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We revisit the one-shot Neural Architecture Search (NAS) paradigm and analyze its advantages over existing NAS approaches. Existing one-shot method, however, is hard to train and not yet effective on large scale datasets like ImageNet. This work propose a Single Path One-Shot model to address the challenge in the training. Our central idea is to construct a simplified supernet, where all architectures are single paths so that weight co-adaption problem is alleviated. Training is performed by uniform path sampling. All architectures (and their weights) are trained fully and equally. Comprehensive experiments verify that our approach is flexible and effective. It is easy to train and fast to search. It effortlessly supports complex search spaces (e.g., building blocks, channel, mixed-precision quantization) and different search constraints (e.g., FLOPs, latency). It is thus convenient to use for various needs. It achieves start-of-the-art performance on the large dataset ImageNet.Equal contribution. This work is done when Haoyuan Mu and Zechun Liu are interns at MEGVII Technology.
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While machine learning is traditionally a resource intensive task, embedded systems, autonomous navigation, and the vision of the Internet of Things fuel the interest in resource-efficient approaches. These approaches aim for a carefully chosen trade-off between performance and resource consumption in terms of computation and energy. The development of such approaches is among the major challenges in current machine learning research and key to ensure a smooth transition of machine learning technology from a scientific environment with virtually unlimited computing resources into everyday's applications. In this article, we provide an overview of the current state of the art of machine learning techniques facilitating these real-world requirements. In particular, we focus on deep neural networks (DNNs), the predominant machine learning models of the past decade. We give a comprehensive overview of the vast literature that can be mainly split into three non-mutually exclusive categories: (i) quantized neural networks, (ii) network pruning, and (iii) structural efficiency. These techniques can be applied during training or as post-processing, and they are widely used to reduce the computational demands in terms of memory footprint, inference speed, and energy efficiency. We also briefly discuss different concepts of embedded hardware for DNNs and their compatibility with machine learning techniques as well as potential for energy and latency reduction. We substantiate our discussion with experiments on well-known benchmark datasets using compression techniques (quantization, pruning) for a set of resource-constrained embedded systems, such as CPUs, GPUs and FPGAs. The obtained results highlight the difficulty of finding good trade-offs between resource efficiency and predictive performance.
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我们提出了三种新型的修剪技术,以提高推理意识到的可区分神经结构搜索(DNAS)的成本和结果。首先,我们介绍了DNA的随机双路构建块,它可以通过内存和计算复杂性在内部隐藏尺寸上进行搜索。其次,我们在搜索过程中提出了一种在超级网的随机层中修剪块的算法。第三,我们描述了一种在搜索过程中修剪不必要的随机层的新技术。由搜索产生的优化模型称为Prunet,并在Imagenet Top-1图像分类精度的推理潜伏期中为NVIDIA V100建立了新的最先进的Pareto边界。将Prunet作为骨架还优于COCO对象检测任务的GPUNET和EFIDENENET,相对于平均平均精度(MAP)。
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In recent years, image and video delivery systems have begun integrating deep learning super-resolution (SR) approaches, leveraging their unprecedented visual enhancement capabilities while reducing reliance on networking conditions. Nevertheless, deploying these solutions on mobile devices still remains an active challenge as SR models are excessively demanding with respect to workload and memory footprint. Despite recent progress on on-device SR frameworks, existing systems either penalize visual quality, lead to excessive energy consumption or make inefficient use of the available resources. This work presents NAWQ-SR, a novel framework for the efficient on-device execution of SR models. Through a novel hybrid-precision quantization technique and a runtime neural image codec, NAWQ-SR exploits the multi-precision capabilities of modern mobile NPUs in order to minimize latency, while meeting user-specified quality constraints. Moreover, NAWQ-SR selectively adapts the arithmetic precision at run time to equip the SR DNN's layers with wider representational power, improving visual quality beyond what was previously possible on NPUs. Altogether, NAWQ-SR achieves an average speedup of 7.9x, 3x and 1.91x over the state-of-the-art on-device SR systems that use heterogeneous processors (MobiSR), CPU (SplitSR) and NPU (XLSR), respectively. Furthermore, NAWQ-SR delivers an average of 3.2x speedup and 0.39 dB higher PSNR over status-quo INT8 NPU designs, but most importantly mitigates the negative effects of quantization on visual quality, setting a new state-of-the-art in the attainable quality of NPU-based SR.
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Although considerable progress has been obtained in neural network quantization for efficient inference, existing methods are not scalable to heterogeneous devices as one dedicated model needs to be trained, transmitted, and stored for one specific hardware setting, incurring considerable costs in model training and maintenance. In this paper, we study a new vertical-layered representation of neural network weights for encapsulating all quantized models into a single one. With this representation, we can theoretically achieve any precision network for on-demand service while only needing to train and maintain one model. To this end, we propose a simple once quantization-aware training (QAT) scheme for obtaining high-performance vertical-layered models. Our design incorporates a cascade downsampling mechanism which allows us to obtain multiple quantized networks from one full precision source model by progressively mapping the higher precision weights to their adjacent lower precision counterparts. Then, with networks of different bit-widths from one source model, multi-objective optimization is employed to train the shared source model weights such that they can be updated simultaneously, considering the performance of all networks. By doing this, the shared weights will be optimized to balance the performance of different quantized models, thus making the weights transferable among different bit widths. Experiments show that the proposed vertical-layered representation and developed once QAT scheme are effective in embodying multiple quantized networks into a single one and allow one-time training, and it delivers comparable performance as that of quantized models tailored to any specific bit-width. Code will be available.
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量化图像超分辨率的深卷积神经网络大大降低了它们的计算成本。然而,现有的作品既不患有4个或低位宽度的超低精度的严重性能下降,或者需要沉重的微调过程以恢复性能。据我们所知,这种对低精度的漏洞依赖于特征映射值的两个统计观察。首先,特征贴图值的分布每个通道和每个输入图像都变化显着变化。其次,特征映射具有可以主导量化错误的异常值。基于这些观察,我们提出了一种新颖的分布感知量化方案(DAQ),其促进了超低精度的准确训练量化。 DAQ的简单功能确定了具有低计算负担的特征图和权重的动态范围。此外,我们的方法通过计算每个通道的相对灵敏度来实现混合精度量化,而无需涉及任何培训过程。尽管如此,量化感知培训也适用于辅助性能增益。我们的新方法优于最近的培训甚至基于培训的量化方法,以超低精度为最先进的图像超分辨率网络。
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Uniform-precision neural network quantization has gained popularity since it simplifies densely packed arithmetic unit for high computing capability. However, it ignores heterogeneous sensitivity to the impact of quantization errors across the layers, resulting in sub-optimal inference accuracy. This work proposes a novel neural architecture search called neural channel expansion that adjusts the network structure to alleviate accuracy degradation from ultra-low uniform-precision quantization. The proposed method selectively expands channels for the quantization sensitive layers while satisfying hardware constraints (e.g., FLOPs, PARAMs). Based on in-depth analysis and experiments, we demonstrate that the proposed method can adapt several popular networks channels to achieve superior 2-bit quantization accuracy on CIFAR10 and ImageNet. In particular, we achieve the best-to-date Top-1/Top-5 accuracy for 2-bit ResNet50 with smaller FLOPs and the parameter size.
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我们为移动设备提出了一个轻巧的单图超分辨率网络,名为XCAT。XCAT引入了具有交叉串联(HXBLOCK)的异质群卷积块。输入通道向组卷积块的异质拆分减少了操作数量,交叉串联允许在级联HXBlocks的中间输入张量之间进行信息流。HXBlocks内部的交叉串联也可以避免使用更昂贵的操作,例如1x1卷积。为了进一步预见昂贵的张量副本操作,XCAT利用不可训练的卷积内核来应用采样操作。XCAT考虑了整数量化的设计,还利用了几种技术,例如基于强度的数据增强。Integer的XCAT量化XCAT可在320ms的Mali-G71 MP2 GPU上实时运行,以及适用于实时应用的30ms(NCHW)和8.8ms(NHWC)的Synaptics Dolphin NPU。
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模型量化已成为加速深度学习推理的不可或缺的技术。虽然研究人员继续推动量化算法的前沿,但是现有量化工作通常是不可否认的和不可推销的。这是因为研究人员不选择一致的训练管道并忽略硬件部署的要求。在这项工作中,我们提出了模型量化基准(MQBench),首次尝试评估,分析和基准模型量化算法的再现性和部署性。我们为实际部署选择多个不同的平台,包括CPU,GPU,ASIC,DSP,并在统一培训管道下评估广泛的最新量化算法。 MQBENCK就像一个连接算法和硬件的桥梁。我们进行全面的分析,并找到相当大的直观或反向直观的见解。通过对齐训练设置,我们发现现有的算法在传统的学术轨道上具有大致相同的性能。虽然用于硬件可部署量化,但有一个巨大的精度差距,仍然不稳定。令人惊讶的是,没有现有的算法在MQBench中赢得每一项挑战,我们希望这项工作能够激发未来的研究方向。
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量化广泛用于云和边缘系统,以减少深层神经网络的记忆占用,潜伏期和能耗。特别是,混合精液量化,即,在网络的不同部分中使用不同的位宽度,已被证明可以提供出色的效率提高,尤其是通过自动化神经体系结构确定的优化的位宽度分配,尤其是通过自动化的位宽度分配(NAS)工具。最先进的混合精液在层面上,即,它对每个网络层的权重和激活张量使用不同的位宽度。在这项工作中,我们扩大了搜索空间,提出了一种新颖的NA,该NAS独立选择每个重量张量通道的位宽度。这为工具提供了额外的灵活性,即仅针对与最有用的功能相关的权重分配更高的精度。在MLPERF微小的基准套件上进行测试,我们获得了精确度大小与精度与能量空间的帕累托最佳模型的丰富集合。当部署在MPIC RISC-V边缘处理器上时,我们的网络将记忆和能量分别减少了63%和27%,而与层的方法相比,以相同的精度为单位。
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Single Image Super-Resolution (SISR) tasks have achieved significant performance with deep neural networks. However, the large number of parameters in CNN-based met-hods for SISR tasks require heavy computations. Although several efficient SISR models have been recently proposed, most are handcrafted and thus lack flexibility. In this work, we propose a novel differentiable Neural Architecture Search (NAS) approach on both the cell-level and network-level to search for lightweight SISR models. Specifically, the cell-level search space is designed based on an information distillation mechanism, focusing on the combinations of lightweight operations and aiming to build a more lightweight and accurate SR structure. The network-level search space is designed to consider the feature connections among the cells and aims to find which information flow benefits the cell most to boost the performance. Unlike the existing Reinforcement Learning (RL) or Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) based NAS methods for SISR tasks, our search pipeline is fully differentiable, and the lightweight SISR models can be efficiently searched on both the cell-level and network-level jointly on a single GPU. Experiments show that our methods can achieve state-of-the-art performance on the benchmark datasets in terms of PSNR, SSIM, and model complexity with merely 68G Multi-Adds for $\times 2$ and 18G Multi-Adds for $\times 4$ SR tasks.
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我们介绍了延迟感知网络加速度(LANA) - 一种在神经结构上建立的方法,用于加速神经网络的神经结构搜索技术和教师学生蒸馏。 Lana由两个阶段组成:在第一阶段,它会使用层面特征映射蒸馏来列举每层教师网络的许多替代操作。在第二阶段,它解决了使用新颖的整数线性优化(ILP)方法的有效操作的组合选择。 ILP带来独特的属性,因为它(i)在几秒钟内执行NAS,(ii)轻松满足预算约束,(iii)在图层粒度上工作,(iv)支持巨大的搜索空间$ o(10 ^ { 100})$,超越先前的搜索方法,效率和效率。在广泛的实验中,我们表明Lana产生了由目标潜伏期预算限制的有效和准确的模型,同时比其他技术明显快。我们分析了三个流行的网络架构:高效的网络,高效网络和reses,并在压缩较大模型的较小模型的延迟级别时,实现所有型号(高达3.0 \%$)的准确性改进。 Lana通过GPU和CPU实现显着的加速(高达5美元\倍),以没有准确性下降。代码将很快分享。
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