Confidence calibration -the problem of predicting probability estimates representative of the true correctness likelihood -is important for classification models in many applications. We discover that modern neural networks, unlike those from a decade ago, are poorly calibrated. Through extensive experiments, we observe that depth, width, weight decay, and Batch Normalization are important factors influencing calibration. We evaluate the performance of various post-processing calibration methods on state-ofthe-art architectures with image and document classification datasets. Our analysis and experiments not only offer insights into neural network learning, but also provide a simple and straightforward recipe for practical settings: on most datasets, temperature scaling -a singleparameter variant of Platt Scaling -is surprisingly effective at calibrating predictions.
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Model calibration, which is concerned with how frequently the model predicts correctly, not only plays a vital part in statistical model design, but also has substantial practical applications, such as optimal decision-making in the real world. However, it has been discovered that modern deep neural networks are generally poorly calibrated due to the overestimation (or underestimation) of predictive confidence, which is closely related to overfitting. In this paper, we propose Annealing Double-Head, a simple-to-implement but highly effective architecture for calibrating the DNN during training. To be precise, we construct an additional calibration head-a shallow neural network that typically has one latent layer-on top of the last latent layer in the normal model to map the logits to the aligned confidence. Furthermore, a simple Annealing technique that dynamically scales the logits by calibration head in training procedure is developed to improve its performance. Under both the in-distribution and distributional shift circumstances, we exhaustively evaluate our Annealing Double-Head architecture on multiple pairs of contemporary DNN architectures and vision and speech datasets. We demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art model calibration performance without post-processing while simultaneously providing comparable predictive accuracy in comparison to other recently proposed calibration methods on a range of learning tasks.
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尽管图形神经网络(GNNS)已经取得了显着的准确性,但结果是否值得信赖仍未开发。以前的研究表明,许多现代神经网络对预测过度充满信心,然而,令人惊讶的是,我们发现GNN主要呈相反方向,即,GNN是不受自信的。因此,非常需要GNN的置信度校准。在本文中,我们通过设计拓扑知识的后HOC校准函数提出了一种新型值得信赖的GNN模型。具体而言,我们首先验证图形中的置信度分布具有同眼性的财产,而且这一发现激发了我们设计校准GNN模型(CAGCN)以学习校准功能。 CAGCN能够从GNN的Logits对每个节点的校准置信度获得独特的变换,同时,这种变换能够在类之间保留课程之间的顺序,满足精度保留的属性。此外,我们将校准GNN应用于自培训框架,表明可以通过校准的置信度获得更可靠的伪标签,并进一步提高性能。广泛的实验证明了我们所提出的模型在校准和准确性方面的有效性。
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We propose SWA-Gaussian (SWAG), a simple, scalable, and general purpose approach for uncertainty representation and calibration in deep learning. Stochastic Weight Averaging (SWA), which computes the first moment of stochastic gradient descent (SGD) iterates with a modified learning rate schedule, has recently been shown to improve generalization in deep learning. With SWAG, we fit a Gaussian using the SWA solution as the first moment and a low rank plus diagonal covariance also derived from the SGD iterates, forming an approximate posterior distribution over neural network weights; we then sample from this Gaussian distribution to perform Bayesian model averaging. We empirically find that SWAG approximates the shape of the true posterior, in accordance with results describing the stationary distribution of SGD iterates. Moreover, we demonstrate that SWAG performs well on a wide variety of tasks, including out of sample detection, calibration, and transfer learning, in comparison to many popular alternatives including MC dropout, KFAC Laplace, SGLD, and temperature scaling.
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Modern machine learning methods including deep learning have achieved great success in predictive accuracy for supervised learning tasks, but may still fall short in giving useful estimates of their predictive uncertainty. Quantifying uncertainty is especially critical in real-world settings, which often involve input distributions that are shifted from the training distribution due to a variety of factors including sample bias and non-stationarity. In such settings, well calibrated uncertainty estimates convey information about when a model's output should (or should not) be trusted. Many probabilistic deep learning methods, including Bayesian-and non-Bayesian methods, have been proposed in the literature for quantifying predictive uncertainty, but to our knowledge there has not previously been a rigorous largescale empirical comparison of these methods under dataset shift. We present a largescale benchmark of existing state-of-the-art methods on classification problems and investigate the effect of dataset shift on accuracy and calibration. We find that traditional post-hoc calibration does indeed fall short, as do several other previous methods. However, some methods that marginalize over models give surprisingly strong results across a broad spectrum of tasks.
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Deep neural network (DNN) classifiers are often overconfident, producing miscalibrated class probabilities. Most existing calibration methods either lack theoretical guarantees for producing calibrated outputs or reduce the classification accuracy in the process. This paper proposes a new Kernel-based calibration method called KCal. Unlike other calibration procedures, KCal does not operate directly on the logits or softmax outputs of the DNN. Instead, it uses the penultimate-layer latent embedding to train a metric space in a supervised manner. In effect, KCal amounts to a supervised dimensionality reduction of the neural network embedding, and generates a prediction using kernel density estimation on a holdout calibration set. We first analyze KCal theoretically, showing that it enjoys a provable asymptotic calibration guarantee. Then, through extensive experiments, we confirm that KCal consistently outperforms existing calibration methods in terms of both the classification accuracy and the (confidence and class-wise) calibration error.
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Recent studies have revealed that, beyond conventional accuracy, calibration should also be considered for training modern deep neural networks. To address miscalibration during learning, some methods have explored different penalty functions as part of the learning objective, alongside a standard classification loss, with a hyper-parameter controlling the relative contribution of each term. Nevertheless, these methods share two major drawbacks: 1) the scalar balancing weight is the same for all classes, hindering the ability to address different intrinsic difficulties or imbalance among classes; and 2) the balancing weight is usually fixed without an adaptive strategy, which may prevent from reaching the best compromise between accuracy and calibration, and requires hyper-parameter search for each application. We propose Class Adaptive Label Smoothing (CALS) for calibrating deep networks, which allows to learn class-wise multipliers during training, yielding a powerful alternative to common label smoothing penalties. Our method builds on a general Augmented Lagrangian approach, a well-established technique in constrained optimization, but we introduce several modifications to tailor it for large-scale, class-adaptive training. Comprehensive evaluation and multiple comparisons on a variety of benchmarks, including standard and long-tailed image classification, semantic segmentation, and text classification, demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method. The code is available at
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如果预测类的概率(顶级标签)是校准的,则在顶部标签上进行条件,则据说多类分类器将是顶级标签的校准。在密切相关和流行的置信度校准概念中,这种条件不存在,我们认为这使得置信校准难以解释决策。我们提出顶级标签校准作为置信校准的纠正。此外,我们概述了一个多类对二进制(M2B)还原框架,该框架统一了信心,顶级标签和班级校准等。顾名思义,M2B通过将多类校准减少到众多二元校准问题来起作用,每个二进制校准问题都可以使用简单的二进制校准例程来解决。我们将M2B框架实例化使用经过良好研究的直方图(HB)二进制校准器,并证明整体过程是多类校准的,而无需对基础数据分布进行任何假设。在CIFAR-10和CIFAR-100上具有四个深净体系结构的经验评估中,我们发现M2B + HB程序比其他方法(例如温度缩放)获得了较低的顶级标签和类别校准误差。这项工作的代码可在\ url {}中获得。
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The deployment of machine learning classifiers in high-stakes domains requires well-calibrated confidence scores for model predictions. In this paper we introduce the notion of variable-based calibration to characterize calibration properties of a model with respect to a variable of interest, generalizing traditional score-based calibration and metrics such as expected calibration error (ECE). In particular, we find that models with near-perfect ECE can exhibit significant variable-based calibration error as a function of features of the data. We demonstrate this phenomenon both theoretically and in practice on multiple well-known datasets, and show that it can persist after the application of existing recalibration methods. To mitigate this issue, we propose strategies for detection, visualization, and quantification of variable-based calibration error. We then examine the limitations of current score-based recalibration methods and explore potential modifications. Finally, we discuss the implications of these findings, emphasizing that an understanding of calibration beyond simple aggregate measures is crucial for endeavors such as fairness and model interpretability.
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Calibration is a popular framework to evaluate whether a classifier knows when it does not know - i.e., its predictive probabilities are a good indication of how likely a prediction is to be correct. Correctness is commonly estimated against the human majority class. Recently, calibration to human majority has been measured on tasks where humans inherently disagree about which class applies. We show that measuring calibration to human majority given inherent disagreements is theoretically problematic, demonstrate this empirically on the ChaosNLI dataset, and derive several instance-level measures of calibration that capture key statistical properties of human judgements - class frequency, ranking and entropy.
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