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仿真有可能改变在安全关键方案中部署的移动代理的强大算法的开发。然而,对现有模拟发动机的差的光敏性和缺乏不同的传感器方式保持关键障碍朝来实现这种潜力。在这里,我们呈现Vista,一个开源,数据驱动模拟器,用于为自动车辆集成多种类型的传感器。使用高保真度,实际数据集,Vista表示和模拟RGB摄像机,3D LIDAR和基于事件的相机,可以快速生成模拟中的新颖观点,从而富集可用于与难以实现的拐角案例的政策学习的数据在物理世界中捕获。使用Vista,我们展示了在每个传感器类型上培训和测试对控制策略的能力,并通过在全尺度自主车辆上进行展示这种方法的功率。在Vista中学到的政策展示了SIM-TEAR-REAL转移,而不是改进和更高的鲁棒性,而不是完全在现实世界数据上培训的鲁棒性。
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安全驾驶需要人类和智能代理的多种功能,例如无法看到环境的普遍性,对周围交通的安全意识以及复杂的多代理设置中的决策。尽管强化学习取得了巨大的成功(RL),但由于缺乏集成的环境,大多数RL研究工作分别研究了每个能力。在这项工作中,我们开发了一个名为MetAdrive的新驾驶模拟平台,以支持对机器自治的可概括增强学习算法的研究。 Metadrive具有高度的组成性,可以从程序生成和实际数据导入的实际数据中产生无限数量的不同驾驶场景。基于Metadrive,我们在单一代理和多代理设置中构建了各种RL任务和基线,包括在看不见的场景,安全探索和学习多机构流量的情况下进行基准标记。对程序生成的场景和现实世界情景进行的概括实验表明,增加训练集的多样性和大小会导致RL代理的推广性提高。我们进一步评估了元数据环境中各种安全的增强学习和多代理增强学习算法,并提供基准。源代码,文档和演示视频可在\ url {https://metadriverse.github.io/metadrive}上获得。
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We introduce CARLA, an open-source simulator for autonomous driving research. CARLA has been developed from the ground up to support development, training, and validation of autonomous urban driving systems. In addition to open-source code and protocols, CARLA provides open digital assets (urban layouts, buildings, vehicles) that were created for this purpose and can be used freely. The simulation platform supports flexible specification of sensor suites and environmental conditions. We use CARLA to study the performance of three approaches to autonomous driving: a classic modular pipeline, an endto-end model trained via imitation learning, and an end-to-end model trained via reinforcement learning. The approaches are evaluated in controlled scenarios of increasing difficulty, and their performance is examined via metrics provided by CARLA, illustrating the platform's utility for autonomous driving research.
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我们介绍了\ textit {nocturne},这是一种新的2D驾驶模拟器,用于调查部分可观察性下的多代理协调。夜曲的重点是在不具有计算机视觉的计算开销并从图像中提取特征的情况下,在现实世界中的推理和心理理论方面进行研究。该模拟器中的代理只会观察到场景的障碍,模仿人类的视觉传感限制。 Unlike existing benchmarks that are bottlenecked by rendering human-like observations directly using a camera input, Nocturne uses efficient intersection methods to compute a vectorized set of visible features in a C++ back-end, allowing the simulator to run at $2000+$ steps-per -第二。使用开源轨迹和映射数据,我们构建了一个模拟器,以加载和重播来自现实世界驾驶数据的任意轨迹和场景。使用这种环境,我们基准了加强学习和模仿学习剂,并证明这些代理远离人类水平的协调能力,并显着偏离专家轨迹。
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With the development of deep representation learning, the domain of reinforcement learning (RL) has become a powerful learning framework now capable of learning complex policies in high dimensional environments. This review summarises deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms and provides a taxonomy of automated driving tasks where (D)RL methods have been employed, while addressing key computational challenges in real world deployment of autonomous driving agents. It also delineates adjacent domains such as behavior cloning, imitation learning, inverse reinforcement learning that are related but are not classical RL algorithms. The role of simulators in training agents, methods to validate, test and robustify existing solutions in RL are discussed.
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We present a retrospective on the state of Embodied AI research. Our analysis focuses on 13 challenges presented at the Embodied AI Workshop at CVPR. These challenges are grouped into three themes: (1) visual navigation, (2) rearrangement, and (3) embodied vision-and-language. We discuss the dominant datasets within each theme, evaluation metrics for the challenges, and the performance of state-of-the-art models. We highlight commonalities between top approaches to the challenges and identify potential future directions for Embodied AI research.
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The last decade witnessed increasingly rapid progress in self-driving vehicle technology, mainly backed up by advances in the area of deep learning and artificial intelligence. The objective of this paper is to survey the current state-of-the-art on deep learning technologies used in autonomous driving. We start by presenting AI-based self-driving architectures, convolutional and recurrent neural networks, as well as the deep reinforcement learning paradigm. These methodologies form a base for the surveyed driving scene perception, path planning, behavior arbitration and motion control algorithms. We investigate both the modular perception-planning-action pipeline, where each module is built using deep learning methods, as well as End2End systems, which directly map sensory information to steering commands. Additionally, we tackle current challenges encountered in designing AI architectures for autonomous driving, such as their safety, training data sources and computational hardware. The comparison presented in this survey helps to gain insight into the strengths and limitations of deep learning and AI approaches for autonomous driving and assist with design choices. 1
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High-quality traffic flow generation is the core module in building simulators for autonomous driving. However, the majority of available simulators are incapable of replicating traffic patterns that accurately reflect the various features of real-world data while also simulating human-like reactive responses to the tested autopilot driving strategies. Taking one step forward to addressing such a problem, we propose Realistic Interactive TrAffic flow (RITA) as an integrated component of existing driving simulators to provide high-quality traffic flow for the evaluation and optimization of the tested driving strategies. RITA is developed with fidelity, diversity, and controllability in consideration, and consists of two core modules called RITABackend and RITAKit. RITABackend is built to support vehicle-wise control and provide traffic generation models from real-world datasets, while RITAKit is developed with easy-to-use interfaces for controllable traffic generation via RITABackend. We demonstrate RITA's capacity to create diversified and high-fidelity traffic simulations in several highly interactive highway scenarios. The experimental findings demonstrate that our produced RITA traffic flows meet all three design goals, hence enhancing the completeness of driving strategy evaluation. Moreover, we showcase the possibility for further improvement of baseline strategies through online fine-tuning with RITA traffic flows.
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最近,自主驾驶社会上有许多进展,吸引了学术界和工业的很多关注。然而,现有的作品主要专注于汽车,自动驾驶卡车算法和模型仍然需要额外的开发。在本文中,我们介绍了智能自动驾驶卡车系统。我们所呈现的系统由三个主要组成部分组成,1)一个现实的交通仿真模块,用于在测试场景中产生现实的交通流量,2)设计和评估了在现实世界部署中模仿实际卡车响应的高保真卡车模型,3 )具有基于学习的决策算法和多模轨迹策划仪的智能计划模块,考虑到卡车的约束,道路斜率变化和周围的交通流量。我们为每个组分单独提供定量评估,以证明每个部件的保真度和性能。我们还将我们的建议系统部署在真正的卡车上,并进行真实的世界实验,表明我们的系统能力缓解了SIM-TO-REAL差距。我们的代码可以在https://github.com/inceptioresearch/iits提供
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Traditional planning and control methods could fail to find a feasible trajectory for an autonomous vehicle to execute amongst dense traffic on roads. This is because the obstacle-free volume in spacetime is very small in these scenarios for the vehicle to drive through. However, that does not mean the task is infeasible since human drivers are known to be able to drive amongst dense traffic by leveraging the cooperativeness of other drivers to open a gap. The traditional methods fail to take into account the fact that the actions taken by an agent affect the behaviour of other vehicles on the road. In this work, we rely on the ability of deep reinforcement learning to implicitly model such interactions and learn a continuous control policy over the action space of an autonomous vehicle. The application we consider requires our agent to negotiate and open a gap in the road in order to successfully merge or change lanes. Our policy learns to repeatedly probe into the target road lane while trying to find a safe spot to move in to. We compare against two model-predictive control-based algorithms and show that our policy outperforms them in simulation.
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在多机构动态交通情况下的自主驾驶具有挑战性:道路使用者的行为不确定,很难明确建模,并且自我车辆应与他们应用复杂的谈判技巧,例如屈服,合并和交付,以实现,以实现在各种环境中都有安全有效的驾驶。在这些复杂的动态场景中,传统的计划方法主要基于规则,并且通常会导致反应性甚至过于保守的行为。因此,他们需要乏味的人类努力来维持可行性。最近,基于深度学习的方法显示出令人鼓舞的结果,具有更好的概括能力,但手工工程的工作较少。但是,它们要么是通过有监督的模仿学习(IL)来实施的,该学习遭受了数据集偏见和分配不匹配问题,要么接受了深入强化学习(DRL)的培训,但专注于一种特定的交通情况。在这项工作中,我们建议DQ-GAT实现可扩展和主动的自主驾驶,在这些驾驶中,基于图形注意力的网络用于隐式建模相互作用,并采用了深层Q学习来以无聊的方式训练网络端到端的网络。 。在高保真驾驶模拟器中进行的广泛实验表明,我们的方法比以前的基于学习的方法和传统的基于规则的方法获得了更高的成功率,并且在可见和看不见的情况下都可以更好地摆脱安全性和效率。此外,轨迹数据集的定性结果表明,我们所学的政策可以通过实时速度转移到现实世界中。演示视频可在https://caipeide.github.io/dq-gat/上找到。
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Reinforcement learning (RL) is a promising solution for autonomous vehicles to deal with complex and uncertain traffic environments. The RL training process is however expensive, unsafe, and time consuming. Algorithms are often developed first in simulation and then transferred to the real world, leading to a common sim2real challenge that performance decreases when the domain changes. In this paper, we propose a transfer learning process to minimize the gap by exploiting digital twin technology, relying on a systematic and simultaneous combination of virtual and real world data coming from vehicle dynamics and traffic scenarios. The model and testing environment are evolved from model, hardware to vehicle in the loop and proving ground testing stages, similar to standard development cycle in automotive industry. In particular, we also integrate other transfer learning techniques such as domain randomization and adaptation in each stage. The simulation and real data are gradually incorporated to accelerate and make the transfer learning process more robust. The proposed RL methodology is applied to develop a path following steering controller for an autonomous electric vehicle. After learning and deploying the real-time RL control policy on the vehicle, we obtained satisfactory and safe control performance already from the first deployment, demonstrating the advantages of the proposed digital twin based learning process.
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