在过去的几年中,逆增强学习(\ textit {irl})问题已经迅速发展,在机器人技术,认知和健康等领域中具有重要的应用。在这项工作中,我们探讨了当前IRL方法从描述长马,复杂的顺序任务的专家轨迹中学习代理奖励函数的效率低下。我们假设,将IRL模型带入捕获基本任务的结构图案可以实现和提高其性能。随后,我们提出了一种新颖的IRL方法Smirl,该方法首先学习任务的(近似)结构为有限状态-Satate-automaton(FSA),然后使用结构基序来解决IRL问题。我们在离散网格世界和高维连续域环境上测试我们的模型。我们从经验上表明,我们提出的方法成功地学习了所有四个复杂的任务,其中两个基础IRL基准失败了。我们的模型还优于简单的玩具任务中样本效率的基准。我们进一步在具有组成奖励函数的任务上的经过修改的连续域中显示了有希望的测试结果。
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In inverse reinforcement learning (IRL), a learning agent infers a reward function encoding the underlying task using demonstrations from experts. However, many existing IRL techniques make the often unrealistic assumption that the agent has access to full information about the environment. We remove this assumption by developing an algorithm for IRL in partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). We address two limitations of existing IRL techniques. First, they require an excessive amount of data due to the information asymmetry between the expert and the learner. Second, most of these IRL techniques require solving the computationally intractable forward problem -- computing an optimal policy given a reward function -- in POMDPs. The developed algorithm reduces the information asymmetry while increasing the data efficiency by incorporating task specifications expressed in temporal logic into IRL. Such specifications may be interpreted as side information available to the learner a priori in addition to the demonstrations. Further, the algorithm avoids a common source of algorithmic complexity by building on causal entropy as the measure of the likelihood of the demonstrations as opposed to entropy. Nevertheless, the resulting problem is nonconvex due to the so-called forward problem. We solve the intrinsic nonconvexity of the forward problem in a scalable manner through a sequential linear programming scheme that guarantees to converge to a locally optimal policy. In a series of examples, including experiments in a high-fidelity Unity simulator, we demonstrate that even with a limited amount of data and POMDPs with tens of thousands of states, our algorithm learns reward functions and policies that satisfy the task while inducing similar behavior to the expert by leveraging the provided side information.
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强化学习(RL)是人工智能中的核心问题。这个问题包括定义可以通过与环境交互学习最佳行为的人工代理 - 其中,在代理试图最大化的奖励信号的奖励信号中定义最佳行为。奖励机(RMS)提供了一种基于Automate的基于自动机的表示,该奖励功能使RL代理能够将RL问题分解为可以通过禁止策略学习有效地学习的结构化子问题。在这里,我们表明可以从经验中学习RMS,而不是由用户指定,并且可以使用所产生的问题分解来有效地解决部分可观察的RL问题。我们将学习RMS的任务作为离散优化问题构成,其中目标是找到将问题分解为一组子问题的RM,使得其最佳记忆策略的组合是原始问题的最佳策略。我们展示了这种方法在三个部分可观察的域中的有效性,在那里它显着优于A3C,PPO和宏碁,并讨论其优点,限制和更广泛的潜力。
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Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning (HRL) algorithms have been demonstrated to perform well on high-dimensional decision making and robotic control tasks. However, because they solely optimize for rewards, the agent tends to search the same space redundantly. This problem reduces the speed of learning and achieved reward. In this work, we present an Off-Policy HRL algorithm that maximizes entropy for efficient exploration. The algorithm learns a temporally abstracted low-level policy and is able to explore broadly through the addition of entropy to the high-level. The novelty of this work is the theoretical motivation of adding entropy to the RL objective in the HRL setting. We empirically show that the entropy can be added to both levels if the Kullback-Leibler (KL) divergence between consecutive updates of the low-level policy is sufficiently small. We performed an ablative study to analyze the effects of entropy on hierarchy, in which adding entropy to high-level emerged as the most desirable configuration. Furthermore, a higher temperature in the low-level leads to Q-value overestimation and increases the stochasticity of the environment that the high-level operates on, making learning more challenging. Our method, SHIRO, surpasses state-of-the-art performance on a range of simulated robotic control benchmark tasks and requires minimal tuning.
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Reinforcement learning (RL) gained considerable attention by creating decision-making agents that maximize rewards received from fully observable environments. However, many real-world problems are partially or noisily observable by nature, where agents do not receive the true and complete state of the environment. Such problems are formulated as partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs). Some studies applied RL to POMDPs by recalling previous decisions and observations or inferring the true state of the environment from received observations. Nevertheless, aggregating observations and decisions over time is impractical for environments with high-dimensional continuous state and action spaces. Moreover, so-called inference-based RL approaches require large number of samples to perform well since agents eschew uncertainty in the inferred state for the decision-making. Active inference is a framework that is naturally formulated in POMDPs and directs agents to select decisions by minimising expected free energy (EFE). This supplies reward-maximising (exploitative) behaviour in RL, with an information-seeking (exploratory) behaviour. Despite this exploratory behaviour of active inference, its usage is limited to discrete state and action spaces due to the computational difficulty of the EFE. We propose a unified principle for joint information-seeking and reward maximization that clarifies a theoretical connection between active inference and RL, unifies active inference and RL, and overcomes their aforementioned limitations. Our findings are supported by strong theoretical analysis. The proposed framework's superior exploration property is also validated by experimental results on partial observable tasks with high-dimensional continuous state and action spaces. Moreover, the results show that our model solves reward-free problems, making task reward design optional.
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With the development of deep representation learning, the domain of reinforcement learning (RL) has become a powerful learning framework now capable of learning complex policies in high dimensional environments. This review summarises deep reinforcement learning (DRL) algorithms and provides a taxonomy of automated driving tasks where (D)RL methods have been employed, while addressing key computational challenges in real world deployment of autonomous driving agents. It also delineates adjacent domains such as behavior cloning, imitation learning, inverse reinforcement learning that are related but are not classical RL algorithms. The role of simulators in training agents, methods to validate, test and robustify existing solutions in RL are discussed.
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Deep Reinforcement Learning has been successfully applied to learn robotic control. However, the corresponding algorithms struggle when applied to problems where the agent is only rewarded after achieving a complex task. In this context, using demonstrations can significantly speed up the learning process, but demonstrations can be costly to acquire. In this paper, we propose to leverage a sequential bias to learn control policies for complex robotic tasks using a single demonstration. To do so, our method learns a goal-conditioned policy to control a system between successive low-dimensional goals. This sequential goal-reaching approach raises a problem of compatibility between successive goals: we need to ensure that the state resulting from reaching a goal is compatible with the achievement of the following goals. To tackle this problem, we present a new algorithm called DCIL-II. We show that DCIL-II can solve with unprecedented sample efficiency some challenging simulated tasks such as humanoid locomotion and stand-up as well as fast running with a simulated Cassie robot. Our method leveraging sequentiality is a step towards the resolution of complex robotic tasks under minimal specification effort, a key feature for the next generation of autonomous robots.
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本文考虑了从专家演示中学习机器人运动和操纵任务。生成对抗性模仿学习(GAIL)训练一个区分专家与代理转换区分开的歧视者,进而使用歧视器输出定义的奖励来优化代理商的策略生成器。这种生成的对抗训练方法非常强大,但取决于歧视者和发电机培训之间的微妙平衡。在高维问题中,歧视训练可能很容易过度拟合或利用与任务 - 核定功能进行过渡分类的关联。这项工作的一个关键见解是,在合适的潜在任务空间中进行模仿学习使训练过程稳定,即使在挑战高维问题中也是如此。我们使用动作编码器模型来获得低维的潜在动作空间,并使用对抗性模仿学习(Lapal)训练潜在政策。可以从州行动对脱机来训练编码器模型,以获得任务无关的潜在动作表示或与歧视器和发电机培训同时在线获得,以获得任务意识到的潜在行动表示。我们证明了Lapal训练是稳定的,具有近乎单的性能的改进,并在大多数运动和操纵任务中实现了专家性能,而Gail基线收敛速度较慢,并且在高维环境中无法实现专家的表现。
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通过加强学习(RL)掌握机器人操纵技巧通常需要设计奖励功能。该地区的最新进展表明,使用稀疏奖励,即仅在成功完成任务时奖励代理,可能会导致更好的政策。但是,在这种情况下,国家行动空间探索更困难。最近的RL与稀疏奖励学习的方法已经为任务提供了高质量的人类演示,但这些可能是昂贵的,耗时甚至不可能获得的。在本文中,我们提出了一种不需要人类示范的新颖有效方法。我们观察到,每个机器人操纵任务都可以被视为涉及从被操纵对象的角度来看运动的任务,即,对象可以了解如何自己达到目标状态。为了利用这个想法,我们介绍了一个框架,最初使用现实物理模拟器获得对象运动策略。然后,此策略用于生成辅助奖励,称为模拟的机器人演示奖励(SLDRS),使我们能够学习机器人操纵策略。拟议的方法已在增加复杂性的13个任务中进行了评估,与替代算法相比,可以实现更高的成功率和更快的学习率。 SLDRS对多对象堆叠和非刚性物体操作等任务特别有益。
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Reinforcement learning in partially observable domains is challenging due to the lack of observable state information. Thankfully, learning offline in a simulator with such state information is often possible. In particular, we propose a method for partially observable reinforcement learning that uses a fully observable policy (which we call a state expert) during offline training to improve online performance. Based on Soft Actor-Critic (SAC), our agent balances performing actions similar to the state expert and getting high returns under partial observability. Our approach can leverage the fully-observable policy for exploration and parts of the domain that are fully observable while still being able to learn under partial observability. On six robotics domains, our method outperforms pure imitation, pure reinforcement learning, the sequential or parallel combination of both types, and a recent state-of-the-art method in the same setting. A successful policy transfer to a physical robot in a manipulation task from pixels shows our approach's practicality in learning interesting policies under partial observability.
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将有用的背景知识传达给加强学习(RL)代理是加速学习的重要方法。我们介绍了Rlang,这是一种特定领域的语言(DSL),用于将域知识传达给RL代理。与RL社区提出的其他现有DSL不同,该基础是决策形式主义的单个要素(例如,奖励功能或政策功能),RLANG可以指定有关马尔可夫决策过程中每个元素的信息。我们为rlang定义了精确的语法和基础语义,并提供了解析器实施,将rlang程序基于算法 - 敏捷的部分世界模型和政策,可以由RL代理利用。我们提供一系列示例RLANG程序,并演示不同的RL方法如何利用所得的知识,包括无模型和基于模型的表格算法,分层方法和深度RL算法(包括策略梯度和基于价值的方法)。
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