Graph-Slam是一种建立良好的算法,用于构建环境的拓扑图,同时尝试机器人的定位。它依赖于扫描匹配算法,以沿机器人的动作对齐嘈杂的观察,以计算当前机器人位置的估计。我们提出了一种基本上不同的方法来扫描匹配任务,以改善旋转转换位移的估计,从而提高完整的SLAM算法的性能。 Monte-Carlo方法用于生成两个扫描之间的几何位移的加权假设,然后我们纳入这些假设以计算导致最佳对准的位移。为了应对旋转转换的集群化,我们提出了一种新的聚类方法,通过将旋转翻译组件的内核密度分解内核密度来强大地扩展高斯平均转移到取向。我们在使用合成数据和英特尔研究实验室的基准数据集中展示了我们方法在广泛的实验中的有效性。结果证实,我们的方法在匹配的准确性和运行时计算方面具有卓越的性能,而不是基于最先进的基于迭代点的扫描匹配算法。
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In this paper we combine the Iterative Closest Point ('ICP') and 'point-to-plane ICP' algorithms into a single probabilistic framework. We then use this framework to model locally planar surface structure from both scans instead of just the "model" scan as is typically done with the point-to-plane method. This can be thought of as 'plane-to-plane'. The new approach is tested with both simulated and real-world data and is shown to outperform both standard ICP and point-to-plane. Furthermore, the new approach is shown to be more robust to incorrect correspondences, and thus makes it easier to tune the maximum match distance parameter present in most variants of ICP. In addition to the demonstrated performance improvement, the proposed model allows for more expressive probabilistic models to be incorporated into the ICP framework. While maintaining the speed and simplicity of ICP, the Generalized-ICP could also allow for the addition of outlier terms, measurement noise, and other probabilistic techniques to increase robustness.
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LIDAR数据可用于生成点云,用于导航自动驾驶汽车或移动机器人平台。扫描匹配是估计最能使两个点云的刚性转换的过程,是LiDAR探射仪的基础,这是一种死亡估算的形式。当没有GPS(例如GPS)(例如GPS)(例如GPS)时,LIDAR的探光仪特别有用。在这里,我们提出了迭代最接近的椭圆形变换(ICET),这是一种扫描匹配算法,可对当前最新的正常分布变换(NDT)进行两种新颖的改进。像NDT一样,ICET将激光雷达数据分解为体素,并将高斯分布拟合到每个体素内的点。 ICET的第一个创新通过沿着这些方向抑制溶液来降低沿着大型平坦表面的几何歧义。 ICET的第二个创新是推断与连续点云之间的位置和方向转换相关的输出误差协方差;当将ICET纳入诸如扩展的卡尔曼滤波器之类的状态估计例程中时,误差协方差特别有用。我们构建了一个模拟,以比较有或没有几何歧义的2D空间中ICET和NDT的性能,并发现ICET产生了出色的估计值,同时可以准确预测溶液的准确性。
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This paper presents an accurate, highly efficient, and learning-free method for large-scale odometry estimation using spinning radar, empirically found to generalize well across very diverse environments -- outdoors, from urban to woodland, and indoors in warehouses and mines - without changing parameters. Our method integrates motion compensation within a sweep with one-to-many scan registration that minimizes distances between nearby oriented surface points and mitigates outliers with a robust loss function. Extending our previous approach CFEAR, we present an in-depth investigation on a wider range of data sets, quantifying the importance of filtering, resolution, registration cost and loss functions, keyframe history, and motion compensation. We present a new solving strategy and configuration that overcomes previous issues with sparsity and bias, and improves our state-of-the-art by 38%, thus, surprisingly, outperforming radar SLAM and approaching lidar SLAM. The most accurate configuration achieves 1.09% error at 5Hz on the Oxford benchmark, and the fastest achieves 1.79% error at 160Hz.
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Localization of autonomous unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) relies heavily on Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), which are susceptible to interference. Especially in security applications, robust localization algorithms independent of GNSS are needed to provide dependable operations of autonomous UAVs also in interfered conditions. Typical non-GNSS visual localization approaches rely on known starting pose, work only on a small-sized map, or require known flight paths before a mission starts. We consider the problem of localization with no information on initial pose or planned flight path. We propose a solution for global visual localization on a map at scale up to 100 km2, based on matching orthoprojected UAV images to satellite imagery using learned season-invariant descriptors. We show that the method is able to determine heading, latitude and longitude of the UAV at 12.6-18.7 m lateral translation error in as few as 23.2-44.4 updates from an uninformed initialization, also in situations of significant seasonal appearance difference (winter-summer) between the UAV image and the map. We evaluate the characteristics of multiple neural network architectures for generating the descriptors, and likelihood estimation methods that are able to provide fast convergence and low localization error. We also evaluate the operation of the algorithm using real UAV data and evaluate running time on a real-time embedded platform. We believe this is the first work that is able to recover the pose of an UAV at this scale and rate of convergence, while allowing significant seasonal difference between camera observations and map.
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本文提出了Kimera-Multi,第一个多机器人系统,(i)是强大的,并且能够识别和拒绝由感知混叠产生的不正确和内部机器人循环闭合,(ii)完全分布,仅依赖于本地(点对点)通信实现分布式本地化和映射,(iii)实时构建环境的全球一致的度量标准三维网状模型,其中网格的面部用语义标签注释。 Kimera-Multi由配备有视觉惯性传感器的机器人团队实现。每个机器人都构建了局部轨迹估计和使用Kimera的本地网格。当通信可用时,机器人基于一种基于新型分布式刻度非凸性算法发起分布式地点识别和鲁棒姿态图优化协议。所提出的协议允许机器人通过利用机器人间循环闭合而鲁棒到异常值来改善其局部轨迹估计。最后,每个机器人使用其改进的轨迹估计来使用网格变形技术来校正本地网格。我们在光逼真模拟,SLAM基准测试数据集中展示了Kimera-Multi,以及使用地机器人收集的靠户外数据集。真实和模拟实验都涉及长轨迹(例如,每个机器人高达800米)。实验表明,在鲁棒性和准确性方面,kimera-multi(i)优于现有技术,(ii)在完全分布的同时实现与集中式大满贯系统相当的估计误差,(iii)在通信带宽方面是显着的(iv)产生精确的公制语义3D网格,并且(v)是模块化的,也可以用于标准3D重建(即,没有语义标签)或轨迹估计(即,不重建3D网格)。
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姿势估计准确性的提高是目前移动机器人中的基本问题。本研究旨在改善观察的使用以提高准确性。选择要点的选择会影响姿势估计的准确性,导致观察贡献如何影响系统的问题。因此,分析了信息对姿势估计过程的贡献。此外,配制了不确定性模型,灵敏度模型和贡献理论,提供了一种计算每种残留项的贡献的方法。所提出的选择方法已经理解证明能够实现全局统计最优。所提出的方法在人工数据模拟上进行测试,与基特基准进行比较。该实验揭示了与Aloam和Mloam对比的优异结果。所提出的算法在LIDAR Idomatry和LIDAR惯性内径术中使用不同的LIDAR传感器,使用不同的扫描模式,展示其提高姿态估计精度的有效性。随后推断出两个激光扫描传感器的新配置。该配置对于先前地图中的三维姿态定位是有效的,并且产生厘米级的结果。
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在室内运行的自主机器人和GPS拒绝的环境可以使用LIDAR进行大满贯。但是,由于循环闭合检测和计算负载以执行扫描匹配的挑战,在几何衰减的环境中,LIDAR的表现不佳。现有的WiFi基础架构可以用低硬件和计算成本来进行本地化和映射。然而,使用WiFi进行准确的姿势估计是具有挑战性的,因为由于信号传播的不可预测性,可以在同一位置测量不同的信号值。因此,我们介绍了WiFi指纹序列的使用量估计(即循环闭合)。这种方法利用移动机器人移动时获得的位置指纹的空间连贯性。这具有更好的校正探针流漂移的能力。该方法还结合了激光扫描,从而提高了大型和几何衰减环境的计算效率,同时保持LIDAR SLAM的准确性。我们在室内环境中进行了实验,以说明该方法的有效性。基于根平方误差(RMSE)评估结果,并在测试环境中达到了88m的精度。
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Using geometric landmarks like lines and planes can increase navigation accuracy and decrease map storage requirements compared to commonly-used LiDAR point cloud maps. However, landmark-based registration for applications like loop closure detection is challenging because a reliable initial guess is not available. Global landmark matching has been investigated in the literature, but these methods typically use ad hoc representations of 3D line and plane landmarks that are not invariant to large viewpoint changes, resulting in incorrect matches and high registration error. To address this issue, we adopt the affine Grassmannian manifold to represent 3D lines and planes and prove that the distance between two landmarks is invariant to rotation and translation if a shift operation is performed before applying the Grassmannian metric. This invariance property enables the use of our graph-based data association framework for identifying landmark matches that can subsequently be used for registration in the least-squares sense. Evaluated on a challenging landmark matching and registration task using publicly-available LiDAR datasets, our approach yields a 1.7x and 3.5x improvement in successful registrations compared to methods that use viewpoint-dependent centroid and "closest point" representations, respectively.
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Lidar-based SLAM systems perform well in a wide range of circumstances by relying on the geometry of the environment. However, even mature and reliable approaches struggle when the environment contains structureless areas such as long hallways. To allow the use of lidar-based SLAM in such environments, we propose to add reflector markers in specific locations that would otherwise be difficult. We present an algorithm to reliably detect these markers and two approaches to fuse the detected markers with geometry-based scan matching. The performance of the proposed methods is demonstrated on real-world datasets from several industrial environments.
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LIDAR(光检测和测距)SLAM(同时定位和映射)作为室内清洁,导航和行业和家庭中许多其他有用应用的基础。从一系列LIDAR扫描,它构建了一个准确的全球一致的环境模型,并估计它内部的机器人位置。 SLAM本质上是计算密集的;在具有有限的加工能力的移动机器人上实现快速可靠的SLAM系统是一个具有挑战性的问题。为了克服这种障碍,在本文中,我们提出了一种普遍,低功耗和资源有效的加速器设计,用于瞄准资源限制的FPGA。由于扫描匹配位于SLAM的核心,所提出的加速器包括可编程逻辑部分上的专用扫描匹配核心,并提供软件接口以便于使用。我们的加速器可以集成到各种SLAM方法,包括基于ROS(机器人操作系统) - 基于ROS(机器人操作系统),并且用户可以切换到不同的方法而不修改和重新合成逻辑部分。我们将加速器集成为三种广泛使用的方法,即扫描匹配,粒子滤波器和基于图形的SLAM。我们使用现实世界数据集评估资源利用率,速度和输出结果质量方面的设计。 Pynq-Z2板上的实验结果表明,我们的设计将扫描匹配和循环闭合检测任务加速高达14.84倍和18.92倍,分别在上述方法中产生4.67倍,4.00倍和4.06倍的整体性能改进。我们的设计能够实现实时性能,同时仅消耗2.4W并保持精度,可与软件对应物乃至最先进的方法相当。
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We propose a real-time method for odometry and mapping using range measurements from a 2-axis lidar moving in 6-DOF. The problem is hard because the range measurements are received at different times, and errors in motion estimation can cause mis-registration of the resulting point cloud. To date, coherent 3D maps can be built by off-line batch methods, often using loop closure to correct for drift over time. Our method achieves both low-drift and low-computational complexity without the need for high accuracy ranging or inertial measurements.The key idea in obtaining this level of performance is the division of the complex problem of simultaneous localization and mapping, which seeks to optimize a large number of variables simultaneously, by two algorithms. One algorithm performs odometry at a high frequency but low fidelity to estimate velocity of the lidar. Another algorithm runs at a frequency of an order of magnitude lower for fine matching and registration of the point cloud. Combination of the two algorithms allows the method to map in real-time. The method has been evaluated by a large set of experiments as well as on the KITTI odometry benchmark. The results indicate that the method can achieve accuracy at the level of state of the art offline batch methods.
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自我定位是一种基本功能,移动机器人导航系统集成到使用地图从一个点转移到另一点。因此,任何提高本地化精度的增强对于执行精致的灵活性任务至关重要。本文描述了一个新的位置,该位置使用Monte Carlo定位(MCL)算法维护几个颗粒人群,始终选择最佳的粒子作为系统的输出。作为新颖性,我们的工作包括一种多尺度匹配匹配算法,以创建新的MCL群体和一个确定最可靠的指标。它还贡献了最新的实现,从错误的估计或未知的初始位置增加了恢复时间。在与NAV2完全集成的模块中评估了所提出的方法,并与当前的最新自适应ACML溶液进行了比较,从而获得了良好的精度和恢复时间。
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The ICP (Iterative Closest Point) algorithm is widely used for geometric alignment of three-dimensional models when an initial estimate of the relative pose is known. Many variants of ICP have been proposed, affecting all phases of the algorithm from the selection and matching of points to the minimization strategy. We enumerate and classify many of these variants, and evaluate their effect on the speed with which the correct alignment is reached. In order to improve convergence for nearly-flat meshes with small features, such as inscribed surfaces, we introduce a new variant based on uniform sampling of the space of normals. We conclude by proposing a combination of ICP variants optimized for high speed. We demonstrate an implementation that is able to align two range images in a few tens of milliseconds, assuming a good initial guess. This capability has potential application to real-time 3D model acquisition and model-based tracking.
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