Understanding the 3D world from 2D images involves more than detection and segmentation of the objects within the scene. It also includes the interpretation of the structure and arrangement of the scene elements. Such understanding is often rooted in recognizing the physical world and its limitations, and in prior knowledge as to how similar typical scenes are arranged. In this research we pose a new challenge for neural network (or other) scene understanding algorithms - can they distinguish between plausible and implausible scenes? Plausibility can be defined both in terms of physical properties and in terms of functional and typical arrangements. Hence, we define plausibility as the probability of encountering a given scene in the real physical world. We build a dataset of synthetic images containing both plausible and implausible scenes, and test the success of various vision models in the task of recognizing and understanding plausibility.
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在非结构化环境中工作的机器人必须能够感知和解释其周围环境。机器人技术领域基于深度学习模型的主要障碍之一是缺乏针对不同工业应用的特定领域标记数据。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于域随机化的SIM2REAL传输学习方法,用于对象检测,可以自动生成任意大小和对象类型的标记的合成数据集。随后,对最先进的卷积神经网络Yolov4进行了训练,以检测不同类型的工业对象。通过提出的域随机化方法,我们可以在零射击和单次转移的情况下分别缩小现实差距,分别达到86.32%和97.38%的MAP50分数,其中包含190个真实图像。在GEFORCE RTX 2080 TI GPU上,数据生成过程的每图像少于0.5 s,培训持续约12H,这使其方便地用于工业使用。我们的解决方案符合工业需求,因为它可以通过仅使用1个真实图像进行培训来可靠地区分相似的对象类别。据我们所知,这是迄今为止满足这些约束的唯一工作。
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The PASCAL Visual Object Classes (VOC) challenge is a benchmark in visual object category recognition and detection, providing the vision and machine learning communities with a standard dataset of images and annotation, and standard evaluation procedures. Organised annually from 2005 to present, the challenge and its associated dataset has become accepted as the benchmark for object detection.This paper describes the dataset and evaluation procedure. We review the state-of-the-art in evaluated methods for both classification and detection, analyse whether the methods are statistically different, what they are learning from the images (e.g. the object or its context), and what the methods find easy or confuse. The paper concludes with lessons learnt in the three year history of the challenge, and proposes directions for future improvement and extension.
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Estimating 6D poses of objects from images is an important problem in various applications such as robot manipulation and virtual reality. While direct regression of images to object poses has limited accuracy, matching rendered images of an object against the input image can produce accurate results. In this work, we propose a novel deep neural network for 6D pose matching named DeepIM. Given an initial pose estimation, our network is able to iteratively refine the pose by matching the rendered image against the observed image. The network is trained to predict a relative pose transformation using a disentangled representation of 3D location and 3D orientation and an iterative training process. Experiments on two commonly used benchmarks for 6D pose estimation demonstrate that DeepIM achieves large improvements over stateof-the-art methods. We furthermore show that DeepIM is able to match previously unseen objects.
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提供和渲染室内场景一直是室内设计的一项长期任务,艺术家为空间创建概念设计,建立3D模型的空间,装饰,然后执行渲染。尽管任务很重要,但它很乏味,需要巨大的努力。在本文中,我们引入了一个特定领域的室内场景图像合成的新问题,即神经场景装饰。鉴于一张空的室内空间的照片以及用户确定的布局列表,我们旨在合成具有所需的家具和装饰的相同空间的新图像。神经场景装饰可用于以简单而有效的方式创建概念室内设计。我们解决这个研究问题的尝试是一种新颖的场景生成体系结构,它将空的场景和对象布局转化为现实的场景照片。我们通过将其与有条件图像合成基线进行比较,以定性和定量的方式将其进行比较,证明了我们提出的方法的性能。我们进行广泛的实验,以进一步验证我们生成的场景的合理性和美学。我们的实现可在\ url {https://github.com/hkust-vgd/neural_scene_decoration}获得。
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The ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge is a benchmark in object category classification and detection on hundreds of object categories and millions of images. The challenge has been run annually from 2010 to present, attracting participation from more than fifty institutions. This paper describes the creation of this benchmark dataset and the advances in object recognition that have been possible as a result. We discuss the chal-
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The International Workshop on Reading Music Systems (WoRMS) is a workshop that tries to connect researchers who develop systems for reading music, such as in the field of Optical Music Recognition, with other researchers and practitioners that could benefit from such systems, like librarians or musicologists. The relevant topics of interest for the workshop include, but are not limited to: Music reading systems; Optical music recognition; Datasets and performance evaluation; Image processing on music scores; Writer identification; Authoring, editing, storing and presentation systems for music scores; Multi-modal systems; Novel input-methods for music to produce written music; Web-based Music Information Retrieval services; Applications and projects; Use-cases related to written music. These are the proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Reading Music Systems, held in Alicante on the 23rd of July 2021.
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代表物体粒度的场景是场景理解和决策的先决条件。我们提出PrisMoNet,一种基于先前形状知识的新方法,用于学习多对象3D场景分解和来自单个图像的表示。我们的方法学会在平面曲面上分解具有多个对象的合成场景的图像,进入其组成场景对象,并从单个视图推断它们的3D属性。经常性编码器从输入的RGB图像中回归3D形状,姿势和纹理的潜在表示。通过可差异化的渲染,我们培训我们的模型以自我监督方式从RGB-D图像中分解场景。 3D形状在功能空间中连续表示,作为我们以监督方式从示例形状预先训练的符号距离函数。这些形状的前沿提供弱监管信号,以更好地条件挑战整体学习任务。我们评估我们模型在推断3D场景布局方面的准确性,展示其生成能力,评估其对真实图像的概括,并指出了学习的表示的益处。
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The goal of this paper is to estimate the 6D pose and dimensions of unseen object instances in an RGB-D image. Contrary to "instance-level" 6D pose estimation tasks, our problem assumes that no exact object CAD models are available during either training or testing time. To handle different and unseen object instances in a given category, we introduce Normalized Object Coordinate Space (NOCS)-a shared canonical representation for all possible object instances within a category. Our region-based neural network is then trained to directly infer the correspondence from observed pixels to this shared object representation (NOCS) along with other object information such as class label and instance mask. These predictions can be combined with the depth map to jointly estimate the metric 6D pose and dimensions of multiple objects in a cluttered scene. To train our network, we present a new contextaware technique to generate large amounts of fully annotated mixed reality data. To further improve our model and evaluate its performance on real data, we also provide a fully annotated real-world dataset with large environment and instance variation. Extensive experiments demonstrate that the proposed method is able to robustly estimate the pose and size of unseen object instances in real environments while also achieving state-of-the-art performance on standard 6D pose estimation benchmarks.
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X-ray imaging technology has been used for decades in clinical tasks to reveal the internal condition of different organs, and in recent years, it has become more common in other areas such as industry, security, and geography. The recent development of computer vision and machine learning techniques has also made it easier to automatically process X-ray images and several machine learning-based object (anomaly) detection, classification, and segmentation methods have been recently employed in X-ray image analysis. Due to the high potential of deep learning in related image processing applications, it has been used in most of the studies. This survey reviews the recent research on using computer vision and machine learning for X-ray analysis in industrial production and security applications and covers the applications, techniques, evaluation metrics, datasets, and performance comparison of those techniques on publicly available datasets. We also highlight some drawbacks in the published research and give recommendations for future research in computer vision-based X-ray analysis.
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We introduce an approach for recovering the 6D pose of multiple known objects in a scene captured by a set of input images with unknown camera viewpoints. First, we present a single-view single-object 6D pose estimation method, which we use to generate 6D object pose hypotheses. Second, we develop a robust method for matching individual 6D object pose hypotheses across different input images in order to jointly estimate camera viewpoints and 6D poses of all objects in a single consistent scene. Our approach explicitly handles object symmetries, does not require depth measurements, is robust to missing or incorrect object hypotheses, and automatically recovers the number of objects in the scene. Third, we develop a method for global scene refinement given multiple object hypotheses and their correspondences across views. This is achieved by solving an object-level bundle adjustment problem that refines the poses of cameras and objects to minimize the reprojection error in all views. We demonstrate that the proposed method, dubbed Cosy-Pose, outperforms current state-of-the-art results for single-view and multi-view 6D object pose estimation by a large margin on two challenging benchmarks: the YCB-Video and T-LESS datasets. Code and pre-trained models are available on the project webpage. 5
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同时对象识别和姿势估计是机器人安全与人类和环境安全相互作用的两个关键功能。尽管对象识别和姿势估计都使用视觉输入,但大多数最先进的问题将它们作为两个独立的问题解决,因为前者需要视图不变的表示,而对象姿势估计需要一个与观点有关的描述。如今,多视图卷积神经网络(MVCNN)方法显示出最新的分类性能。尽管已广泛探索了MVCNN对象识别,但对多视图对象构成估计方法的研究很少,而同时解决这两个问题的研究更少。 MVCNN方法中虚拟摄像机的姿势通常是预先定义的,从而绑定了这种方法的应用。在本文中,我们提出了一种能够同时处理对象识别和姿势估计的方法。特别是,我们开发了一个深度的对象不合时宜的熵估计模型,能够预测给定3D对象的最佳观点。然后将对象的视图馈送到网络中,以同时预测目标对象的姿势和类别标签。实验结果表明,从此类位置获得的观点足以达到良好的精度得分。此外,我们设计了现实生活中的饮料场景,以证明拟议方法在真正的机器人任务中的运作效果如何。代码可在线获得:github.com/subhadityamukherjee/more_mvcnn
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我们介绍了Amazon Berkeley对象(ABO),这是一个新的大型数据集,旨在帮助弥合真实和虚拟3D世界之间的差距。ABO包含产品目录图像,元数据和艺术家创建的3D模型,具有复杂的几何形状和与真实的家用物体相对应的物理基础材料。我们得出了具有挑战性的基准,这些基准利用ABO的独特属性,并测量最先进的对象在三个开放问题上的最新限制,以了解实际3D对象:单视3D 3D重建,材料估计和跨域多视图对象检索。
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Despite progress in perceptual tasks such as image classification, computers still perform poorly on cognitive tasks such as image description and question answering. Cognition is core to tasks that involve not just recognizing, but reasoning about our visual world. However, models used to tackle the rich content in images for cognitive tasks are still being trained using the same datasets designed for perceptual tasks. To achieve success at cognitive tasks, models need to understand the interactions and relationships between objects in
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为了使AI安全地在医院,学校和工作场所等现实世界中安全部署,它必须能够坚定地理解物理世界。这种推理的基础是物理常识:了解可用对象的物理特性和提供的能力,如何被操纵以及它们如何与其他对象进行交互。物理常识性推理从根本上是一项多感官任务,因为物理特性是通过多种模式表现出来的,其中两个是视觉和声学。我们的论文通过贡献PACS来朝着现实世界中的物理常识推理:第一个用于物理常识属性注释的视听基准。 PACS包含13,400对答案对,涉及1,377个独特的物理常识性问题和1,526个视频。我们的数据集提供了新的机会来通过将音频作为此多模式问题的核心组成部分来推进物理推理的研究领域。使用PACS,我们在我们的新挑战性任务上评估了多种最先进的模型。尽管某些模型显示出令人鼓舞的结果(精度为70%),但它们都没有人类的绩效(精度为95%)。我们通过证明多模式推理的重要性并为未来的研究提供了可能的途径来结束本文。
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我们建议使用实例检测(实例检测)的新方法,合成优化的布局,以预处理对象检测器具有合成图像。我们的“固体”方法由两个主要组成部分组成:(1)使用具有优化场景布置的未标记的3D模型生成合成图像;(2)在“实例检测”任务上预修对象检测器 - 给定描绘对象的查询图像,检测目标图像中完全相同对象的所有实例。我们的方法不需要任何语义标签来进行预处理,并允许使用任意,不同的3D模型。对可可的实验表明,通过优化的数据生成和适当的预处理任务,合成数据可以是预处理对象探测器的高效数据。特别是,对渲染图像进行预修会在实际图像上预处理,同时使用明显较少的计算资源,从而实现了性能竞争。代码可在https://github.com/princeton-vl/solid上找到。
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