作品相比,尤其是我们的框架提供了一般函数近似的理论保证,也提供了可扩展到复杂环境和大型数据集的深度RL实现。在D4RL基准测试中,ATAC在一系列连续的控制任务上始终优于最先进的离线RL算法。
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The offline reinforcement learning (RL) problem is often motivated by the need to learn data-driven decision policies in financial, legal and healthcare applications. However, the learned policy could retain sensitive information of individuals in the training data (e.g., treatment and outcome of patients), thus susceptible to various privacy risks. We design offline RL algorithms with differential privacy guarantees which provably prevent such risks. These algorithms also enjoy strong instance-dependent learning bounds under both tabular and linear Markov decision process (MDP) settings. Our theory and simulation suggest that the privacy guarantee comes at (almost) no drop in utility comparing to the non-private counterpart for a medium-size dataset.
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Two central paradigms have emerged in the reinforcement learning (RL) community: online RL and offline RL. In the online RL setting, the agent has no prior knowledge of the environment, and must interact with it in order to find an $\epsilon$-optimal policy. In the offline RL setting, the learner instead has access to a fixed dataset to learn from, but is unable to otherwise interact with the environment, and must obtain the best policy it can from this offline data. Practical scenarios often motivate an intermediate setting: if we have some set of offline data and, in addition, may also interact with the environment, how can we best use the offline data to minimize the number of online interactions necessary to learn an $\epsilon$-optimal policy? In this work, we consider this setting, which we call the \textsf{FineTuneRL} setting, for MDPs with linear structure. We characterize the necessary number of online samples needed in this setting given access to some offline dataset, and develop an algorithm, \textsc{FTPedel}, which is provably optimal. We show through an explicit example that combining offline data with online interactions can lead to a provable improvement over either purely offline or purely online RL. Finally, our results illustrate the distinction between \emph{verifiable} learning, the typical setting considered in online RL, and \emph{unverifiable} learning, the setting often considered in offline RL, and show that there is a formal separation between these regimes.
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Effectively leveraging large, previously collected datasets in reinforcement learning (RL) is a key challenge for large-scale real-world applications. Offline RL algorithms promise to learn effective policies from previously-collected, static datasets without further interaction. However, in practice, offline RL presents a major challenge, and standard off-policy RL methods can fail due to overestimation of values induced by the distributional shift between the dataset and the learned policy, especially when training on complex and multi-modal data distributions. In this paper, we propose conservative Q-learning (CQL), which aims to address these limitations by learning a conservative Q-function such that the expected value of a policy under this Q-function lower-bounds its true value. We theoretically show that CQL produces a lower bound on the value of the current policy and that it can be incorporated into a policy learning procedure with theoretical improvement guarantees. In practice, CQL augments the standard Bellman error objective with a simple Q-value regularizer which is straightforward to implement on top of existing deep Q-learning and actor-critic implementations. On both discrete and continuous control domains, we show that CQL substantially outperforms existing offline RL methods, often learning policies that attain 2-5 times higher final return, especially when learning from complex and multi-modal data distributions.Preprint. Under review.
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