Adapting object detectors learned with sufficient supervision to novel classes under low data regimes is charming yet challenging. In few-shot object detection (FSOD), the two-step training paradigm is widely adopted to mitigate the severe sample imbalance, i.e., holistic pre-training on base classes, then partial fine-tuning in a balanced setting with all classes. Since unlabeled instances are suppressed as backgrounds in the base training phase, the learned RPN is prone to produce biased proposals for novel instances, resulting in dramatic performance degradation. Unfortunately, the extreme data scarcity aggravates the proposal distribution bias, hindering the RoI head from evolving toward novel classes. In this paper, we introduce a simple yet effective proposal distribution calibration (PDC) approach to neatly enhance the localization and classification abilities of the RoI head by recycling its localization ability endowed in base training and enriching high-quality positive samples for semantic fine-tuning. Specifically, we sample proposals based on the base proposal statistics to calibrate the distribution bias and impose additional localization and classification losses upon the sampled proposals for fast expanding the base detector to novel classes. Experiments on the commonly used Pascal VOC and MS COCO datasets with explicit state-of-the-art performances justify the efficacy of our PDC for FSOD. Code is available at
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Few-shot object detection (FSOD), which aims at learning a generic detector that can adapt to unseen tasks with scarce training samples, has witnessed consistent improvement recently. However, most existing methods ignore the efficiency issues, e.g., high computational complexity and slow adaptation speed. Notably, efficiency has become an increasingly important evaluation metric for few-shot techniques due to an emerging trend toward embedded AI. To this end, we present an efficient pretrain-transfer framework (PTF) baseline with no computational increment, which achieves comparable results with previous state-of-the-art (SOTA) methods. Upon this baseline, we devise an initializer named knowledge inheritance (KI) to reliably initialize the novel weights for the box classifier, which effectively facilitates the knowledge transfer process and boosts the adaptation speed. Within the KI initializer, we propose an adaptive length re-scaling (ALR) strategy to alleviate the vector length inconsistency between the predicted novel weights and the pretrained base weights. Finally, our approach not only achieves the SOTA results across three public benchmarks, i.e., PASCAL VOC, COCO and LVIS, but also exhibits high efficiency with 1.8-100x faster adaptation speed against the other methods on COCO/LVIS benchmark during few-shot transfer. To our best knowledge, this is the first work to consider the efficiency problem in FSOD. We hope to motivate a trend toward powerful yet efficient few-shot technique development. The codes are publicly available at
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零拍摄对象检测(ZSD),将传统检测模型扩展到检测来自Unseen类别的对象的任务,已成为计算机视觉中的新挑战。大多数现有方法通过严格的映射传输策略来解决ZSD任务,这可能导致次优ZSD结果:1)这些模型的学习过程忽略了可用的看不见的类信息,因此可以轻松地偏向所看到的类别; 2)原始视觉特征空间并不合适,缺乏歧视信息。为解决这些问题,我们开发了一种用于ZSD的新型语义引导的对比网络,命名为Contrastzsd,一种检测框架首先将对比学习机制带入零拍摄检测的领域。特别地,对比度包括两个语义导向的对比学学习子网,其分别与区域类别和区域区域对之间形成对比。成对对比度任务利用从地面真理标签和预定义的类相似性分布派生的附加监督信号。在那些明确的语义监督的指导下,模型可以了解更多关于看不见的类别的知识,以避免看到概念的偏见问题,同时优化视觉功能的数据结构,以更好地辨别更好的视觉语义对齐。广泛的实验是在ZSD,即Pascal VOC和MS Coco的两个流行基准上进行的。结果表明,我们的方法优于ZSD和广义ZSD任务的先前最先进的。
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在真实世界的环境中,可以通过对象检测器连续遇到来自新类的对象实例。当现有的对象探测器应用于这种情况时,它们在旧课程上的性能显着恶化。据报道,一些努力解决了这个限制,所有这些限制适用于知识蒸馏的变体,以避免灾难性的遗忘。我们注意到虽然蒸馏有助于保留以前的学习,但它阻碍了对新任务的快速适应性,这是增量学习的关键要求。在这种追求中,我们提出了一种学习方法,可以学习重塑模型梯度,使得跨增量任务的信息是最佳的共享。这可通过META学习梯度预处理来确保无缝信息传输,可最大限度地减少遗忘并最大化知识传输。与现有的元学习方法相比,我们的方法是任务不可知,允许将新类的增量添加到对象检测的高容量模型中。我们在Pascal-VOC和MS Coco Datasets上定义的各种增量学习设置中评估了我们的方法,我们的方法对最先进的方法进行了好评。
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Conventional training of a deep CNN based object detector demands a large number of bounding box annotations, which may be unavailable for rare categories. In this work we develop a few-shot object detector that can learn to detect novel objects from only a few annotated examples. Our proposed model leverages fully labeled base classes and quickly adapts to novel classes, using a meta feature learner and a reweighting module within a one-stage detection architecture. The feature learner extracts meta features that are generalizable to detect novel object classes, using training data from base classes with sufficient samples. The reweighting module transforms a few support examples from the novel classes to a global vector that indicates the importance or relevance of meta features for detecting the corresponding objects. These two modules, together with a detection prediction module, are trained end-to-end based on an episodic few-shot learning scheme and a carefully designed loss function. Through extensive experiments we demonstrate that our model outperforms well-established baselines by a large margin for few-shot object detection, on multiple datasets and settings. We also present analysis on various aspects of our proposed model, aiming to provide some inspiration for future few-shot detection works.
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本文的目的是几次拍摄对象检测(FSOD) - 仅为新类别扩展对象探测器的任务仅给出了一些培训实例。我们介绍了一种简单的伪标签方法来源从训练集提供高质量的伪注释,因为每个新类别,大大增加培训实例的数量和减少类别的不平衡;我们的方法找到了先前未标记的实例。 NA \“IVELY培训使用模型预测产生了次优性能;我们提出了两种提高伪标签过程的精度的新方法:首先,我们引入了一种验证技术,以删除候选人检测,不正确的类标签;第二,我们训练一个专门的模型,可以纠正差的质量边界箱。在这两种新颖步骤之后,我们获得了一大集的高质量伪注释,允许我们的最终探测器培训结束到底。另外,我们展示了我们的方法维护基础类性能,以及FSOD中简单增强的实用性。在Pascal VOC和MS-Coco基准测试的同时,我们的方法与所有射击镜头的现有方法相比,实现了最先进的或第二个最佳性能。
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几次拍摄对象检测(FSOD)仅定位并在图像中分类对象仅给出一些数据样本。最近的FSOD研究趋势显示了公制和元学习技术的采用,这易于灾难性的遗忘和课堂混乱。为了克服基于度量学习的FSOD技术的这些陷阱,我们介绍了引入引导的余弦余量(AGCM),这有助于在对象检测器的分类头中创建更严格和良好的分离类特征群集。我们的新型专注提案融合(APF)模块通过降低共同发生的课程中的阶级差异来最大限度地减少灾难性遗忘。与此同时,拟议的余弦保证金交叉熵损失增加了混淆课程之间的角度裕度,以克服已经学习(基地)和新添加(新)类的课堂混淆的挑战。我们对挑战印度驾驶数据集(IDD)进行了实验,这呈现了一个现实世界类别 - 不平衡的环境,与流行的FSOD基准Pascal-VOC相同。我们的方法优于最先进的(SOTA)在IDD-OS上最多可达6.4个地图点,并且在IDD-10上的2.0次映射点为10次拍摄设置。在Pascal-Voc数据集上,我们优先于现有的SOTA方法,最多可达4.9个地图点。
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Semi-supervised object detection (SSOD) aims to boost detection performance by leveraging extra unlabeled data. The teacher-student framework has been shown to be promising for SSOD, in which a teacher network generates pseudo-labels for unlabeled data to assist the training of a student network. Since the pseudo-labels are noisy, filtering the pseudo-labels is crucial to exploit the potential of such framework. Unlike existing suboptimal methods, we propose a two-step pseudo-label filtering for the classification and regression heads in a teacher-student framework. For the classification head, OCL (Object-wise Contrastive Learning) regularizes the object representation learning that utilizes unlabeled data to improve pseudo-label filtering by enhancing the discriminativeness of the classification score. This is designed to pull together objects in the same class and push away objects from different classes. For the regression head, we further propose RUPL (Regression-Uncertainty-guided Pseudo-Labeling) to learn the aleatoric uncertainty of object localization for label filtering. By jointly filtering the pseudo-labels for the classification and regression heads, the student network receives better guidance from the teacher network for object detection task. Experimental results on Pascal VOC and MS-COCO datasets demonstrate the superiority of our proposed method with competitive performance compared to existing methods.
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Open world object detection aims at detecting objects that are absent in the object classes of the training data as unknown objects without explicit supervision. Furthermore, the exact classes of the unknown objects must be identified without catastrophic forgetting of the previous known classes when the corresponding annotations of unknown objects are given incrementally. In this paper, we propose a two-stage training approach named Open World DETR for open world object detection based on Deformable DETR. In the first stage, we pre-train a model on the current annotated data to detect objects from the current known classes, and concurrently train an additional binary classifier to classify predictions into foreground or background classes. This helps the model to build an unbiased feature representations that can facilitate the detection of unknown classes in subsequent process. In the second stage, we fine-tune the class-specific components of the model with a multi-view self-labeling strategy and a consistency constraint. Furthermore, we alleviate catastrophic forgetting when the annotations of the unknown classes becomes available incrementally by using knowledge distillation and exemplar replay. Experimental results on PASCAL VOC and MS-COCO show that our proposed method outperforms other state-of-the-art open world object detection methods by a large margin.
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对象检测在过去十年中取得了实质性进展。然而,只有少量样品检测新颖类仍然有挑战性,因为低数据制度下的深度学习通常会导致降级的特征空间。现有的作品采用整体微调范例来解决这个问题,其中模型首先在具有丰富样本的所有基类上进行预培训,然后它用于雕刻新颖的类特征空间。尽管如此,这个范例仍然不完美。微调,一个小型类可以隐含地利用多个基类的知识来构造其特征空间,它引起分散的特征空间,因此违反了级别的可分离性。为了克服这些障碍,我们提出了一系列两步的微调框架,通过关联和歧视(FADI),为每个新颖类带来了一个具有两个积分步骤的判别特征空间。 1)在关联步骤中,与隐式利用多个基类相反,我们通过显式模仿特定的基类特征空间来构造一个紧凑的新颖类别特征空间。具体地,我们根据其语义相似性将每个小组与基类联系起来。之后,新类的特征空间可以容易地模仿相关基类的良好训练的特征空间。 2)在歧视步骤中,为了确保新型类和相关基类之间的可分离性,我们解除了基础和新类的分类分支。为了进一步放大所有类之间的阶级间可分性,施加了专用的专用边缘损失。对Pascal VOC和MS-Coco Datasets的广泛实验表明FADI实现了新的SOTA性能,显着改善了任何拍摄/分裂的基线+18.7。值得注意的是,优势在极其镜头方案上最为宣布。
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Open-set object detection (OSOD) aims to detect the known categories and identify unknown objects in a dynamic world, which has achieved significant attentions. However, previous approaches only consider this problem in data-abundant conditions, while neglecting the few-shot scenes. In this paper, we seek a solution for the few-shot open-set object detection (FSOSOD), which aims to quickly train a detector based on few samples while detecting all known classes and identifying unknown classes. The main challenge for this task is that few training samples induce the model to overfit on the known classes, resulting in a poor open-set performance. We propose a new FSOSOD algorithm to tackle this issue, named Few-shOt Open-set Detector (FOOD), which contains a novel class weight sparsification classifier (CWSC) and a novel unknown decoupling learner (UDL). To prevent over-fitting, CWSC randomly sparses parts of the normalized weights for the logit prediction of all classes, and then decreases the co-adaptability between the class and its neighbors. Alongside, UDL decouples training the unknown class and enables the model to form a compact unknown decision boundary. Thus, the unknown objects can be identified with a confidence probability without any pseudo-unknown samples for training. We compare our method with several state-of-the-art OSOD methods in few-shot scenes and observe that our method improves the recall of unknown classes by 5%-9% across all shots in VOC-COCO dataset setting.
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弱监督的对象检测(WSOD)是一项任务,可使用仅在图像级注释上训练的模型来检测图像中的对象。当前的最新模型受益于自我监督的实例级别的监督,但是由于弱监督不包括计数或位置信息,因此最常见的``Argmax''标签方法通常忽略了许多对象实例。为了减轻此问题,我们提出了一种新颖的多个实例标记方法,称为对象发现。我们进一步在弱监督下引入了新的对比损失,在该监督下,没有实例级信息可用于采样,称为弱监督对比损失(WSCL)。WSCL旨在通过利用一致的功能来嵌入同一类中的向量来构建对象发现的可靠相似性阈值。结果,我们在2014年和2017年MS-Coco以及Pascal VOC 2012上取得了新的最新结果,并在Pascal VOC 2007上取得了竞争成果。
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尽管对象检测方面取得了很大进展,但由于实例级边界盒注释所需的巨大人性化,大多数现有方法都仅限于一小一少量的对象类别。为了减轻问题,最近的开放词汇和零射击检测方法试图检测培训期间未见的对象类别。但是,这些方法仍然依赖于一组基类上手动提供的边界盒注释。我们提出了一个开放的词汇检测框架,可以在没有手动提供边界盒注释的情况下培训。我们的方法通过利用预先训练的视觉语言模型的本地化能力来实现这一目标,并产生可直接用于训练对象探测器的伪边界盒标签。 Coco,Pascal VOC,Objects365和LVIS的实验结果证明了我们方法的有效性。具体而言,我们的方法优于使用人类注释的边界箱训练的最先进(SOTA),即使我们的培训源未配备手动边界盒标签,也可以在COCO新型类别上用3%AP培训。在利用手动边界箱标签作为基线时,我们的方法主要超过8%的AP。
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许多开放世界应用程序需要检测新的对象,但最先进的对象检测和实例分段网络在此任务中不屈服。关键问题在于他们假设没有任何注释的地区应被抑制为否定,这教导了将未经讨犯的对象视为背景的模型。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个简单但令人惊讶的强大的数据增强和培训方案,我们呼唤学习来检测每件事(LDET)。为避免抑制隐藏的对象,背景对象可见但未标记,我们粘贴在从原始图像的小区域采样的背景图像上粘贴带有的注释对象。由于仅对这种综合增强的图像培训遭受域名,我们将培训与培训分为两部分:1)培训区域分类和回归头在增强图像上,2)在原始图像上训练掩模头。通过这种方式,模型不学习将隐藏对象作为背景分类,同时概括到真实图像。 LDET导致开放式世界实例分割任务中的许多数据集的重大改进,表现出CoCo上的交叉类别概括的基线,以及对UVO和城市的交叉数据集评估。
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