ISO 14971是用于医疗设备风险管理的主要标准。尽管它指定了医疗设备风险管理的要求,但并未指定执行风险管理的特定方法。因此,医疗设备制造商可以自由开发或使用任何适当的方法来管理医疗设备的风险。最常用的方法,例如故障树分析(FTA),无法为计算风险估计有限或没有可用的历史数据或数据对数据存在二阶不确定性时提供合理的依据。在本文中,我们使用混合贝叶斯网络(BNS)提出了一种新颖的医疗设备风险管理方法,该方法解决了经典方法(例如FTA)的局限性,并结合了影响医疗设备风险的相关因素。提出的BN方法是通用的,但可以按系统的基础进行实例化,我们将其应用于除颤器设备,以证明生产和后期生产过程中医疗设备风险管理所涉及的过程。该示例已根据现实世界数据进行验证。
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For policymakers wishing to make evidence-based decisions, one of the challenges is how to combine the relevant information and evidence in a coherent and defensible manner in order to formulate and evaluate candidate policies. Policymakers often need to rely on experts with disparate fields of expertise when making policy choices in complex, multi-faceted, dynamic environments such as those dealing with ecosystem services. The pressures affecting the survival and pollination capabilities of honey bees (Apis mellifera), wild bees and other pollinators is well-documented, but incomplete. In order to estimate the potential effectiveness of various candidate policies to support pollination services, there is an urgent need to quantify the effect of various combinations of variables on the pollination ecosystem service, utilising available information, models and expert judgement. In this paper, we present a new application of the integrating decision support system methodology for combining inputs from multiple panels of experts to evaluate policies to support an abundant pollinator population.
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This report summarises the outcomes of a systematic literature search to identify Bayesian network models used to support decision making in healthcare. After describing the search methodology, the selected research papers are briefly reviewed, with the view to identify publicly available models and datasets that are well suited to analysis using the causal interventional analysis software tool developed in Wang B, Lyle C, Kwiatkowska M (2021). Finally, an experimental evaluation of applying the software on a selection of models is carried out and preliminary results are reported.
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嵌入在自主系统中的机器学习(ML)组件的增加使用 - 所谓的启用学习的系统(LES) - 导致压力需要确保其功能安全性。至于传统的功能安全,在工业和学术界的新兴共识是为此目的使用保证案例。通常,保证案例支持可靠性的支持权,支持安全性,并且可以被视为组织争论和从安全分析和可靠性建模活动产生的证据的结构化方式。虽然这些保证活动传统上由基于协商一致的标准,但由于ML模型的特点和设计,在安全关键应用中,LES构成了新的挑战。在本文中,我们首先向LES提出了一种强调定量方面的总体保证框架,例如,打破系统级安全目标与可靠性指标中所述的组件级要求和支持索赔。然后,我们向ML分类器介绍一种新的模型 - 不可能可靠性评估模型(RAM),该分类器利用操作简档和鲁棒性验证证据。我们讨论了模型假设以及评估我们RAM揭示的ML可靠性的固有挑战,并提出了实用的解决方案。还基于RAM开发了较低ML组件级的概率安全争论。最后,为了评估和展示我们的方法,我们不仅对合成/基准数据集进行实验,还展示了我们对模拟中自动水下车辆的综合案例研究的方法。
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机器学习(ML)系统的开发和部署可以用现代工具轻松执行,但该过程通常是匆忙和意思是结束的。缺乏勤奋会导致技术债务,范围蠕变和未对准的目标,模型滥用和失败,以及昂贵的后果。另一方面,工程系统遵循明确定义的流程和测试标准,以简化高质量,可靠的结果的开发。极端是航天器系统,其中关键任务措施和鲁棒性在开发过程中根深蒂固。借鉴航天器工程和ML的经验(通过域名通过产品的研究),我们开发了一种经过验证的机器学习开发和部署的系统工程方法。我们的“机器学习技术准备水平”(MLTRL)框架定义了一个原则的过程,以确保强大,可靠和负责的系统,同时为ML工作流程流线型,包括来自传统软件工程的关键区别。 MLTRL甚至更多,MLTRL为跨团队和组织的人们定义了一个人工智能和机器学习技术的人员。在这里,我们描述了通过生产化和部署在医学诊断,消费者计算机视觉,卫星图像和粒子物理学等领域,以通过生产和部署在基本研究中开发ML方法的几个现实世界使用情况的框架和阐明。
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作为行业4.0时代的一项新兴技术,数字双胞胎因其承诺进一步优化流程设计,质量控制,健康监测,决策和政策制定等,通过全面对物理世界进行建模,以进一步优化流程设计,质量控制,健康监测,决策和政策,因此获得了前所未有的关注。互连的数字模型。在一系列两部分的论文中,我们研究了不同建模技术,孪生启用技术以及数字双胞胎常用的不确定性量化和优化方法的基本作用。第二篇论文介绍了数字双胞胎的关键启示技术的文献综述,重点是不确定性量化,优化方法,开源数据集和工具,主要发现,挑战和未来方向。讨论的重点是当前的不确定性量化和优化方法,以及如何在数字双胞胎的不同维度中应用它们。此外,本文介绍了一个案例研究,其中构建和测试了电池数字双胞胎,以说明在这两部分评论中回顾的一些建模和孪生方法。 GITHUB上可以找到用于生成案例研究中所有结果和数字的代码和预处理数据。
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Governments, industry, and academia have undertaken efforts to identify and mitigate harms in ML-driven systems, with a particular focus on social and ethical risks of ML components in complex sociotechnical systems. However, existing approaches are largely disjointed, ad-hoc and of unknown effectiveness. Systems safety engineering is a well established discipline with a track record of identifying and managing risks in many complex sociotechnical domains. We adopt the natural hypothesis that tools from this domain could serve to enhance risk analyses of ML in its context of use. To test this hypothesis, we apply a "best of breed" systems safety analysis, Systems Theoretic Process Analysis (STPA), to a specific high-consequence system with an important ML-driven component, namely the Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs) operated by many US States, several of which rely on an ML-derived risk score. We focus in particular on how this analysis can extend to identifying social and ethical risks and developing concrete design-level controls to mitigate them.
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人工智能(AI)系统可以提供许多有益的功能,也可以提供不良事件的风险。一些AI系统可能会出现在社会规模上具有很高或灾难性后果的事件的风险。美国国家标准技术研究所(NIST)正在开发NIST人工智能风险管理框架(AI RMF),作为对AI开发人员和其他人的AI风险评估和管理的自愿指导。 NIST为了解决带有灾难性后果的事件的风险,表示有必要将高级原则转化为可操作的风险管理指导。在本文档中,我们提供了详细的可操作指示建议,旨在识别和管理具有很高或灾难性后果的事件的风险,旨在作为AI RMF版本1.0的NIST的风险管理实践资源(计划于2023年初发布),或适用于AI RMF用户或其他AI风险管理指南和标准。我们还为建议提供方法。我们为AI RMF 1.0提供了可行的指导建议:确定来自AI系统的潜在意外用途和滥用的风险;在风险评估和影响评估范围内包括灾难性风险因素;确定和减轻人权危害;并报告有关AI风险因素在内的信息,包括灾难性风险因素。此外,我们还为后来版本的AI RMF或补充出版物提供有关路线图的其他问题的建议。其中包括:提供AI RMF配置文件,并具有额外的多功能或通用AI的辅助指南。我们的目标是使这项工作成为具体的风险管理实践的贡献,并激发有关如何解决AI标准中灾难性风险和相关问题的建设性对话。
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本报告介绍了Waymo关于系统疲劳风险管理框架的建议,该框架解决了在ADS技术的公路测试期间疲劳诱导的风险的预防,监测和缓解。所提出的框架仍然可以灵活地纳入持续的改进,并受到最先进的实践,研究,学习和经验的信息(内部和外部的Waymo)。疲劳是涉及人类驾驶员的大部分公路撞车事故的公认因素,缓解疲劳引起的风险仍然是全球研究的公开关注。虽然提出的框架是专门针对SAE 4级广告技术的公路测试而设计的,但它对较低的自动化也具有含义和适用性。
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The optimal liability framework for AI systems remains an unsolved problem across the globe. In a much-anticipated move, the European Commission advanced two proposals outlining the European approach to AI liability in September 2022: a novel AI Liability Directive and a revision of the Product Liability Directive. They constitute the final, and much-anticipated, cornerstone of AI regulation in the EU. Crucially, the liability proposals and the EU AI Act are inherently intertwined: the latter does not contain any individual rights of affected persons, and the former lack specific, substantive rules on AI development and deployment. Taken together, these acts may well trigger a Brussels effect in AI regulation, with significant consequences for the US and other countries. This paper makes three novel contributions. First, it examines in detail the Commission proposals and shows that, while making steps in the right direction, they ultimately represent a half-hearted approach: if enacted as foreseen, AI liability in the EU will primarily rest on disclosure of evidence mechanisms and a set of narrowly defined presumptions concerning fault, defectiveness and causality. Hence, second, the article suggests amendments, which are collected in an Annex at the end of the paper. Third, based on an analysis of the key risks AI poses, the final part of the paper maps out a road for the future of AI liability and regulation, in the EU and beyond. This includes: a comprehensive framework for AI liability; provisions to support innovation; an extension to non-discrimination/algorithmic fairness, as well as explainable AI; and sustainability. I propose to jump-start sustainable AI regulation via sustainability impact assessments in the AI Act and sustainable design defects in the liability regime. In this way, the law may help spur not only fair AI and XAI, but potentially also sustainable AI (SAI).
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This review presents empirical researchers with recent advances in causal inference, and stresses the paradigmatic shifts that must be undertaken in moving from traditional statistical analysis to causal analysis of multivariate data. Special emphasis is placed on the assumptions that underly all causal inferences, the languages used in formulating those assumptions, the conditional nature of all causal and counterfactual claims, and the methods that have been developed for the assessment of such claims. These advances are illustrated using a general theory of causation based on the Structural Causal Model (SCM) described in Pearl (2000a), which subsumes and unifies other approaches to causation, and provides a coherent mathematical foundation for the analysis of causes and counterfactuals. In particular, the paper surveys the development of mathematical tools for inferring (from a combination of data and assumptions) answers to three types of causal queries: (1) queries about the effects of potential interventions, (also called "causal effects" or "policy evaluation") (2) queries about probabilities of counterfactuals, (including assessment of "regret," "attribution" or "causes of effects") and (3) queries about direct and indirect effects (also known as "mediation"). Finally, the paper defines the formal and conceptual relationships between the structural and potential-outcome frameworks and presents tools for a symbiotic analysis that uses the strong features of both.
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Mission teams are exposed to the emotional toll of life and death decisions. These are small groups of specially trained people supported by intelligent machines for dealing with stressful environments and scenarios. We developed a composite model for stress monitoring in such teams of human and autonomous machines. This modelling aims to identify the conditions that may contribute to mission failure. The proposed model is composed of three parts: 1) a computational logic part that statically describes the stress states of teammates; 2) a decision part that manifests the mission status at any time; 3) a stress propagation part based on standard Susceptible-Infected-Susceptible (SIS) paradigm. In contrast to the approaches such as agent-based, random-walk and game models, the proposed model combines various mechanisms to satisfy the conditions of stress propagation in small groups. Our core approach involves data structures such as decision tables and decision diagrams. These tools are adaptable to human-machine teaming as well.
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