随着机器学习(ML)模型越来越多地被部署在高风险应用程序中,决策者提出了更严格的数据保护法规(例如GDPR,CCPA)。一个关键原则是``被遗忘的权利'',它使用户有权删除其数据。另一个关键原则是实现可操作的解释的权利,也称为算法追索权,使用户可以逆转不利的决定。迄今为止,尚不清楚这两个原则是否可以同时进行操作。因此,我们在数据删除请求的背景下介绍和研究追索权无效的问题。更具体地说,我们从理论上和经验上分析流行的最先进算法的行为,并证明如果这些算法产生的记录可能会无效,如果少数数据删除请求(例如1或2)保证书(例如1或2)预测模型的更新。对于线性模型和过度参数化的神经网络的设置 - 通过神经切线内核(NTK)进行了研究 - 我们建议一个框架来识别最小的关键训练点的最小值,当删除时,它将导致最大程度地提高其最大程度的分数。无效的回流。使用我们的框架,我们从经验上确定,从训练集中删除2个数据实例可以使流行的最先进算法最多无效所有回报的95%。因此,我们的工作提出了有关``被遗忘的权利''的背景下``可行解释权''的兼容性的基本问题。
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随着机器学习(ML)模型越来越多地用于做出结果决定,人们对开发可以为受影响个人提供求助的技术越来越兴趣。这些技术中的大多数提供了追索权,假设受影响的个体将实施规定的recourses \ emph {prirent}。但是,由于各种原因,要求将薪水提高\ $ 500的人可能会获得嘈杂和不一致的方式实施,这可能会获得晋升,而增加了505美元。在此激励的情况下,我们研究了面对嘈杂的人类反应时追索性无效的问题。更具体地说,我们从理论上和经验上分析了最新算法的行为,并证明这些算法产生的记录很可能是无效的(即,如果对它们做出的小变化,则可能导致负面结果) 。我们进一步提出了一个新颖的框架,期望嘈杂的响应(\ texttt {Expect}),该框架通过在嘈杂的响应中明确最大程度地减少追索性无效的可能性来解决上述问题。我们的框架可以确保最多$ r \%$的最多$ r $作为最终用户请求追索权的输入。通过这样做,我们的框架为最终用户提供了更大的控制权,可以在追索性成本和稳定性之间的稳定性之间进行权衡。具有多个现实世界数据集的实验评估证明了所提出的框架的功效,并验证了我们的理论发现。
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The goal of algorithmic recourse is to reverse unfavorable decisions (e.g., from loan denial to approval) under automated decision making by suggesting actionable feature changes (e.g., reduce the number of credit cards). To generate low-cost recourse the majority of methods work under the assumption that the features are independently manipulable (IMF). To address the feature dependency issue the recourse problem is usually studied through the causal recourse paradigm. However, it is well known that strong assumptions, as encoded in causal models and structural equations, hinder the applicability of these methods in complex domains where causal dependency structures are ambiguous. In this work, we develop \texttt{DEAR} (DisEntangling Algorithmic Recourse), a novel and practical recourse framework that bridges the gap between the IMF and the strong causal assumptions. \texttt{DEAR} generates recourses by disentangling the latent representation of co-varying features from a subset of promising recourse features to capture the main practical recourse desiderata. Our experiments on real-world data corroborate our theoretically motivated recourse model and highlight our framework's ability to provide reliable, low-cost recourse in the presence of feature dependencies.
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As predictive models are increasingly being employed to make consequential decisions, there is a growing emphasis on developing techniques that can provide algorithmic recourse to affected individuals. While such recourses can be immensely beneficial to affected individuals, potential adversaries could also exploit these recourses to compromise privacy. In this work, we make the first attempt at investigating if and how an adversary can leverage recourses to infer private information about the underlying model's training data. To this end, we propose a series of novel membership inference attacks which leverage algorithmic recourse. More specifically, we extend the prior literature on membership inference attacks to the recourse setting by leveraging the distances between data instances and their corresponding counterfactuals output by state-of-the-art recourse methods. Extensive experimentation with real world and synthetic datasets demonstrates significant privacy leakage through recourses. Our work establishes unintended privacy leakage as an important risk in the widespread adoption of recourse methods.
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Good models require good training data. For overparameterized deep models, the causal relationship between training data and model predictions is increasingly opaque and poorly understood. Influence analysis partially demystifies training's underlying interactions by quantifying the amount each training instance alters the final model. Measuring the training data's influence exactly can be provably hard in the worst case; this has led to the development and use of influence estimators, which only approximate the true influence. This paper provides the first comprehensive survey of training data influence analysis and estimation. We begin by formalizing the various, and in places orthogonal, definitions of training data influence. We then organize state-of-the-art influence analysis methods into a taxonomy; we describe each of these methods in detail and compare their underlying assumptions, asymptotic complexities, and overall strengths and weaknesses. Finally, we propose future research directions to make influence analysis more useful in practice as well as more theoretically and empirically sound. A curated, up-to-date list of resources related to influence analysis is available at https://github.com/ZaydH/influence_analysis_papers.
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我们研究了回归中神经网络(NNS)的模型不确定性的方法。为了隔离模型不确定性的效果,我们专注于稀缺训练数据的无噪声环境。我们介绍了关于任何方法都应满足的模型不确定性的五个重要的逃亡者。但是,我们发现,建立的基准通常无法可靠地捕获其中一些逃避者,即使是贝叶斯理论要求的基准。为了解决这个问题,我们介绍了一种新方法来捕获NNS的模型不确定性,我们称之为基于神经优化的模型不确定性(NOMU)。 NOMU的主要思想是设计一个由两个连接的子NN组成的网络体系结构,一个用于模型预测,一个用于模型不确定性,并使用精心设计的损耗函数进行训练。重要的是,我们的设计执行NOMU满足我们的五个Desiderata。由于其模块化体系结构,NOMU可以为任何给定(先前训练)NN提供模型不确定性,如果访问其培训数据。我们在各种回归任务和无嘈杂的贝叶斯优化(BO)中评估NOMU,并具有昂贵的评估。在回归中,NOMU至少和最先进的方法。在BO中,Nomu甚至胜过所有考虑的基准。
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随着在高风险决策中引入机器学习,确保算法公平已成为越来越重要的问题。为此,已经提出了许多关于公平性的数学定义,并且已经开发了多种优化技术,所有这些都旨在最大化明确的公平概念。但是,公平解决方案取决于训练数据的质量,并且对噪声高度敏感。最近的研究表明,鲁棒性(模型在看不见的数据上表现良好的能力)在解决新问题时应使用的策略类型起着重要作用,因此,测量这些策略的鲁棒性已成为一种基本问题。因此,在这项工作中,我们提出了一个新标准,以衡量各种公平优化策略的鲁棒性 - \ textit {稳健性比率}。我们使用三种最受欢迎​​的公平策略在五个最受欢迎的公平定义方面,在五个基准标记公平数据集上进行了多次广泛的实验。我们的实验从经验上表明,依赖阈值优化的公平方法对所有评估的数据集中的噪声非常敏感,尽管大多数表现优于其他方法。这与其他两种方法相反,这对于低噪声方案而言不太公平,但对于高噪声方案而言更公平。据我们所知,我们是第一个定量评估公平优化策略的鲁棒性的人。这可以作为选择各种数据集的最合适的公平策略的指南。
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Machine learning models (e.g., speech recognizers) are usually trained to minimize average loss, which results in representation disparityminority groups (e.g., non-native speakers) contribute less to the training objective and thus tend to suffer higher loss. Worse, as model accuracy affects user retention, a minority group can shrink over time. In this paper, we first show that the status quo of empirical risk minimization (ERM) amplifies representation disparity over time, which can even make initially fair models unfair. To mitigate this, we develop an approach based on distributionally robust optimization (DRO), which minimizes the worst case risk over all distributions close to the empirical distribution. We prove that this approach controls the risk of the minority group at each time step, in the spirit of Rawlsian distributive justice, while remaining oblivious to the identity of the groups. We demonstrate that DRO prevents disparity amplification on examples where ERM fails, and show improvements in minority group user satisfaction in a real-world text autocomplete task.
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数十年来,计算机系统持有大量个人数据。一方面,这种数据丰度允许在人工智能(AI),尤其是机器学习(ML)模型中突破。另一方面,它可能威胁用户的隐私并削弱人类与人工智能之间的信任。最近的法规要求,可以从一般情况下从计算机系统中删除有关用户的私人信息,特别是根据要求从ML模型中删除(例如,“被遗忘的权利”)。虽然从后端数据库中删除数据应该很简单,但在AI上下文中,它不够,因为ML模型经常“记住”旧数据。现有的对抗攻击证明,我们可以从训练有素的模型中学习私人会员或培训数据的属性。这种现象要求采用新的范式,即机器学习,以使ML模型忘记了特定的数据。事实证明,由于缺乏共同的框架和资源,最近在机器上学习的工作无法完全解决问题。在本调查文件中,我们试图在其定义,场景,机制和应用中对机器进行彻底的研究。具体而言,作为最先进的研究的类别集合,我们希望为那些寻求机器未学习的入门及其各种表述,设计要求,删除请求,算法和用途的人提供广泛的参考。 ML申请。此外,我们希望概述范式中的关键发现和趋势,并突出显示尚未看到机器无法使用的新研究领域,但仍可以受益匪浅。我们希望这项调查为ML研究人员以及寻求创新隐私技术的研究人员提供宝贵的参考。我们的资源是在https://github.com/tamlhp/awesome-machine-unlearning上。
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Post-hoc explanations of machine learning models are crucial for people to understand and act on algorithmic predictions. An intriguing class of explanations is through counterfactuals, hypothetical examples that show people how to obtain a different prediction. We posit that effective counterfactual explanations should satisfy two properties: feasibility of the counterfactual actions given user context and constraints, and diversity among the counterfactuals presented. To this end, we propose a framework for generating and evaluating a diverse set of counterfactual explanations based on determinantal point processes. To evaluate the actionability of counterfactuals, we provide metrics that enable comparison of counterfactual-based methods to other local explanation methods. We further address necessary tradeoffs and point to causal implications in optimizing for counterfactuals. Our experiments on four real-world datasets show that our framework can generate a set of counterfactuals that are diverse and well approximate local decision boundaries, outperforming prior approaches to generating diverse counterfactuals. We provide an implementation of the framework at https://github.com/microsoft/DiCE. CCS CONCEPTS• Applied computing → Law, social and behavioral sciences.
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尽管在最近的文献中提出了几种类型的事后解释方法(例如,特征归因方法),但在系统地以有效且透明的方式进行系统基准测试这些方法几乎没有工作。在这里,我们介绍了OpenXai,这是一个全面且可扩展的开源框架,用于评估和基准测试事后解释方法。 OpenXAI由以下关键组件组成:(i)灵活的合成数据生成器以及各种现实世界数据集,预训练的模型和最新功能属性方法的集合,(ii)开源实现22个定量指标,用于评估忠诚,稳定性(稳健性)和解释方法的公平性,以及(iii)有史以来第一个公共XAI XAI排行榜对基准解释。 OpenXAI很容易扩展,因为用户可以轻松地评估自定义说明方法并将其纳入我们的排行榜。总体而言,OpenXAI提供了一种自动化的端到端管道,该管道不仅简化并标准化了事后解释方法的评估,而且还促进了基准这些方法的透明度和可重复性。 OpenXAI数据集和数据加载程序,最先进的解释方法的实现和评估指标以及排行榜,可在https://open-xai.github.io/上公开获得。
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从外界培训的机器学习模型可能会被数据中毒攻击损坏,将恶意指向到模型的培训集中。对这些攻击的常见防御是数据消毒:在培训模型之前首先过滤出异常培训点。在本文中,我们开发了三次攻击,可以绕过广泛的常见数据消毒防御,包括基于最近邻居,训练损失和奇异值分解的异常探测器。通过增加3%的中毒数据,我们的攻击成功地将Enron垃圾邮件检测数据集的测试错误从3%增加到24%,并且IMDB情绪分类数据集从12%到29%。相比之下,没有明确占据这些数据消毒防御的现有攻击被他们击败。我们的攻击基于两个想法:(i)我们协调我们的攻击将中毒点彼此放置在彼此附近,(ii)我们将每个攻击制定为受限制的优化问题,限制旨在确保中毒点逃避检测。随着这种优化涉及解决昂贵的Bilevel问题,我们的三个攻击对应于基于影响功能的近似近似这个问题的方式; minimax二元性;和karush-kuhn-tucker(kkt)条件。我们的结果强调了对数据中毒攻击产生更强大的防御的必要性。
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As the demand for user privacy grows, controlled data removal (machine unlearning) is becoming an important feature of machine learning models for data-sensitive Web applications such as social networks and recommender systems. Nevertheless, at this point it is still largely unknown how to perform efficient machine unlearning of graph neural networks (GNNs); this is especially the case when the number of training samples is small, in which case unlearning can seriously compromise the performance of the model. To address this issue, we initiate the study of unlearning the Graph Scattering Transform (GST), a mathematical framework that is efficient, provably stable under feature or graph topology perturbations, and offers graph classification performance comparable to that of GNNs. Our main contribution is the first known nonlinear approximate graph unlearning method based on GSTs. Our second contribution is a theoretical analysis of the computational complexity of the proposed unlearning mechanism, which is hard to replicate for deep neural networks. Our third contribution are extensive simulation results which show that, compared to complete retraining of GNNs after each removal request, the new GST-based approach offers, on average, a $10.38$x speed-up and leads to a $2.6$% increase in test accuracy during unlearning of $90$ out of $100$ training graphs from the IMDB dataset ($10$% training ratio).
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