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Many theories, based on neuroscientific and psychological empirical evidence and on computational concepts, have been elaborated to explain the emergence of consciousness in the central nervous system. These theories propose key fundamental mechanisms to explain consciousness, but they only partially connect such mechanisms to the possible functional and adaptive role of consciousness. Recently, some cognitive and neuroscientific models try to solve this gap by linking consciousness to various aspects of goal-directed behaviour, the pivotal cognitive process that allows mammals to flexibly act in challenging environments. Here we propose the Representation Internal-Manipulation (RIM) theory of consciousness, a theory that links the main elements of consciousness theories to components and functions of goal-directed behaviour, ascribing a central role for consciousness to the goal-directed manipulation of internal representations. This manipulation relies on four specific computational operations to perform the flexible internal adaptation of all key elements of goal-directed computation, from the representations of objects to those of goals, actions, and plans. Finally, we propose the concept of `manipulation agency' relating the sense of agency to the internal manipulation of representations. This allows us to propose that the subjective experience of consciousness is associated to the human capacity to generate and control a simulated internal reality that is vividly perceived and felt through the same perceptual and emotional mechanisms used to tackle the external world.
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Recent progress in artificial intelligence (AI) has renewed interest in building systems that learn and think like people. Many advances have come from using deep neural networks trained end-to-end in tasks such as object recognition, video games, and board games, achieving performance that equals or even beats humans in some respects. Despite their biological inspiration and performance achievements, these systems differ from human intelligence in crucial ways. We review progress in cognitive science suggesting that truly human-like learning and thinking machines will have to reach beyond current engineering trends in both what they learn, and how they learn it. Specifically, we argue that these machines should (a) build causal models of the world that support explanation and understanding, rather than merely solving pattern recognition problems; (b) ground learning in intuitive theories of physics and psychology, to support and enrich the knowledge that is learned; and (c) harness compositionality and learning-to-learn to rapidly acquire and generalize knowledge to new tasks and situations. We suggest concrete challenges and promising routes towards these goals that can combine the strengths of recent neural network advances with more structured cognitive models.
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Curiosity for machine agents has been a focus of lively research activity. The study of human and animal curiosity, particularly specific curiosity, has unearthed several properties that would offer important benefits for machine learners, but that have not yet been well-explored in machine intelligence. In this work, we conduct a comprehensive, multidisciplinary survey of the field of animal and machine curiosity. As a principal contribution of this work, we use this survey as a foundation to introduce and define what we consider to be five of the most important properties of specific curiosity: 1) directedness towards inostensible referents, 2) cessation when satisfied, 3) voluntary exposure, 4) transience, and 5) coherent long-term learning. As a second main contribution of this work, we show how these properties may be implemented together in a proof-of-concept reinforcement learning agent: we demonstrate how the properties manifest in the behaviour of this agent in a simple non-episodic grid-world environment that includes curiosity-inducing locations and induced targets of curiosity. As we would hope, our example of a computational specific curiosity agent exhibits short-term directed behaviour while updating long-term preferences to adaptively seek out curiosity-inducing situations. This work, therefore, presents a landmark synthesis and translation of specific curiosity to the domain of machine learning and reinforcement learning and provides a novel view into how specific curiosity operates and in the future might be integrated into the behaviour of goal-seeking, decision-making computational agents in complex environments.
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This chapter sheds light on the synaptic organization of the brain from the perspective of computational neuroscience. It provides an introductory overview on how to account for empirical data in mathematical models, implement them in software, and perform simulations reflecting experiments. This path is demonstrated with respect to four key aspects of synaptic signaling: the connectivity of brain networks, synaptic transmission, synaptic plasticity, and the heterogeneity across synapses. Each step and aspect of the modeling and simulation workflow comes with its own challenges and pitfalls, which are highlighted and addressed in detail.
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There has been a recent resurgence in the area of explainable artificial intelligence as researchers and practitioners seek to make their algorithms more understandable. Much of this research is focused on explicitly explaining decisions or actions to a human observer, and it should not be controversial to say that looking at how humans explain to each other can serve as a useful starting point for explanation in artificial intelligence. However, it is fair to say that most work in explainable artificial intelligence uses only the researchers' intuition of what constitutes a 'good' explanation. There exists vast and valuable bodies of research in philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science of how people define, generate, select, evaluate, and present explanations, which argues that people employ certain cognitive biases and social expectations towards the explanation process. This paper argues that the field of explainable artificial intelligence should build on this existing research, and reviews relevant papers from philosophy, cognitive psychology/science, and social psychology, which study these topics. It draws out some important findings, and discusses ways that these can be infused with work on explainable artificial intelligence.
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我们将存储系统视为任何技术认知系统的关键组成部分,这些系统可以在弥合用于推理,计划和语义场景的高级符号离散表示之间弥合差距,以了解用于控制,用于控制。在这项工作中,我们描述了概念和技术特征,其中的内存系统必须与基础数据表示一起实现。我们根据我们在开发ARMAR类人体机器人系统中获得的经验来确定这些特征,并讨论实践示例,这些例子证明了在以人为中心的环境中执行任务的类人生物机器人的记忆系统应支持,例如多模式,内态性,异性恋,Hetero关联性,可预测性或固有的发作结构。基于这些特征,我们将机器人软件框架ARMARX扩展到了统一的认知架构,该架构用于Armar Humanoid Robot家族的机器人。此外,我们描述了机器人软件的开发如何导致我们采用这种新颖的启用内存的认知体系结构,并展示了机器人如何使用内存来实现内存驱动的行为。
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Humans and animals have the ability to continually acquire, fine-tune, and transfer knowledge and skills throughout their lifespan. This ability, referred to as lifelong learning, is mediated by a rich set of neurocognitive mechanisms that together contribute to the development and specialization of our sensorimotor skills as well as to long-term memory consolidation and retrieval. Consequently, lifelong learning capabilities are crucial for computational systems and autonomous agents interacting in the real world and processing continuous streams of information. However, lifelong learning remains a long-standing challenge for machine learning and neural network models since the continual acquisition of incrementally available information from non-stationary data distributions generally leads to catastrophic forgetting or interference. This limitation represents a major drawback for state-of-the-art deep neural network models that typically learn representations from stationary batches of training data, thus without accounting for situations in which information becomes incrementally available over time. In this review, we critically summarize the main challenges linked to lifelong learning for artificial learning systems and compare existing neural network approaches that alleviate, to different extents, catastrophic forgetting. Although significant advances have been made in domain-specific learning with neural networks, extensive research efforts are required for the development of robust lifelong learning on autonomous agents and robots. We discuss well-established and emerging research motivated by lifelong learning factors in biological systems such as structural plasticity, memory replay, curriculum and transfer learning, intrinsic motivation, and multisensory integration.
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为了保持信息迹象并长大,婴儿大脑必须解决旧信息所在的问题以及如何索引新的问题。我们提出未成熟的前额定皮层(PFC)使用其在时间信号中检测分层模式的主要功能作为第二目的,以组织发展大脑本身中的皮质网络的空间排序。我们的假设是PFC以序数图案的形式检测时间序列中的分层结构,并在大脑的不同部分中使用它们来索引信息。从此,我们建议检测模式的这种机制参与大脑本身的序数组织发展;即,The Connectome的启动。通过这样做,它为语言准备好的大脑提供了用于操纵抽象知识和规划时间有序信息的工具;即,象征性思维和语言的出现。我们将审查可以支持此类机制并提出新的神经模型。我们将面对我们的思想,从发育,行为和大脑结果中的证据,例如,在镜子神经元系统的建造上进行一些假设,体现了认知,以及学习的能力。
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一旦哲学家和神学家的典范,就可以通过许多条纹的科学家积极追求,了解意识。我们从理论计算机科学(TCS)的角度来看意识,是有关的数学分支,了解了解计算和复杂性的潜在原则,包括资源限制的影响和令人惊讶的后果。本着Alan Turing的简单且强大的计算机的精神,图灵机(TM)和计算复杂性理论的看法,我们正规化了由认知神经科学家BAARS的全球工作空间理论(GWT)的修改版本中的修改版本由他进一步开发,斯坦尼斯拉斯德耶,杰恩 - 皮埃尔长款和其他人。我们不是在寻找大脑的复杂模型,也没有认知,而是一种简单的计算模型(承认复杂的概念)意识。我们通过定义有意识的图灵机(CTM)来这样做,也称为有意识的AI,然后我们在CTM中定义了意识和相关概念。虽然这些只是数学(TCS)定义,但我们建议为什么CTM具有意识的感觉。 TCS透视提供了一个简单的正式框架,可以采用计算复杂性理论和机器学习的工具,以帮助我们了解意识和相关概念。以前我们对CTM的痛苦和乐趣的感觉探讨了高水平的解释。在这里,我们考虑有三个与视力有关的例子(盲景,孤片失明,改变失明),然后讨论梦想,自由意志和改变意识状态。
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