大型真实数据集中嘈杂的标签是不可避免的。在这项工作中,我们探索了以前的作品解读的一个区域 - 网络的架构如何影响其嘈杂标签的鲁棒性。我们提供一个正式的框架,将网络的稳健性连接到其架构和目标/噪声功能之间的对齐。我们的框架通过其表示中的预测力量来测量网络的稳健性 - 使用一小组清洁标签在学习的陈述上培训的线性模型的测试性能。我们假设网络对嘈杂标签更强大,如果其架构与目标功能比噪声更加对齐。为了支持我们的假设,我们提供各种神经网络架构和不同域的理论和经验证据。我们还发现,当网络与目标函数良好对齐时,在测试精度和甚至优于特勤方面的方法方面,它在最先进的(SOTA)噪声标签培训方法上的预测力可以提高。使用干净的标签。
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Deep neural networks may easily memorize noisy labels present in real-world data, which degrades their ability to generalize. It is therefore important to track and evaluate the robustness of models against noisy label memorization. We propose a metric, called susceptibility, to gauge such memorization for neural networks. Susceptibility is simple and easy to compute during training. Moreover, it does not require access to ground-truth labels and it only uses unlabeled data. We empirically show the effectiveness of our metric in tracking memorization on various architectures and datasets and provide theoretical insights into the design of the susceptibility metric. Finally, we show through extensive experiments on datasets with synthetic and real-world label noise that one can utilize susceptibility and the overall training accuracy to distinguish models that maintain a low memorization on the training set and generalize well to unseen clean data.
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最近已证明自我监督的对比学习(CL)非常有效地防止深网贴上嘈杂的标签。尽管取得了经验成功,但对对比度学习对增强鲁棒性的影响的理论理解非常有限。在这项工作中,我们严格地证明,通过对比度学习学到的表示矩阵可以通过:(i)与数据中每个子类相对应的一个突出的奇异值来增强鲁棒性,并显着较小的剩余奇异值; (ii){{显着的单数矢量与每个子类的干净标签之间的一个很大的对齐。以上属性使对此类表示的线性层能够有效地学习干净的标签,而不会过度适应噪音。}我们进一步表明,通过对比度学习预先训练的深网的雅各比式的低级别结构使他们能够获得优越的最初的性能是在嘈杂的标签上进行微调时。最后,我们证明了对比度学习提供的最初鲁棒性使鲁棒训练方法能够在极端噪声水平下实现最先进的性能,例如平均27.18 \%\%和15.58 \%\%\%\%\%cifar-10上的提高和80 \%对称嘈杂标签的CIFAR-100,网络视频的准确性提高4.11 \%。
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Training accurate deep neural networks (DNNs) in the presence of noisy labels is an important and challenging task. Though a number of approaches have been proposed for learning with noisy labels, many open issues remain. In this paper, we show that DNN learning with Cross Entropy (CE) exhibits overfitting to noisy labels on some classes ("easy" classes), but more surprisingly, it also suffers from significant under learning on some other classes ("hard" classes). Intuitively, CE requires an extra term to facilitate learning of hard classes, and more importantly, this term should be noise tolerant, so as to avoid overfitting to noisy labels. Inspired by the symmetric KL-divergence, we propose the approach of Symmetric cross entropy Learning (SL), boosting CE symmetrically with a noise robust counterpart Reverse Cross Entropy (RCE). Our proposed SL approach simultaneously addresses both the under learning and overfitting problem of CE in the presence of noisy labels. We provide a theoretical analysis of SL and also empirically show, on a range of benchmark and real-world datasets, that SL outperforms state-of-the-art methods. We also show that SL can be easily incorporated into existing methods in order to further enhance their performance.
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标签噪声显着降低了应用中深度模型的泛化能力。有效的策略和方法,\ Texit {例如}重新加权或损失校正,旨在在训练神经网络时缓解标签噪声的负面影响。这些现有的工作通常依赖于预指定的架构并手动调整附加的超参数。在本文中,我们提出了翘曲的概率推断(WARPI),以便在元学习情景中自适应地整理分类网络的培训程序。与确定性模型相比,WARPI通过学习摊销元网络来制定为分层概率模型,这可以解决样本模糊性,因此对严格的标签噪声更加坚固。与直接生成损耗的重量值的现有近似加权功能不同,我们的元网络被学习以估计从登录和标签的输入来估计整流向量,这具有利用躺在它们中的足够信息的能力。这提供了纠正分类网络的学习过程的有效方法,证明了泛化能力的显着提高。此外,可以将整流载体建模为潜在变量并学习元网络,可以无缝地集成到分类网络的SGD优化中。我们在嘈杂的标签上评估了四个强大学习基准的Warpi,并在变体噪声类型下实现了新的最先进的。广泛的研究和分析还展示了我们模型的有效性。
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Deep neural networks are known to be annotation-hungry. Numerous efforts have been devoted to reducing the annotation cost when learning with deep networks. Two prominent directions include learning with noisy labels and semi-supervised learning by exploiting unlabeled data. In this work, we propose DivideMix, a novel framework for learning with noisy labels by leveraging semi-supervised learning techniques. In particular, DivideMix models the per-sample loss distribution with a mixture model to dynamically divide the training data into a labeled set with clean samples and an unlabeled set with noisy samples, and trains the model on both the labeled and unlabeled data in a semi-supervised manner. To avoid confirmation bias, we simultaneously train two diverged networks where each network uses the dataset division from the other network. During the semi-supervised training phase, we improve the MixMatch strategy by performing label co-refinement and label co-guessing on labeled and unlabeled samples, respectively. Experiments on multiple benchmark datasets demonstrate substantial improvements over state-of-the-art methods. Code is available at https://github.com/LiJunnan1992/DivideMix.
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Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are an effective framework for representation learning of graphs. GNNs follow a neighborhood aggregation scheme, where the representation vector of a node is computed by recursively aggregating and transforming representation vectors of its neighboring nodes. Many GNN variants have been proposed and have achieved state-of-the-art results on both node and graph classification tasks. However, despite GNNs revolutionizing graph representation learning, there is limited understanding of their representational properties and limitations. Here, we present a theoretical framework for analyzing the expressive power of GNNs to capture different graph structures. Our results characterize the discriminative power of popular GNN variants, such as Graph Convolutional Networks and GraphSAGE, and show that they cannot learn to distinguish certain simple graph structures. We then develop a simple architecture that is provably the most expressive among the class of GNNs and is as powerful as the Weisfeiler-Lehman graph isomorphism test. We empirically validate our theoretical findings on a number of graph classification benchmarks, and demonstrate that our model achieves state-of-the-art performance. * Equal contribution. † Work partially performed while in Tokyo, visiting Prof. Ken-ichi Kawarabayashi.
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In the presence of noisy labels, designing robust loss functions is critical for securing the generalization performance of deep neural networks. Cross Entropy (CE) loss has been shown to be not robust to noisy labels due to its unboundedness. To alleviate this issue, existing works typically design specialized robust losses with the symmetric condition, which usually lead to the underfitting issue. In this paper, our key idea is to induce a loss bound at the logit level, thus universally enhancing the noise robustness of existing losses. Specifically, we propose logit clipping (LogitClip), which clamps the norm of the logit vector to ensure that it is upper bounded by a constant. In this manner, CE loss equipped with our LogitClip method is effectively bounded, mitigating the overfitting to examples with noisy labels. Moreover, we present theoretical analyses to certify the noise-tolerant ability of LogitClip. Extensive experiments show that LogitClip not only significantly improves the noise robustness of CE loss, but also broadly enhances the generalization performance of popular robust losses.
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一种广泛使用的传输学习算法是微调的,其中预先接受的模型在具有少量标记数据的目标任务上进行微调。当预训练模型的容量大于目标数据集的大小时,微调容易过度,并“记忆”训练标签。因此,一个重要的问题是规范微调,并确保其对噪声的鲁棒性。为了解决这个问题,我们首先分析微调的泛化属性。我们介绍了PAC-Bayes泛化界定,这取决于在微调和微调模型的噪声稳定期间在每层中行进的距离。我们经验衡量这些数量。根据分析,我们建议正规化的自我标签 - 正规化和自我标记方法之间的插值,包括(i)层明智的正则化,以限制在每层中行进的距离; (ii)自我标记 - 纠正和标签重新重复纠正错误标记的数据点(模型是自信的)和重新重复的自信数据点。我们在使用多个预先训练的模型体系结构上验证我们的方法和文本数据集的广泛集合和文本数据集。我们的方法将基线方法提高了1.76%(平均),可实现七种图像分类任务和0.75%,为几次拍摄的分类任务。当目标数据集包括嘈杂的标签时,我们的方法在两个嘈杂的设置中平均优于基线方法3.56%。
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Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) have demonstrated superiority in learning patterns, but are sensitive to label noises and may overfit noisy labels during training. The early stopping strategy averts updating CNNs during the early training phase and is widely employed in the presence of noisy labels. Motivated by biological findings that the amplitude spectrum (AS) and phase spectrum (PS) in the frequency domain play different roles in the animal's vision system, we observe that PS, which captures more semantic information, can increase the robustness of DNNs to label noise, more so than AS can. We thus propose early stops at different times for AS and PS by disentangling the features of some layer(s) into AS and PS using Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) during training. Our proposed Phase-AmplituDe DisentangLed Early Stopping (PADDLES) method is shown to be effective on both synthetic and real-world label-noise datasets. PADDLES outperforms other early stopping methods and obtains state-of-the-art performance.
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Recent years have witnessed great success in handling graph-related tasks with Graph Neural Networks (GNNs). Despite their great academic success, Multi-Layer Perceptrons (MLPs) remain the primary workhorse for practical industrial applications. One reason for this academic-industrial gap is the neighborhood-fetching latency incurred by data dependency in GNNs, which make it hard to deploy for latency-sensitive applications that require fast inference. Conversely, without involving any feature aggregation, MLPs have no data dependency and infer much faster than GNNs, but their performance is less competitive. Motivated by these complementary strengths and weaknesses, we propose a Graph Self-Distillation on Neighborhood (GSDN) framework to reduce the gap between GNNs and MLPs. Specifically, the GSDN framework is based purely on MLPs, where structural information is only implicitly used as prior to guide knowledge self-distillation between the neighborhood and the target, substituting the explicit neighborhood information propagation as in GNNs. As a result, GSDN enjoys the benefits of graph topology-awareness in training but has no data dependency in inference. Extensive experiments have shown that the performance of vanilla MLPs can be greatly improved with self-distillation, e.g., GSDN improves over stand-alone MLPs by 15.54\% on average and outperforms the state-of-the-art GNNs on six datasets. Regarding inference speed, GSDN infers 75X-89X faster than existing GNNs and 16X-25X faster than other inference acceleration methods.
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域的概括(DG)旨在学习分配变化的可推广模型,以避免重新拟合大规模训练数据。以前具有复杂损失设计和梯度约束的作品尚未在大规模基准上取得经验成功。在这项工作中,我们通过利用跨域跨域的预测特征的多个方面来揭示Experts(MOE)模型对DG的概括性的混合物。为此,我们提出了稀疏的融合混合物(SF-MOE),该混合物将稀疏性和融合机制纳入MOE框架中,以使模型保持稀疏和预测性。 SF-MOE有两个专用模块:1)稀疏块和2)融合块,它们分别分别分离和汇总对象的多样化信号。广泛的实验表明,SF-MOE是大规模基准的域名学习者。在5个大规模的DG数据集(例如域内)中,它的表现优于最佳同行,其计算成本相同甚至较低。我们从分布式表示的角度(例如,视觉属性)进一步揭示了SF-MOE的内部机制。我们希望这个框架可以促进未来的研究,将可普遍的对象识别推向现实世界。代码和模型在https://github.com/luodian/sf-moe-dg上发布。
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