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个性化决定规则(IDR)是一个决定函数,可根据他/她观察到的特征分配给定的治疗。文献中的大多数现有工作考虑使用二进制或有限的许多治疗方案的设置。在本文中,我们专注于连续治疗设定,并提出跳跃间隔 - 学习,开发一个最大化预期结果的个性化间隔值决定规则(I2DR)。与推荐单一治疗的IDRS不同,所提出的I2DR为每个人产生了一系列治疗方案,使其在实践中实施更加灵活。为了获得最佳I2DR,我们的跳跃间隔学习方法估计通过跳转惩罚回归给予治疗和协变量的结果的条件平均值,并基于估计的结果回归函数来衍生相应的最佳I2DR。允许回归线是用于清晰的解释或深神经网络的线性,以模拟复杂的处理 - 协调会相互作用。为了实现跳跃间隔学习,我们开发了一种基于动态编程的搜索算法,其有效计算结果回归函数。当结果回归函数是处理空间的分段或连续功能时,建立所得I2DR的统计特性。我们进一步制定了一个程序,以推断(估计)最佳政策下的平均结果。进行广泛的模拟和对华法林研究的真实数据应用,以证明所提出的I2DR的经验有效性。
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个性化医学是针对患者特征量身定制的医学范式,是医疗保健中越来越有吸引力的领域。个性化医学的一个重要目标是根据基线协变量鉴定患者的亚组,而与其他比较治疗相比,从目标治疗中受益更多。当前的大多数亚组识别方法仅着重于获得具有增强治疗效果的亚组,而无需注意亚组大小。但是,临床上有意义的亚组学习方法应确定可以从更好的治疗中受益的患者数量的最大数量。在本文中,我们提出了一项最佳的亚组选择规则(SSR),该规则最大化选定的患者的数量,同时,达到了预先指定的临床意义上有意义的平均结果,例如平均治疗效果。我们基于描述结果中的处理 - 果膜相互作用的对比函数,得出了最佳SSR的两种等效理论形式。我们进一步提出了一个受约束的策略树搜索算法(资本),以在可解释的决策树类中找到最佳SSR。所提出的方法是灵活的,可以处理多种限制因素,以惩罚具有负面治疗效果的患者,并使用受限的平均生存时间作为临床上有趣的平均结果来解决事件数据的时间。进行了广泛的模拟,比较研究和实际数据应用,以证明我们方法的有效性和实用性。
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Evaluating the performance of an ongoing policy plays a vital role in many areas such as medicine and economics, to provide crucial instruction on the early-stop of the online experiment and timely feedback from the environment. Policy evaluation in online learning thus attracts increasing attention by inferring the mean outcome of the optimal policy (i.e., the value) in real-time. Yet, such a problem is particularly challenging due to the dependent data generated in the online environment, the unknown optimal policy, and the complex exploration and exploitation trade-off in the adaptive experiment. In this paper, we aim to overcome these difficulties in policy evaluation for online learning. We explicitly derive the probability of exploration that quantifies the probability of exploring the non-optimal actions under commonly used bandit algorithms. We use this probability to conduct valid inference on the online conditional mean estimator under each action and develop the doubly robust interval estimation (DREAM) method to infer the value under the estimated optimal policy in online learning. The proposed value estimator provides double protection on the consistency and is asymptotically normal with a Wald-type confidence interval provided. Extensive simulations and real data applications are conducted to demonstrate the empirical validity of the proposed DREAM method.
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Off-Policy evaluation (OPE) is concerned with evaluating a new target policy using offline data generated by a potentially different behavior policy. It is critical in a number of sequential decision making problems ranging from healthcare to technology industries. Most of the work in existing literature is focused on evaluating the mean outcome of a given policy, and ignores the variability of the outcome. However, in a variety of applications, criteria other than the mean may be more sensible. For example, when the reward distribution is skewed and asymmetric, quantile-based metrics are often preferred for their robustness. In this paper, we propose a doubly-robust inference procedure for quantile OPE in sequential decision making and study its asymptotic properties. In particular, we propose utilizing state-of-the-art deep conditional generative learning methods to handle parameter-dependent nuisance function estimation. We demonstrate the advantages of this proposed estimator through both simulations and a real-world dataset from a short-video platform. In particular, we find that our proposed estimator outperforms classical OPE estimators for the mean in settings with heavy-tailed reward distributions.
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A / B测试或在线实验是一种标准的业务策略,可以在制药,技术和传统行业中与旧产品进行比较。在双面市场平台(例如优步)的在线实验中出现了主要挑战,其中只有一个单位接受一系列处理随着时间的推移。在这些实验中,给定时间的治疗会影响当前结果以及未来的结果。本文的目的是引入用于在这些实验中携带A / B测试的加强学习框架,同时表征长期治疗效果。我们所提出的测试程序允许顺序监控和在线更新。它通常适用于不同行业的各种治疗设计。此外,我们系统地研究了我们测试程序的理论特性(例如,尺寸和功率)。最后,我们将框架应用于模拟数据和从技术公司获得的真实数据示例,以说明其在目前的实践中的优势。我们的测试的Python实现是在https://github.com/callmespring/causalrl上找到的。
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预测一组结果 - 而不是独特的结果 - 是统计学习中不确定性定量的有前途的解决方案。尽管有关于构建具有统计保证的预测集的丰富文献,但适应未知的协变量转变(实践中普遍存在的问题)还是一个严重的未解决的挑战。在本文中,我们表明具有有限样本覆盖范围保证的预测集是非信息性的,并提出了一种新型的无灵活分配方法PredSet-1Step,以有效地构建了在未知协方差转移下具有渐近覆盖范围保证的预测集。我们正式表明我们的方法是\ textIt {渐近上可能是近似正确},对大型样本的置信度有很好的覆盖误差。我们说明,在南非队列研究中,它在许多实验和有关HIV风险预测的数据集中实现了名义覆盖范围。我们的理论取决于基于一般渐近线性估计器的WALD置信区间覆盖范围的融合率的新结合。
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In many investigations, the primary outcome of interest is difficult or expensive to collect. Examples include long-term health effects of medical interventions, measurements requiring expensive testing or follow-up, and outcomes only measurable on small panels as in marketing. This reduces effective sample sizes for estimating the average treatment effect (ATE). However, there is often an abundance of observations on surrogate outcomes not of primary interest, such as short-term health effects or online-ad click-through. We study the role of such surrogate observations in the efficient estimation of treatment effects. To quantify their value, we derive the semiparametric efficiency bounds on ATE estimation with and without the presence of surrogates and several intermediary settings. The difference between these characterizes the efficiency gains from optimally leveraging surrogates. We study two regimes: when the number of surrogate observations is comparable to primary-outcome observations and when the former dominates the latter. We take an agnostic missing-data approach circumventing strong surrogate conditions previously assumed. To leverage surrogates' efficiency gains, we develop efficient ATE estimation and inference based on flexible machine-learning estimates of nuisance functions appearing in the influence functions we derive. We empirically demonstrate the gains by studying the long-term earnings effect of job training.
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In various fields of data science, researchers are often interested in estimating the ratio of conditional expectation functions (CEFR). Specifically in causal inference problems, it is sometimes natural to consider ratio-based treatment effects, such as odds ratios and hazard ratios, and even difference-based treatment effects are identified as CEFR in some empirically relevant settings. This chapter develops the general framework for estimation and inference on CEFR, which allows the use of flexible machine learning for infinite-dimensional nuisance parameters. In the first stage of the framework, the orthogonal signals are constructed using debiased machine learning techniques to mitigate the negative impacts of the regularization bias in the nuisance estimates on the target estimates. The signals are then combined with a novel series estimator tailored for CEFR. We derive the pointwise and uniform asymptotic results for estimation and inference on CEFR, including the validity of the Gaussian bootstrap, and provide low-level sufficient conditions to apply the proposed framework to some specific examples. We demonstrate the finite-sample performance of the series estimator constructed under the proposed framework by numerical simulations. Finally, we apply the proposed method to estimate the causal effect of the 401(k) program on household assets.
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We are interested in estimating the effect of a treatment applied to individuals at multiple sites, where data is stored locally for each site. Due to privacy constraints, individual-level data cannot be shared across sites; the sites may also have heterogeneous populations and treatment assignment mechanisms. Motivated by these considerations, we develop federated methods to draw inference on the average treatment effects of combined data across sites. Our methods first compute summary statistics locally using propensity scores and then aggregate these statistics across sites to obtain point and variance estimators of average treatment effects. We show that these estimators are consistent and asymptotically normal. To achieve these asymptotic properties, we find that the aggregation schemes need to account for the heterogeneity in treatment assignments and in outcomes across sites. We demonstrate the validity of our federated methods through a comparative study of two large medical claims databases.
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Integrative analysis of data from multiple sources is critical to making generalizable discoveries. Associations that are consistently observed across multiple source populations are more likely to be generalized to target populations with possible distributional shifts. In this paper, we model the heterogeneous multi-source data with multiple high-dimensional regressions and make inferences for the maximin effect (Meinshausen, B{\"u}hlmann, AoS, 43(4), 1801--1830). The maximin effect provides a measure of stable associations across multi-source data. A significant maximin effect indicates that a variable has commonly shared effects across multiple source populations, and these shared effects may be generalized to a broader set of target populations. There are challenges associated with inferring maximin effects because its point estimator can have a non-standard limiting distribution. We devise a novel sampling method to construct valid confidence intervals for maximin effects. The proposed confidence interval attains a parametric length. This sampling procedure and the related theoretical analysis are of independent interest for solving other non-standard inference problems. Using genetic data on yeast growth in multiple environments, we demonstrate that the genetic variants with significant maximin effects have generalizable effects under new environments.
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在本文中,我们的目标是提供对半监督(SS)因果推理的一般性和完全理解治疗效果。具体而言,我们考虑两个这样的估计值:(a)平均治疗效果和(b)定量处理效果,作为原型案例,在SS设置中,其特征在于两个可用的数据集:(i)标记的数据集大小$ N $,为响应和一组高维协变量以及二元治疗指标提供观察。 (ii)一个未标记的数据集,大小超过$ n $,但未观察到的响应。使用这两个数据集,我们开发了一个SS估计系列,该系列是:(1)更强大,并且(2)比其监督对应力更高的基于标记的数据集。除了通过监督方法可以实现的“标准”双重稳健结果(在一致性方面),我们还在正确指定模型中的倾向得分,我们进一步建立了我们SS估计的根本-N一致性和渐近常态。没有需要涉及的特定形式的滋扰职能。这种改善的鲁棒性来自使用大规模未标记的数据,因此通常不能在纯粹监督的环境中获得。此外,只要正确指定所有滋扰函数,我们的估计值都显示为半参数效率。此外,作为滋扰估计器的说明,我们考虑逆概率加权型核平滑估计,涉及未知的协变量转换机制,并在高维情景新颖的情况下建立其统一的收敛速率,这应该是独立的兴趣。两种模拟和实际数据的数值结果验证了我们对其监督对应物的优势,了解鲁棒性和效率。
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我们考虑随机对照试验的差异问题,通过使用与结果相关的协变量但与治疗无关。我们提出了一种机器学习回归调整的处理效果估算器,我们称之为Mlrate。 Mlrate使用机器学习预测结果来降低估计方差。它采用交叉配件来避免过度偏置,在一般条件下,我们证明了一致性和渐近正常性。 Mlrate对机器学习的预测较差的鲁棒步骤:如果预测与结果不相关,则估计器执行渐近的差异,而不是标准差异估计器,而如果预测与结果高度相关,则效率提升大。在A / A测试中,对于在Facebook实验中通常监测的一组48个结果指标,估计器的差异比简单差分估计器差异超过70%,比仅调整的共同单变量过程约19%用于结果的预测值。
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