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Despite being robust to small amounts of label noise, convolutional neural networks trained with stochastic gradient methods have been shown to easily fit random labels. When there are a mixture of correct and mislabelled targets, networks tend to fit the former before the latter. This suggests using a suitable two-component mixture model as an unsupervised generative model of sample loss values during training to allow online estimation of the probability that a sample is mislabelled. Specifically, we propose a beta mixture to estimate this probability and correct the loss by relying on the network prediction (the so-called bootstrapping loss). We further adapt mixup augmentation to drive our approach a step further. Experiments on CIFAR-10/100 and TinyImageNet demonstrate a robustness to label noise that substantially outperforms recent state-of-the-art. Source code is available at https://git.io/fjsvE.
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Deep neural networks are known to be annotation-hungry. Numerous efforts have been devoted to reducing the annotation cost when learning with deep networks. Two prominent directions include learning with noisy labels and semi-supervised learning by exploiting unlabeled data. In this work, we propose DivideMix, a novel framework for learning with noisy labels by leveraging semi-supervised learning techniques. In particular, DivideMix models the per-sample loss distribution with a mixture model to dynamically divide the training data into a labeled set with clean samples and an unlabeled set with noisy samples, and trains the model on both the labeled and unlabeled data in a semi-supervised manner. To avoid confirmation bias, we simultaneously train two diverged networks where each network uses the dataset division from the other network. During the semi-supervised training phase, we improve the MixMatch strategy by performing label co-refinement and label co-guessing on labeled and unlabeled samples, respectively. Experiments on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate substantial improvements over state-of-the-art methods. Code is available at https://github.com/LiJunnan1992/DivideMix.
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Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have demonstrated superiority in learning patterns, but are sensitive to label noises and may overfit noisy labels during training. The early stopping strategy averts updating CNNs during the early training phase and is widely employed in the presence of noisy labels. Motivated by biological findings that the amplitude spectrum (AS) and phase spectrum (PS) in the frequency domain play different roles in the animal's vision system, we observe that PS, which captures more semantic information, can increase the robustness of DNNs to label noise, more so than AS can. We thus propose early stops at different times for AS and PS by disentangling the features of some layer(s) into AS and PS using Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) during training. Our proposed Phase-AmplituDe DisentangLed Early Stopping (PADDLES) method is shown to be effective on both synthetic and real-world label-noise datasets. PADDLES outperforms other early stopping methods and obtains state-of-the-art performance.
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Large-scale supervised datasets are crucial to train convolutional neural networks (CNNs) for various computer vision problems. However, obtaining a massive amount of well-labeled data is usually very expensive and time consuming. In this paper, we introduce a general framework to train CNNs with only a limited number of clean labels and millions of easily obtained noisy labels. We model the relationships between images, class labels and label noises with a probabilistic graphical model and further integrate it into an end-to-end deep learning system. To demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach, we collect a large-scale real-world clothing classification dataset with both noisy and clean labels. Experiments on this dataset indicate that our approach can better correct the noisy labels and improves the performance of trained CNNs.
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Deep neural networks may easily memorize noisy labels present in real-world data, which degrades their ability to generalize. It is therefore important to track and evaluate the robustness of models against noisy label memorization. We propose a metric, called susceptibility, to gauge such memorization for neural networks. Susceptibility is simple and easy to compute during training. Moreover, it does not require access to ground-truth labels and it only uses unlabeled data. We empirically show the effectiveness of our metric in tracking memorization on various architectures and datasets and provide theoretical insights into the design of the susceptibility metric. Finally, we show through extensive experiments on datasets with synthetic and real-world label noise that one can utilize susceptibility and the overall training accuracy to distinguish models that maintain a low memorization on the training set and generalize well to unseen clean data.
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Training accurate deep neural networks (DNNs) in the presence of noisy labels is an important and challenging task. Though a number of approaches have been proposed for learning with noisy labels, many open issues remain. In this paper, we show that DNN learning with Cross Entropy (CE) exhibits overfitting to noisy labels on some classes ("easy" classes), but more surprisingly, it also suffers from significant under learning on some other classes ("hard" classes). Intuitively, CE requires an extra term to facilitate learning of hard classes, and more importantly, this term should be noise tolerant, so as to avoid overfitting to noisy labels. Inspired by the symmetric KL-divergence, we propose the approach of Symmetric cross entropy Learning (SL), boosting CE symmetrically with a noise robust counterpart Reverse Cross Entropy (RCE). Our proposed SL approach simultaneously addresses both the under learning and overfitting problem of CE in the presence of noisy labels. We provide a theoretical analysis of SL and also empirically show, on a range of benchmark and real-world datasets, that SL outperforms state-of-the-art methods. We also show that SL can be easily incorporated into existing methods in order to further enhance their performance.
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对标签噪声的学习是一个至关重要的话题,可以保证深度神经网络的可靠表现。最近的研究通常是指具有模型输出概率和损失值的动态噪声建模,然后分离清洁和嘈杂的样本。这些方法取得了显着的成功。但是,与樱桃挑选的数据不同,现有方法在面对不平衡数据集时通常无法表现良好,这是现实世界中常见的情况。我们彻底研究了这一现象,并指出了两个主要问题,这些问题阻碍了性能,即\ emph {类间损耗分布差异}和\ emph {由于不确定性而引起的误导性预测}。第一个问题是现有方法通常执行类不足的噪声建模。然而,损失分布显示在类失衡下的类别之间存在显着差异,并且类不足的噪声建模很容易与少数族裔类别中的嘈杂样本和样本混淆。第二个问题是指该模型可能会因认知不确定性和不确定性而导致的误导性预测,因此仅依靠输出概率的现有方法可能无法区分自信的样本。受我们的观察启发,我们提出了一个不确定性的标签校正框架〜(ULC)来处理不平衡数据集上的标签噪声。首先,我们执行认识不确定性的班级特异性噪声建模,以识别可信赖的干净样本并精炼/丢弃高度自信的真实/损坏的标签。然后,我们在随后的学习过程中介绍了不确定性,以防止标签噪声建模过程中的噪声积累。我们对几个合成和现实世界数据集进行实验。结果证明了提出的方法的有效性,尤其是在数据集中。
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Semi-supervised learning based methods are current SOTA solutions to the noisy-label learning problem, which rely on learning an unsupervised label cleaner first to divide the training samples into a labeled set for clean data and an unlabeled set for noise data. Typically, the cleaner is obtained via fitting a mixture model to the distribution of per-sample training losses. However, the modeling procedure is \emph{class agnostic} and assumes the loss distributions of clean and noise samples are the same across different classes. Unfortunately, in practice, such an assumption does not always hold due to the varying learning difficulty of different classes, thus leading to sub-optimal label noise partition criteria. In this work, we reveal this long-ignored problem and propose a simple yet effective solution, named \textbf{C}lass \textbf{P}rototype-based label noise \textbf{C}leaner (\textbf{CPC}). Unlike previous works treating all the classes equally, CPC fully considers loss distribution heterogeneity and applies class-aware modulation to partition the clean and noise data. CPC takes advantage of loss distribution modeling and intra-class consistency regularization in feature space simultaneously and thus can better distinguish clean and noise labels. We theoretically justify the effectiveness of our method by explaining it from the Expectation-Maximization (EM) framework. Extensive experiments are conducted on the noisy-label benchmarks CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, Clothing1M and WebVision. The results show that CPC consistently brings about performance improvement across all benchmarks. Codes and pre-trained models will be released at \url{https://github.com/hjjpku/CPC.git}.
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自数据注释(尤其是对于大型数据集)以来,使用嘈杂的标签学习引起了很大的研究兴趣,这可能不可避免地不可避免。最近的方法通过将培训样本分为清洁和嘈杂的集合来求助于半监督的学习问题。然而,这种范式在重标签噪声下容易出现重大变性,因为干净样品的数量太小,无法进行常规方法。在本文中,我们介绍了一个新颖的框架,称为LC-Booster,以在极端噪音下明确处理学习。 LC-Booster的核心思想是将标签校正纳入样品选择中,以便可以通过可靠的标签校正来培训更纯化的样品,从而减轻确认偏差。实验表明,LC-Booster在几个嘈杂标签的基准测试中提高了最先进的结果,包括CIFAR-10,CIFAR-100,CLASTINGING 1M和WEBVISION。值得注意的是,在极端的90 \%噪声比下,LC-Booster在CIFAR-10和CIFAR-100上获得了92.9 \%和48.4 \%的精度,超过了最终方法,较大的边距就超过了最终方法。
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深神经网络(DNN)的记忆效应在最近的标签噪声学习方法中起关键作用。为了利用这种效果,已经广泛采用了基于模型预测的方法,该方法旨在利用DNN在学习的早期阶段以纠正嘈杂标签的效果。但是,我们观察到该模型在标签预测期间会犯错误,从而导致性能不令人满意。相比之下,在学习早期阶段产生的特征表现出更好的鲁棒性。受到这一观察的启发,在本文中,我们提出了一种基于特征嵌入的新方法,用于用标签噪声,称为标签NoissiLution(Lend)。要具体而言,我们首先根据当前的嵌入式特征计算一个相似性矩阵,以捕获训练数据的局部结构。然后,附近标记的数据(\ textIt {i.e。},标签噪声稀释)使错误标记的数据携带的嘈杂的监督信号淹没了,其有效性是由特征嵌入的固有鲁棒性保证的。最后,带有稀释标签的培训数据进一步用于培训强大的分类器。从经验上讲,我们通过将我们的贷款与几种代表性的强大学习方法进行比较,对合成和现实世界嘈杂数据集进行了广泛的实验。结果验证了我们贷款的有效性。
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在标签 - 噪声学习中,估计过渡矩阵是一个热门话题,因为矩阵在构建统计上一致的分类器中起着重要作用。传统上,从干净的标签到嘈杂的标签(即,清洁标签过渡矩阵(CLTM))已被广泛利用,以通过使用嘈杂的数据来学习干净的标签分类器。该分类器的动机主要是输出贝叶斯的最佳预测标签,在本文中,我们研究以直接建模从贝叶斯最佳标签过渡到嘈杂标签(即贝叶斯标签,贝叶斯标签,是BLTM)),并学习分类器以预测贝叶斯最佳的分类器标签。请注意,只有嘈杂的数据,它不足以估计CLTM或BLTM。但是,贝叶斯最佳标签与干净标签相比,贝叶斯最佳标签的不确定性较小,即,贝叶斯最佳标签的类后代是一热矢量,而干净标签的载体则不是。这使两个优点能够估算BLTM,即(a)一组具有理论上保证的贝叶斯最佳标签的示例可以从嘈杂的数据中收集; (b)可行的解决方案空间要小得多。通过利用优势,我们通过采用深层神经网络来估计BLTM参数,从而更好地概括和出色的分类性能。
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大型真实数据集中嘈杂的标签是不可避免的。在这项工作中,我们探索了以前的作品解读的一个区域 - 网络的架构如何影响其嘈杂标签的鲁棒性。我们提供一个正式的框架,将网络的稳健性连接到其架构和目标/噪声功能之间的对齐。我们的框架通过其表示中的预测力量来测量网络的稳健性 - 使用一小组清洁标签在学习的陈述上培训的线性模型的测试性能。我们假设网络对嘈杂标签更强大,如果其架构与目标功能比噪声更加对齐。为了支持我们的假设,我们提供各种神经网络架构和不同域的理论和经验证据。我们还发现,当网络与目标函数良好对齐时,在测试精度和甚至优于特勤方面的方法方面,它在最先进的(SOTA)噪声标签培训方法上的预测力可以提高。使用干净的标签。
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Deep Neural Networks (DNNs) have been shown to be susceptible to memorization or overfitting in the presence of noisily-labelled data. For the problem of robust learning under such noisy data, several algorithms have been proposed. A prominent class of algorithms rely on sample selection strategies wherein, essentially, a fraction of samples with loss values below a certain threshold are selected for training. These algorithms are sensitive to such thresholds, and it is difficult to fix or learn these thresholds. Often, these algorithms also require information such as label noise rates which are typically unavailable in practice. In this paper, we propose an adaptive sample selection strategy that relies only on batch statistics of a given mini-batch to provide robustness against label noise. The algorithm does not have any additional hyperparameters for sample selection, does not need any information on noise rates and does not need access to separate data with clean labels. We empirically demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm on benchmark datasets.
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