随着深入学习更加标签的目标,越来越多的论文已经研究了深度模型的主动学习(AL)。然而,普遍存在的实验设置中存在许多问题,主要源于缺乏统一的实施和基准。当前文献中的问题包括有时对不同AL算法的性能的矛盾观察,意外排除重要的概括方法,如数据增强和SGD进行优化,缺乏对al的标签效率等评价方面的研究,并且很少或没有在Al优于随机采样(RS)的情况下的清晰度。在这项工作中,我们通过我们的新开源AL Toolkit Distil在图像分类的背景下统一重新实现了最先进的AL算法,我们仔细研究了这些问题作为有效评估的方面。在积极的方面,我们表明AL技术为2美元至4倍以上$ 4 \倍。与使用数据增强相比,与卢比相比,高效。令人惊讶的是,当包括数据增强时,在使用徽章,最先进的方法,在简单的不确定性采样中不再存在一致的增益。然后,我们仔细分析现有方法如何具有不同数量的冗余和每个类的示例。最后,我们为AL从业者提供了几次见解,以考虑在将来的工作中考虑,例如Al批量大小的效果,初始化的效果,在每一轮中再培训模型的重要性以及其他见解。
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通过选择最具信息丰富的样本,已证明主动学习可用于最小化标记成本。但是,现有的主动学习方法在诸如不平衡或稀有类别的现实方案中不适用于未标记集中的分发数据和冗余。在这项工作中,我们提出了类似的(基于子模块信息措施的主动学习),使用最近提出的子模块信息措施(SIM)作为采集函数的统一主动学习框架。我们认为类似的不仅在标准的主动学习中工作,而且还可以轻松扩展到上面考虑的现实设置,并充当活动学习的一站式解决方案,可以扩展到大型真实世界数据集。凭经验,我们表明,在罕见的课程的情况下,在罕见的阶级和〜5% - 10%的情况下,在罕见的几个图像分类任务的情况下,相似显着优异的活动学习算法像CiFar-10,Mnist和Imagenet。类似于Distil Toolkit的一部分:“https://github.com/decile-team/distil”。
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主动学习(AL)算法旨在识别注释的最佳数据子集,使得深神经网络(DNN)在此标记子集上培训时可以实现更好的性能。 AL特别有影响的工业规模设置,其中数据标签成本高,从业者使用各种工具来处理,以提高模型性能。最近自我监督预测(SSP)的成功突出了利用丰富的未标记数据促进模型性能的重要性。通过将AL与SSP结合起来,我们可以使用未标记的数据,同时标记和培训特别是信息样本。在这项工作中,我们研究了Imagenet上的AL和SSP的组合。我们发现小型玩具数据集上的性能 - 文献中的典型基准设置 - 由于活动学习者选择的类不平衡样本,而不是想象中的性能。在我们测试的现有基线中,各种小型和大规​​模设置的流行AL算法未能以随机抽样优于差异。为了解决类别不平衡问题,我们提出了平衡选择(基础),这是一种简单,可伸缩的AL算法,通过选择比现有方法更加平衡样本来始终如一地始终采样。我们的代码可用于:https://github.com/zeyademam/active_learning。
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虽然深度学习(DL)是渴望数据的,并且通常依靠广泛的标记数据来提供良好的性能,但主动学习(AL)通过从未标记的数据中选择一小部分样本进行标签和培训来降低标签成本。因此,近年来,在有限的标签成本/预算下,深入的积极学习(DAL)是可行的解决方案,可在有限的标签成本/预算下最大化模型性能。尽管已经开发了大量的DAL方法并进行了各种文献综述,但在公平比较设置下对DAL方法的性能评估尚未可用。我们的工作打算填补这一空白。在这项工作中,我们通过重新实现19种引用的DAL方法来构建DAL Toolkit,即Deepal+。我们调查和分类与DAL相关的作品,并构建经常使用的数据集和DAL算法的比较实验。此外,我们探讨了影响DAL功效的一些因素(例如,批处理大小,训练过程中的时期数),这些因素为研究人员设计其DAL实验或执行DAL相关应用程序提供了更好的参考。
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We study different aspects of active learning with deep neural networks in a consistent and unified way. i) We investigate incremental and cumulative training modes which specify how the newly labeled data are used for training. ii) We study active learning w.r.t. the model configurations such as the number of epochs and neurons as well as the choice of batch size. iii) We consider in detail the behavior of query strategies and their corresponding informativeness measures and accordingly propose more efficient querying procedures. iv) We perform statistical analyses, e.g., on actively learned classes and test error estimation, that reveal several insights about active learning. v) We investigate how active learning with neural networks can benefit from pseudo-labels as proxies for actual labels.
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差异隐私(DP)提供了正式的隐私保证,以防止对手可以访问机器学习模型,从而从提取有关单个培训点的信息。最受欢迎的DP训练方法是差异私有随机梯度下降(DP-SGD),它通过在训练过程中注入噪声来实现这种保护。然而,以前的工作发现,DP-SGD通常会导致标准图像分类基准的性能显着降解。此外,一些作者假设DP-SGD在大型模型上固有地表现不佳,因为保留隐私所需的噪声规范与模型维度成正比。相反,我们证明了过度参数化模型上的DP-SGD可以比以前想象的要好得多。将仔细的超参数调整与简单技术结合起来,以确保信号传播并提高收敛速率,我们获得了新的SOTA,而没有额外数据的CIFAR-10,在81.4%的81.4%下(8,10^{ - 5}) - 使用40 -layer wide-Resnet,比以前的SOTA提高了71.7%。当对预训练的NFNET-F3进行微调时,我们在ImageNet(0.5,8*10^{ - 7})下达到了83.8%的TOP-1精度。此外,我们还在(8,8 \ cdot 10^{ - 7})下达到了86.7%的TOP-1精度,DP仅比当前的非私人SOTA仅4.3%。我们认为,我们的结果是缩小私人图像分类和非私有图像分类之间准确性差距的重要一步。
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随着数据集大小的不断增加,子集选择技术对于普遍的任务变得越来越重要。通常需要引导子集选择以实现某些探索,其中包括聚焦或针对某些数据点,同时避免他人。这些问题的示例包括:i)目标学习,目标是找到具有罕见类或稀有属性的子集,其中模型表现不佳,II)引导摘要,其中数据(例如,图像集合,文本,文档或视频) )总结了以更快的人类消费与特定的额外用户意图更快。受此类应用程序的动机,我们呈现棱镜,丰富的参数化子模块信息措施。通过小说函数及其参数化,PRISM提供了各种建模能力,该模型能力使得在子集的所需质量之间具有权衡,例如具有一组数据点的分集或表示和相似性/相似性。我们展示了如何应用于上面提到的两个真实问题的棱镜,这需要引导子集选择。在这样做时,我们表明棱镜有趣地概括了一些过去的工作,在其中加强了其广泛的效用。通过对不同数据集的广泛实验,我们展示了棱镜的优越性,在目标学习和引导的图像收集概述中
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Semi-supervised learning (SSL) provides an effective means of leveraging unlabeled data to improve a model's performance. This domain has seen fast progress recently, at the cost of requiring more complex methods. In this paper we propose FixMatch, an algorithm that is a significant simplification of existing SSL methods. FixMatch first generates pseudo-labels using the model's predictions on weaklyaugmented unlabeled images. For a given image, the pseudo-label is only retained if the model produces a high-confidence prediction. The model is then trained to predict the pseudo-label when fed a strongly-augmented version of the same image. Despite its simplicity, we show that FixMatch achieves state-of-the-art performance across a variety of standard semi-supervised learning benchmarks, including 94.93% accuracy on CIFAR-10 with 250 labels and 88.61% accuracy with 40 -just 4 labels per class. We carry out an extensive ablation study to tease apart the experimental factors that are most important to FixMatch's success. The code is available at https://github.com/google-research/fixmatch.
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我们理论上和经验地证明,对抗性鲁棒性可以显着受益于半体验学习。从理论上讲,我们重新审视了Schmidt等人的简单高斯模型。这显示了标准和稳健分类之间的示例复杂性差距。我们证明了未标记的数据桥接这种差距:简单的半体验学习程序(自我训练)使用相同数量的达到高标准精度所需的标签实现高的强大精度。经验上,我们增强了CiFar-10,使用50万微小的图像,使用了8000万微小的图像,并使用强大的自我训练来优于最先进的鲁棒精度(i)$ \ ell_ infty $鲁棒性通过对抗培训和(ii)认证$ \ ell_2 $和$ \ ell_ \ infty $鲁棒性通过随机平滑的几个强大的攻击。在SVHN上,添加DataSet自己的额外训练集,删除的标签提供了4到10个点的增益,在使用额外标签的1点之内。
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Semi-supervised learning (SSL) provides a powerful framework for leveraging unlabeled data when labels are limited or expensive to obtain. SSL algorithms based on deep neural networks have recently proven successful on standard benchmark tasks. However, we argue that these benchmarks fail to address many issues that SSL algorithms would face in real-world applications. After creating a unified reimplementation of various widely-used SSL techniques, we test them in a suite of experiments designed to address these issues. We find that the performance of simple baselines which do not use unlabeled data is often underreported, SSL methods differ in sensitivity to the amount of labeled and unlabeled data, and performance can degrade substantially when the unlabeled dataset contains out-ofdistribution examples. To help guide SSL research towards real-world applicability, we make our unified reimplemention and evaluation platform publicly available. 2 * Equal contribution 2 https://github.com/brain-research/realistic-ssl-evaluation 32nd Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS 2018),
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标记数据可以是昂贵的任务,因为它通常由域专家手动执行。对于深度学习而言,这是繁琐的,因为它取决于大型标记的数据集。主动学习(AL)是一种范式,旨在通过仅使用二手车型认为最具信息丰富的数据来减少标签努力。在文本分类设置中,在AL上完成了很少的研究,旁边没有涉及最近的最先进的自然语言处理(NLP)模型。在这里,我们介绍了一个实证研究,可以将基于不确定性的基于不确定性的算法与Bert $ _ {base} $相比,作为使用的分类器。我们评估两个NLP分类数据集的算法:斯坦福情绪树木银行和kvk-Front页面。此外,我们探讨了旨在解决不确定性的al的预定问题的启发式;即,它是不可规范的,并且易于选择异常值。此外,我们探讨了查询池大小对al的性能的影响。虽然发现,AL的拟议启发式没有提高AL的表现;我们的结果表明,使用BERT $ _ {Base} $概率使用不确定性的AL。随着查询池大小变大,性能的这种差异可以减少。
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While deep learning succeeds in a wide range of tasks, it highly depends on the massive collection of annotated data which is expensive and time-consuming. To lower the cost of data annotation, active learning has been proposed to interactively query an oracle to annotate a small proportion of informative samples in an unlabeled dataset. Inspired by the fact that the samples with higher loss are usually more informative to the model than the samples with lower loss, in this paper we present a novel deep active learning approach that queries the oracle for data annotation when the unlabeled sample is believed to incorporate high loss. The core of our approach is a measurement Temporal Output Discrepancy (TOD) that estimates the sample loss by evaluating the discrepancy of outputs given by models at different optimization steps. Our theoretical investigation shows that TOD lower-bounds the accumulated sample loss thus it can be used to select informative unlabeled samples. On basis of TOD, we further develop an effective unlabeled data sampling strategy as well as an unsupervised learning criterion for active learning. Due to the simplicity of TOD, our methods are efficient, flexible, and task-agnostic. Extensive experimental results demonstrate that our approach achieves superior performances than the state-of-the-art active learning methods on image classification and semantic segmentation tasks. In addition, we show that TOD can be utilized to select the best model of potentially the highest testing accuracy from a pool of candidate models.
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This work tackles the problem of semi-supervised learning of image classifiers. Our main insight is that the field of semi-supervised learning can benefit from the quickly advancing field of self-supervised visual representation learning. Unifying these two approaches, we propose the framework of self-supervised semi-supervised learning (S 4 L) and use it to derive two novel semi-supervised image classification methods. We demonstrate the effectiveness of these methods in comparison to both carefully tuned baselines, and existing semi-supervised learning methods. We then show that S 4 L and existing semi-supervised methods can be jointly trained, yielding a new state-of-the-art result on semi-supervised ILSVRC-2012 with 10% of labels.
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近年来,计算机视觉社区中最受欢迎的技术之一就是深度学习技术。作为一种数据驱动的技术,深层模型需要大量准确标记的培训数据,这在许多现实世界中通常是无法访问的。数据空间解决方案是数据增强(DA),可以人为地从原始样本中生成新图像。图像增强策略可能因数据集而有所不同,因为不同的数据类型可能需要不同的增强以促进模型培训。但是,DA策略的设计主要由具有领域知识的人类专家决定,这被认为是高度主观和错误的。为了减轻此类问题,一个新颖的方向是使用自动数据增强(AUTODA)技术自动从给定数据集中学习图像增强策略。 Autoda模型的目的是找到可以最大化模型性能提高的最佳DA策略。这项调查从图像分类的角度讨论了Autoda技术出现的根本原因。我们确定标准自动赛车模型的三个关键组件:搜索空间,搜索算法和评估功能。根据他们的架构,我们提供了现有图像AUTODA方法的系统分类法。本文介绍了Autoda领域的主要作品,讨论了他们的利弊,并提出了一些潜在的方向以进行未来的改进。
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积极学习是一种降低标签成本以构建高质量机器学习模型的既定技术。主动学习的核心组件是确定应选择哪些数据来注释的采集功能。最先进的采集功能 - 更重要的是主动学习技术 - 已经旨在最大限度地提高清洁性能(例如,准确性)并忽视了鲁棒性,这是一种受到越来越受关注的重要品质。因此,主动学习产生准确但不强大的模型。在本文中,我们提出了一种积极的学习过程,集成了对抗性培训的积极学习过程 - 最熟悉的制作强大模型的方法。通过对11个采集函数的实证研究,4个数据集,6个DNN架构和15105培训的DNN,我们表明,强大的主动学习可以产生具有鲁棒性的模型(对抗性示例的准确性),范围从2.35 \%到63.85 \%,而标准主动学习系统地实现了可忽略不计的鲁棒性(小于0.20 \%)。然而,我们的研究还揭示了在稳健性方面,在准确性上表现良好的采集功能比随机抽样更糟糕。因此,我们检查了它背后的原因,并设计了一个新的采购功能,这些功能既可定位清洁的性能和鲁棒性。我们的采集功能 - 基于熵(DRE)的基于密度的鲁棒采样 - 优于鲁棒性的其他采集功能(包括随机),最高可达24.40 \%(特别是3.84 \%),同时仍然存在竞争力准确性。此外,我们证明了DRE适用于测试选择度量,用于模型再培训,并从所有比较功能中脱颖而出,高达8.21%的鲁棒性。
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The generalisation performance of a convolutional neural networks (CNN) is majorly predisposed by the quantity, quality, and diversity of the training images. All the training data needs to be annotated in-hand before, in many real-world applications data is easy to acquire but expensive and time-consuming to label. The goal of the Active learning for the task is to draw most informative samples from the unlabeled pool which can used for training after annotation. With total different objective, self-supervised learning which have been gaining meteoric popularity by closing the gap in performance with supervised methods on large computer vision benchmarks. self-supervised learning (SSL) these days have shown to produce low-level representations that are invariant to distortions of the input sample and can encode invariance to artificially created distortions, e.g. rotation, solarization, cropping etc. self-supervised learning (SSL) approaches rely on simpler and more scalable frameworks for learning. In this paper, we unify these two families of approaches from the angle of active learning using self-supervised learning mainfold and propose Deep Active Learning using BarlowTwins(DALBT), an active learning method for all the datasets using combination of classifier trained along with self-supervised loss framework of Barlow Twins to a setting where the model can encode the invariance of artificially created distortions, e.g. rotation, solarization, cropping etc.
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