Traditional planning and control methods could fail to find a feasible trajectory for an autonomous vehicle to execute amongst dense traffic on roads. This is because the obstacle-free volume in spacetime is very small in these scenarios for the vehicle to drive through. However, that does not mean the task is infeasible since human drivers are known to be able to drive amongst dense traffic by leveraging the cooperativeness of other drivers to open a gap. The traditional methods fail to take into account the fact that the actions taken by an agent affect the behaviour of other vehicles on the road. In this work, we rely on the ability of deep reinforcement learning to implicitly model such interactions and learn a continuous control policy over the action space of an autonomous vehicle. The application we consider requires our agent to negotiate and open a gap in the road in order to successfully merge or change lanes. Our policy learns to repeatedly probe into the target road lane while trying to find a safe spot to move in to. We compare against two model-predictive control-based algorithms and show that our policy outperforms them in simulation.
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一般而言,融合是人类驱动因素和自治车辆的具有挑战性的任务,特别是在密集的交通中,因为合并的车辆通常需要与其他车辆互动以识别或创造间隙并安全合并。在本文中,我们考虑了强制合并方案的自主车辆控制问题。我们提出了一种新的游戏 - 理论控制器,称为领导者跟随者游戏控制器(LFGC),其中自主EGO车辆和其他具有先验不确定驾驶意图的车辆之间的相互作用被建模为部分可观察到的领导者 - 跟随游戏。 LFGC估计基于观察到的轨迹的其他车辆在线在线,然后预测其未来的轨迹,并计划使用模型预测控制(MPC)来同时实现概率保证安全性和合并目标的自我车辆自己的轨迹。为了验证LFGC的性能,我们在模拟和NGSIM数据中测试它,其中LFGC在合并中展示了97.5%的高成功率。
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Proper functioning of connected and automated vehicles (CAVs) is crucial for the safety and efficiency of future intelligent transport systems. Meanwhile, transitioning to fully autonomous driving requires a long period of mixed autonomy traffic, including both CAVs and human-driven vehicles. Thus, collaboration decision-making for CAVs is essential to generate appropriate driving behaviors to enhance the safety and efficiency of mixed autonomy traffic. In recent years, deep reinforcement learning (DRL) has been widely used in solving decision-making problems. However, the existing DRL-based methods have been mainly focused on solving the decision-making of a single CAV. Using the existing DRL-based methods in mixed autonomy traffic cannot accurately represent the mutual effects of vehicles and model dynamic traffic environments. To address these shortcomings, this article proposes a graph reinforcement learning (GRL) approach for multi-agent decision-making of CAVs in mixed autonomy traffic. First, a generic and modular GRL framework is designed. Then, a systematic review of DRL and GRL methods is presented, focusing on the problems addressed in recent research. Moreover, a comparative study on different GRL methods is further proposed based on the designed framework to verify the effectiveness of GRL methods. Results show that the GRL methods can well optimize the performance of multi-agent decision-making for CAVs in mixed autonomy traffic compared to the DRL methods. Finally, challenges and future research directions are summarized. This study can provide a valuable research reference for solving the multi-agent decision-making problems of CAVs in mixed autonomy traffic and can promote the implementation of GRL-based methods into intelligent transportation systems. The source code of our work can be found at
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With the development of deep representation learning, the domain of reinforcement learning (RL) has become a powerful learning framework now capable of learning complex policies in high dimensional environments. This review summarises deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms and provides a taxonomy of automated driving tasks where (D)RL methods have been employed, while addressing key computational challenges in real world deployment of autonomous driving agents. It also delineates adjacent domains such as behavior cloning, imitation learning, inverse reinforcement learning that are related but are not classical RL algorithms. The role of simulators in training agents, methods to validate, test and robustify existing solutions in RL are discussed.
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Designing a safe and human-like decision-making system for an autonomous vehicle is a challenging task. Generative imitation learning is one possible approach for automating policy-building by leveraging both real-world and simulated decisions. Previous work that applies generative imitation learning to autonomous driving policies focuses on learning a low-level controller for simple settings. However, to scale to complex settings, many autonomous driving systems combine fixed, safe, optimization-based low-level controllers with high-level decision-making logic that selects the appropriate task and associated controller. In this paper, we attempt to bridge this gap in complexity by employing Safety-Aware Hierarchical Adversarial Imitation Learning (SHAIL), a method for learning a high-level policy that selects from a set of low-level controller instances in a way that imitates low-level driving data on-policy. We introduce an urban roundabout simulator that controls non-ego vehicles using real data from the Interaction dataset. We then demonstrate empirically that even with simple controller options, our approach can produce better behavior than previous approaches in driver imitation that have difficulty scaling to complex environments. Our implementation is available at
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Although extensive research in planning has been carried out for normal scenarios, path planning in emergencies has not been thoroughly explored, especially when vehicles move at a higher speed and have less space for avoiding a collision. For emergency collision avoidance, the controller should have the ability to deal with complicated environments and take collision mitigation into consideration since the problem may have no feasible solution. We propose a safety controller by using model predictive control and artificial potential function. A new artificial potential function inspired by line charge is proposed as the cost function for our model predictive controller. The new artificial potential function takes the shape of all objects into consideration. In particular, the artificial potential function that we proposed has the flexibility to fit the shape of the road structures such as the intersection, while the artificial potential function in most of the previous work could only be used in a highway scenario. Moreover, we could realize collision mitigation for a specific part of the vehicle by increasing the quantity of the charge at the corresponding place. We have tested our methods in 192 cases from 8 different scenarios in simulation. The simulation results show that the success rate of the proposed safety controller is 20% higher than using HJ-reachability with system decomposition. It could also decrease 43% of collision that happens at the pre-assigned part.
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然而,由于各种交通/道路结构方案以及人类驾驶员行为的长时间分布,自动驾驶的感应,感知和本地化取得了重大进展,因此,对于智能车辆来说,这仍然是一个持开放态度的挑战始终知道如何在有可用的传感 /感知 /本地化信息的道路上做出和执行最佳决定。在本章中,我们讨论了人工智能,更具体地说,强化学习如何利用运营知识和安全反射来做出战略性和战术决策。我们讨论了一些与强化学习解决方案的鲁棒性及其对自动驾驶驾驶策略的实践设计有关的具有挑战性的问题。我们专注于在高速公路上自动驾驶以及增强学习,车辆运动控制和控制屏障功能的整合,从而实现了可靠的AI驾驶策略,可以安全地学习和适应。
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We present an approach for safe trajectory planning, where a strategic task related to autonomous racing is learned sample-efficient within a simulation environment. A high-level policy, represented as a neural network, outputs a reward specification that is used within the cost function of a parametric nonlinear model predictive controller (NMPC). By including constraints and vehicle kinematics in the NLP, we are able to guarantee safe and feasible trajectories related to the used model. Compared to classical reinforcement learning (RL), our approach restricts the exploration to safe trajectories, starts with a good prior performance and yields full trajectories that can be passed to a tracking lowest-level controller. We do not address the lowest-level controller in this work and assume perfect tracking of feasible trajectories. We show the superior performance of our algorithm on simulated racing tasks that include high-level decision making. The vehicle learns to efficiently overtake slower vehicles and to avoid getting overtaken by blocking faster vehicles.
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由于互动交通参与者的随机性质和道路结构的复杂性,城市自动驾驶的决策是具有挑战性的。尽管基于强化的学习(RL)决策计划有望处理城市驾驶方案,但它的样本效率低和适应性差。在本文中,我们提出了Scene-Rep Transformer,以通过更好的场景表示编码和顺序预测潜在蒸馏来提高RL决策能力。具体而言,构建了多阶段变压器(MST)编码器,不仅对自我车辆及其邻居之间的相互作用意识进行建模,而且对代理商及其候选路线之间的意图意识。具有自我监督学习目标的连续潜伏变压器(SLT)用于将未来的预测信息提炼成潜在的场景表示,以减少勘探空间并加快训练的速度。基于软演员批评的最终决策模块(SAC)将来自场景rep变压器的精制潜在场景表示输入,并输出驾驶动作。该框架在五个挑战性的模拟城市场景中得到了验证,其性能通过成功率,安全性和效率方面的数据效率和性能的大幅度提高来定量表现出来。定性结果表明,我们的框架能够提取邻居代理人的意图,以帮助做出决策并提供更多多元化的驾驶行为。
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