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Adversarial attacks to image classification systems present challenges to convolutional networks and opportunities for understanding them. This study suggests that adversarial perturbations on images lead to noise in the features constructed by these networks. Motivated by this observation, we develop new network architectures that increase adversarial robustness by performing feature denoising. Specifically, our networks contain blocks that denoise the features using non-local means or other filters; the entire networks are trained end-to-end. When combined with adversarial training, our feature denoising networks substantially improve the state-of-the-art in adversarial robustness in both white-box and black-box attack settings. On ImageNet, under 10-iteration PGD white-box attacks where prior art has 27.9% accuracy, our method achieves 55.7%; even under extreme 2000-iteration PGD white-box attacks, our method secures 42.6% accuracy. Our method was ranked first in Competition on Adversarial Attacks and Defenses (CAAD) 2018 -it achieved 50.6% classification accuracy on a secret, ImageNet-like test dataset against 48 unknown attackers, surpassing the runner-up approach by ∼10%. Code is available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/ ImageNet-Adversarial-Training.
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Deep Neural Networks have been widely used in many fields. However, studies have shown that DNNs are easily attacked by adversarial examples, which have tiny perturbations and greatly mislead the correct judgment of DNNs. Furthermore, even if malicious attackers cannot obtain all the underlying model parameters, they can use adversarial examples to attack various DNN-based task systems. Researchers have proposed various defense methods to protect DNNs, such as reducing the aggressiveness of adversarial examples by preprocessing or improving the robustness of the model by adding modules. However, some defense methods are only effective for small-scale examples or small perturbations but have limited defense effects for adversarial examples with large perturbations. This paper assigns different defense strategies to adversarial perturbations of different strengths by grading the perturbations on the input examples. Experimental results show that the proposed method effectively improves defense performance. In addition, the proposed method does not modify any task model, which can be used as a preprocessing module, which significantly reduces the deployment cost in practical applications.
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Neural networks are vulnerable to adversarial examples, which poses a threat to their application in security sensitive systems. We propose high-level representation guided denoiser (HGD) as a defense for image classification. Standard denoiser suffers from the error amplification effect, in which small residual adversarial noise is progressively amplified and leads to wrong classifications. HGD overcomes this problem by using a loss function defined as the difference between the target model's outputs activated by the clean image and denoised image. Compared with ensemble adversarial training which is the state-of-the-art defending method on large images, HGD has three advantages. First, with HGD as a defense, the target model is more robust to either white-box or black-box adversarial attacks. Second, HGD can be trained on a small subset of the images and generalizes well to other images and unseen classes. Third, HGD can be transferred to defend models other than the one guiding it. In NIPS competition on defense against adversarial attacks, our HGD solution won the first place and outperformed other models by a large margin. 1 * Equal contribution.
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我们从频道明智激活的角度调查CNN的对抗性鲁棒性。通过比较\ Textit {非鲁棒}(通常训练)和\ exingit {REXITIT {REARUSTIFIED}(普及培训的)模型,我们观察到对抗性培训(AT)通过将频道明智的数据与自然的渠道和自然的对抗激活对齐来强调CNN同行。然而,在处理逆势数据时仍仍会过度激活以\ texit {excy-computive}(nr)的频道仍会过度激活。此外,我们还观察到,在所有课程上不会导致类似的稳健性。对于强大的类,具有较大激活大小的频道通常是更长的\ extedit {正相关}(pr)到预测,但这种对齐不适用于非鲁棒类。鉴于这些观察结果,我们假设抑制NR通道并对齐PR与其相关性进一步增强了在其下的CNN的鲁棒性。为了检查这个假设,我们介绍了一种新的机制,即\下划线{C} Hannel-Wise \ Underline {i} Mportance的\下划线{F} eature \ Underline {s}选举(CIFS)。 CIFS通过基于与预测的相关性产生非负乘法器来操纵某些层的激活。在包括CIFAR10和SVHN的基准数据集上的广泛实验明确验证了强制性CNN的假设和CIFS的有效性。 \ url {https://github.com/hanshuyan/cifs}
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对抗性的例子揭示了神经网络的脆弱性和不明原因的性质。研究对抗性实例的辩护具有相当大的实际重要性。大多数逆势的例子,错误分类网络通常无法被人类不可检测。在本文中,我们提出了一种防御模型,将分类器培训成具有形状偏好的人类感知分类模型。包括纹理传输网络(TTN)和辅助防御生成的对冲网络(GAN)的所提出的模型被称为人类感知辅助防御GaN(had-GaN)。 TTN用于扩展清洁图像的纹理样本,并有助于分类器聚焦在其形状上。 GaN用于为模型形成培训框架并生成必要的图像。在MNIST,时尚 - MNIST和CIFAR10上进行的一系列实验表明,所提出的模型优于网络鲁棒性的最先进的防御方法。该模型还证明了对抗性实例的防御能力的显着改善。
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传统的深度学习模型表现出有趣的脆弱性,使攻击者迫使他们失败的任务。诸如快速梯度标志法(FGSM)和更强大的投影梯度下降(PGD)的臭名昭着攻击通过增加扰动$ \ epsilon $对输入的计算梯度来产生对抗示例,导致效果恶化模型的分类。这项工作介绍了一个模型,这是对抗对抗攻击的有弹性。我们的模式利用生物科学的成熟原则:人口多样性会产生对环境变化的恢复力。更准确地说,我们的模型包括一群$ N $多样的子模型,每一个培训,以便在手头上单独获得高精度,而被迫在其体重张量方面保持有意义的差异。每次我们的模型都接收到分类查询时,它会随机从其人口中选择一个子模型以应答查询。为了引入和维持子模型人群的多样性,我们介绍了计数器连接权重的概念。对反相关的模型(CLM)由相同架构的子模型组成,其中在同时训练期间进行周期性随机相似度检查,以保证多样性,同时保持准确性。在我们的测试中,CLM稳健性在MNIST DataSet上测试时增强了大约20%,并且在CIFAR-10数据集上测试时至少为15%。当用普遍培训的子模型实施时,该方法实现了最先进的鲁棒性。在带有$ \ epsilon = 0.3 $的Mnist DataSet上,它可以针对FGSM实现94.34%,而对PGD为91%。在带有$ \ epsilon = 8/255 $的Cifar-10数据集上,它取得了62.97%,针对FGSM和59.16%的PGD。
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人类严重依赖于形状信息来识别对象。相反,卷积神经网络(CNNS)偏向于纹理。这也许是CNNS易受对抗性示例的影响的主要原因。在这里,我们探索如何将偏差纳入CNN,以提高其鲁棒性。提出了两种算法,基于边缘不变,以中等难以察觉的扰动。在第一个中,分类器在具有边缘图作为附加信道的图像上进行前列地培训。在推断时间,边缘映射被重新计算并连接到图像。在第二算法中,训练了条件GaN,以将边缘映射从干净和/或扰动图像转换为清洁图像。推断在与输入的边缘图对应的生成图像上完成。超过10个数据集的广泛实验证明了算法对FGSM和$ \ ELL_ infty $ PGD-40攻击的有效性。此外,我们表明a)边缘信息还可以使其他对抗训练方法有益,并且B)在边缘增强输入上培训的CNNS对抗自然图像损坏,例如运动模糊,脉冲噪声和JPEG压缩,而不是仅培训的CNNS RGB图像。从更广泛的角度来看,我们的研究表明,CNN不会充分占对鲁棒性至关重要的图像结构。代码可用:〜\ url {https://github.com/aliborji/shapedefense.git}。
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神经常规差分方程(ODES)最近在各种研究域中引起了不断的关注。有一些作品研究了神经杂物的优化问题和近似能力,但他们的鲁棒性尚不清楚。在这项工作中,我们通过探索神经杂物经验和理论上的神经杂物的鲁棒性质来填补这一重要差异。我们首先通过将它们暴露于具有各种类型的扰动并随后研究相应输出的变化来提出基于神经竞争的网络(odeNets)的鲁棒性的实证研究。与传统的卷积神经网络(CNNS)相反,我们发现odeenets对随机高斯扰动和对抗性攻击示例的更稳健。然后,我们通过利用连续时间颂的流动的某种理想性能来提供对这种现象的富有识别理解,即积分曲线是非交叉的。我们的工作表明,由于其内在的稳健性,它很有希望使用神经杂散作为构建强大的深网络模型的基本块。为了进一步增强香草神经杂物杂物的鲁棒性,我们提出了时间不变的稳定神经颂(Tisode),其通过时间不变性和施加稳态约束来规则地规则地规则地对扰动数据的流程。我们表明,Tisode方法优于香草神经杂物,也可以与其他最先进的架构方法一起制造更强大的深网络。 \ url {https://github.com/hanshuyan/tisode}
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Adversarial training (AT) is one of the most effective ways for improving the robustness of deep convolution neural networks (CNNs). Just like common network training, the effectiveness of AT relies on the design of basic network components. In this paper, we conduct an in-depth study on the role of the basic ReLU activation component in AT for robust CNNs. We find that the spatially-shared and input-independent properties of ReLU activation make CNNs less robust to white-box adversarial attacks with either standard or adversarial training. To address this problem, we extend ReLU to a novel Sparta activation function (Spatially attentive and Adversarially Robust Activation), which enables CNNs to achieve both higher robustness, i.e., lower error rate on adversarial examples, and higher accuracy, i.e., lower error rate on clean examples, than the existing state-of-the-art (SOTA) activation functions. We further study the relationship between Sparta and the SOTA activation functions, providing more insights about the advantages of our method. With comprehensive experiments, we also find that the proposed method exhibits superior cross-CNN and cross-dataset transferability. For the former, the adversarially trained Sparta function for one CNN (e.g., ResNet-18) can be fixed and directly used to train another adversarially robust CNN (e.g., ResNet-34). For the latter, the Sparta function trained on one dataset (e.g., CIFAR-10) can be employed to train adversarially robust CNNs on another dataset (e.g., SVHN). In both cases, Sparta leads to CNNs with higher robustness than the vanilla ReLU, verifying the flexibility and versatility of the proposed method.
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Pixel-wise prediction with deep neural network has become an effective paradigm for salient object detection (SOD) and achieved remarkable performance. However, very few SOD models are robust against adversarial attacks which are visually imperceptible for human visual attention. The previous work robust saliency (ROSA) shuffles the pre-segmented superpixels and then refines the coarse saliency map by the densely connected conditional random field (CRF). Different from ROSA that relies on various pre- and post-processings, this paper proposes a light-weight Learnable Noise (LeNo) to defend adversarial attacks for SOD models. LeNo preserves accuracy of SOD models on both adversarial and clean images, as well as inference speed. In general, LeNo consists of a simple shallow noise and noise estimation that embedded in the encoder and decoder of arbitrary SOD networks respectively. Inspired by the center prior of human visual attention mechanism, we initialize the shallow noise with a cross-shaped gaussian distribution for better defense against adversarial attacks. Instead of adding additional network components for post-processing, the proposed noise estimation modifies only one channel of the decoder. With the deeply-supervised noise-decoupled training on state-of-the-art RGB and RGB-D SOD networks, LeNo outperforms previous works not only on adversarial images but also on clean images, which contributes stronger robustness for SOD. Our code is available at https://github.com/ssecv/LeNo.
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Although deep neural networks (DNNs) have achieved great success in many tasks, they can often be fooled by adversarial examples that are generated by adding small but purposeful distortions to natural examples. Previous studies to defend against adversarial examples mostly focused on refining the DNN models, but have either shown limited success or required expensive computation. We propose a new strategy, feature squeezing, that can be used to harden DNN models by detecting adversarial examples. Feature squeezing reduces the search space available to an adversary by coalescing samples that correspond to many different feature vectors in the original space into a single sample. By comparing a DNN model's prediction on the original input with that on squeezed inputs, feature squeezing detects adversarial examples with high accuracy and few false positives.This paper explores two feature squeezing methods: reducing the color bit depth of each pixel and spatial smoothing. These simple strategies are inexpensive and complementary to other defenses, and can be combined in a joint detection framework to achieve high detection rates against state-of-the-art attacks.
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深度学习(DL)在许多与人类相关的任务中表现出巨大的成功,这导致其在许多计算机视觉的基础应用中采用,例如安全监控系统,自治车辆和医疗保健。一旦他们拥有能力克服安全关键挑战,这种安全关键型应用程序必须绘制他们的成功部署之路。在这些挑战中,防止或/和检测对抗性实例(AES)。对手可以仔细制作小型,通常是难以察觉的,称为扰动的噪声被添加到清洁图像中以产生AE。 AE的目的是愚弄DL模型,使其成为DL应用的潜在风险。在文献中提出了许多测试时间逃避攻击和对策,即防御或检测方法。此外,还发布了很少的评论和调查,理论上展示了威胁的分类和对策方法,几乎​​没有焦点检测方法。在本文中,我们专注于图像分类任务,并试图为神经网络分类器进行测试时间逃避攻击检测方法的调查。对此类方法的详细讨论提供了在四个数据集的不同场景下的八个最先进的探测器的实验结果。我们还为这一研究方向提供了潜在的挑战和未来的观点。
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