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A recent explosion of research focuses on developing methods and tools for building fair predictive models. However, most of this work relies on the assumption that the training and testing data are representative of the target population on which the model will be deployed. However, real-world training data often suffer from selection bias and are not representative of the target population for many reasons, including the cost and feasibility of collecting and labeling data, historical discrimination, and individual biases. In this paper, we introduce a new framework for certifying and ensuring the fairness of predictive models trained on biased data. We take inspiration from query answering over incomplete and inconsistent databases to present and formalize the problem of consistent range approximation (CRA) of answers to queries about aggregate information for the target population. We aim to leverage background knowledge about the data collection process, biased data, and limited or no auxiliary data sources to compute a range of answers for aggregate queries over the target population that are consistent with available information. We then develop methods that use CRA of such aggregate queries to build predictive models that are certifiably fair on the target population even when no external information about that population is available during training. We evaluate our methods on real data and demonstrate improvements over state of the art. Significantly, we show that enforcing fairness using our methods can lead to predictive models that are not only fair, but more accurate on the target population.
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Post-hoc explanations of machine learning models are crucial for people to understand and act on algorithmic predictions. An intriguing class of explanations is through counterfactuals, hypothetical examples that show people how to obtain a different prediction. We posit that effective counterfactual explanations should satisfy two properties: feasibility of the counterfactual actions given user context and constraints, and diversity among the counterfactuals presented. To this end, we propose a framework for generating and evaluating a diverse set of counterfactual explanations based on determinantal point processes. To evaluate the actionability of counterfactuals, we provide metrics that enable comparison of counterfactual-based methods to other local explanation methods. We further address necessary tradeoffs and point to causal implications in optimizing for counterfactuals. Our experiments on four real-world datasets show that our framework can generate a set of counterfactuals that are diverse and well approximate local decision boundaries, outperforming prior approaches to generating diverse counterfactuals. We provide an implementation of the framework at https://github.com/microsoft/DiCE. CCS CONCEPTS• Applied computing → Law, social and behavioral sciences.
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Good models require good training data. For overparameterized deep models, the causal relationship between training data and model predictions is increasingly opaque and poorly understood. Influence analysis partially demystifies training's underlying interactions by quantifying the amount each training instance alters the final model. Measuring the training data's influence exactly can be provably hard in the worst case; this has led to the development and use of influence estimators, which only approximate the true influence. This paper provides the first comprehensive survey of training data influence analysis and estimation. We begin by formalizing the various, and in places orthogonal, definitions of training data influence. We then organize state-of-the-art influence analysis methods into a taxonomy; we describe each of these methods in detail and compare their underlying assumptions, asymptotic complexities, and overall strengths and weaknesses. Finally, we propose future research directions to make influence analysis more useful in practice as well as more theoretically and empirically sound. A curated, up-to-date list of resources related to influence analysis is available at https://github.com/ZaydH/influence_analysis_papers.
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It is of critical importance to be aware of the historical discrimination embedded in the data and to consider a fairness measure to reduce bias throughout the predictive modeling pipeline. Given various notions of fairness defined in the literature, investigating the correlation and interaction among metrics is vital for addressing unfairness. Practitioners and data scientists should be able to comprehend each metric and examine their impact on one another given the context, use case, and regulations. Exploring the combinatorial space of different metrics for such examination is burdensome. To alleviate the burden of selecting fairness notions for consideration, we propose a framework that estimates the correlation among fairness notions. Our framework consequently identifies a set of diverse and semantically distinct metrics as representative for a given context. We propose a Monte-Carlo sampling technique for computing the correlations between fairness metrics by indirect and efficient perturbation in the model space. Using the estimated correlations, we then find a subset of representative metrics. The paper proposes a generic method that can be generalized to any arbitrary set of fairness metrics. We showcase the validity of the proposal using comprehensive experiments on real-world benchmark datasets.
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机器学习(ML)在渲染影响社会各个群体的决策中起着越来越重要的作用。 ML模型为刑事司法的决定,银行业中的信贷延长以及公司的招聘做法提供了信息。这提出了模型公平性的要求,这表明自动化的决策对于受保护特征(例如,性别,种族或年龄)通常是公平的,这些特征通常在数据中代表性不足。我们假设这个代表性不足的问题是数据学习不平衡问题的必然性。此类不平衡通常反映在两个类别和受保护的功能中。例如,一个班级(那些获得信用的班级)对于另一个班级(未获得信用的人)可能会过分代表,而特定组(女性)(女性)的代表性可能与另一组(男性)有关。相对于受保护组的算法公平性的关键要素是同时减少了基础培训数据中的类和受保护的群体失衡,这促进了模型准确性和公平性的提高。我们通过展示这些领域中的关键概念如何重叠和相互补充,讨论弥合失衡学习和群体公平的重要性;并提出了一种新颖的过采样算法,即公平的过采样,该算法既解决偏斜的类别分布和受保护的特征。我们的方法:(i)可以用作标准ML算法的有效预处理算法,以共同解决不平衡和群体权益; (ii)可以与公平感知的学习算法结合使用,以提高其对不同水平不平衡水平的稳健性。此外,我们迈出了一步,将公平和不平衡学习之间的差距与新的公平实用程序之间的差距弥合,从而将平衡的准确性与公平性结合在一起。
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Interpretability provides a means for humans to verify aspects of machine learning (ML) models and empower human+ML teaming in situations where the task cannot be fully automated. Different contexts require explanations with different properties. For example, the kind of explanation required to determine if an early cardiac arrest warning system is ready to be integrated into a care setting is very different from the type of explanation required for a loan applicant to help determine the actions they might need to take to make their application successful. Unfortunately, there is a lack of standardization when it comes to properties of explanations: different papers may use the same term to mean different quantities, and different terms to mean the same quantity. This lack of a standardized terminology and categorization of the properties of ML explanations prevents us from both rigorously comparing interpretable machine learning methods and identifying what properties are needed in what contexts. In this work, we survey properties defined in interpretable machine learning papers, synthesize them based on what they actually measure, and describe the trade-offs between different formulations of these properties. In doing so, we enable more informed selection of task-appropriate formulations of explanation properties as well as standardization for future work in interpretable machine learning.
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Despite being responsible for state-of-the-art results in several computer vision and natural language processing tasks, neural networks have faced harsh criticism due to some of their current shortcomings. One of them is that neural networks are correlation machines prone to model biases within the data instead of focusing on actual useful causal relationships. This problem is particularly serious in application domains affected by aspects such as race, gender, and age. To prevent models from incurring on unfair decision-making, the AI community has concentrated efforts in correcting algorithmic biases, giving rise to the research area now widely known as fairness in AI. In this survey paper, we provide an in-depth overview of the main debiasing methods for fairness-aware neural networks in the context of vision and language research. We propose a novel taxonomy to better organize the literature on debiasing methods for fairness, and we discuss the current challenges, trends, and important future work directions for the interested researcher and practitioner.
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