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A key requirement for leveraging supervised deep learning methods is the availability of large, labeled datasets. Unfortunately, in the context of RGB-D scene understanding, very little data is available -current datasets cover a small range of scene views and have limited semantic annotations. To address this issue, we introduce ScanNet, an RGB-D video dataset containing 2.5M views in 1513 scenes annotated with 3D camera poses, surface reconstructions, and semantic segmentations. To collect this data, we designed an easy-to-use and scalable RGB-D capture system that includes automated surface reconstruction and crowdsourced semantic annotation. We show that using this data helps achieve state-of-the-art performance on several 3D scene understanding tasks, including 3D object classification, semantic voxel labeling, and CAD model retrieval.
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Deep learning techniques for point cloud data have demonstrated great potentials in solving classical problems in 3D computer vision such as 3D object classification and segmentation. Several recent 3D object classification methods have reported state-of-the-art performance on CAD model datasets such as ModelNet40 with high accuracy (∼92%). Despite such impressive results, in this paper, we argue that object classification is still a challenging task when objects are framed with real-world settings. To prove this, we introduce ScanObjectNN, a new real-world point cloud object dataset based on scanned indoor scene data. From our comprehensive benchmark, we show that our dataset poses great challenges to existing point cloud classification techniques as objects from real-world scans are often cluttered with background and/or are partial due to occlusions. We identify three key open problems for point cloud object classification, and propose new point cloud classification neural networks that achieve state-of-the-art performance on classifying objects with cluttered background. Our dataset and code are publicly available in our project page 1 .
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Segmenting humans in 3D indoor scenes has become increasingly important with the rise of human-centered robotics and AR/VR applications. In this direction, we explore the tasks of 3D human semantic-, instance- and multi-human body-part segmentation. Few works have attempted to directly segment humans in point clouds (or depth maps), which is largely due to the lack of training data on humans interacting with 3D scenes. We address this challenge and propose a framework for synthesizing virtual humans in realistic 3D scenes. Synthetic point cloud data is attractive since the domain gap between real and synthetic depth is small compared to images. Our analysis of different training schemes using a combination of synthetic and realistic data shows that synthetic data for pre-training improves performance in a wide variety of segmentation tasks and models. We further propose the first end-to-end model for 3D multi-human body-part segmentation, called Human3D, that performs all the above segmentation tasks in a unified manner. Remarkably, Human3D even outperforms previous task-specific state-of-the-art methods. Finally, we manually annotate humans in test scenes from EgoBody to compare the proposed training schemes and segmentation models.
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Access to large, diverse RGB-D datasets is critical for training RGB-D scene understanding algorithms. However, existing datasets still cover only a limited number of views or a restricted scale of spaces. In this paper, we introduce Matterport3D, a large-scale RGB-D dataset containing 10,800 panoramic views from 194,400 RGB-D images of 90 building-scale scenes. Annotations are provided with surface reconstructions, camera poses, and 2D and 3D semantic segmentations. The precise global alignment and comprehensive, diverse panoramic set of views over entire buildings enable a variety of supervised and self-supervised computer vision tasks, including keypoint matching, view overlap prediction, normal prediction from color, semantic segmentation, and region classification.
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深度学习方法在3D语义细分中取得了显着的成功。但是,收集密集注释的现实世界3D数据集非常耗时且昂贵。关于合成数据和对现实世界情景的培训模型成为一种吸引人的选择,但不幸的是,臭名昭著的领域变化。在这项工作中,我们提出了一个面向数据的域适应性(DODA)框架,以减轻由不同的感应机制和跨域的布局放置引起的模式和上下文差距。我们的DODA涵盖了虚拟扫描模拟,以模仿现实世界中的点云图案和尾声的长方体混合,以减轻基于Cuboid的中间域的内部环境差距。 3D室内语义分割上的第一个无监督的SIM到运行适应基准也构建在3D-Front,Scannet和S3DIS上,以及7种流行的无监督域适应(UDA)方法。我们的DODA在3D -Front-> scannet和3d -Front-> S3DIS上都超过了13%的UDA方法。代码可从https://github.com/cvmi-lab/doda获得。
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在鸟眼中学习强大的表现(BEV),以进行感知任务,这是趋势和吸引行业和学术界的广泛关注。大多数自动驾驶算法的常规方法在正面或透视视图中执行检测,细分,跟踪等。随着传感器配置变得越来越复杂,从不同的传感器中集成了多源信息,并在统一视图中代表功能至关重要。 BEV感知继承了几个优势,因为代表BEV中的周围场景是直观和融合友好的。对于BEV中的代表对象,对于随后的模块,如计划和/或控制是最可取的。 BEV感知的核心问题在于(a)如何通过从透视视图到BEV来通过视图转换来重建丢失的3D信息; (b)如何在BEV网格中获取地面真理注释; (c)如何制定管道以合并来自不同来源和视图的特征; (d)如何适应和概括算法作为传感器配置在不同情况下各不相同。在这项调查中,我们回顾了有关BEV感知的最新工作,并对不同解决方案进行了深入的分析。此外,还描述了该行业的BEV方法的几种系统设计。此外,我们推出了一套完整的实用指南,以提高BEV感知任务的性能,包括相机,激光雷达和融合输入。最后,我们指出了该领域的未来研究指示。我们希望该报告能阐明社区,并鼓励对BEV感知的更多研究。我们保留一个活跃的存储库来收集最新的工作,并在https://github.com/openperceptionx/bevperception-survey-recipe上提供一包技巧的工具箱。
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This paper focuses on semantic scene completion, a task for producing a complete 3D voxel representation of volumetric occupancy and semantic labels for a scene from a single-view depth map observation. Previous work has considered scene completion and semantic labeling of depth maps separately. However, we observe that these two problems are tightly intertwined. To leverage the coupled nature of these two tasks, we introduce the semantic scene completion network (SSCNet), an end-to-end 3D convolutional network that takes a single depth image as input and simultaneously outputs occupancy and semantic labels for all voxels in the camera view frustum. Our network uses a dilation-based 3D context module to efficiently expand the receptive field and enable 3D context learning. To train our network, we construct SUNCG -a manually created largescale dataset of synthetic 3D scenes with dense volumetric annotations. Our experiments demonstrate that the joint model outperforms methods addressing each task in isolation and outperforms alternative approaches on the semantic scene completion task. The dataset, code and pretrained model will be available online upon acceptance.
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Panoptic现场了解和跟踪动态代理对于机器人和自动化车辆至关重要,以在城市环境中导航。由于LiDAR提供了方案的精确照明和几何描绘,使用LIDAR点云执行这些任务提供可靠的预测。然而,现有数据集缺乏城市场景类型的多样性,并且具有有限数量的动态对象实例,其阻碍了这些任务的学习以及开发方法的可信基准。在本文中,我们介绍了大规模的Panoptic Nuscenes基准数据集,它扩展了我们流行的NUSCENES DataSet,具有用于语义分割,Panoptic分段和Panoptic跟踪任务的Pock-Wise Trountruth annotations。为了便于比较,我们为我们提出的数据集提供了几个任务的强大基线。此外,我们分析了Panoptic跟踪的现有度量标准的缺点,并提出了一种解决问题的小说实例的Pat度量。我们提供详尽的实验,展示了Panoptic Nuscenes与现有数据集相比的效用,并在Nuscenes.org提供的在线评估服务器。我们认为,此扩展将加快新颖的现场了解动态城市环境的新方法研究。
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Estimating the 6D pose of objects is one of the major fields in 3D computer vision. Since the promising outcomes from instance-level pose estimation, the research trends are heading towards category-level pose estimation for more practical application scenarios. However, unlike well-established instance-level pose datasets, available category-level datasets lack annotation quality and provided pose quantity. We propose the new category level 6D pose dataset HouseCat6D featuring 1) Multi-modality of Polarimetric RGB+P and Depth, 2) Highly diverse 194 objects of 10 household object categories including 2 photometrically challenging categories, 3) High-quality pose annotation with an error range of only 1.35 mm to 1.74 mm, 4) 41 large scale scenes with extensive viewpoint coverage, 5) Checkerboard-free environment throughout the entire scene. We also provide benchmark results of state-of-the-art category-level pose estimation networks.
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隐式3D表示的最新进展,即神经辐射场(NERFS),以可区分的方式使准确且具有逼真的3D重建成为可能。这种新的表示可以有效地以一种紧凑的格式传达数百个高分辨率图像的信息,并允许对新观点的逼真综合。在这项工作中,使用NERF的变体称为全体氧,我们为感知任务创建了第一个大规模隐式表示数据集,称为Fustection,该数据集由两个部分组成,这些部分既包含以对象为中心和场景为中心的扫描,用于分类和分段, 。它显示了原始数据集的显着内存压缩率(96.4 \%),同时以统一形式包含2D和3D信息。我们构建了直接作为输入这种隐式格式的分类和分割模型,并提出了一种新颖的增强技术,以避免在图像的背景上过度拟合。代码和数据可在https://postech-cvlab.github.io/perfception中公开获得。
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Arguably one of the top success stories of deep learning is transfer learning. The finding that pre-training a network on a rich source set (e.g., ImageNet) can help boost performance once fine-tuned on a usually much smaller target set, has been instrumental to many applications in language and vision. Yet, very little is known about its usefulness in 3D point cloud understanding. We see this as an opportunity considering the effort required for annotating data in 3D. In this work, we aim at facilitating research on 3D representation learning. Different from previous works, we focus on high-level scene understanding tasks. To this end, we select a suite of diverse datasets and tasks to measure the effect of unsupervised pre-training on a large source set of 3D scenes. Our findings are extremely encouraging: using a unified triplet of architecture, source dataset, and contrastive loss for pre-training, we achieve improvement over recent best results in segmentation and detection across 6 different benchmarks for indoor and outdoor, real and synthetic datasets -demonstrating that the learned representation can generalize across domains. Furthermore, the improvement was similar to supervised pre-training, suggesting that future efforts should favor scaling data collection over more detailed annotation. We hope these findings will encourage more research on unsupervised pretext task design for 3D deep learning. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/facebookresearch/PointContrast
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大量数据集和高容量模型推动了计算机视觉和自然语言理解方面的许多最新进步。这项工作提出了一个平台,可以在体现的AI中实现类似的成功案例。我们提出了Procthor,这是一个程序生成体现的AI环境的框架。 Procthor使我们能够采样多种,交互式,可自定义和性能的虚拟环境的任意大型数据集,以训练和评估在导航,互动和操纵任务中的体现代理。我们通过10,000个生成的房屋和简单的神经模型的样本来证明procthor的能力和潜力。仅在Procthor上仅使用RGB图像训练的模型,没有明确的映射,并且没有人类任务监督在6个体现的AI基准中产生最先进的结果,用于导航,重排和手臂操纵,包括目前正在运行的Habitat 2022,AI2-- Thor重新安排2022,以及机器人挑战。我们还通过对procthor进行预训练,在下游基准测试上没有进行微调,通常会击败以前的最先进的系统,从而访问下游训练数据。
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Paris-Carla-3d是由移动激光器和相机系统构建的几个浓彩色点云的数据集。数据由两组具有来自开源Carla模拟器(700百万分)的合成数据和在巴黎市中获取的真实数据(6000万分),因此Paris-Carla-3d的名称。此数据集的一个优点是在开源Carla模拟器中模拟了相同的LIDAR和相机平台,因为用于生产真实数据的开源Carla Simulator。此外,使用Carla的语义标记的手动注释在真实数据上执行,允许将转移方法从合成到实际数据进行测试。该数据集的目的是提供一个具有挑战性的数据集,以评估和改进户外环境3D映射的困难视觉任务的方法:语义分段,实例分段和场景完成。对于每项任务,我们描述了评估协议以及建立基线的实验。
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随着数据驱动技术的快速发展,数据在各种计算机视觉任务中起着至关重要的作用。已经提出了许多现实和合成数据集来解决不同的问题。但是,有很多尚未解决的挑战:(1)数据集的创建通常是一个带有手动注释的繁琐过程,(2)大多数数据集仅设计用于单个特定任务,(3)3D场景的修改或随机化很难,(4)商业3D数据的发布可能会遇到版权问题。本文介绍了Minervas,这是一种庞大的内部环境虚拟合成系统,以促进3D场景修改和各种视觉任务的2D图像合成。特别是,我们设计了一个具有特定域语言的可编程管道,允许用户(1)从商业室内场景数据库中选择场景,(2)通过自定义规则合成不同任务的场景,以及(3)渲染各种图像数据,例如视觉色,几何结构,语义标签。我们的系统可以轻松为不同任务定制大量场景的困难,并通过使用多级别采样器提供可控制用户控制的随机性来缓解用户操纵精细的场景配置。最重要的是,它使用户能够访问具有数百万个室内场景的商业场景数据库,并保护核心数据资产的版权,例如3D CAD模型。我们通过使用合成数据来改善各种计算机视觉任务的性能来证明系统的有效性和灵活性。
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我们呈现Mix3D,一种用于分割大规模3D场景的数据增强技术。由于场景上下文有助于推理对象语义,因此当前的工作侧重于具有大容量和接收字段的模型,可以完全捕获输入3D场景的全局上下文。然而,强烈的背景前瞻可能会有不利的影响,就像错过了一个穿过街道的行人。在这项工作中,我们专注于平衡全球场景和局部几何形状的重要性,以概括在培训集中的上下文前方之外的目标。特别是,我们提出了一种“混合”技术,通过组合两个增强的场景来创造新的训练样本。通过这样做,对象实例被隐式地放入新颖的外观环境中,因此模型更难地依赖场景上下文,而是从本地结构推断出语义。我们进行详细的分析以了解全球背景,局部结构,局部结构和混合场景效果的重要性。在实验中,我们展示了Mix3D培训的模型从室内(Scannet,S3DIS)和室外数据集(Semantickitti)上的显着性能提升。 Mix3D可以逐渐与任何现有方法一起使用,例如,用Mix3D培训,MinkowsWinet在SCANNet测试基准78.1 Miou的显着边际占据了所有现有最先进的方法。代码可用:https://nekrasov.dev/mix3d/
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尽管收集了越来越多的数据集用于培训3D对象检测模型,但在LiDar扫描上注释3D盒仍然需要大量的人类努力。为了自动化注释并促进了各种自定义数据集的生产,我们提出了一个端到端的多模式变压器(MTRANS)自动标签器,该标签既利用LIDAR扫描和图像,以生成来自弱2D边界盒的精确的3D盒子注释。为了减轻阻碍现有自动标签者的普遍稀疏性问题,MTRAN通过基于2D图像信息生成新的3D点来致密稀疏点云。凭借多任务设计,MTRANS段段前景/背景片段,使LIDAR POINT CLUENS云密布,并同时回归3D框。实验结果验证了MTRAN对提高生成标签质量的有效性。通过丰富稀疏点云,我们的方法分别在Kitti中度和硬样品上获得了4.48 \%和4.03 \%更好的3D AP,而不是最先进的自动标签器。也可以扩展Mtrans以提高3D对象检测的准确性,从而在Kitti硬样品上产生了显着的89.45 \%AP。代码位于\ url {https://github.com/cliu2/mtrans}。
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