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深度学习表现出巨大的生成任务潜力。生成模型是可以根据某些隐含参数随机生成观测值的模型类。最近,扩散模型由于其发电能力而成为一类生成模型。如今,已经取得了巨大的成就。除了计算机视觉,语音产生,生物信息学和自然语言处理外,还需要在该领域探索更多应用。但是,扩散模型具有缓慢生成过程的自然缺点,从而导致许多增强的作品。该调查总结了扩散模型的领域。我们首先说明了两项具有里程碑意义的作品的主要问题-DDPM和DSM。然后,我们提供各种高级技术,以加快扩散模型 - 训练时间表,无训练采样,混合模型以及得分和扩散统一。关于现有模型,我们还根据特定的NFE提供了FID得分的基准和NLL。此外,引入了带有扩散模型的应用程序,包括计算机视觉,序列建模,音频和科学AI。最后,该领域以及局限性和进一步的方向都进行了摘要。
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Generative models, as an important family of statistical modeling, target learning the observed data distribution via generating new instances. Along with the rise of neural networks, deep generative models, such as variational autoencoders (VAEs) and generative adversarial network (GANs), have made tremendous progress in 2D image synthesis. Recently, researchers switch their attentions from the 2D space to the 3D space considering that 3D data better aligns with our physical world and hence enjoys great potential in practice. However, unlike a 2D image, which owns an efficient representation (i.e., pixel grid) by nature, representing 3D data could face far more challenges. Concretely, we would expect an ideal 3D representation to be capable enough to model shapes and appearances in details, and to be highly efficient so as to model high-resolution data with fast speed and low memory cost. However, existing 3D representations, such as point clouds, meshes, and recent neural fields, usually fail to meet the above requirements simultaneously. In this survey, we make a thorough review of the development of 3D generation, including 3D shape generation and 3D-aware image synthesis, from the perspectives of both algorithms and more importantly representations. We hope that our discussion could help the community track the evolution of this field and further spark some innovative ideas to advance this challenging task.
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Temporal data like time series are often observed at irregular intervals which is a challenging setting for existing machine learning methods. To tackle this problem, we view such data as samples from some underlying continuous function. We then define a diffusion-based generative model that adds noise from a predefined stochastic process while preserving the continuity of the resulting underlying function. A neural network is trained to reverse this process which allows us to sample new realizations from the learned distribution. We define suitable stochastic processes as noise sources and introduce novel denoising and score-matching models on processes. Further, we show how to apply this approach to the multivariate probabilistic forecasting and imputation tasks. Through our extensive experiments, we demonstrate that our method outperforms previous models on synthetic and real-world datasets.
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我们提出了整流的流程,这是一种令人惊讶的简单学习方法(神经)的普通微分方程(ODE)模型,用于在两个经验观察到的分布\ pi_0和\ pi_1之间运输,因此为生成建模和域转移提供了统一的解决方案,以及其他各种任务。涉及分配运输。整流流的想法是学习ode,以遵循尽可能多的连接从\ pi_0和\ pi_1的直径。这是通过解决直接的非线性最小二乘优化问题来实现的,该问题可以轻松地缩放到大型模型,而无需在标准监督学习之外引入额外的参数。直径是特殊的,因此是特殊的,因为它们是两个点之间的最短路径,并且可以精确模拟而无需时间离散,因此可以在计算上产生高效的模型。我们表明,从数据(称为整流)中学习的整流流的过程将\ pi_0和\ pi_1的任意耦合转变为新的确定性耦合,并证明是非侵入的凸面运输成本。此外,递归应用矫正使我们能够获得具有越来越直的路径的流动序列,可以在推理阶段进行粗略的时间离散化来准确地模拟。在实证研究中,我们表明,整流流对图像产生,图像到图像翻译和域的适应性表现出色。特别是,在图像生成和翻译上,我们的方法几乎产生了几乎直流的流,即使是单个Euler离散步骤,也会产生高质量的结果。
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基于分数的生成模型(SGMS)最近在样品质量和分配覆盖范围内表现出令人印象深刻的结果。但是,它们通常直接应用于数据空间,并且通常需要数千个网络评估来采样。在这里,我们提出了基于潜在的分数的生成模型(LSGM),这是一种在潜在空间中培训SGM的新方法,依赖于变分性AutoEncoder框架。从数据移动到潜伏空间允许我们培训更具表现力的生成模型,将SGMS应用于非连续数据,并在较小的空间中学习更顺畅的SGM,导致更少的网络评估和更快的采样。要以可扩展且稳定的方式启用培训LSGMS端到端,我们(i)我们(i)引入了适合于LSGM设置的新分数匹配目标,(ii)提出了一个新颖的分数函数参数化,允许SGM专注于关于简单正常的目标分布的不匹配,(III)分析了多种技术,用于减少训练目标的方差。 LSGM在CIFAR-10上获得最先进的FID分数为2.10,优先表现出此数据集的所有现有生成结果。在Celeba-HQ-256上,LSGM在样品质量上与先前的SGMS相同,同时以两个数量级的采样时间表现出来。在模拟二进制图像中,LSGM在二值化omniglot数据集上实现了最先进的可能性。我们的项目页面和代码可以在https://nvlabs.github.io/lsgm找到。
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Score-based modeling through stochastic differential equations (SDEs) has provided a new perspective on diffusion models, and demonstrated superior performance on continuous data. However, the gradient of the log-likelihood function, i.e., the score function, is not properly defined for discrete spaces. This makes it non-trivial to adapt \textcolor{\cdiff}{the score-based modeling} to categorical data. In this paper, we extend diffusion models to discrete variables by introducing a stochastic jump process where the reverse process denoises via a continuous-time Markov chain. This formulation admits an analytical simulation during backward sampling. To learn the reverse process, we extend score matching to general categorical data and show that an unbiased estimator can be obtained via simple matching of the conditional marginal distributions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on a set of synthetic and real-world music and image benchmarks.
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Normalizing flows provide a general mechanism for defining expressive probability distributions, only requiring the specification of a (usually simple) base distribution and a series of bijective transformations. There has been much recent work on normalizing flows, ranging from improving their expressive power to expanding their application. We believe the field has now matured and is in need of a unified perspective. In this review, we attempt to provide such a perspective by describing flows through the lens of probabilistic modeling and inference. We place special emphasis on the fundamental principles of flow design, and discuss foundational topics such as expressive power and computational trade-offs. We also broaden the conceptual framing of flows by relating them to more general probability transformations. Lastly, we summarize the use of flows for tasks such as generative modeling, approximate inference, and supervised learning.
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Denoising diffusion probabilistic models are a promising new class of generative models that mark a milestone in high-quality image generation. This paper showcases their ability to sequentially generate video, surpassing prior methods in perceptual and probabilistic forecasting metrics. We propose an autoregressive, end-to-end optimized video diffusion model inspired by recent advances in neural video compression. The model successively generates future frames by correcting a deterministic next-frame prediction using a stochastic residual generated by an inverse diffusion process. We compare this approach against five baselines on four datasets involving natural and simulation-based videos. We find significant improvements in terms of perceptual quality for all datasets. Furthermore, by introducing a scalable version of the Continuous Ranked Probability Score (CRPS) applicable to video, we show that our model also outperforms existing approaches in their probabilistic frame forecasting ability.
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利用深度学习的最新进展,文本到图像生成模型目前具有吸引公众关注的优点。其中两个模型Dall-E 2和Imagen已经证明,可以从图像的简单文本描述中生成高度逼真的图像。基于一种称为扩散模型的新型图像生成方法,文本对图像模型可以生产许多不同类型的高分辨率图像,其中人类想象力是唯一的极限。但是,这些模型需要大量的计算资源来训练,并处理从互联网收集的大量数据集。此外,代码库和模型均未发布。因此,它可以防止AI社区尝试这些尖端模型,从而使其结果复制变得复杂,即使不是不可能。在本文中,我们的目标是首先回顾这些模型使用的不同方法和技术,然后提出我们自己的文本模型模型实施。高度基于DALL-E 2,我们引入了一些轻微的修改,以应对所引起的高计算成本。因此,我们有机会进行实验,以了解这些模型的能力,尤其是在低资源制度中。特别是,我们提供了比Dall-e 2的作者(包括消融研究)更深入的分析。此外,扩散模型使用所谓的指导方法来帮助生成过程。我们引入了一种新的指导方法,该方法可以与其他指导方法一起使用,以提高图像质量。最后,我们的模型产生的图像质量相当好,而不必维持最先进的文本对图像模型的重大培训成本。
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Denoising diffusions are state-of-the-art generative models which exhibit remarkable empirical performance and come with theoretical guarantees. The core idea of these models is to progressively transform the empirical data distribution into a simple Gaussian distribution by adding noise using a diffusion. We obtain new samples whose distribution is close to the data distribution by simulating a "denoising" diffusion approximating the time reversal of this "noising" diffusion. This denoising diffusion relies on approximations of the logarithmic derivatives of the noised data densities, known as scores, obtained using score matching. Such models can be easily extended to perform approximate posterior simulation in high-dimensional scenarios where one can only sample from the prior and simulate synthetic observations from the likelihood. These methods have been primarily developed for data on $\mathbb{R}^d$ while extensions to more general spaces have been developed on a case-by-case basis. We propose here a general framework which not only unifies and generalizes this approach to a wide class of spaces but also leads to an original extension of score matching. We illustrate the resulting class of denoising Markov models on various applications.
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过去十年已经开发了各种各样的深度生成模型。然而,这些模型通常同时努力解决三个关键要求,包括:高样本质量,模式覆盖和快速采样。我们称之为这些要求所征收的挑战是生成的学习Trielemma,因为现有模型经常为他人交易其中一些。特别是,去噪扩散模型表明了令人印象深刻的样本质量和多样性,但它们昂贵的采样尚未允许它们在许多现实世界应用中应用。在本文中,我们认为这些模型中的缓慢采样基本上归因于去噪步骤中的高斯假设,这些假设仅针对小型尺寸的尺寸。为了使得具有大步骤的去噪,从而减少去噪步骤的总数,我们建议使用复杂的多模态分布来模拟去噪分布。我们引入了去噪扩散生成的对抗网络(去噪扩散GANS),其使用多模式条件GaN模拟每个去噪步骤。通过广泛的评估,我们表明去噪扩散GAN获得原始扩散模型的样本质量和多样性,而在CIFAR-10数据集中是2000 $ \时代。与传统的GAN相比,我们的模型表现出更好的模式覆盖和样本多样性。据我们所知,去噪扩散GaN是第一模型,可在扩散模型中降低采样成本,以便允许它们廉价地应用于现实世界应用。项目页面和代码:https://nvlabs.github.io/denoising-diffusion-gan
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Graph generative models have broad applications in biology, chemistry and social science. However, modelling and understanding the generative process of graphs is challenging due to the discrete and high-dimensional nature of graphs, as well as permutation invariance to node orderings in underlying graph distributions. Current leading autoregressive models fail to capture the permutation invariance nature of graphs for the reliance on generation ordering and have high time complexity. Here, we propose a continuous-time generative diffusion process for permutation invariant graph generation to mitigate these issues. Specifically, we first construct a forward diffusion process defined by a stochastic differential equation (SDE), which smoothly converts graphs within the complex distribution to random graphs that follow a known edge probability. Solving the corresponding reverse-time SDE, graphs can be generated from newly sampled random graphs. To facilitate the reverse-time SDE, we newly design a position-enhanced graph score network, capturing the evolving structure and position information from perturbed graphs for permutation equivariant score estimation. Under the evaluation of comprehensive metrics, our proposed generative diffusion process achieves competitive performance in graph distribution learning. Experimental results also show that GraphGDP can generate high-quality graphs in only 24 function evaluations, much faster than previous autoregressive models.
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我们的目标是将denoisis扩散隐式模型(DDIM)扩展到一般扩散模型〜(DMS)。我们没有像原始DDIM论文那样构建非马尔科夫no噪声过程,而是从数值的角度研究了DDIM的机制。我们发现,在求解相应的随机微分方程时,可以通过使用分数的一些特定近似值来获得DDIM。我们提出了DDIM加速效应的解释,该解释还解释了确定性抽样方案的优势,而不是随机采样方案进行快速采样。在此洞察力的基础上,我们将DDIM扩展到一般的DMS,并在参数化分数网络时进行了小而微妙的修改。当应用于批判性抑制的Langevin扩散模型时,最近提出的一种新型的扩散模型通过以速度增强扩散过程,我们的算法在CIFAR10上达到了2.28的FID分数,仅具有50个数量的得分功能评估(NFES)(NFES〜(NFES) )和仅有27个NFE的FID分数为2.87,比所有具有相同NFE的现有方法要好。代码可从https://github.com/qsh-zh/gddim获得
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