预计将在2026年促使新兴的无人机航空公司(UAV)服务市场达到584亿美元,促使常规将常规无人机运营促进到国家空域中的重大努力,以至于它们不会损害现有的安全水平。通过感觉和避免潜在的中空碰撞威胁,将提高无人机的商业用途,但是在缺乏可用的数据集时,该领域的研究是缺乏可用的数据集,因为它们昂贵且技术上是为了捕获。在本文中,我们为基于视觉的飞机检测提供了一个数据集。 DataSet由15个图像序列组成,其中包含55,521张固定翼飞机的图像,接近固定式接地的摄像头。还提供了地面真理标签和绩效基准。为了我们的知识,这是第一个在碰撞课程上学习中型固定翼飞机的第一个公共数据集。完整的数据集和地面真理标签在https://qcr.github.io/dataset/aircraft -collision-.c资料/航空公司
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检测和避免(DAA)功能对于无人飞机系统(UAS)的安全操作至关重要。本文介绍了Airtrack,这是一个仅实时视觉检测和跟踪框架,尊重SUAS系统的大小,重量和功率(交换)约束。鉴于遥远飞机的低信噪比(SNR),我们建议在深度学习框架中使用完整的分辨率图像,以对齐连续的图像以消除自我动态。然后,对齐的图像在级联的初级和次级分类器中下游使用,以改善多个指标的检测和跟踪性能。我们表明,Airtrack在亚马逊机载对象跟踪(AOT)数据集上胜过最先进的基线。多次现实世界的飞行测试与CESSNA 172与通用航空交通相互作用,并在受控的设置中朝着UAS飞向UAS的其他近碰撞飞行测试,该拟议方法满足了新引入的ASTM F3442/F3442M标准DAA标准。经验评估表明,我们的系统的概率超过900m,范围超过95%。视频可在https://youtu.be/h3ll_wjxjpw上找到。
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由于存在浓烟或阴霾,从室外视觉环境收集的图像通常会降解。在这些退化的视觉环境(DVE)中,在场景理解中进行研究的关键挑战是缺乏代表性的基准数据集。这些数据集需要评估降级设置中的最新对象识别和其他计算机视觉算法。在本文中,我们通过引入带有朦胧和无雾图像的第一个配对的真实图像基准数据集以及原位的雾化密度测量来解决其中的一些限制。该数据集是在受控的环境中生产的,其专业烟雾产生机器覆盖了整个场景,并由从无人机(UAV)(UAV)和无人接地车(UGV)的角度捕获的图像组成。我们还评估了一组代表性的最先进的飞行方法以及数据集中的对象探测器。本文介绍的完整数据集,包括地面真相对象分类框和雾密度测量值,为社区提供了以下网址评估其算法的信息:https://a2i2-archangel.vision。该数据集的一个子集已用于在CVPR UG2 2022挑战的雾痕中进行对象检测。
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这项工作为卫星视频中的车辆检测提供了一种深度学习方法。由于车辆的微小(4-10像素)及其与背景的相似性,因此在单个EO卫星图像中可能不可能进行车辆检测。取而代之的是,我们考虑卫星视频,该视频克服了由于车辆运动的时间一致性而缺乏空间信息。提出了一种紧凑型$ 3 $ 3 $卷积的神经网络的新时空模型,该模型忽略了合并层并使用泄漏的保留。然后,我们使用输出热图的重新制定,包括最终分割的非最大抑制(NMS)。两个新的带注释的卫星视频的经验结果重新确认该方法用于车辆检测的适用性。他们更重要的是表明,对WAMI数据进行预训练,然后在几个带注释的视频帧上进行微调以进行新视频就足够了。在我们的实验中,只有五个带注释的图像在新视频中产生的$ F_1 $得分为0.81,显示出比拉斯维加斯视频更复杂的流量模式。我们对拉斯维加斯的最佳结果是$ F_1 $得分为0.87,这使得拟议的方法成为该基准的领先方法。
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The ability to capture detailed interactions among individuals in a social group is foundational to our study of animal behavior and neuroscience. Recent advances in deep learning and computer vision are driving rapid progress in methods that can record the actions and interactions of multiple individuals simultaneously. Many social species, such as birds, however, live deeply embedded in a three-dimensional world. This world introduces additional perceptual challenges such as occlusions, orientation-dependent appearance, large variation in apparent size, and poor sensor coverage for 3D reconstruction, that are not encountered by applications studying animals that move and interact only on 2D planes. Here we introduce a system for studying the behavioral dynamics of a group of songbirds as they move throughout a 3D aviary. We study the complexities that arise when tracking a group of closely interacting animals in three dimensions and introduce a novel dataset for evaluating multi-view trackers. Finally, we analyze captured ethogram data and demonstrate that social context affects the distribution of sequential interactions between birds in the aviary.
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Computer vision applications in intelligent transportation systems (ITS) and autonomous driving (AD) have gravitated towards deep neural network architectures in recent years. While performance seems to be improving on benchmark datasets, many real-world challenges are yet to be adequately considered in research. This paper conducted an extensive literature review on the applications of computer vision in ITS and AD, and discusses challenges related to data, models, and complex urban environments. The data challenges are associated with the collection and labeling of training data and its relevance to real world conditions, bias inherent in datasets, the high volume of data needed to be processed, and privacy concerns. Deep learning (DL) models are commonly too complex for real-time processing on embedded hardware, lack explainability and generalizability, and are hard to test in real-world settings. Complex urban traffic environments have irregular lighting and occlusions, and surveillance cameras can be mounted at a variety of angles, gather dirt, shake in the wind, while the traffic conditions are highly heterogeneous, with violation of rules and complex interactions in crowded scenarios. Some representative applications that suffer from these problems are traffic flow estimation, congestion detection, autonomous driving perception, vehicle interaction, and edge computing for practical deployment. The possible ways of dealing with the challenges are also explored while prioritizing practical deployment.
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本文提出了一种新颖的方法,用于在具有复杂拓扑结构的地下领域的搜索和救援行动中自动合作。作为CTU-Cras-Norlab团队的一部分,拟议的系统在DARPA SubT决赛的虚拟轨道中排名第二。与专门为虚拟轨道开发的获奖解决方案相反,该建议的解决方案也被证明是在现实世界竞争极为严峻和狭窄的环境中飞行的机上实体无人机的强大系统。提出的方法可以使无缝模拟转移的无人机团队完全自主和分散的部署,并证明了其优于不同环境可飞行空间的移动UGV团队的优势。该论文的主要贡献存在于映射和导航管道中。映射方法采用新颖的地图表示形式 - 用于有效的风险意识长距离计划,面向覆盖范围和压缩的拓扑范围的LTVMAP领域,以允许在低频道通信下进行多机器人合作。这些表示形式与新的方法一起在导航中使用,以在一般的3D环境中可见性受限的知情搜索,而对环境结构没有任何假设,同时将深度探索与传感器覆盖的剥削保持平衡。所提出的解决方案还包括一条视觉感知管道,用于在没有专用GPU的情况下在5 Hz处进行四个RGB流中感兴趣的对象的板上检测和定位。除了参与DARPA SubT外,在定性和定量评估的各种环境中,在不同的环境中进行了广泛的实验验证,UAV系统的性能得到了支持。
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Video, as a key driver in the global explosion of digital information, can create tremendous benefits for human society. Governments and enterprises are deploying innumerable cameras for a variety of applications, e.g., law enforcement, emergency management, traffic control, and security surveillance, all facilitated by video analytics (VA). This trend is spurred by the rapid advancement of deep learning (DL), which enables more precise models for object classification, detection, and tracking. Meanwhile, with the proliferation of Internet-connected devices, massive amounts of data are generated daily, overwhelming the cloud. Edge computing, an emerging paradigm that moves workloads and services from the network core to the network edge, has been widely recognized as a promising solution. The resulting new intersection, edge video analytics (EVA), begins to attract widespread attention. Nevertheless, only a few loosely-related surveys exist on this topic. A dedicated venue for collecting and summarizing the latest advances of EVA is highly desired by the community. Besides, the basic concepts of EVA (e.g., definition, architectures, etc.) are ambiguous and neglected by these surveys due to the rapid development of this domain. A thorough clarification is needed to facilitate a consensus on these concepts. To fill in these gaps, we conduct a comprehensive survey of the recent efforts on EVA. In this paper, we first review the fundamentals of edge computing, followed by an overview of VA. The EVA system and its enabling techniques are discussed next. In addition, we introduce prevalent frameworks and datasets to aid future researchers in the development of EVA systems. Finally, we discuss existing challenges and foresee future research directions. We believe this survey will help readers comprehend the relationship between VA and edge computing, and spark new ideas on EVA.
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The last decade witnessed increasingly rapid progress in self-driving vehicle technology, mainly backed up by advances in the area of deep learning and artificial intelligence. The objective of this paper is to survey the current state-of-the-art on deep learning technologies used in autonomous driving. We start by presenting AI-based self-driving architectures, convolutional and recurrent neural networks, as well as the deep reinforcement learning paradigm. These methodologies form a base for the surveyed driving scene perception, path planning, behavior arbitration and motion control algorithms. We investigate both the modular perception-planning-action pipeline, where each module is built using deep learning methods, as well as End2End systems, which directly map sensory information to steering commands. Additionally, we tackle current challenges encountered in designing AI architectures for autonomous driving, such as their safety, training data sources and computational hardware. The comparison presented in this survey helps to gain insight into the strengths and limitations of deep learning and AI approaches for autonomous driving and assist with design choices. 1
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Unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) popularity is on the rise as it enables the services like traffic monitoring, emergency communications, deliveries, and surveillance. However, the unauthorized usage of UAVs (a.k.a drone) may violate security and privacy protocols for security-sensitive national and international institutions. The presented challenges require fast, efficient, and precise detection of UAVs irrespective of harsh weather conditions, the presence of different objects, and their size to enable SafeSpace. Recently, there has been significant progress in using the latest deep learning models, but those models have shortcomings in terms of computational complexity, precision, and non-scalability. To overcome these limitations, we propose a precise and efficient multiscale and multifeature UAV detection network for SafeSpace, i.e., \textit{MultiFeatureNet} (\textit{MFNet}), an improved version of the popular object detection algorithm YOLOv5s. In \textit{MFNet}, we perform multiple changes in the backbone and neck of the YOLOv5s network to focus on the various small and ignored features required for accurate and fast UAV detection. To further improve the accuracy and focus on the specific situation and multiscale UAVs, we classify the \textit{MFNet} into small (S), medium (M), and large (L): these are the combinations of various size filters in the convolution and the bottleneckCSP layers, reside in the backbone and neck of the architecture. This classification helps to overcome the computational cost by training the model on a specific feature map rather than all the features. The dataset and code are available as an open source: github.com/ZeeshanKaleem/MultiFeatureNet.
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我们介绍了Caltech Fish计数数据集(CFC),这是一个用于检测,跟踪和计数声纳视频中鱼类的大型数据集。我们将声纳视频识别为可以推进低信噪比计算机视觉应用程序并解决多对象跟踪(MOT)和计数中的域概括的丰富数据来源。与现有的MOT和计数数据集相比,这些数据集主要仅限于城市中的人和车辆的视频,CFC来自自然世界领域,在该域​​中,目标不容易解析,并且无法轻易利用外观功能来进行目标重新识别。 CFC允许​​研究人员训练MOT和计数算法并评估看不见的测试位置的概括性能。我们执行广泛的基线实验,并确定在MOT和计数中推进概括的最新技术的关键挑战和机会。
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