A / B测试或在线实验是一种标准的业务策略,可以在制药,技术和传统行业中与旧产品进行比较。在双面市场平台(例如优步)的在线实验中出现了主要挑战,其中只有一个单位接受一系列处理随着时间的推移。在这些实验中,给定时间的治疗会影响当前结果以及未来的结果。本文的目的是引入用于在这些实验中携带A / B测试的加强学习框架,同时表征长期治疗效果。我们所提出的测试程序允许顺序监控和在线更新。它通常适用于不同行业的各种治疗设计。此外,我们系统地研究了我们测试程序的理论特性(例如,尺寸和功率)。最后,我们将框架应用于模拟数据和从技术公司获得的真实数据示例,以说明其在目前的实践中的优势。我们的测试的Python实现是在https://github.com/callmespring/causalrl上找到的。
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乘车共享公司等双面市场通常涉及一组跨时间和/或位置做出顺序决策的主题。随着智能手机和物联网的快速发展,它们实质上改变了人类的运输格局。在本文中,我们考虑了乘车共享公司的大规模车队管理,这些公司涉及随着时间的推移接收产品(或治疗)序列的不同领域的多个单元。在这些研究中出现了主要的技术挑战,例如政策评估,因为(i)空间和时间附近会导致位置和时间之间的干扰; (ii)大量位置导致维度的诅咒。为了同时解决这两个挑战,我们介绍了在这些研究中进行政策评估的多机构增强学习(MARL)框架。我们提出了新的估计量,即在不同产品下的平均结果,尽管州行动空间具有很高的差异性。提出的估计量在模拟实验中有利。我们进一步说明了我们的方法使用从双面市场公司获得的真实数据集来评估应用不同的补贴策略的效果。我们提出的方法的Python实现可在https://github.com/runzhestat/causalmarl上获得。
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基于A/B测试的政策评估引起了人们对数字营销的极大兴趣,但是在乘车平台(例如Uber和Didi)中的这种评估主要是由于其时间和/或空间依赖性实验的复杂结构而被很好地研究。 。本文的目的是在乘车平台中的政策评估中进行,目的是在平台的政策和换回设计下的感兴趣结果之间建立因果关系。我们提出了一个基于时间变化系数决策过程(VCDP)模型的新型潜在结果框架,以捕获时间依赖性实验中的动态治疗效果。我们通过将其分解为直接效应总和(DE)和间接效应(IE)来进一步表征平均治疗效应。我们为DE和IE制定了估计和推理程序。此外,我们提出了一个时空VCDP来处理时空依赖性实验。对于这两个VCDP模型,我们都建立了估计和推理程序的统计特性(例如弱收敛和渐近力)。我们进行广泛的模拟,以研究拟议估计和推理程序的有限样本性能。我们研究了VCDP模型如何帮助改善DIDI中各种派遣和处置政策的政策评估。
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个性化决定规则(IDR)是一个决定函数,可根据他/她观察到的特征分配给定的治疗。文献中的大多数现有工作考虑使用二进制或有限的许多治疗方案的设置。在本文中,我们专注于连续治疗设定,并提出跳跃间隔 - 学习,开发一个最大化预期结果的个性化间隔值决定规则(I2DR)。与推荐单一治疗的IDRS不同,所提出的I2DR为每个人产生了一系列治疗方案,使其在实践中实施更加灵活。为了获得最佳I2DR,我们的跳跃间隔学习方法估计通过跳转惩罚回归给予治疗和协变量的结果的条件平均值,并基于估计的结果回归函数来衍生相应的最佳I2DR。允许回归线是用于清晰的解释或深神经网络的线性,以模拟复杂的处理 - 协调会相互作用。为了实现跳跃间隔学习,我们开发了一种基于动态编程的搜索算法,其有效计算结果回归函数。当结果回归函数是处理空间的分段或连续功能时,建立所得I2DR的统计特性。我们进一步制定了一个程序,以推断(估计)最佳政策下的平均结果。进行广泛的模拟和对华法林研究的真实数据应用,以证明所提出的I2DR的经验有效性。
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Reinforcement learning (RL) is one of the most vibrant research frontiers in machine learning and has been recently applied to solve a number of challenging problems. In this paper, we primarily focus on off-policy evaluation (OPE), one of the most fundamental topics in RL. In recent years, a number of OPE methods have been developed in the statistics and computer science literature. We provide a discussion on the efficiency bound of OPE, some of the existing state-of-the-art OPE methods, their statistical properties and some other related research directions that are currently actively explored.
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离线政策评估(OPE)被认为是强化学习(RL)的基本且具有挑战性的问题。本文重点介绍了基于从无限 - 马尔可夫决策过程的框架下从可能不同策略生成的预收集的数据的目标策略的价值估计。由RL最近开发的边际重要性采样方法和因果推理中的协变量平衡思想的动机,我们提出了一个新颖的估计器,具有大约投影的国家行动平衡权重,以进行策略价值估计。我们获得了这些权重的收敛速率,并表明拟议的值估计量在技术条件下是半参数有效的。就渐近学而言,我们的结果比例均以每个轨迹的轨迹数量和决策点的数量进行扩展。因此,当决策点数量分歧时,仍然可以使用有限的受试者实现一致性。此外,我们开发了一个必要且充分的条件,以建立贝尔曼操作员在政策环境中的适当性,这表征了OPE的困难,并且可能具有独立的利益。数值实验证明了我们提出的估计量的有希望的性能。
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Off-Policy evaluation (OPE) is concerned with evaluating a new target policy using offline data generated by a potentially different behavior policy. It is critical in a number of sequential decision making problems ranging from healthcare to technology industries. Most of the work in existing literature is focused on evaluating the mean outcome of a given policy, and ignores the variability of the outcome. However, in a variety of applications, criteria other than the mean may be more sensible. For example, when the reward distribution is skewed and asymmetric, quantile-based metrics are often preferred for their robustness. In this paper, we propose a doubly-robust inference procedure for quantile OPE in sequential decision making and study its asymptotic properties. In particular, we propose utilizing state-of-the-art deep conditional generative learning methods to handle parameter-dependent nuisance function estimation. We demonstrate the advantages of this proposed estimator through both simulations and a real-world dataset from a short-video platform. In particular, we find that our proposed estimator outperforms classical OPE estimators for the mean in settings with heavy-tailed reward distributions.
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This paper studies reinforcement learning (RL) in doubly inhomogeneous environments under temporal non-stationarity and subject heterogeneity. In a number of applications, it is commonplace to encounter datasets generated by system dynamics that may change over time and population, challenging high-quality sequential decision making. Nonetheless, most existing RL solutions require either temporal stationarity or subject homogeneity, which would result in sub-optimal policies if both assumptions were violated. To address both challenges simultaneously, we propose an original algorithm to determine the ``best data chunks" that display similar dynamics over time and across individuals for policy learning, which alternates between most recent change point detection and cluster identification. Our method is general, and works with a wide range of clustering and change point detection algorithms. It is multiply robust in the sense that it takes multiple initial estimators as input and only requires one of them to be consistent. Moreover, by borrowing information over time and population, it allows us to detect weaker signals and has better convergence properties when compared to applying the clustering algorithm per time or the change point detection algorithm per subject. Empirically, we demonstrate the usefulness of our method through extensive simulations and a real data application.
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我们研究马尔可夫决策过程(MDP)框架中的离线数据驱动的顺序决策问题。为了提高学习政策的概括性和适应性,我们建议通过一套关于在政策诱导的固定分配所在的分发的一套平均奖励来评估每项政策。给定由某些行为策略生成的多个轨迹的预收集数据集,我们的目标是在预先指定的策略类中学习一个强大的策略,可以最大化此集的最小值。利用半参数统计的理论,我们开发了一种统计上有效的策略学习方法,用于估算DE NED强大的最佳政策。在数据集中的总决策点方面建立了达到对数因子的速率最佳遗憾。
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在标准数据分析框架中,首先收集数据(全部一次),然后进行数据分析。此外,通常认为数据生成过程是外源性的。当数据分析师对数据的生成方式没有影响时,这种方法是自然的。但是,数字技术的进步使公司促进了从数据中学习并同时做出决策。随着这些决定生成新数据,数据分析师(业务经理或算法)也成为数据生成器。这种相互作用会产生一种新型的偏见 - 增强偏见 - 加剧了静态数据分析中的内生性问题。因果推理技术应该被纳入加强学习中以解决此类问题。
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Classical asymptotic theory for statistical inference usually involves calibrating a statistic by fixing the dimension $d$ while letting the sample size $n$ increase to infinity. Recently, much effort has been dedicated towards understanding how these methods behave in high-dimensional settings, where $d$ and $n$ both increase to infinity together. This often leads to different inference procedures, depending on the assumptions about the dimensionality, leaving the practitioner in a bind: given a dataset with 100 samples in 20 dimensions, should they calibrate by assuming $n \gg d$, or $d/n \approx 0.2$? This paper considers the goal of dimension-agnostic inference; developing methods whose validity does not depend on any assumption on $d$ versus $n$. We introduce an approach that uses variational representations of existing test statistics along with sample splitting and self-normalization to produce a new test statistic with a Gaussian limiting distribution, regardless of how $d$ scales with $n$. The resulting statistic can be viewed as a careful modification of degenerate U-statistics, dropping diagonal blocks and retaining off-diagonal blocks. We exemplify our technique for some classical problems including one-sample mean and covariance testing, and show that our tests have minimax rate-optimal power against appropriate local alternatives. In most settings, our cross U-statistic matches the high-dimensional power of the corresponding (degenerate) U-statistic up to a $\sqrt{2}$ factor.
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Dynamic treatment regimes assign personalized treatments to patients sequentially over time based on their baseline information and time-varying covariates. In mobile health applications, these covariates are typically collected at different frequencies over a long time horizon. In this paper, we propose a deep spectral Q-learning algorithm, which integrates principal component analysis (PCA) with deep Q-learning to handle the mixed frequency data. In theory, we prove that the mean return under the estimated optimal policy converges to that under the optimal one and establish its rate of convergence. The usefulness of our proposal is further illustrated via simulations and an application to a diabetes dataset.
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在本文中,我们研究了高维条件独立测试,统计和机器学习中的关键构建块问题。我们提出了一种基于双生成对抗性网络(GANS)的推理程序。具体来说,我们首先介绍双GANS框架来学习两个发电机的条件分布。然后,我们将这两个生成器集成到构造测试统计,这采用多个转换函数的广义协方差措施的最大形式。我们还采用了数据分割和交叉拟合来最小化发电机上的条件,以实现所需的渐近属性,并采用乘法器引导来获得相应的$ P $ -Value。我们表明,构造的测试统计数据是双重稳健的,并且由此产生的测试既逆向I误差,并具有渐近的电源。同样的是,与现有测试相比,我们建立了较弱和实际上更可行的条件下的理论保障,我们的提案提供了如何利用某些最先进的深层学习工具(如GAN)的具体示例帮助解决古典但具有挑战性的统计问题。我们通过模拟和应用于抗癌药物数据集来证明我们的测试的疗效。在https://github.com/tianlinxu312/dgcit上提供了所提出的程序的Python实现。
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Testing the significance of a variable or group of variables $X$ for predicting a response $Y$, given additional covariates $Z$, is a ubiquitous task in statistics. A simple but common approach is to specify a linear model, and then test whether the regression coefficient for $X$ is non-zero. However, when the model is misspecified, the test may have poor power, for example when $X$ is involved in complex interactions, or lead to many false rejections. In this work we study the problem of testing the model-free null of conditional mean independence, i.e. that the conditional mean of $Y$ given $X$ and $Z$ does not depend on $X$. We propose a simple and general framework that can leverage flexible nonparametric or machine learning methods, such as additive models or random forests, to yield both robust error control and high power. The procedure involves using these methods to perform regressions, first to estimate a form of projection of $Y$ on $X$ and $Z$ using one half of the data, and then to estimate the expected conditional covariance between this projection and $Y$ on the remaining half of the data. While the approach is general, we show that a version of our procedure using spline regression achieves what we show is the minimax optimal rate in this nonparametric testing problem. Numerical experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach both in terms of maintaining Type I error control, and power, compared to several existing approaches.
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