We introduce a framework that uses Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) to study cognitive properties like memorability, aesthetics, and emotional valence. These attributes are of interest because we do not have a concrete visual definition of what they entail. What does it look like for a dog to be more or less memorable? GANs allow us to generate a manifold of natural-looking images with fine-grained differences in their visual attributes. By navigating this manifold in directions that increase memorability, we can visualize what it looks like for a particular generated image to become more or less memorable. The resulting "visual definitions" surface image properties (like "object size") that may underlie memorability. Through behavioral experiments, we verify that our method indeed discovers image manipulations that causally affect human memory performance. We further demonstrate that the same framework can be used to analyze image aesthetics and emotional valence. Visit the GANalyze website at http://ganalyze.csail.mit.edu/.
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An open secret in contemporary machine learning is that many models work beautifully on standard benchmarks but fail to generalize outside the lab. This has been attributed to biased training data, which provide poor coverage over real world events. Generative models are no exception, but recent advances in generative adversarial networks (GANs) suggest otherwise -these models can now synthesize strikingly realistic and diverse images. Is generative modeling of photos a solved problem? We show that although current GANs can fit standard datasets very well, they still fall short of being comprehensive models of the visual manifold. In particular, we study their ability to fit simple transformations such as camera movements and color changes. We find that the models reflect the biases of the datasets on which they are trained (e.g., centered objects), but that they also exhibit some capacity for generalization: by "steering" in latent space, we can shift the distribution while still creating realistic images. We hypothesize that the degree of distributional shift is related to the breadth of the training data distribution. Thus, we conduct experiments to quantify the limits of GAN transformations and introduce techniques to mitigate the problem. Code is released on our project page: https://ali-design.github.io/gan_steerability/.
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Random samples from a single image Single training image Figure 1: Image generation learned from a single training image. We propose SinGAN-a new unconditional generative model trained on a single natural image. Our model learns the image's patch statistics across multiple scales, using a dedicated multi-scale adversarial training scheme; it can then be used to generate new realistic image samples that preserve the original patch distribution while creating new object configurations and structures.
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GAN的进展使高分辨率的感性质量形象产生了产生。 stylegans允许通过数学操作对W/W+空间中的潜在样式向量进行数学操作进行引人入胜的属性修改,从而有效调节生成器的丰富层次结构表示。最近,此类操作已被推广到原始StyleGan纸中的属性交换之外,以包括插值。尽管StyleGans有许多重大改进,但仍被认为会产生不自然的图像。生成的图像的质量基于两个假设。 (a)生成器学到的层次表示的丰富性,以及(b)样式空间的线性和平滑度。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个层次的语义正常化程序(HSR),该层次正常化程序将生成器学到的层次表示与大量数据学到的相应的强大功能保持一致。 HSR不仅可以改善发电机的表示,还可以改善潜在风格空间的线性和平滑度,从而导致产生更自然的样式编辑的图像。为了证明线性改善,我们提出了一种新型的度量 - 属性线性评分(ALS)。通过改善感知路径长度(PPL)度量的改善,在不同的标准数据集中平均16.19%的不自然图像的生成显着降低,同时改善了属性编辑任务中属性变化的线性变化。
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Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) were introduced by Goodfellow in 2014, and since then have become popular for constructing generative artificial intelligence models. However, the drawbacks of such networks are numerous, like their longer training times, their sensitivity to hyperparameter tuning, several types of loss and optimization functions and other difficulties like mode collapse. Current applications of GANs include generating photo-realistic human faces, animals and objects. However, I wanted to explore the artistic ability of GANs in more detail, by using existing models and learning from them. This dissertation covers the basics of neural networks and works its way up to the particular aspects of GANs, together with experimentation and modification of existing available models, from least complex to most. The intention is to see if state of the art GANs (specifically StyleGAN2) can generate album art covers and if it is possible to tailor them by genre. This was attempted by first familiarizing myself with 3 existing GANs architectures, including the state of the art StyleGAN2. The StyleGAN2 code was used to train a model with a dataset containing 80K album cover images, then used to style images by picking curated images and mixing their styles.
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Our goal with this survey is to provide an overview of the state of the art deep learning technologies for face generation and editing. We will cover popular latest architectures and discuss key ideas that make them work, such as inversion, latent representation, loss functions, training procedures, editing methods, and cross domain style transfer. We particularly focus on GAN-based architectures that have culminated in the StyleGAN approaches, which allow generation of high-quality face images and offer rich interfaces for controllable semantics editing and preserving photo quality. We aim to provide an entry point into the field for readers that have basic knowledge about the field of deep learning and are looking for an accessible introduction and overview.
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与CNN的分类,分割或对象检测相比,生成网络的目标和方法根本不同。最初,它们不是作为图像分析工具,而是生成自然看起来的图像。已经提出了对抗性训练范式来稳定生成方法,并已被证明是非常成功的 - 尽管绝不是第一次尝试。本章对生成对抗网络(GAN)的动机进行了基本介绍,并通​​过抽象基本任务和工作机制并得出了早期实用方法的困难来追溯其成功的道路。将显示进行更稳定的训练方法,也将显示出不良收敛及其原因的典型迹象。尽管本章侧重于用于图像生成和图像分析的gan,但对抗性训练范式本身并非特定于图像,并且在图像分析中也概括了任务。在将GAN与最近进入场景的进一步生成建模方法进行对比之前,将闻名图像语义分割和异常检测的架构示例。这将允许对限制的上下文化观点,但也可以对gans有好处。
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Understanding the 3D world from 2D images involves more than detection and segmentation of the objects within the scene. It also includes the interpretation of the structure and arrangement of the scene elements. Such understanding is often rooted in recognizing the physical world and its limitations, and in prior knowledge as to how similar typical scenes are arranged. In this research we pose a new challenge for neural network (or other) scene understanding algorithms - can they distinguish between plausible and implausible scenes? Plausibility can be defined both in terms of physical properties and in terms of functional and typical arrangements. Hence, we define plausibility as the probability of encountering a given scene in the real physical world. We build a dataset of synthetic images containing both plausible and implausible scenes, and test the success of various vision models in the task of recognizing and understanding plausibility.
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Although Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) have made significant progress in face synthesis, there lacks enough understanding of what GANs have learned in the latent representation to map a random code to a photo-realistic image. In this work, we propose a framework called InterFaceGAN to interpret the disentangled face representation learned by the state-of-the-art GAN models and study the properties of the facial semantics encoded in the latent space. We first find that GANs learn various semantics in some linear subspaces of the latent space. After identifying these subspaces, we can realistically manipulate the corresponding facial attributes without retraining the model. We then conduct a detailed study on the correlation between different semantics and manage to better disentangle them via subspace projection, resulting in more precise control of the attribute manipulation. Besides manipulating the gender, age, expression, and presence of eyeglasses, we can even alter the face pose and fix the artifacts accidentally made by GANs. Furthermore, we perform an in-depth face identity analysis and a layer-wise analysis to evaluate the editing results quantitatively. Finally, we apply our approach to real face editing by employing GAN inversion approaches and explicitly training feed-forward models based on the synthetic data established by InterFaceGAN. Extensive experimental results suggest that learning to synthesize faces spontaneously brings a disentangled and controllable face representation.
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卷积神经网络(CNNS)容易受到对抗的攻击,将微型噪声添加到图像中的现象可以欺骗CNNS被错误分类。因为这种噪声对人类观察者几乎是不可察觉的,所以假设生物视觉对抗对抗性攻击是鲁棒性的。尽管具有这种明显的鲁棒性差异,但CNN是目前是生物视觉的最佳模型,揭示了脑部响应对抗性图像的响应方式的差距。实际上,对正常情况下的生物视觉尚未测量对逆势攻击的敏感性,也没有专门用于影响生物视觉的攻击方法。我们研究了对抗性攻击对灵长类动物视力的影响,测量猴神经元反应和人类行为。通过从一个类别(例如人面)来修改图像来创建对抗性图像,看起来像目标类别(例如猴子面),同时限制像素值改变。我们通过几种攻击方法测试了三次攻击方向,包括使用CNN对抗性图像并使用基于CNN的预测模型来指导猴子视觉神经元反应。我们认为广泛的图像变化大幅度,涉及攻击成功率高达> 90%。我们发现为CNN设计的对抗性图像在攻击灵长类动物视觉时无效。即使在考虑最佳的攻击方法时,灵长类动物的视觉也比CNN的集合攻击更强大,而不是CNN的集合,需要超过100倍的图像改变以成功攻击。单个攻击方法和图像的成功与猴子神经元和人类行为之间相关,但在分类和CNN分类之间不太相关。始终如一地,当在自然图像培训时,基于CNN的神经元模型并未概括地解释对对抗性图像的神经元反应。
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Recent 3D-aware GANs rely on volumetric rendering techniques to disentangle the pose and appearance of objects, de facto generating entire 3D volumes rather than single-view 2D images from a latent code. Complex image editing tasks can be performed in standard 2D-based GANs (e.g., StyleGAN models) as manipulation of latent dimensions. However, to the best of our knowledge, similar properties have only been partially explored for 3D-aware GAN models. This work aims to fill this gap by showing the limitations of existing methods and proposing LatentSwap3D, a model-agnostic approach designed to enable attribute editing in the latent space of pre-trained 3D-aware GANs. We first identify the most relevant dimensions in the latent space of the model controlling the targeted attribute by relying on the feature importance ranking of a random forest classifier. Then, to apply the transformation, we swap the top-K most relevant latent dimensions of the image being edited with an image exhibiting the desired attribute. Despite its simplicity, LatentSwap3D provides remarkable semantic edits in a disentangled manner and outperforms alternative approaches both qualitatively and quantitatively. We demonstrate our semantic edit approach on various 3D-aware generative models such as pi-GAN, GIRAFFE, StyleSDF, MVCGAN, EG3D and VolumeGAN, and on diverse datasets, such as FFHQ, AFHQ, Cats, MetFaces, and CompCars. The project page can be found: \url{https://enisimsar.github.io/latentswap3d/}.
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We explore and analyze the latent style space of Style-GAN2, a state-of-the-art architecture for image generation, using models pretrained on several different datasets. We first show that StyleSpace, the space of channel-wise style parameters, is significantly more disentangled than the other intermediate latent spaces explored by previous works. Next, we describe a method for discovering a large collection of style channels, each of which is shown to control a distinct visual attribute in a highly localized and disentangled manner. Third, we propose a simple method for identifying style channels that control a specific attribute, using a pretrained classifier or a small number of example images. Manipulation of visual attributes via these StyleSpace controls is shown to be better disentangled than via those proposed in previous works. To show this, we make use of a newly proposed Attribute Dependency metric. Finally, we demonstrate the applicability of StyleSpace controls to the manipulation of real images. Our findings pave the way to semantically meaningful and well-disentangled image manipulations via simple and intuitive interfaces.
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