Deep neural network (DNN) classifiers are often overconfident, producing miscalibrated class probabilities. Most existing calibration methods either lack theoretical guarantees for producing calibrated outputs or reduce the classification accuracy in the process. This paper proposes a new Kernel-based calibration method called KCal. Unlike other calibration procedures, KCal does not operate directly on the logits or softmax outputs of the DNN. Instead, it uses the penultimate-layer latent embedding to train a metric space in a supervised manner. In effect, KCal amounts to a supervised dimensionality reduction of the neural network embedding, and generates a prediction using kernel density estimation on a holdout calibration set. We first analyze KCal theoretically, showing that it enjoys a provable asymptotic calibration guarantee. Then, through extensive experiments, we confirm that KCal consistently outperforms existing calibration methods in terms of both the classification accuracy and the (confidence and class-wise) calibration error.
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Accurate uncertainty quantification is a major challenge in deep learning, as neural networks can make overconfident errors and assign high confidence predictions to out-of-distribution (OOD) inputs. The most popular approaches to estimate predictive uncertainty in deep learning are methods that combine predictions from multiple neural networks, such as Bayesian neural networks (BNNs) and deep ensembles. However their practicality in real-time, industrial-scale applications are limited due to the high memory and computational cost. Furthermore, ensembles and BNNs do not necessarily fix all the issues with the underlying member networks. In this work, we study principled approaches to improve uncertainty property of a single network, based on a single, deterministic representation. By formalizing the uncertainty quantification as a minimax learning problem, we first identify distance awareness, i.e., the model's ability to quantify the distance of a testing example from the training data, as a necessary condition for a DNN to achieve high-quality (i.e., minimax optimal) uncertainty estimation. We then propose Spectral-normalized Neural Gaussian Process (SNGP), a simple method that improves the distance-awareness ability of modern DNNs with two simple changes: (1) applying spectral normalization to hidden weights to enforce bi-Lipschitz smoothness in representations and (2) replacing the last output layer with a Gaussian process layer. On a suite of vision and language understanding benchmarks, SNGP outperforms other single-model approaches in prediction, calibration and out-of-domain detection. Furthermore, SNGP provides complementary benefits to popular techniques such as deep ensembles and data augmentation, making it a simple and scalable building block for probabilistic deep learning. Code is open-sourced at
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Confidence calibration -the problem of predicting probability estimates representative of the true correctness likelihood -is important for classification models in many applications. We discover that modern neural networks, unlike those from a decade ago, are poorly calibrated. Through extensive experiments, we observe that depth, width, weight decay, and Batch Normalization are important factors influencing calibration. We evaluate the performance of various post-processing calibration methods on state-ofthe-art architectures with image and document classification datasets. Our analysis and experiments not only offer insights into neural network learning, but also provide a simple and straightforward recipe for practical settings: on most datasets, temperature scaling -a singleparameter variant of Platt Scaling -is surprisingly effective at calibrating predictions.
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如果预测类的概率(顶级标签)是校准的,则在顶部标签上进行条件,则据说多类分类器将是顶级标签的校准。在密切相关和流行的置信度校准概念中,这种条件不存在,我们认为这使得置信校准难以解释决策。我们提出顶级标签校准作为置信校准的纠正。此外,我们概述了一个多类对二进制(M2B)还原框架,该框架统一了信心,顶级标签和班级校准等。顾名思义,M2B通过将多类校准减少到众多二元校准问题来起作用,每个二进制校准问题都可以使用简单的二进制校准例程来解决。我们将M2B框架实例化使用经过良好研究的直方图(HB)二进制校准器,并证明整体过程是多类校准的,而无需对基础数据分布进行任何假设。在CIFAR-10和CIFAR-100上具有四个深净体系结构的经验评估中,我们发现M2B + HB程序比其他方法(例如温度缩放)获得了较低的顶级标签和类别校准误差。这项工作的代码可在\ url {}中获得。
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We propose SWA-Gaussian (SWAG), a simple, scalable, and general purpose approach for uncertainty representation and calibration in deep learning. Stochastic Weight Averaging (SWA), which computes the first moment of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) iterates with a modified learning rate schedule, has recently been shown to improve generalization in deep learning. With SWAG, we fit a Gaussian using the SWA solution as the first moment and a low rank plus diagonal covariance also derived from the SGD iterates, forming an approximate posterior distribution over neural network weights; we then sample from this Gaussian distribution to perform Bayesian model averaging. We empirically find that SWAG approximates the shape of the true posterior, in accordance with results describing the stationary distribution of SGD iterates. Moreover, we demonstrate that SWAG performs well on a wide variety of tasks, including out of sample detection, calibration, and transfer learning, in comparison to many popular alternatives including MC dropout, KFAC Laplace, SGLD, and temperature scaling.
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Model calibration, which is concerned with how frequently the model predicts correctly, not only plays a vital part in statistical model design, but also has substantial practical applications, such as optimal decision-making in the real world. However, it has been discovered that modern deep neural networks are generally poorly calibrated due to the overestimation (or underestimation) of predictive confidence, which is closely related to overfitting. In this paper, we propose Annealing Double-Head, a simple-to-implement but highly effective architecture for calibrating the DNN during training. To be precise, we construct an additional calibration head-a shallow neural network that typically has one latent layer-on top of the last latent layer in the normal model to map the logits to the aligned confidence. Furthermore, a simple Annealing technique that dynamically scales the logits by calibration head in training procedure is developed to improve its performance. Under both the in-distribution and distributional shift circumstances, we exhaustively evaluate our Annealing Double-Head architecture on multiple pairs of contemporary DNN architectures and vision and speech datasets. We demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art model calibration performance without post-processing while simultaneously providing comparable predictive accuracy in comparison to other recently proposed calibration methods on a range of learning tasks.
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最佳决策要求分类器产生与其经验准确性一致的不确定性估计。然而,深度神经网络通常在他们的预测中受到影响或过度自信。因此,已经开发了方法,以改善培训和后HOC期间的预测性不确定性的校准。在这项工作中,我们提出了可分解的损失,以改善基于频流校准误差估计底层的钻孔操作的软(连续)版本的校准。当纳入训练时,这些软校准损耗在多个数据集中实现最先进的单一模型ECE,精度低于1%的数量。例如,我们观察到ECE的82%(相对于HOC后射出ECE 70%),以换取相对于CIFAR-100上的交叉熵基线的准确性0.7%的相对降低。在培训后结合时,基于软合成的校准误差目标会改善温度缩放,一种流行的重新校准方法。总体而言,跨损失和数据集的实验表明,使用校准敏感程序在数据集移位下产生更好的不确定性估计,而不是使用跨熵损失和后HOC重新校准方法的标准做法。
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The ability to quickly and accurately identify covariate shift at test time is a critical and often overlooked component of safe machine learning systems deployed in high-risk domains. While methods exist for detecting when predictions should not be made on out-of-distribution test examples, identifying distributional level differences between training and test time can help determine when a model should be removed from the deployment setting and retrained. In this work, we define harmful covariate shift (HCS) as a change in distribution that may weaken the generalization of a predictive model. To detect HCS, we use the discordance between an ensemble of classifiers trained to agree on training data and disagree on test data. We derive a loss function for training this ensemble and show that the disagreement rate and entropy represent powerful discriminative statistics for HCS. Empirically, we demonstrate the ability of our method to detect harmful covariate shift with statistical certainty on a variety of high-dimensional datasets. Across numerous domains and modalities, we show state-of-the-art performance compared to existing methods, particularly when the number of observed test samples is small.
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适应数据分布的结构(例如对称性和转型Imarerces)是机器学习中的重要挑战。通过架构设计或通过增强数据集,可以内在学习过程中内置Inhormces。两者都需要先验的了解对称性的确切性质。缺乏这种知识,从业者求助于昂贵且耗时的调整。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一种新的方法来学习增强变换的分布,以新的\ emph {转换风险最小化}(trm)框架。除了预测模型之外,我们还优化了从假说空间中选择的转换。作为算法框架,我们的TRM方法是(1)有效(共同学习增强和模型,以\ emph {单训练环}),(2)模块化(使用\ emph {任何训练算法),以及(3)一般(处理\ \ ich {离散和连续}增强)。理论上与标准风险最小化的TRM比较,并在其泛化误差上给出PAC-Bayes上限。我们建议通过块组成的新参数化优化富裕的增强空间,导致新的\ EMPH {随机成分增强学习}(SCALE)算法。我们在CIFAR10 / 100,SVHN上使用先前的方法(快速自身自动化和武术器)进行实际比较规模。此外,我们表明规模可以在数据分布中正确地学习某些对称性(恢复旋转Mnist上的旋转),并且还可以改善学习模型的校准。
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Deep neural networks (DNN) are prone to miscalibrated predictions, often exhibiting a mismatch between the predicted output and the associated confidence scores. Contemporary model calibration techniques mitigate the problem of overconfident predictions by pushing down the confidence of the winning class while increasing the confidence of the remaining classes across all test samples. However, from a deployment perspective, an ideal model is desired to (i) generate well-calibrated predictions for high-confidence samples with predicted probability say >0.95, and (ii) generate a higher proportion of legitimate high-confidence samples. To this end, we propose a novel regularization technique that can be used with classification losses, leading to state-of-the-art calibrated predictions at test time; From a deployment standpoint in safety-critical applications, only high-confidence samples from a well-calibrated model are of interest, as the remaining samples have to undergo manual inspection. Predictive confidence reduction of these potentially ``high-confidence samples'' is a downside of existing calibration approaches. We mitigate this by proposing a dynamic train-time data pruning strategy that prunes low-confidence samples every few epochs, providing an increase in "confident yet calibrated samples". We demonstrate state-of-the-art calibration performance across image classification benchmarks, reducing training time without much compromise in accuracy. We provide insights into why our dynamic pruning strategy that prunes low-confidence training samples leads to an increase in high-confidence samples at test time.
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