Word embeddings are extensively used in various NLP problems as a state-of-the-art semantic feature vector representation. Despite their success on various tasks and domains, they might exhibit an undesired bias for stereotypical categories due to statistical and societal biases that exist in the dataset they are trained on. In this study, we analyze the gender bias in four different pre-trained word embeddings specifically for the depression category in the mental disorder domain. We use contextual and non-contextual embeddings that are trained on domain-independent as well as clinical domain-specific data. We observe that embeddings carry bias for depression towards different gender groups depending on the type of embeddings. Moreover, we demonstrate that these undesired correlations are transferred to the downstream task for depression phenotype recognition. We find that data augmentation by simply swapping gender words mitigates the bias significantly in the downstream task.
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临床单词嵌入在各种生物-NLP问题中广泛使用,作为最先进的特征矢量表示。尽管它们在单词的语义表示方面取得了很大的成功,但由于数据集(可能带有统计和社会偏见),他们受到了培训,因此它们可能表现出性别刻板印象。这项研究分析了三种医学类别的临床嵌入性别偏见:精神障碍,性传播疾病和人格特征。在此范围内,我们分析了两种不同的预训练的嵌入,即(上下文化的)临床 - bert和(非上下文)Biowordvec。我们表明,这两种嵌入都偏向敏感的性别群体,但Biowordvec在这三个类别中表现出比临床 - 伯特的偏见更高。此外,我们的分析表明,临床嵌入对于某些医学术语和疾病的高度偏见,这与医学文献相抵触。拥有如此不基调的关系可能会在使用临床嵌入的下游应用中造成伤害。
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Objective. Chemical named entity recognition (NER) models have the potential to impact a wide range of downstream tasks, from identifying adverse drug reactions to general pharmacoepidemiology. However, it is unknown whether these models work the same for everyone. Performance disparities can potentially cause harm rather than the intended good. Hence, in this paper, we measure gender-related performance disparities of chemical NER systems. Materials and Methods. We develop a framework to measure gender bias in chemical NER models using synthetic data and a newly annotated dataset of over 92,405 words with self-identified gender information from Reddit. We applied and evaluated state-of-the-art biomedical NER models. Results. Our findings indicate that chemical NER models are biased. The results of the bias tests on the synthetic dataset and the real-world data multiple fairness issues. For example, for synthetic data, we find that female-related names are generally classified as chemicals, particularly in datasets containing many brand names rather than standard ones. For both datasets, we find consistent fairness issues resulting in substantial performance disparities between female- and male-related data. Discussion. Our study highlights the issue of biases in chemical NER models. For example, we find that many systems cannot detect contraceptives (e.g., birth control). Conclusion. Chemical NER models are biased and can be harmful to female-related groups. Therefore, practitioners should carefully consider the potential biases of these models and take steps to mitigate them.
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我们研究了掩盖语言模型(MLMS)的任务无关内在和特定于任务的外在社会偏见评估措施之间的关系,并发现这两种评估措施之间仅存在弱相关性。此外,我们发现在下游任务进行微调期间,使用不同方法的MLMS DEBIAS进行了重新划分。我们确定两个培训实例中的社会偏见及其分配的标签是内在偏见评估测量值之间差异的原因。总体而言,我们的发现突出了现有的MLM偏见评估措施的局限性,并提出了使用这些措施在下游应用程序中部署MLM的担忧。
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News articles both shape and reflect public opinion across the political spectrum. Analyzing them for social bias can thus provide valuable insights, such as prevailing stereotypes in society and the media, which are often adopted by NLP models trained on respective data. Recent work has relied on word embedding bias measures, such as WEAT. However, several representation issues of embeddings can harm the measures' accuracy, including low-resource settings and token frequency differences. In this work, we study what kind of embedding algorithm serves best to accurately measure types of social bias known to exist in US online news articles. To cover the whole spectrum of political bias in the US, we collect 500k articles and review psychology literature with respect to expected social bias. We then quantify social bias using WEAT along with embedding algorithms that account for the aforementioned issues. We compare how models trained with the algorithms on news articles represent the expected social bias. Our results suggest that the standard way to quantify bias does not align well with knowledge from psychology. While the proposed algorithms reduce the~gap, they still do not fully match the literature.
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语言可以用作再现和执行有害刻板印象和偏差的手段,并被分析在许多研究中。在本文中,我们对自然语言处理中的性别偏见进行了304篇论文。我们分析了社会科学中性别及其类别的定义,并将其连接到NLP研究中性别偏见的正式定义。我们调查了在对性别偏见的研究中应用的Lexica和数据集,然后比较和对比方法来检测和减轻性别偏见。我们发现对性别偏见的研究遭受了四个核心限制。 1)大多数研究将性别视为忽视其流动性和连续性的二元变量。 2)大部分工作都在单机设置中进行英语或其他高资源语言进行。 3)尽管在NLP方法中对性别偏见进行了无数的论文,但我们发现大多数新开发的算法都没有测试他们的偏见模型,并无视他们的工作的伦理考虑。 4)最后,在这一研究线上发展的方法基本缺陷涵盖性别偏差的非常有限的定义,缺乏评估基线和管道。我们建议建议克服这些限制作为未来研究的指导。
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测量,评估和减少性别偏见已经与每隔几个月释放的更新和改进的语言嵌入来源于最前沿。但这种偏见可能从域变为域吗?我们看到很多工作要在各种嵌入式模型中学习这些偏见,但工作已经有限地完成了Debias Oxpan语言。我们的目标是衡量并研究印地语语言的偏差,这是一种高阶语言(性别),参考英语,较低的语言。为此,我们研究域跨域的变化来量化,如果域嵌入式允许我们对这对印度英语模型的性别偏见有所了解。我们将在四个不同的Corpora中生成嵌入式,并通过使用预先训练的艺术指示型翻译模型实现不同的指标,比较结果,这些标准 - 英语翻译模型已经比现有模型更好地执行了更好的NLP任务。
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The blind application of machine learning runs the risk of amplifying biases present in data. Such a danger is facing us with word embedding, a popular framework to represent text data as vectors which has been used in many machine learning and natural language processing tasks. We show that even word embeddings trained on Google News articles exhibit female/male gender stereotypes to a disturbing extent. This raises concerns because their widespread use, as we describe, often tends to amplify these biases. Geometrically, gender bias is first shown to be captured by a direction in the word embedding. Second, gender neutral words are shown to be linearly separable from gender definition words in the word embedding. Using these properties, we provide a methodology for modifying an embedding to remove gender stereotypes, such as the association between between the words receptionist and female, while maintaining desired associations such as between the words queen and female. We define metrics to quantify both direct and indirect gender biases in embeddings, and develop algorithms to "debias" the embedding. Using crowd-worker evaluation as well as standard benchmarks, we empirically demonstrate that our algorithms significantly reduce gender bias in embeddings while preserving the its useful properties such as the ability to cluster related concepts and to solve analogy tasks. The resulting embeddings can be used in applications without amplifying gender bias.
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How do we design measures of social bias that we trust? While prior work has introduced several measures, no measure has gained widespread trust: instead, mounting evidence argues we should distrust these measures. In this work, we design bias measures that warrant trust based on the cross-disciplinary theory of measurement modeling. To combat the frequently fuzzy treatment of social bias in NLP, we explicitly define social bias, grounded in principles drawn from social science research. We operationalize our definition by proposing a general bias measurement framework DivDist, which we use to instantiate 5 concrete bias measures. To validate our measures, we propose a rigorous testing protocol with 8 testing criteria (e.g. predictive validity: do measures predict biases in US employment?). Through our testing, we demonstrate considerable evidence to trust our measures, showing they overcome conceptual, technical, and empirical deficiencies present in prior measures.
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语言语料库中的统计规律将众所周知的社会偏见编码为单词嵌入。在这里,我们专注于性别,以全面分析在互联网语料库中训练的广泛使用的静态英语单词嵌入式(Glove 2014,FastText 2017)。使用单类单词嵌入关联测试,我们证明了性别偏见的广泛流行,这些偏见也显示出:(1)与男性与女性相关的单词频率; (b)与性别相关的单词中的言论部分; (c)与性别相关的单词中的语义类别; (d)性别相关的单词中的价,唤醒和优势。首先,就单词频率而言:我们发现,在词汇量中,有1000个最常见的单词与男性相比,有77%的人与男性相关,这是在英语世界的日常语言中直接证明男性默认的证据。其次,转向言论的部分:顶级男性相关的单词通常是动词(例如,战斗,压倒性),而顶级女性相关的单词通常是形容词和副词(例如,奉献,情感上)。嵌入中的性别偏见也渗透到言论部分。第三,对于语义类别:自下而上,对与每个性别相关的前1000个单词的群集分析。与男性相关的顶级概念包括大技术,工程,宗教,体育和暴力的角色和领域;相比之下,顶级女性相关的概念较少关注角色,包括女性特定的诽谤和性内容以及外观和厨房用语。第四,使用〜20,000个单词词典的人类评级,唤醒和主导地位,我们发现与男性相关的单词在唤醒和优势上较高,而与女性相关的单词在价上更高。
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Word Embeddings从单词共同发生统计信息中捕获的语言规律学习隐式偏差。通过延长定量单词嵌入中的人类偏差的方法,我们介绍了valnorm,一种新的内在评估任务和方法,以量化人类级字体群体的价值维度与社会心理学。从七种语言(中文,英语,德语,波兰语,葡萄牙语,西班牙语和土耳其语)以及跨越200年的历史英语文本,将Valnorm应用于静态词嵌入式Valnorm在量化非歧视性的非社交组字集的价值方面达到了始终如一的高精度。具体而言,Valnorm实现了r = 0.88的Pearson相关性,用于399个单词的人类判断得分,以建立英语的愉快规范。相比之下,我们使用相同的单词嵌入品测量性别刻板印象,并发现社会偏见因语言而异。我们的结果表明,非歧视性,非社会群组词的价协会代表着七种语言和200多年的广泛共享的协会。
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Numerous works use word embedding-based metrics to quantify societal biases and stereotypes in texts. Recent studies have found that word embeddings can capture semantic similarity but may be affected by word frequency. In this work we study the effect of frequency when measuring female vs. male gender bias with word embedding-based bias quantification methods. We find that Skip-gram with negative sampling and GloVe tend to detect male bias in high frequency words, while GloVe tends to return female bias in low frequency words. We show these behaviors still exist when words are randomly shuffled. This proves that the frequency-based effect observed in unshuffled corpora stems from properties of the metric rather than from word associations. The effect is spurious and problematic since bias metrics should depend exclusively on word co-occurrences and not individual word frequencies. Finally, we compare these results with the ones obtained with an alternative metric based on Pointwise Mutual Information. We find that this metric does not show a clear dependence on frequency, even though it is slightly skewed towards male bias across all frequencies.
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我们采用自然语言处理技术来分析“ 200万首歌数据库”语料库中的377808英文歌曲歌词,重点是五十年(1960- 2010年)的性别歧视表达和性别偏见的测量。使用性别歧视分类器,我们比以前的研究使用手动注释的流行歌曲样本来确定性别歧视歌词。此外,我们通过测量在歌曲歌词中学到的单词嵌入中的关联来揭示性别偏见。我们发现性别歧视的内容可以在整个时间内增加,尤其是从男性艺术家和出现在Billboard图表中的流行歌曲。根据表演者的性别,歌曲还包含不同的语言偏见,男性独奏艺术家歌曲包含更多和更强烈的偏见。这是对此类类型的第一个大规模分析,在流行文化的如此有影响力的一部分中,可以深入了解语言使用。
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