Graph generative models have broad applications in biology, chemistry and social science. However, modelling and understanding the generative process of graphs is challenging due to the discrete and high-dimensional nature of graphs, as well as permutation invariance to node orderings in underlying graph distributions. Current leading autoregressive models fail to capture the permutation invariance nature of graphs for the reliance on generation ordering and have high time complexity. Here, we propose a continuous-time generative diffusion process for permutation invariant graph generation to mitigate these issues. Specifically, we first construct a forward diffusion process defined by a stochastic differential equation (SDE), which smoothly converts graphs within the complex distribution to random graphs that follow a known edge probability. Solving the corresponding reverse-time SDE, graphs can be generated from newly sampled random graphs. To facilitate the reverse-time SDE, we newly design a position-enhanced graph score network, capturing the evolving structure and position information from perturbed graphs for permutation equivariant score estimation. Under the evaluation of comprehensive metrics, our proposed generative diffusion process achieves competitive performance in graph distribution learning. Experimental results also show that GraphGDP can generate high-quality graphs in only 24 function evaluations, much faster than previous autoregressive models.
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Learning the underlying distribution of molecular graphs and generating high-fidelity samples is a fundamental research problem in drug discovery and material science. However, accurately modeling distribution and rapidly generating novel molecular graphs remain crucial and challenging goals. To accomplish these goals, we propose a novel Conditional Diffusion model based on discrete Graph Structures (CDGS) for molecular graph generation. Specifically, we construct a forward graph diffusion process on both graph structures and inherent features through stochastic differential equations (SDE) and derive discrete graph structures as the condition for reverse generative processes. We present a specialized hybrid graph noise prediction model that extracts the global context and the local node-edge dependency from intermediate graph states. We further utilize ordinary differential equation (ODE) solvers for efficient graph sampling, based on the semi-linear structure of the probability flow ODE. Experiments on diverse datasets validate the effectiveness of our framework. Particularly, the proposed method still generates high-quality molecular graphs in a limited number of steps.
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Denoising diffusion probabilistic models and score matching models have proven to be very powerful for generative tasks. While these approaches have also been applied to the generation of discrete graphs, they have, so far, relied on continuous Gaussian perturbations. Instead, in this work, we suggest using discrete noise for the forward Markov process. This ensures that in every intermediate step the graph remains discrete. Compared to the previous approach, our experimental results on four datasets and multiple architectures show that using a discrete noising process results in higher quality generated samples indicated with an average MMDs reduced by a factor of 1.5. Furthermore, the number of denoising steps is reduced from 1000 to 32 steps leading to a 30 times faster sampling procedure.
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Pre-publication draft of a book to be published byMorgan & Claypool publishers. Unedited version released with permission. All relevant copyrights held by the author and publisher extend to this pre-publication draft.
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Deep learning has revolutionized many machine learning tasks in recent years, ranging from image classification and video processing to speech recognition and natural language understanding. The data in these tasks are typically represented in the Euclidean space. However, there is an increasing number of applications where data are generated from non-Euclidean domains and are represented as graphs with complex relationships and interdependency between objects. The complexity of graph data has imposed significant challenges on existing machine learning algorithms. Recently, many studies on extending deep learning approaches for graph data have emerged. In this survey, we provide a comprehensive overview of graph neural networks (GNNs) in data mining and machine learning fields. We propose a new taxonomy to divide the state-of-the-art graph neural networks into four categories, namely recurrent graph neural networks, convolutional graph neural networks, graph autoencoders, and spatial-temporal graph neural networks. We further discuss the applications of graph neural networks across various domains and summarize the open source codes, benchmark data sets, and model evaluation of graph neural networks. Finally, we propose potential research directions in this rapidly growing field.
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Deep learning has been shown to be successful in a number of domains, ranging from acoustics, images, to natural language processing. However, applying deep learning to the ubiquitous graph data is non-trivial because of the unique characteristics of graphs. Recently, substantial research efforts have been devoted to applying deep learning methods to graphs, resulting in beneficial advances in graph analysis techniques. In this survey, we comprehensively review the different types of deep learning methods on graphs. We divide the existing methods into five categories based on their model architectures and training strategies: graph recurrent neural networks, graph convolutional networks, graph autoencoders, graph reinforcement learning, and graph adversarial methods. We then provide a comprehensive overview of these methods in a systematic manner mainly by following their development history. We also analyze the differences and compositions of different methods. Finally, we briefly outline the applications in which they have been used and discuss potential future research directions.
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深度学习表现出巨大的生成任务潜力。生成模型是可以根据某些隐含参数随机生成观测值的模型类。最近,扩散模型由于其发电能力而成为一类生成模型。如今,已经取得了巨大的成就。除了计算机视觉,语音产生,生物信息学和自然语言处理外,还需要在该领域探索更多应用。但是,扩散模型具有缓慢生成过程的自然缺点,从而导致许多增强的作品。该调查总结了扩散模型的领域。我们首先说明了两项具有里程碑意义的作品的主要问题-DDPM和DSM。然后,我们提供各种高级技术,以加快扩散模型 - 训练时间表,无训练采样,混合模型以及得分和扩散统一。关于现有模型,我们还根据特定的NFE提供了FID得分的基准和NLL。此外,引入了带有扩散模型的应用程序,包括计算机视觉,序列建模,音频和科学AI。最后,该领域以及局限性和进一步的方向都进行了摘要。
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Score-based modeling through stochastic differential equations (SDEs) has provided a new perspective on diffusion models, and demonstrated superior performance on continuous data. However, the gradient of the log-likelihood function, i.e., the score function, is not properly defined for discrete spaces. This makes it non-trivial to adapt \textcolor{\cdiff}{the score-based modeling} to categorical data. In this paper, we extend diffusion models to discrete variables by introducing a stochastic jump process where the reverse process denoises via a continuous-time Markov chain. This formulation admits an analytical simulation during backward sampling. To learn the reverse process, we extend score matching to general categorical data and show that an unbiased estimator can be obtained via simple matching of the conditional marginal distributions. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on a set of synthetic and real-world music and image benchmarks.
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基于分数的生成模型(SGMS)已经证明了显着的合成质量。 SGMS依赖于扩散过程,逐渐将数据逐渐渗透到贸易分布,而生成式模型则学会去噪。除了数据分布本身,这种去噪任务的复杂性是由扩散过程独特地确定的。我们认为当前的SGMS采用过于简单的扩散,导致不必要的复杂的去噪流程,限制了生成的建模性能。根据与统计力学的联系,我们提出了一种新型危及阻尼Langevin扩散(CLD),并表明基于CLD的SGMS实现了优异的性能。 CLD可以被解释为在扩展空间中运行关节扩散,其中辅助变量可以被视为耦合到数据变量的“速度”,如Hamiltonian动态。我们推导了一种用于CLD的小说得分匹配目标,并表明该模型仅需要了解给定数据的速度分布的条件分布的得分函数,而不是直接学习数据的分数。我们还导出了一种新的采样方案,用于从基于CLD的扩散模型有效合成。我们发现CLD在类似的网络架构和采样计算预算中优于综合质量的先前SGM。我们展示我们的CLD的新型采样器显着优于欧拉 - 玛雅山等求解器。我们的框架为基于刻痕的去噪扩散模型提供了新的见解,并且可以随时用于高分辨率图像合成。项目页面和代码:。
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我们提出了一个首次击中扩散模型(FHDM)的家族,该模型是深层生成模型,该模型以扩散过程生成数据,该过程在随机的首次击中时间终止。这产生了在预先指定的确定性时间终止的标准固定时间扩散模型的扩展。尽管标准扩散模型是为连续不受约束的数据而设计的,但FHDM自然设计用于在连续以及一系列离散和结构域上学习分布。此外,FHDM启用依赖实例的终止时间,并加速扩散过程,以更少的扩散步骤采样更高质量的数据。从技术上讲,我们通过根据DOOB的$ h $转换得出的有条件的首次击中过程(即桥)来训练FHDM,以最大的似然估计从观察到的数据增强的扩散轨迹(即桥梁),从而偏离了常用的使用时间反转机制。我们应用FHDM在各个领域中生成数据,例如点云(一般连续分布),地球上的气候和地理事件(球体上的连续分布),未加权图(二进制矩阵的分布)以及2D图像的分割图(高度图像(高) - 二维分配)。我们观察到与质量和速度的最新方法相比,相比之下。
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图表神经网络(GNNS)在各种机器学习任务中获得了表示学习的提高。然而,应用邻域聚合的大多数现有GNN通常在图中的图表上执行不良,其中相邻的节点属于不同的类。在本文中,我们示出了在典型的异界图中,边缘可以被引导,以及是否像是处理边缘,也可以使它们过度地影响到GNN模型的性能。此外,由于异常的限制,节点对来自本地邻域之外的类似节点的消息非常有益。这些激励我们开发一个自适应地学习图表的方向性的模型,并利用潜在的长距离相关性节点之间。我们首先将图拉普拉斯概括为基于所提出的特征感知PageRank算法向数字化,该算法同时考虑节点之间的图形方向性和长距离特征相似性。然后,Digraph Laplacian定义了一个图形传播矩阵,导致一个名为{\ em diglaciangcn}的模型。基于此,我们进一步利用节点之间的通勤时间测量的节点接近度,以便在拓扑级别上保留节点的远距离相关性。具有不同级别的10个数据集的广泛实验,同意级别展示了我们在节点分类任务任务中对现有解决方案的有效性。
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