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分子的产生,尤其是从头开始产生3D分子几何形状(即3D \ textit {de Novo} Generation)已成为药物设计中的一项基本任务。现有的基于扩散的3D分子生成方法可能会遭受性能不令人满意的性能,尤其是在产生大分子时。同时,产生的分子缺乏足够的多样性。本文提出了一个新的扩散模型,以应对这两个挑战。首先,原子关系不在分子的3D点云表示中。因此,现有生成模型很难捕获潜在的原子间力和丰富的局部约束。为了应对这一挑战,我们建议增强潜在的原子间力,并进一步涉及双重模棱两可的编码器,以编码不同强度的原子质力。其次,现有的基于扩散的模型基本上是沿数据密度梯度的几何元素。这样的过程在Langevin动力学的中间步骤中缺乏足够的探索。为了解决这个问题,我们在每个扩散/反向步骤中引入了一个分布控制变量,以实施彻底的探索并进一步改善发电多样性。对多个基准测试的广泛实验表明,所提出的模型明显优于无条件和条件生成任务的现有方法。我们还进行案例研究以帮助了解产生分子的理化特性。
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我们考虑一拍概率解码器,该解码器在分布上映射到集合或图形之前的矢量形状。这些功能可以集成到变分性自动化器(VAE),生成的对抗网络(GAN)或标准化流动中,并在药物发现中具有重要应用。设置和图形生成最常通过生成点(有时是边缘权重)i.i.d.从正态分布,使用变压器层或图形神经网络处理它们以及先前的向量。该架构旨在产生可交换的分布(集合的所有排列同样可能),但由于I.I.D的随机性,难以训练。一代。我们提出了一种新的对抗性定义,并表明,VAES和GAN中的交换性实际上是不必要的。然后,我们引入TOP-N,一个确定性,不可交换的集合创建机制,该创建机制学会从培训参考集中选择最相关的点。 Top-n可以替换i.i.d.在任何VAE或GaN中生成 - 它更容易训练,更好地捕获数据中的复杂依赖关系。 Top-n优于I.I.D在SetMnist重建时生成15%,生成较近合成分子数据集的真正分布的34%的集合,并且能够在经典QM9数据集上培训时产生更多样化的分子。随着一次性生成的改进基础,我们的算法有助于设计更有效的分子生成方法。
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Denoising diffusion probabilistic models and score matching models have proven to be very powerful for generative tasks. While these approaches have also been applied to the generation of discrete graphs, they have, so far, relied on continuous Gaussian perturbations. Instead, in this work, we suggest using discrete noise for the forward Markov process. This ensures that in every intermediate step the graph remains discrete. Compared to the previous approach, our experimental results on four datasets and multiple architectures show that using a discrete noising process results in higher quality generated samples indicated with an average MMDs reduced by a factor of 1.5. Furthermore, the number of denoising steps is reduced from 1000 to 32 steps leading to a 30 times faster sampling procedure.
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Learning the underlying distribution of molecular graphs and generating high-fidelity samples is a fundamental research problem in drug discovery and material science. However, accurately modeling distribution and rapidly generating novel molecular graphs remain crucial and challenging goals. To accomplish these goals, we propose a novel Conditional Diffusion model based on discrete Graph Structures (CDGS) for molecular graph generation. Specifically, we construct a forward graph diffusion process on both graph structures and inherent features through stochastic differential equations (SDE) and derive discrete graph structures as the condition for reverse generative processes. We present a specialized hybrid graph noise prediction model that extracts the global context and the local node-edge dependency from intermediate graph states. We further utilize ordinary differential equation (ODE) solvers for efficient graph sampling, based on the semi-linear structure of the probability flow ODE. Experiments on diverse datasets validate the effectiveness of our framework. Particularly, the proposed method still generates high-quality molecular graphs in a limited number of steps.
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Pre-publication draft of a book to be published byMorgan & Claypool publishers. Unedited version released with permission. All relevant copyrights held by the author and publisher extend to this pre-publication draft.
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Generating molecules that bind to specific proteins is an important but challenging task in drug discovery. Previous works usually generate atoms in an auto-regressive way, where element types and 3D coordinates of atoms are generated one by one. However, in real-world molecular systems, the interactions among atoms in an entire molecule are global, leading to the energy function pair-coupled among atoms. With such energy-based consideration, the modeling of probability should be based on joint distributions, rather than sequentially conditional ones. Thus, the unnatural sequentially auto-regressive modeling of molecule generation is likely to violate the physical rules, thus resulting in poor properties of the generated molecules. In this work, a generative diffusion model for molecular 3D structures based on target proteins as contextual constraints is established, at a full-atom level in a non-autoregressive way. Given a designated 3D protein binding site, our model learns the generative process that denoises both element types and 3D coordinates of an entire molecule, with an equivariant network. Experimentally, the proposed method shows competitive performance compared with prevailing works in terms of high affinity with proteins and appropriate molecule sizes as well as other drug properties such as drug-likeness of the generated molecules.
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We consider the problem of modelling high-dimensional distributions and generating new examples of data with complex relational feature structure coherent with a graph skeleton. The model we propose tackles the problem of generating the data features constrained by the specific graph structure of each data point by splitting the task into two phases. In the first it models the distribution of features associated with the nodes of the given graph, in the second it complements the edge features conditionally on the node features. We follow the strategy of implicit distribution modelling via generative adversarial network (GAN) combined with permutation equivariant message passing architecture operating over the sets of nodes and edges. This enables generating the feature vectors of all the graph objects in one go (in 2 phases) as opposed to a much slower one-by-one generations of sequential models, prevents the need for expensive graph matching procedures usually needed for likelihood-based generative models, and uses efficiently the network capacity by being insensitive to the particular node ordering in the graph representation. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first method that models the feature distribution along the graph skeleton allowing for generations of annotated graphs with user specified structures. Our experiments demonstrate the ability of our model to learn complex structured distributions through quantitative evaluation over three annotated graph datasets.
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Graph generative models have broad applications in biology, chemistry and social science. However, modelling and understanding the generative process of graphs is challenging due to the discrete and high-dimensional nature of graphs, as well as permutation invariance to node orderings in underlying graph distributions. Current leading autoregressive models fail to capture the permutation invariance nature of graphs for the reliance on generation ordering and have high time complexity. Here, we propose a continuous-time generative diffusion process for permutation invariant graph generation to mitigate these issues. Specifically, we first construct a forward diffusion process defined by a stochastic differential equation (SDE), which smoothly converts graphs within the complex distribution to random graphs that follow a known edge probability. Solving the corresponding reverse-time SDE, graphs can be generated from newly sampled random graphs. To facilitate the reverse-time SDE, we newly design a position-enhanced graph score network, capturing the evolving structure and position information from perturbed graphs for permutation equivariant score estimation. Under the evaluation of comprehensive metrics, our proposed generative diffusion process achieves competitive performance in graph distribution learning. Experimental results also show that GraphGDP can generate high-quality graphs in only 24 function evaluations, much faster than previous autoregressive models.
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近年来,基于Weisfeiler-Leman算法的算法和神经架构,是一个众所周知的Graph同构问题的启发式问题,它成为具有图形和关系数据的机器学习的强大工具。在这里,我们全面概述了机器学习设置中的算法的使用,专注于监督的制度。我们讨论了理论背景,展示了如何将其用于监督的图形和节点表示学习,讨论最近的扩展,并概述算法的连接(置换 - )方面的神经结构。此外,我们概述了当前的应用和未来方向,以刺激进一步的研究。
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