为了保持信息迹象并长大,婴儿大脑必须解决旧信息所在的问题以及如何索引新的问题。我们提出未成熟的前额定皮层(PFC)使用其在时间信号中检测分层模式的主要功能作为第二目的,以组织发展大脑本身中的皮质网络的空间排序。我们的假设是PFC以序数图案的形式检测时间序列中的分层结构,并在大脑的不同部分中使用它们来索引信息。从此,我们建议检测模式的这种机制参与大脑本身的序数组织发展;即,The Connectome的启动。通过这样做,它为语言准备好的大脑提供了用于操纵抽象知识和规划时间有序信息的工具;即,象征性思维和语言的出现。我们将审查可以支持此类机制并提出新的神经模型。我们将面对我们的思想,从发育,行为和大脑结果中的证据,例如,在镜子神经元系统的建造上进行一些假设,体现了认知,以及学习的能力。
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Many theories, based on neuroscientific and psychological empirical evidence and on computational concepts, have been elaborated to explain the emergence of consciousness in the central nervous system. These theories propose key fundamental mechanisms to explain consciousness, but they only partially connect such mechanisms to the possible functional and adaptive role of consciousness. Recently, some cognitive and neuroscientific models try to solve this gap by linking consciousness to various aspects of goal-directed behaviour, the pivotal cognitive process that allows mammals to flexibly act in challenging environments. Here we propose the Representation Internal-Manipulation (RIM) theory of consciousness, a theory that links the main elements of consciousness theories to components and functions of goal-directed behaviour, ascribing a central role for consciousness to the goal-directed manipulation of internal representations. This manipulation relies on four specific computational operations to perform the flexible internal adaptation of all key elements of goal-directed computation, from the representations of objects to those of goals, actions, and plans. Finally, we propose the concept of `manipulation agency' relating the sense of agency to the internal manipulation of representations. This allows us to propose that the subjective experience of consciousness is associated to the human capacity to generate and control a simulated internal reality that is vividly perceived and felt through the same perceptual and emotional mechanisms used to tackle the external world.
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尖峰神经网络(SNN)引起了脑启发的人工智能和计算神经科学的广泛关注。它们可用于在多个尺度上模拟大脑中的生物信息处理。更重要的是,SNN是适当的抽象水平,可以将大脑和认知的灵感带入人工智能。在本文中,我们介绍了脑启发的认知智力引擎(Braincog),用于创建脑启发的AI和脑模拟模型。 Braincog将不同类型的尖峰神经元模型,学习规则,大脑区域等作为平台提供的重要模块。基于这些易于使用的模块,BrainCog支持各种受脑启发的认知功能,包括感知和学习,决策,知识表示和推理,运动控制和社会认知。这些受脑启发的AI模型已在各种受监督,无监督和强化学习任务上有效验证,并且可以用来使AI模型具有多种受脑启发的认知功能。为了进行大脑模拟,Braincog实现了决策,工作记忆,神经回路的结构模拟以及小鼠大脑,猕猴大脑和人脑的整个大脑结构模拟的功能模拟。一个名为BORN的AI引擎是基于Braincog开发的,它演示了如何将Braincog的组件集成并用于构建AI模型和应用。为了使科学追求解码生物智能的性质并创建AI,Braincog旨在提供必要且易于使用的构件,并提供基础设施支持,以开发基于脑部的尖峰神经网络AI,并模拟认知大脑在多个尺度上。可以在https://github.com/braincog-x上找到Braincog的在线存储库。
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这是第两部分综合调查的第二部分,专门用于计算框架,最常见于名称超高规范计算和矢量符号架构(HDC / VSA)。这两个名称都指的是一系列使用高维分布式表示的计算模型,并依赖于其关键操作的代数属性来结合结构化符号表示和矢量分布式表示的优点。全息减少的表示是一种有影响力的HDC / VSA模型,在机器学习域中是众所周知的,通常用于指整个家庭。但是,为了一致性,我们使用HDC / VSA来参考该区域。该调查的第I部分涵盖了该地区的基本方面,例如历史背景,导致HDC / VSA的开发,任何HDC / VSA模型的关键要素,已知的HDC / VSA模型,以及将各种类型的输入数据转换为高 - 适用于HDC / VSA的尺寸载体。第二部分调查现有的应用程序,HDC / VSA在认知计算和架构中的作用,以及未来工作的方向。大多数应用程序位于机器学习/人工智能域内,但我们还涵盖其他应用程序来提供彻底的照片。该调查是对新人和从业者有用的。
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Recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI) has renewed interest in building systems that learn and think like people. Many advances have come from using deep neural networks trained end-to-end in tasks such as object recognition, video games, and board games, achieving performance that equals or even beats humans in some respects. Despite their biological inspiration and performance achievements, these systems differ from human intelligence in crucial ways. We review progress in cognitive science suggesting that truly human-like learning and thinking machines will have to reach beyond current engineering trends in both what they learn, and how they learn it. Specifically, we argue that these machines should (a) build causal models of the world that support explanation and understanding, rather than merely solving pattern recognition problems; (b) ground learning in intuitive theories of physics and psychology, to support and enrich the knowledge that is learned; and (c) harness compositionality and learning-to-learn to rapidly acquire and generalize knowledge to new tasks and situations. We suggest concrete challenges and promising routes towards these goals that can combine the strengths of recent neural network advances with more structured cognitive models.
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In the brain, information is encoded, transmitted and used to inform behaviour at the level of timing of action potentials distributed over population of neurons. To implement neural-like systems in silico, to emulate neural function, and to interface successfully with the brain, neuromorphic circuits need to encode information in a way compatible to that used by populations of neuron in the brain. To facilitate the cross-talk between neuromorphic engineering and neuroscience, in this Review we first critically examine and summarize emerging recent findings about how population of neurons encode and transmit information. We examine the effects on encoding and readout of information for different features of neural population activity, namely the sparseness of neural representations, the heterogeneity of neural properties, the correlations among neurons, and the time scales (from short to long) at which neurons encode information and maintain it consistently over time. Finally, we critically elaborate on how these facts constrain the design of information coding in neuromorphic circuits. We focus primarily on the implications for designing neuromorphic circuits that communicate with the brain, as in this case it is essential that artificial and biological neurons use compatible neural codes. However, we also discuss implications for the design of neuromorphic systems for implementation or emulation of neural computation.
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预测性编码提供了对皮质功能的潜在统一说明 - 假设大脑的核心功能是最小化有关世界生成模型的预测错误。该理论与贝叶斯大脑框架密切相关,在过去的二十年中,在理论和认知神经科学领域都产生了重大影响。基于经验测试的预测编码的改进和扩展的理论和数学模型,以及评估其在大脑中实施的潜在生物学合理性以及该理论所做的具体神经生理学和心理学预测。尽管存在这种持久的知名度,但仍未对预测编码理论,尤其是该领域的最新发展进行全面回顾。在这里,我们提供了核心数学结构和预测编码的逻辑的全面综述,从而补充了文献中最新的教程。我们还回顾了该框架中的各种经典和最新工作,从可以实施预测性编码的神经生物学现实的微电路到预测性编码和广泛使用的错误算法的重新传播之间的紧密关系,以及对近距离的调查。预测性编码和现代机器学习技术之间的关系。
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Understanding how biological neural networks carry out learning using spike-based local plasticity mechanisms can lead to the development of powerful, energy-efficient, and adaptive neuromorphic processing systems. A large number of spike-based learning models have recently been proposed following different approaches. However, it is difficult to assess if and how they could be mapped onto neuromorphic hardware, and to compare their features and ease of implementation. To this end, in this survey, we provide a comprehensive overview of representative brain-inspired synaptic plasticity models and mixed-signal CMOS neuromorphic circuits within a unified framework. We review historical, bottom-up, and top-down approaches to modeling synaptic plasticity, and we identify computational primitives that can support low-latency and low-power hardware implementations of spike-based learning rules. We provide a common definition of a locality principle based on pre- and post-synaptic neuron information, which we propose as a fundamental requirement for physical implementations of synaptic plasticity. Based on this principle, we compare the properties of these models within the same framework, and describe the mixed-signal electronic circuits that implement their computing primitives, pointing out how these building blocks enable efficient on-chip and online learning in neuromorphic processing systems.
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我们将存储系统视为任何技术认知系统的关键组成部分,这些系统可以在弥合用于推理,计划和语义场景的高级符号离散表示之间弥合差距,以了解用于控制,用于控制。在这项工作中,我们描述了概念和技术特征,其中的内存系统必须与基础数据表示一起实现。我们根据我们在开发ARMAR类人体机器人系统中获得的经验来确定这些特征,并讨论实践示例,这些例子证明了在以人为中心的环境中执行任务的类人生物机器人的记忆系统应支持,例如多模式,内态性,异性恋,Hetero关联性,可预测性或固有的发作结构。基于这些特征,我们将机器人软件框架ARMARX扩展到了统一的认知架构,该架构用于Armar Humanoid Robot家族的机器人。此外,我们描述了机器人软件的开发如何导致我们采用这种新颖的启用内存的认知体系结构,并展示了机器人如何使用内存来实现内存驱动的行为。
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Neural-symbolic computing (NeSy), which pursues the integration of the symbolic and statistical paradigms of cognition, has been an active research area of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for many years. As NeSy shows promise of reconciling the advantages of reasoning and interpretability of symbolic representation and robust learning in neural networks, it may serve as a catalyst for the next generation of AI. In the present paper, we provide a systematic overview of the important and recent developments of research on NeSy AI. Firstly, we introduce study history of this area, covering early work and foundations. We further discuss background concepts and identify key driving factors behind the development of NeSy. Afterward, we categorize recent landmark approaches along several main characteristics that underline this research paradigm, including neural-symbolic integration, knowledge representation, knowledge embedding, and functionality. Then, we briefly discuss the successful application of modern NeSy approaches in several domains. Finally, we identify the open problems together with potential future research directions. This survey is expected to help new researchers enter this rapidly-developing field and accelerate progress towards data-and knowledge-driven AI.
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Artificial life is a research field studying what processes and properties define life, based on a multidisciplinary approach spanning the physical, natural and computational sciences. Artificial life aims to foster a comprehensive study of life beyond "life as we know it" and towards "life as it could be", with theoretical, synthetic and empirical models of the fundamental properties of living systems. While still a relatively young field, artificial life has flourished as an environment for researchers with different backgrounds, welcoming ideas and contributions from a wide range of subjects. Hybrid Life is an attempt to bring attention to some of the most recent developments within the artificial life community, rooted in more traditional artificial life studies but looking at new challenges emerging from interactions with other fields. In particular, Hybrid Life focuses on three complementary themes: 1) theories of systems and agents, 2) hybrid augmentation, with augmented architectures combining living and artificial systems, and 3) hybrid interactions among artificial and biological systems. After discussing some of the major sources of inspiration for these themes, we will focus on an overview of the works that appeared in Hybrid Life special sessions, hosted by the annual Artificial Life Conference between 2018 and 2022.
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