我们考虑通过变质机器人系统(MRS)在有限3D立方网格中搜索,该系统由匿名模块组成。在整个模块保持连接的同时,模块可以执行滑动和旋转。随着模块的数量增加,MRS可以执行的各种动作增加。搜索问题要求MRS在给定的有限字段中找到目标。 Doi等人。 (SSS 2018)演示了用于搜索有限2D平方网格的必要和足够数量的模块。我们考虑在有限3D立方网格中搜索并调查共同知识的效果。我们考虑三种不同的设置。首先,我们表明,当所有模块配备公共指南针时,我们就需要三个模块,即,他们就标准的方向和方向达到$ x $,$ y $和$ z $ x。其次,当所有模块都达成垂直轴的方向和方向时,我们表明需要四个模块并且充分。最后,我们表明,当所有模块都没有配备普通的指南针时,需要五个模块。我们的结果表明,3D立方网格中的MRS的形状比2D方形网格中的结构更丰富。
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两种尺寸的模块化机器人的良好理论模型是边缘连接的方形模块配置,可以通过所谓的滑动移动重新配置。 Dumitrescu和Pach [图形和Combinatorics,2006]证明,始终可以将N $ Squares的一个边缘连接配置重新配置为任何其他使用$ O(n ^ 2)$滑动移动,同时保持配置连接每时每刻。对于某些配置,重新配置可能需要$ \ omega(n ^ 2)$滑动移动。然而,可能就足够较少。我们证明它是难以最小化给定对边缘连接配置的滑动移动的数量。在正面,我们呈现收集和紧凑,一个输入敏感的就地算法只需要$ O(\ bar {p} n)$ slide移动,将一个配置转换为另一个配置,其中$ \ bar {p} $两个边界框的最大周边。正方形仅在边界盒内移动,除了可以通过与边界框相邻的位置移动的时间最多的一个正方形。 $ O(\ bar {p} n)$绑定永远不会超过$ o(n ^ 2)$,并且在只需$ n $和$ \ bar {p} $ 。我们的算法建立在基本原理上,可以有效地转换模块化机器人的良好连接的组件。因此,我们迭代地提高配置内的连接,最终到达一个固体$ xy $-monotone组件。我们实施了聚集&紧凑,并通过实验进行了比较了Moreno和Searist的原始修改,Dumitrescu和PACH算法(MSDP)的[Eurocg 2020]。我们的实验表明,在所有类型的方形配置上,聚集和紧凑始终如一地优于MSDP。
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我们研究了一个可编程物质系统的模型,该模型由位于二维正方形网格上的$ n $设备组成,该设备能够执行相互旋转的最小机械操作。目的是将初始形状A变成目标形状B。我们有兴趣表征形状类别,这些形状可以在这种情况下在始终保持全局连接性的附加约束下相互转化。这是$ [$ MICHAIL等人,JCSS'19 $] $打开的主要问题之一。请注意,被考虑的问题是关于转型的结构可行性,我们仅通过集中的建设性证明来处理。分布式解决方案留给将来的工作,并形成一个有趣的研究方向。过去的工作取得了一些特殊形状类别的进步。我们在这里考虑了正交凸形的类别,其中任何两个节点$ u,v $在网格上的水平或垂直线中,$ u $和$ v $之间没有空单元。我们开发了一个通用的集中转换,并证明,对于任何一对$ a $ a $ b $ colour colour consisterstent的正交凸形形状,它可以将$ a $ a $变成$ b $。鉴于在考虑类中存在阻塞的形状,我们使用最小的3节点种子来触发转化。我们转换的运行时间是最佳$ O(n^2)$顺序移动,其中$ n = | a | = | b | $。我们留下的是一个空旷的问题,存在着一个小种子的普遍保留连接转换。我们的信念是,本文开发的技术可能对回答这一点很有用。
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Arbitrary pattern formation (\textsc{Apf}) is well studied problem in swarm robotics. The problem has been considered in two different settings so far; one is in plane and another is in infinite grid. This work deals the problem in infinite rectangular grid setting. The previous works in literature dealing with \textsc{Apf} problem in infinite grid had a fundamental issue. These deterministic algorithms use a lot space of the grid to solve the problem mainly because of maintaining asymmetry of the configuration or to avoid collision. These solution techniques can not be useful if there is a space constrain in the application field. In this work, we consider luminous robots (with one light that can take two colors) in order to avoid symmetry, but we carefully designed a deterministic algorithm which solves the \textsc{Apf} problem using minimal required space in the grid. The robots are autonomous, identical, anonymous and they operate in Look-Compute-Move cycles under a fully asynchronous scheduler. The \textsc{Apf} algorithm proposed in [WALCOM'2019] by Bose et al. can be modified using luminous robots so that it uses minimal space but that algorithm is not move optimal. The algorithm proposed in this paper not only uses minimal space but also asymptotically move optimal. The algorithm proposed in this work is designed for infinite rectangular grid but it can be easily modified to work in a finite grid as well.
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分子机器人有挑战性,所以最好保持简单。我们考虑基于异步执行的简单折叠指令的抽象分子机器人模型。车削机器是一个简单的1D到2D折叠模型,也可以轻松地展开2D到3D折叠。车削机在离散平面中的一条连接的单体线开始,每个连接单体具有相关的转弯数。单体相对于其邻居转动,执行单位距离转换,其沿其拖动其它单体,并且通过集体运动,初始单体组最终折叠成编程形状。我们充分地表征了转动机器执行线路旋转的能力,并为此如此有效:计算5 \ PI / 3 $弧度的几乎全线旋转,但不可能为2 \ PI $旋转。我们表明,这种线旋转在模型中代表了一个基本原语,通过使用它们来有效地和异步地折叠任意大的Zig-Zag-reasted方块和$ Y $ -Onotone形状。
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当考虑$ N $标记的机器人的运动计划时,我们需要通过一系列平行,连续的,无碰撞的机器人运动来重新布置给定的启动配置为所需的目标配置。目的是在最短的时间内达到新配置;一个重要的约束是始终保持群体连接。以前已经考虑过这种类型的问题,最近值得注意的结果可实现不一定连接的重新配置:如果将起始配置映射到目标配置,则需要最大的曼哈顿距离$ D $,则总体时间表的总持续时间可以是限制为$ \ Mathcal {O}(d)$,这是最佳选择的恒定因素。但是,只有在允许断开连接的重新配置或用于缩放的配置(通过将给定对象的所有维度通过相同的乘法因子增加到相同的乘法因子增加)时,才能实现恒定拉伸。我们通过(1)建立$ \ omega(\ sqrt {n})$的下限来解决这些主要的开放问题可以实现重新配置。此外,我们表明(3)决定是否可以实现2个制造物,而可以检查多项式时间是否可以实现1个制造pan。
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一个由许多移动计算实体组成的自动移动机器人系统(称为机器人)吸引了研究人员的广泛关注,并阐明机器人的能力与问题的可溶性之间的关系是近几十年来的新兴问题。通常,只要没有任何机器人的数量,每个机器人都可以观察所有其他机器人。在本文中,我们提供了关于机器人观察的新观点。机器人不一定要观察所有其他机器人,而不管距离距离如何。我们称此新的计算模型瑕疵视图模型。在该模型下,在本文中,我们考虑了需要所有机器人在同一时刻收集的收集问题,并提出了两种算法来解决对抗性($ n $,$ n-2 $)中的收集问题 - 违法模型对于$ n \ geq 5 $(每个机器人最多观察$ n-2 $机器人在对手身上选择)和基于距离的(4,2)的模型(每个机器人在最接近的机器人最接近的机器人中分别观察到)分别,其中$ n $是机器人的数量。此外,我们提出了一个不可能的结果,表明在对抗性或基于距离(3,1)的模型中没有(确定性的)收集算法。此外,我们在放松的($ n $,$ n-2 $)中的聚会中表现出了不可能的结果。
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Despite recent progress on trajectory planning of multiple robots and path planning of a single tethered robot, planning of multiple tethered robots to reach their individual targets without entanglements remains a challenging problem. In this paper, we present a complete approach to address this problem. Firstly, we propose a multi-robot tether-aware representation of homotopy, using which we can efficiently evaluate the feasibility and safety of a potential path in terms of (1) the cable length required to reach a target following the path, and (2) the risk of entanglements with the cables of other robots. Then, the proposed representation is applied in a decentralized and online planning framework that includes a graph-based kinodynamic trajectory finder and an optimization-based trajectory refinement, to generate entanglement-free, collision-free and dynamically feasible trajectories. The efficiency of the proposed homotopy representation is compared against existing single and multiple tethered robot planning approaches. Simulations with up to 8 UAVs show the effectiveness of the approach in entanglement prevention and its real-time capabilities. Flight experiments using 3 tethered UAVs verify the practicality of the presented approach.
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Self-assembly of modular robotic systems enables the construction of complex robotic configurations to adapt to different tasks. This paper presents a framework for SMORES types of modular robots to efficiently self-assemble into tree topologies. These modular robots form kinematic chains that have been shown to be capable of a large variety of manipulation and locomotion tasks, yet they can reconfigure using a mobile reconfiguration. A desired kinematic topology can be mapped onto a planar pattern with optimal module assignment based on the modules' locations, then the mobile reconfiguration assembly process can be executed in parallel. A docking controller is developed to guarantee the success of docking processes. A hybrid control architecture is designed to handle a large number of modules and complex behaviors of each individual, and achieve efficient and robust self-assembly actions. The framework is demonstrated in both hardware and simulation on the SMORES-EP platform.
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在这项工作中,我们研究了新的算法生长过程。特别是,我们提出了三个增长操作,全倍加倍,加倍和加倍,并探索其在几何环境下所得过程的算法和结构特性。在建模方面,我们的系统在二维网格上运行,并以离散的时间段运行。该过程以初始形状$ s_i = s_0 $开头,并且在每个时间段$ t \ geq 1 $中,通过(并行)或多个特定类型的一个或多个增长操作应用于当前的形状 - 固定$ s_ { t-1} $,生成下一个实例$ s_t $,总是满足$ | s_t | > | s_ {t-1} | $。我们的目标是表征可以在$ o(\ log n)$或polygog $ n $ time steps中构建的形状类别,并确定最终形状$ s_f $是否可以从初始形状$ s_i $使用给定类型的增长操作的有限顺序,称为$ s_f $的构造函数。对于完整的加倍,在每个时间阶段,每个节点都会在给定方向上生成一个新节点,我们完全表征可以从给定初始形状构造的形状类别的结构。对于RC加倍,在其中完整的列或行加倍,我们的主要贡献是线性时间集中算法,对于任何一对形状$ s_i $,$ s_f $决定是否可以从$ s_i $构建$ s_f $,以及,如果答案是肯定的,从$ s_i $返回$ o(\ log n)$ - $ s_f $的时间步构造函数。对于最一般的加倍操作,在单个节点可以翻倍的情况下,我们表明某些形状不能以次线性时间步长构建,并从单s_i $ s_i $中提供两个$ s_f $的通用构造函数,这是有效的(即,到各种形状的阶段时间阶段)。两个构造函数都可以通过多项式时间集中算法计算出任何形状$ s_f $。
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In this paper, we consider the multi-robot path execution problem where a group of robots move on predefined paths from their initial to target positions while avoiding collisions and deadlocks in the face of asynchrony. We first show that this problem can be reformulated as a distributed resource allocation problem and, in particular, as an instance of the well-known Drinking Philosophers Problem (DrPP). By careful construction of the drinking sessions capturing shared resources, we show that any existing solutions to DrPP can be used to design robot control policies that are collectively collision and deadlock-free. We then propose modifications to an existing DrPP algorithm to allow more concurrent behavior, and provide conditions under which our method is deadlock-free. Our method does not require robots to know or to estimate the speed profiles of other robots and results in distributed control policies. We demonstrate the efficacy of our method on simulation examples, which show competitive performance against the state-of-the-art.
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长期以来,PATH规划一直是机器人技术的主要研究领域之一,PRM和RRT是最有效的计划者之一。尽管通常非常有效,但这些基于抽样的计划者在“狭窄通道”的重要情况下可能会变得昂贵。本文开发了专门为狭窄通道问题制定的路径规划范例。核心是基于计划由椭圆形工会封装的刚体机器人的计划。每个环境特征都使用具有$ \ Mathcal {C}^1 $边界的严格凸面来表示几何(例如,超级方面)。这样做的主要好处是,配置空间障碍物可以以封闭形式明确地进行参数化,从而可以使用先验知识来避免采样不可行的配置。然后,通过表征针对多个椭圆形的紧密体积,可以保证涉及旋转的机器人过渡无碰撞,而无需执行传统的碰撞检测。此外,通过与随机抽样策略结合使用,可以将提出的计划框架扩展到解决较高的维度问题,在该问题中,机器人具有移动的基础和铰接的附属物。基准结果表明,所提出的框架通常优于基于采样的计划者的计算时间和成功率,在找到单身机器人和具有较高维度配置空间的狭窄走廊的路径方面。使用建议的框架进行了物理实验,在人形机器人中进一步证明,该机器人在几个混乱的环境中行走,通道狭窄。
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This work considers the path planning problem for a team of identical robots evolving in a known environment. The robots should satisfy a global specification given as a Linear Temporal Logic (LTL) formula over a set of regions of interest. The proposed method exploits the advantages of Petri net models for the team of robots and B\"uchi automata modeling the specification. The approach in this paper consists in combining the two models into one, denoted Composed Petri net and use it to find a sequence of action movements for the mobile robots, providing collision free trajectories to fulfill the specification. The solution results from a set of Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) problems. The main advantage of the proposed solution is the completeness of the algorithm, meaning that a solution is found when exists, this representing the key difference with our previous work in [1]. The simulations illustrate comparison results between current and previous approaches, focusing on the computational complexity.
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In this article, we plan to provide an introduction about some basics about robots for readers. Several key topics of classic robotics will be introduced, including robot representation, robot rotational motion, coordinates transformation and velocity transformation. By now, classic rigid-body robot analysis is still the main-stream approach in robot controlling and motion planning. In this article, no data-driven or machine learning based methods will be introduced. Most of the materials covered in this article are based on the rigid-body kinematics that the readers probably have learned from the physics course at high-school or college. Meanwhile, these classic robot kinematics analyses will serve as the foundation for the latest intelligent robot control algorithms in modern robotics studies.
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Path planning in the multi-robot system refers to calculating a set of actions for each robot, which will move each robot to its goal without conflicting with other robots. Lately, the research topic has received significant attention for its extensive applications, such as airport ground, drone swarms, and automatic warehouses. Despite these available research results, most of the existing investigations are concerned with the cases of robots with a fixed movement speed without considering uncertainty. Therefore, in this work, we study the problem of path-planning in the multi-robot automatic warehouse context, which considers the time-varying and uncertain robots' movement speed. Specifically, the path-planning module searches a path with as few conflicts as possible for a single agent by calculating traffic cost based on customarily distributed conflict probability and combining it with the classic A* algorithm. However, this probability-based method cannot eliminate all conflicts, and speed's uncertainty will constantly cause new conflicts. As a supplement, we propose the other two modules. The conflict detection and re-planning module chooses objects requiring re-planning paths from the agents involved in different types of conflicts periodically by our designed rules. Also, at each step, the scheduling module fills up the agent's preserved queue and decides who has a higher priority when the same element is assigned to two agents simultaneously. Finally, we compare the proposed algorithm with other algorithms from academia and industry, and the results show that the proposed method is validated as the best performance.
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